Logo of Universal Martial Arts Film Festival

15 Jan 2015

Pubblicato: 24 Oct 2014
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Banner Universal Martial Arts Film Festival

Universal Martial Arts Film Festival

Auffreville-Brasseuil, France

L'Universal Martial Arts Film Festival (UMAFF) mette in mostra film che esplorano la pratica marziale, la filosofia, l'estetica e la spiritualità.

L'Universal Martial Arts Film Festival (UMAFF) incoraggia una generazione emergente di registi i cui film trattano vari aspetti del campo delle arti marziali; quelle delle arti di combattimento e quelle della salute. Lo scopo è quello di raccogliere e proteggere la memoria, educare il pubblico, condividere e trasmettere la conoscenza.

L'Universal Martial Arts Film Festival (UMAFF) è aperto a registi e spettatori di tutto il mondo.

Una commissione preliminare guarderà i film e selezionerà i finalisti.

Poi, una giuria composta da personalità conosciute e rispettate del mondo del cinema e delle arti marziali offrirà un premio per ogni categoria.

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

Festival del lungometraggio

 Finzione  Documentario  Animazione  Fantastico  Altro


07 Nov 2014

Pubblicato: 23 Oct 2014
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Olivella, Spain

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

Festival del lungometraggio

 Finzione  Documentario  Fantastico  Altro  Sperimentale

Logo of World Extreme Film Festival of Veracruz

15 Feb 2015

Pubblicato: 22 Oct 2014
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Banner Festival Mundial de Cine Extremo de Veracruz

World Extreme Film Festival of Veracruz

Xalapa, Mexico

The FMCEX 2014 calls for submissions for our Official Selection of extremely independent films from all over the world.

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

Festival del lungometraggio

 Finzione  Animazione  Sperimentale

Logo of The World's Independent Film Festival - San Francisco California

02 May 2015

Pubblicato: 21 Oct 2014
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Banner The World's Independent Film Festival - San Francisco California

The World's Independent Film Festival - San Francisco California

San Jose, United States

TWIFF is dedicated to showcasing new and innovative films while fostering the next generation of filmmakers. The festival also seeks to serve the community by presenting unique programs that educate, inspire, engage and challenge a diverse audience through the art of film. The festival provides a platform to introduce their films to the broadest possible audience. TWIFF is committed to providing opportunities to fellow filmmakers and all others in bringing cinematographic arts and other related entertainment products through high-profile community events, talent, productions and films from around the country and the world.

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

Festival del lungometraggio

 Finzione  Documentario  Animazione  Altro

Logo of ZLÍN FILM FESTIVAL International Festival For Children and Youth

10 Mar 2015

Pubblicato: 21 Oct 2014
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Banner ZLÍN FILM FESTIVAL Mezinárodní festival filmů pro děti a mládež

ZLÍN FILM FESTIVAL International Festival For Children and Youth

Zlín, Czech Republic

International Film Festival for Children and Youth in Zlín belongs among the oldest and largest events of its kind worldwide. The festival is a non-profitable event with all screenings and supporting events free of charge. The audience consists mainly of children and youth from the Zlín region, but also university students and adult visitors to whom late-night screening slot with appropriate dramaturgy are devoted. More and more film professionals from all over the world come to Zlín. In recent years have been providing intensive support for young emerging filmmakers, which reflected in the competitive section of European First Films and non-competitive section of midnight movies called Night Horizons. Screenings are accompanied by a series of seminars, workshops and entertainment events. Each year the festival devotes its edition to a selected cinema of one particular European nation.
ZLÍN FILM FESTIVAL 2016 will focus on France

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

Festival del lungometraggio

 Finzione  Documentario  Animazione  Fantastico  Altro

Logo of Mirror Mountain Film Festival

31 Oct 2015

Pubblicato: 21 Oct 2014
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Banner Mirror Mountain Film Festival

