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Cinema is an art form that needs to be simultaneously nourished and challenged and ÉCU - The European Independent Film Festival provides the perfect arena for indie filmmakers to express authentic cinematic storytelling in the most compelling ways possible.
As one the World’s truly stand out independent film festivals, ÉCU embraces innovation and creativity and allows directors in competition to showcase their films to audiences who appreciate and love independent cinema. Filmmakers who are selected into ÉCU’s Official Selection join an active community of creatives who continually push the boundaries of indie cinema.
"It is always an absolute joy to present one's work at ECU. The team are fantastically helpful, the jury extremely competent, and the selection of the highest quality. I would recommend participating to anyone who's in love with indie filmmaking!" - Celina Liesegang, producer of Viscera: Autopsy of a (non)human body, ÉCU 2022 Official Selection
"It's always a pleasure having our films at ÉCU, especially this year with our awarded short film "Useless"! The communication has been great during the whole process and our filmmakers are so excited to be part of this competition. See you again next year with new projects!" - Marta Salvador Tato, distributor of USELESS, the winner of the Best European Independent Dramatic Short award 2022
Since its inception in 2006 ÉCU has forged a path for independent film and the scope of its presence has grown to a global scale with the festival often being referenced as the European equivalent of Sundance, an honour that we don’t take lightly.
Spring is not only a fabulous time for Paris but an exciting time for ÉCU because that is when we showcase roughly around 100 of the World’s very best independent films. Although ÉCU emphasises European talent, it also recognises the genius of international filmmakers with several categories allocated to non-European films.
The next ÉCU, the 19th edition, will take place on the 19th, 20th and 21st of April, 2024 in Paris, France.
ÉCU isn’t just all about screening an amazing slate of films over its three-day event in Paris in April. There are also professional workshops led by experts in the industry, Q&A’s held with the attending filmmakers after every screening session and a chance to network with fellow filmmakers, producers, agents, industry representatives, prospective film buyers and, of course, the cinema-loving public. At ÉCU, there is a continual dialogue celebrating and critiquing the world’s best indie cinema of today.
Though ÉCU’s main event IS the three-day festival in Paris each spring, there is even more! Thanks to our over 50 partner festivals, partner organizations, film centres and film commissions, ÉCU’s goes on an annual world tour called ÉCU-On-The-Road, which gives award-winning films (as well as many of the Official Selection films) the opportunity to have their films screened to a broader, global audience. ÉCU-On-The-Road showcased films in over 80 countries around the globe in 2016 - 2023 at special ÉCU mini-festivals, partner festivals, cultural institutions and film schools, including an amazing seven day special festival in São Paulo, Brazil. The event was made possible through the support of Caixa Cultural, São Paulo and was a huge success. ÉCU also held special events in Berlin (Germany), Cannes (France) and was part of festivals in Lebanon, Italy, Russia, USA, Romania, Austria, Denmark and other countries. This gives ÉCU filmmakers great exposure to audiences that they may never have reached.
Since 2006, ÉCU has helped the careers of literally hundreds of independent filmmakers, actors, DPs, editors, screenwriters and is honoured to be firmly established as one of the World’s eminent indie film festivals.
Above all, we are proud to be a filmmakers’ festival!
Durante una settimana all'anno, oltre 100.000 amanti del cinema si riuniscono in oltre 400 cinema in 6 continenti per vedere e votare i film finalisti dell'annuale MANHATTAN SHORT Film Festival - MANHATTAN SHORT è più di uno dei più grandi festival di cortometraggi al mondo... è il primo film globale al mondo Festival.
Se fare cortometraggi significa far conoscere il proprio lavoro, niente è paragonabile a MANHATTAN SHORT.
Ogni film selezionato può partecipare agli Oscar:
MANHATTAN SHORT dura un'intera settimana in un cinema a Los Angeles, in California. Questa prenotazione teatrale significa che tutti e dieci i finalisti del MANHATTAN SHORT Film Festival 2020 avranno diritto a partecipare al concorso Oscar per il 2021.
MANHATTAN SHORT è ora conforme alle regole che regolano gli Oscar stabiliti dall'Academy of Motion Pictures of Arts and Sciences
Artista musicale in primo piano
Siamo lieti di annunciare che il MANHATTAN SHORT vedrà la partecipazione di un artista musicale o di una band che porterà avanti e per tutta la durata del Festival ogni anno.
Il musicista o la band selezionati presenterà la sua musica in oltre quattrocento locali e davanti a oltre 100.000 persone in tutto il mondo durante l'intervallo MANHATTAN SHORT e in tutto il materiale promozionale che precede le date del festival, inclusa la pubblicazione esclusiva sul nostro sito web. Questa è una straordinaria opportunità per i talenti musicali nuovi o sconosciuti di far trasmettere la loro musica al nostro pubblico mondiale già pronto, composto da entusiasti partecipanti al festival. È anche un'occasione unica per ottenere il riconoscimento del nome e la visibilità immediata. Controlla per accedere al Musical Artist Comp.
Uno dei festival cinematografici più longevi nel suo genere al mondo. È un festival di cortometraggi aperto a produzioni non professionali, studenti delle scuole di cinema e produzioni commerciali. Si tiene ogni anno durante l'ultima settimana di novembre.
The 10th Festival of Documentary La Pintana, PINTACANES, will be held from 23 to 30 November 2016 in the municipality of La Pintana, Santiago de Chile. Located in Av. Santa Rosa 12975, whereabouts 37.
Hang12 is a youth curatorial board based in Lawrence, Kansas and our partnering organization is the Lawrence Arts Center. We have created the show Nouvelle Lumière, an experimental film youth showcase that will take place at the end of June during the Free State Festival. We need your submissions!
We are happy to announce the Third Edition of Documentary, Animation and Short film festival, which will be held in the desert city of Rajasthan, Bikaner from 1-2 September 2018. The Acharya Tulsi Short Film Festival (ATSFF) will use the power of film makers to further the cause of Peace, Harmony, Social justice, Meditation, Social taboo and Environment on earth. From the outset, the ATSFF envisioned “peace” not as the absence of conflict but as a framework for channelizing, processing and resolving conflicts through respectful and non-violent means.The ATSFF, the primary project of Acharya Tulsi Shanti Pratishthan, is a non-profit