Mirror Mountain Film Festival

Ottawa, Canada

Il Mirror Mountain Film Festival porta il meglio del cinema indipendente, alternativo e underground nella capitale canadese. Siamo un festival vario e inclusivo che accoglie tutti i tipi di film e tutti i tipi di persone per condividere l'esperienza cinematografica collettiva. La nostra missione è promuovere voci creative uniche e originali della regione di Ottawa-Gatineau e di tutto il mondo. Mirror Mountain presenta film innovativi, rivoluzionari e non convenzionali in un'ampia varietà di generi, tra cui video drammatici, documentari, animati, sperimentali, horror, fantascientifici, fantasy, di danza e musicali. Oltre alle proiezioni di film, il festival offre attività coinvolgenti e orientate alla comunità come spettacoli dal vivo, presentazioni multimediali ibride, mostre interattive, feste, tavole rotonde, sessioni di domande e risposte e altro ancora. I nostri eventi mirano a mettere in contatto i registi sia con il pubblico che tra loro e a sostenere gli artisti attraverso opportunità di sviluppo educativo e professionale.

Perché iscriversi a Mirror Mountain?

1. Pass gratuito per il festival per tutti i registi che vogliono iscriversi

Tutti coloro che inviano un film a Mirror Mountain, indipendentemente dal fatto che sia selezionato o meno, ricevono un pass gratuito per partecipare all'intero festival.

2. Iscrizione gratuita per i registi locali
I film di qualsiasi lunghezza possono essere inviati gratuitamente se sono stati girati e/o montati entro un raggio di 125 km da Ottawa. Quest'area include Gatineau, Maniwaki, Mont Tremblant, Montebello, Hawkesbury, Cornovaglia, Potsdam, Brockville, Smiths Falls, Perth, Renfrew, Arnprior e altro ancora.

3. iscrizioni gratuite per gli alumni
Se hai diretto un film che è stato selezionato ufficialmente in una precedente edizione di Mirror Mountain, puoi iscriversi nuovamente gratuitamente.

4. Rimborso i tuoi soldi
Se il tuo film viene ufficialmente selezionato per essere proiettato al festival, ti rimborseremo la quota di iscrizione originale.

5. Paghiamo le tasse degli artisti
Se il tuo film viene ufficialmente selezionato per essere proiettato al festival, riceverai anche una quota d'artista come ringraziamento per averci permesso di proiettare il tuo lavoro.

6. Meno restrizioni
Non abbiamo requisiti per la premiere o la data di completamento. Il tuo film è comunque idoneo anche se è già stato proiettato nella regione di Ottawa, è stato distribuito, è stato trasmesso in televisione o è disponibile per la visione online.

7. Resta aggiornato
Dopo aver inviato il film, riceverai una notifica dal festival per confermare che abbiamo ricevuto la tua candidatura. Successivamente, riceverai una notifica che ti informerà dei risultati, indipendentemente dal fatto che il film sia stato selezionato o meno.

8. Premi per registi vincitori
I premi vengono assegnati in diverse categorie dopo il completamento del festival. I vincitori del premio ricevono un certificato e una selezione di premi donati dai nostri sponsor.

9. Atmosfera amichevole e alternativa
Come comunità di registi e artisti, ci impegniamo a coltivare un'atmosfera vivace, dinamica e accogliente, in cui creatori e spettatori provenienti da contesti artistici e culturali diversi possano riunirsi per impegnarsi e crescere attraverso il lavoro e la conversazione condivisi.

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

Festival del lungometraggio

 Finzione  Documentario  Animazione  Fantastico  Terrore  Altro  Sperimentale  Music Video

Logo of Festival de cine de La Calera - FECICAL

14 Nov 2014

Pubblicato: 21 Oct 2014
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Promotional card of Festival de cine de La Calera - FECICAL

Banner 6to Festival de Cine de La Calera - FECICAL

Festival de cine de La Calera - FECICAL

La Calera, Chile


Festival del cortometraggio

 Finzione  Documentario  Animazione

Logo of Short of the Month - February Online Short Film Festival

25 Oct 2014

Pubblicato: 20 Oct 2014
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Banner Short of the Month - February Online Short Film Festival

Short of the Month - February Online Short Film Festival

Mumbai, India

WELCOME to Short of the Month's February Online Short Film Festival.

'Short of the Month' hosts monthly 'Online International Short Film Festivals'. We, at Short of the Month, aim at bringing out the best short films from around the globe and to present it all on one single platform which is our website.
Short Of the Month's library has some very remarkable award winning short films from across the globe.

Short of the Month not only presents a short film but also undertakes it's promotion. Yes, a good film deserves to be seen by as much people as possible. We've been keenly indulged in promoting short films, trailers and posters using our personalized advertisement system which runs across the website.

So submit your short film now & if we find it worthy then you not only win awards but also get a chance to get your film advertised with Short of the Month.

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

 Finzione  Documentario  Fantastico  Terrore  Altro  Sperimentale

Logo of El Ojo cojo Film Fest

02 Jan 2015

Pubblicato: 20 Oct 2014
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Banner Festival Cinematográfico internacional el Ojo cojo

El Ojo cojo Film Fest

Madrid, Spain

The First International Film Festival of Madrid to promoting sensible cinema and intercultural dialogue.

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

Festival del lungometraggio

 Finzione  Documentario  Animazione  Fantastico  Terrore

Logo of HollyShorts Film Festival

05 Jun 2015

Pubblicato: 18 Oct 2014
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Promotional card of HollyShorts Film Festival

Banner HollyShorts Film Festival

HollyShorts Film Festival

Playa Del Rey, United States

HollyShorts Film Festival (HSFF) is an annual short film festival showcasing the best and brightest short films from around the globe. The festival showcases the top short films produced 40 minutes or less.

The inaugural HollyShorts Film Festival took place in August '05 featured 23 short films from the U.S., UK, Poland, Canada and Thailand. The 2nd annual HollyShorts took place at Cinespace, Digital Supperclub in Hollywood, CA and featured 53 of the best short films from around the world. 13 different countries were represented. The third annual HollyShorts Film Festival took place August 10-12, 2007, drawing over $26,000 in prizes awarded. Best Short film honors went to "Songbird" Directed by John Thompson. Thompson was awarded a one week audio rental package courtesy of Action Audio and Visual, featuring sound and communications equipment rentals to utilize for his next film project. The festival featured Actor Adrian Grenier's short film "Euthanasia," a DJ performance from the legendary hip hop DJ Biz Markie and 57 short films in competition; three days of screenings, parties, insightful panels along with a slew of networking platforms for HollyShorts participants.

The 4th Annual HollyShorts Film Festival took place August 7-10, 2008 in Hollywood with top honors of Best Short Film going to “Bloom” directed Lance Larson. Larson was awarded $2000 VFX package courtesy of Clifton Post for his next project. The Best Student Short honors went to David Jibladze, for his short film “Beholden.” Jibladze took home a 5-day HVX-200, HD Camera rental package courtesy of Martini Crew Booking. Best Director went to Benedict Campbell for his short film “Lloyd Neck.” Best Director, Best Student and Best Short awards took home free Hollywood Screenwriter software from Write Brothers courtesy of Haydenfilms.

The festival’s awards ceremony and closing night reception took place in Hollywood, following a star-studded opening night celebration at the Egyptian Theatre, a music video celebration at Nacional in Hollywood and the festival’s short film competition screenings at Laemmle’s Sunset 5 Theatres. During the HollyShorts opening night ceremony on Thursday August 10, which featured appearances and short films from actors Jessica Biel, David Arquette and Josh Brolin, the festival awarded legendary filmmaker David Lynch the 2008 HollyShorts Visionary Award; Oscar winner Paul Haggis with the 2008 HollyShorts Outstanding Achievement in film award and fast-rising actress Paula Garces with the 2008 HollyShorts Future Star award.
At the HollyShorts inaugural music video competition, the festival awarded two winners for Best Music Video, “La Chica Y Su Bolsa” Directed by Daniel Campos and “Good Morning Herr Horst” Directed by Lovisa Inserra. The music video Audience choice winner went to “Temporarily In Love” Directed by Randy Scott Slavin. All HollyShorts film winners took home a free film distribution kit from Film Specific and one year premium membership to Film Specific. Winners also received free filmmaker software packages from HollyShorts sponsor Showbiz Software and will receive Stash DVD’s from sponsor Stash Media.

The 5th Annual HollyShorts Film Festival® (August 6-13, 2009) took place in Hollywood and featured a star studded, Red Carpet Opening Night Reception event at the Directors Guild of America (DGA). The festival featured participation from industry heavyweights including: Demi Moore, Jimmy Jean-Louis, Kirsten Dunst, Eli Roth, Darren Lew, Jason Biggs , Carter Smith and David Prior. The week-long festival featured screenings at the DGA, Laemmle's Sunset 5 Theatre in Hollywood and a number of industry panels and receptions at the to venues in the city.

The 6th Annual HollyShorts Film Festival® took place August 5-12, 2010 in Hollywood and featured a major opening night reception, week-long screenings of short films and feature films in Hollywood, high level industry panels, keynotes, awards and receptions for the community and filmmakers. Grand prizes were awarded for Best Short and Best Director courtesy of Company 3 valued at $20,000. Openfilm also sponsored the festival and screened their top 5 finalists for their $250,000 Get It Made Competition, at the fest. James Caan attended the opening night ceremonies and named the finalists.

The 7th Annual HollyShorts Film Festival wrapped last night with a standing room only awards ceremony at the Geisha House in Hollywood live-streamed courtesy of Dyal Productions and hosted by Actress Sheila Shah. Audience choice winners from each program will be announced later this weekend. The HollyShorts Best Overall Short Film prize, which wins a $10,000 in post production and finishing services package from Company 3, went to “Mrs. Peppercorn’s Magical Reading Room” by Mike Le Han. The HollyShorts Best Director Award which wins a $10,000 post production and finishing services package from Company 3, went to Christian Swegal, Director of “Stasis.”

Continuing the tradition of growth, the 8th Annual HollyShorts Film Festival opened at the world famous Grauman's Chinese Theatre on Hollywood Blvd to over 900 guests. The evening was capped off by the HollyShorts Visionary Award being given to Joe Carnahan.
The fest took place all week at the Chinese Theatre and concluded with over $50,000 in prizes and awards being given out to winners selected out of 341 projects in competition. Highlights include:

The 8th Annual HollyShorts Film Festival (www.hollyshorts.com) wrapped with a standing room only awards ceremony at Chinese 6 Theatres in Hollywood. The ceremony was hosted by Amy Paffrath, host of MTV’s Jersey Shore After Hours. The HollyShorts Best Overall Short Film prize, which wins a $10,000 in post production and finishing services package from Company 3 went to “ASAD”. Director Bryan Buckley was on hand to accept. The HollyShorts Best Director Award which wins a $10,000 post production and finishing services package from Company 3, went to Grainger David for his short film “The Chair.” Best Documentary Short went to Stephanie Butler’s “Bo.” The Method Studios Best VFX Award went to “The Wheel” by John Roberts. Igor Aleksov took home the Best International Short prize for “Episodizt.” Best Animation Short went to“Luminaris” by Juan Pablo Zaramella and Best Student film went to Dreamland directed by Alla Volkova, her AFI thesis project. The 8th Annual HollyShorts Film Festival had the most attendance in the festival’s history. Highlights include an opening night ceremony at the history Chinese Theatre that drew nearly 1,000 attendees and fest screenings, panels and post receptions taking place in venues throughout Hollywood during the entire week. Each HollyShorts 2012 winner receives a 1st look distribution deal with the ShortsHD television channel.

The 2012 Winners List

Best Short Film ASAD directed by Bryan Buckley
Best Actor Robert Chester Smith in The Hiccup
Best Actress Grace Kaufman in Buttons in the Ground
Best Director Grainger David for The Chair
Best Female Director Elayne Blyth for Noeima
Best Producer Stephanie Scire for Atlantis
Best Cinematography Xiaosu Han & Andreas Thalhammer for Asternauts
Best Editing Joe Greco for Sin Dolor
Best Score Edison Jarrin for Tumbleweed
Best Animation Luminaris directed by Juan Pablo Zaramella
Best Comedy Love and Germaphobia directed by Tyler Spindel
Best Documentary Bo directed by Dave Schwep & Kelly McCoy
Best International Episodizt directed by Igor Aleksov
Best Narrative Cherry Waves directed by Carey Williams
Best Drama Prora directed by Stephane Riethauser
Best SciFi The End directed by Ted Marcus
Best Horror Mo-Don-pae-mil-li (Modern Family) directed by Kwang Bin Kim
Best Student Film Dreamland directed by Alla Volkova
Best Action The Crocodile directed by Steve Acevedo
Best Web Series Sitting Babies directed by Cameron Fay
Showbiz Future Filmmaker Award Sin Dolor directed by Joe Greco
Best Commercial True Power directed by Karel van Bellingen
Best Music Video Kindness Boomerang directed by Orly Wahba
Method Studios Best VFX The Wheel directed by John Roberts
HollyShorts/NociCortinfestival Jury Award Oroverde directed by Piereluigi Ferrandini
Jury Honorable Mention 92 Skybox Rookie Card directed by Maury Steinman
Jury Honorable Mention The Queen directed by Adam Rose
Special Jury Selection Crazy Beats Strong Every Time directed by Moon Molson
Special Jury Selection Maddoggin directed by Terrence Heuston

The 9th Annual HollyShorts Film Festival (www.hollyshorts.com) came to a wrap with 1,000 attendees celebrating the festival’s Awards ceremony celebration at the Roosevelt Hotel Ballroom and lobby hosted by Digital LA’s Kevin Winston. The HollyShorts Best Short Film Grand Prize went to Mitsuyo Miyazaki for her short film Tsuyako. With the prize, Miyazaki takes home a $10,000 post-production and finishing services prize from Company 3. She also wins an all expense paid trip to Wellington New Zealand courtesy of Starnow to show her film there. Also taking home a $10,000 post-production prize from Company 3 for the Best Director Category was Sacha Feiner for Un Monde Meilleur (A Better World). The short film Sahasi Chori by Erin Galey took home two HollyShorts Awards, one for Best Producer and the Women in Film Director’s Award, garnering her a $5000 camera package courtesy of Martini Crew Booking.. The Method Studios Best VFX Prize went to Peter Szewczyk for Our Lady of Lourdes. With the win, Method awarded Peter with a $10,000 post prize.

The Panavision Future Filmmaker went to Karaoke! By Andrew Renzi. Panavision awarded Andrew with a $10,000 prize.

ShortsHD presented the short film Amazonia by Sam Chen with the DirecTV Everywhere Award.

The 2013 Winners List

HOLLYSHORTS BEST SHORT FILM-Tsuyako by Mitsuyo Miyazaki
· BEST DIRECTOR-Sacha Feiner for Un Monde Meilleur (A Better World)
· METHOD STUDIOS HOLLYSHORTS BEST VFX – Our Lady of Lourdes by Peter Szewczyk
· BEST COMMERICAL- Happiness in the Air by Hugh Mitton (Best Commercial Award wins a $5,000 post production and finishing services prize from Company 3)
· BEST MUSIC VIDEO-Vengeance Rhythm by Christopher Ullens de Schooten (Best Music Video Award wins a $5,000 post production and finishing services prize from Company 3)
· BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY-Brightwood by Connor Hair.(The HollyShorts Best Cinematography Award wins a $5,000 post production and finishing services prize from Company 3)
· BEST ACTOR-Gabe Fazio for the film Gun
· BEST ACTRESS-Carla Quevedo for the film Side Effects
· BEST ACTION-The Forge by Stephen Reedy
· BEST DRAMA-ROTKOP by Jan Roosens and Raf Roosens
· BEST ANIMATION-Alienation by Silvia Carpizo
· BEST COMEDY-Loveseat by Matthew Richmond
· BEST 3D SHORT-Le Grand Combat by Jean-Nicolas Rivat
· 3D SHORT Runner up- Eysian Fields by Ina Conrad
· BEST DOCUMENTARY-Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution by Matthew VanDyke
· BEST EDITING-I’m Right Here-Christopher Soren Kelly
· WOMEN IN FILM DIRECTORS AWARD-Erin Galey for her short Sahasi Chori
(Women in Film Directors Award receives a $5,000 camera rental prize package from Martini Crew booking)
· BEST STUDENT-MAGNESIUM by Sam de Jong (Best Student Award receives a $5,000 camera rental prize package from Martini Crew booking)
· BEST HORROR FEARNET AWARD-Do You Believe in the Devil by Alex Grybauskas
· BEST CROWD FUNDED FILM-And After All by Julian Ungano
· BEST INTERNATIONAL-Tweesprong by Wouter Bouvjin
· BEST NARRATIVE-GUN by Spencer Gillis
· BEST PRODUCER-Sahasi Chori by Erin Galey
· BEST SCI FI-Frost by Jeremy Ball
· BEST TRAILER- Rainbow Bay by Mack Lindon
· BEST SOUND-The Fifth Horseman by Kari Barber
· BEST WEB SERIES-Inside Joke On Gentrification by Brian Neaman and Michael Southworth
· HOLLYSHORTS SPECIAL JURY AWARD- Death of a Shadow by Tom Van Avermaet
· HOLLYSHORTS MENTION-Cootie Contagion by Josh Smooha
· HOLLYSHORTS MENTION-8:47 by Nik Kacevski

Fest Sets Dates for 10th Annual Anniversary Edition
During the celebration the festival set it’s dates for next year’s festival, it’s 10th Anniversary edition. The 10th Annual HollyShorts Film Festival and Film Conference/Film Market will take place August 14-23, 2014 in Hollywood. The festival also announced it will unspool a screenplay competition for next years festival, submissions now open at: www.festhome.com

The 9th edition of the HollyShorts Film Festival featured over 12,000 attendees with 8 days of screenings, daily networking events, panels and seminars during the HollyShorts Film Conference and Awards. 2013 Visionary Award honoree Matthew Modine closed the festival with the theatrical premiere of his collection of short films at the TCL Chinese Theatre.

The 10th Annual HSFF and Film Conference/Film Market took place August 14-23 at the world famous TCL Chinese Theatre in Hollywood and the 2nd annual HollyShorts Film Conference took place at the Roosevelt Hotel. 2014 Overall Best Short and Best Director will receive $10,000 each for post production work courtesy of Company 3. The 2014 winners of Best Music Video, Best Cinematography, and Best Commercial will each receive $5,000 for post production work courtesy of Company 3. 2014 Best Student film and Best Female Director winners will receive a $10,000 camera rental packages courtesy of Martini Crew Booking. Method Studios awarded the 2014 Best VFX short with $10,000 in post production services. PANAVISION awarded $10,000 to Douglas Jessup's short GLOW. Over $140,000 in prizes were awarded from Final Draft, Showbiz, Jungle, Red Giant,
Black Magic Camera, True Vision Entertainment, and many others.
15,000 attended the 2014 fest and film conference over 10 days.

The 2015 11th annual HollyShorts Film Festival and Film Conference/Market took place over 10 days August 13-22 2015 at the TCL Chinese Theatres and Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood, with Best Short Film, a $15,000 cash prize courtesy of ZYPE being awarded to SHOK.

The 12th annual HSFF took place August 11-20th 2016 at the TCL Chinese 6 Theatres. Award winners participated in our academy qualifying theatrical run.

The 13th and 14th annual HSFF best short film winners received Oscar Qualifying status as HollyShorts is now an Academy Qualifying Festival!

The 15th annual HSFF will again take place at the TCL Chinese 6 Theatres and Harmony Gold Theater August 8-17 2019!

HSFF Alumni include Josh Brolin, Terence Nance, Kirsten Dunst, Demi Moore, Joe Carnahan, Darren Lew, David Arquette, Dash Mihok, Ryan Eggold, Neil Labute, Zachary Quinto, Adam Brody, Pras Michel, Francois Jaros, Jon Heder, Russo Brothers, Bill Plympton, Felicia Day, Nash Edgerton, Jaime Linden, Jennifer Aniston, Mark Fergus, Jessica Biel, Malcolm Barrett, Carter Smith, Jason Biggs, David Pryor, Jimmy Jean Louis, Paula Garces, Adrian Grenier, David Lynch, Paul Haggis, Bragi Schut, David Weinstein, William Olssen, Alex Ferrari, Larry Hankin, Lance Larson, John Thompson, Nick Carmen, Scott Porter, Kat Coiro, Joel David Moore, Mary Pat Bentel, Denis Hennelly, Richard Riehle, Biz Markie, Joe Carnahan, Matthew Libatique, Matthew Modine, David Rodriguez, Kat Coiro, Bryan Buckley, Carey Williams, Anthony Hemingway, Chadwick Boseman, Moon Molson, Neal Dodson, and many, many other great filmmakers and actors. Industry attendees include Shorts TV, Indieflix, Indiepix, Snagfilms, Hulu, Netflix, Google Play, Lionsgate, Grindstone, Sony, 20th Century Fox, CAA, William Morris, Gersh, UCLA Extension, General Assembly, Seattle Film Summit, Seed and Spark, Indiegogo, and many others!


Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

 Finzione  Documentario  Animazione  Fantastico  Altro  Sperimentale  Music Video

Logo of International Horror, Action and Fantastic Film Festival & Awards “drop“

30 Nov 2014

Pubblicato: 17 Oct 2014
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Banner International Horror, Action and Fantastic Film Festival & Awards “drop“

International Horror, Action and Fantastic Film Festival & Awards “drop“

Moscow, Russia

Live Entertainment, LLC, Russia in co-operation with EVENT FILM, Canada proudly present an annual festival event – International Horror, Action and Fantastic Film Festival & Awards "DROP".

The festival is being annually held in the city of Moscow since the year 2011 and contains 4 events:

- opening screening

- closing awards ceremony

- master-class and Q&A with movie stars

- film festival competition program screenings in cinema theatres

The Awards ceremony takes place in a big concert venue (changing every year) and consists of the show program and the ceremony of granting awards which is divided into the following jury voting categories:

- awards granted to local film distribution companies for the blockbusters screened in cinema theatres of Russia in the reported year;

- awards granted to young directors and producers as competition program. The category is called “Hope for Survival”;

- awards granted to World stars for the contribution to horror genre

The Awards ceremony is always visited and recorded by a large number of mass media.

The Master-class is a so-called Q&A horror convention held in a cinema theatre in a form of a question-answer session between the star guests of the festival and the audience + autograph session. The event usually ends with a premier film screening.

The festival program is a week non-stop screening of new movies in several Moscow cinema theatres. The films-participants of the competition program are being selected by the festival’s jury. Submissions are being analysed and accepted by the festival's organization committee during the whole year.

The festival's schedule usually also contains a pre-party and an after-party arranged for the honored guests and winners.

The TV version of the festival is televised by Tricolor TV platform.

The festival specializes in all sub-genres of horror and action film industry, i.e.: cartoon horror, comedy horror, psychological thriller, trash horror, zombie horror, giallo, slasher, suspense, detective, action, fantasy, sci-fi etc. Starting from the year 2013 the festival also specializes in survival horror video games sphere.

The festival is annually visited in person by World-known honored guests. The previous years’ guests were: Eric Roberts, Stuart Gordon and Bryan Yuzna, Jodelle Ferland, Costas Mandyllor & Tobin Bell, Lloyd Kaufman, Akira Yamaoka, Marco Ristori and Luca Boni, Preity Uupala, Yeppe Laursen, Silje Reinaamo, Daniel Licht, A.J. Annila, Leonid Kuravlev, Igor Zhizhikin, Oliver Robins, Corbin Bernsen, Lauren Esposito, John Kassir, James Russell, Mick Garris, Shawn Hall, Liesl Ahlers, Kyle Catlett, Lina Leandersson, Richard Cutting, Helen Crevel, Javier Botet, SWERY, Adnan Koc, Naomi Grossman & Ben Wolf, Sergio Stivaletti
...and many others

A great number of star winners also annually send their exclusive video messages which are being screened during the ceremony.

A more detailed information about the festival can be found on the English version of our web site, on Wikipedia and in social media.

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

Festival del lungometraggio

 Finzione  Documentario  Animazione  Fantastico  Terrore  Altro  Sperimentale  Music Video

Logo of SCRIPT International Short Film Festival

01 Dec 2014

Pubblicato: 17 Oct 2014
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Banner SCRIPT International Short Film Festival

SCRIPT International Short Film Festival

Kochi, India

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio


Logo of Athens ANIMFEST

31 Jan 2015

Pubblicato: 17 Oct 2014
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Banner Athens ANIMFEST


Athens, Greece

The 12th Athens ANIMFEST - International Animation Festival opens to Animation fans again this year. With a program full of shorts and feature animations, we respond to animators from around the world willing either to compete or to screen their movies in the parallel special events of our festival.

For submission are accepted only ANIMATED MOVIES (Short, Student, Experimental and Greek)

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

 Animazione  Sperimentale

Logo of International Animation Festival Chilemonos

05 Jan 2015

Pubblicato: 16 Oct 2014
 Non ha tasse d'iscrizione

Banner Festival Internacional de Animación Chilemonos

International Animation Festival Chilemonos

Santiago, Chile

Organized by CHILEMONOS Foundation, the Festival is the biggest one of Chile and includes exhibitions, Master Class, Conference and Workshops of renown international guests.

We are a young festival, which just had its fifth version this 2016. During the last years we were presenting shortfilms and movies around the world, as well doing school, professional, videoclip contests, etc.

In our first edition in 2012 we had as featured guests the Bly Sky Studios director Carlos Saldanha, the strata-cut animator David Daniels, the animator and storyboard artists Ryan Woodward, the experimental animator Miwa Metreyek, the Belgian animation school La Cambre and more guests from the region.

During our second edition, in 2013, we counted with the presence of representatives from Gobelins, the animation studios Platige Image and SE-MA-FOR from Poland, as well featured guests such as the visual artist Motomichi Nakamura, the recognize anime director Shinichiro Watanabe, the sand animator Caroline Leaf, the recognize animated industry expert Becky Bristow and the Academic Awarded for Pixar’s Brave, Brenda Chapman.

The International Animation Festival Chilemonos will be held for the sixth consecutive year in Santiago, Chile. This celebration will begin in May 09th through May 14th, with six days dedicated to animation.


Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

Festival del lungometraggio


Logo of Fantastic and Terror Short Film Festival La Vieja Encina

15 Dec 2014

Pubblicato: 16 Oct 2014
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Banner Festival De Cortometrajes De Terror Y Fantástico La Vieja Encina

Fantastic and Terror Short Film Festival La Vieja Encina

San Nicolás del Puerto, Spain

L'Assessorato alla Cultura del Municipio di San Nicolás del Puerto e il Punto Vuela di San Nicolás del Puerto annunciano il IX Festival di cortometraggi horror e fantasy «La Vieja Encina» 2024, che si terrà il 28, 29, 30 novembre e 1 dicembre 2024.

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

 Finzione  Animazione  Fantastico  Terrore  Altro

Logo of VALE CURTAS - National Short Film Festival

30 Oct 2014

Pubblicato: 15 Oct 2014
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Banner VALE CURTAS - Festival Nacional de Curtas-Metragens do Vale do São Francisco – Petrolina/PE e Juazeiro/BA

VALE CURTAS - National Short Film Festival

Vila Eduardo, Brazil

Festival del cortometraggio

 Finzione  Documentario  Fantastico  Terrore  Sperimentale

Logo of ViBGYOR International Short & Documentary Film Festival

30 Nov 2014

Pubblicato: 14 Oct 2014
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Banner ViBGYOR International Short & Documentary Film Festival

ViBGYOR International Short & Documentary Film Festival

Thrissur, India

Welcome to the 10th Edition of ViBGYOR International Short & Documentary Film Festival, to be held in Thrissur, Kerala, India from February 16-22, 2015. You may submit your films (documentary/ short-fiction/ music video/ animation/ spot/ experimental) for SELECTION PREVIEW. An eminent panel of Jury will select the final set of films for screening at ViBYOR-2015.

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

Festival del lungometraggio

 Finzione  Documentario  Sperimentale

Logo of Dreams In Short International short film festival

24 Nov 2014

Pubblicato: 14 Oct 2014
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Banner Sueños en Corto

Dreams In Short International short film festival

Logroño, Spain


Festival del cortometraggio

 Finzione  Documentario  Animazione  Fantastico

Logo of Muestra Latino Americana de Animación A Caverna

15 Nov 2014

Pubblicato: 13 Oct 2014
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Banner Mostra Latino Americana de Animação A Caverna

Muestra Latino Americana de Animación A Caverna

Florianópolis, Brazil

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

Logo of Al-Kalat Festivals

15 Dec 2014

Pubblicato: 13 Oct 2014
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Banner Semana de cine Al-Kalat

Al-Kalat Festivals

Alcalá de los Gazules, Spain

Festival del cortometraggio

 Finzione  Fantastico  Terrore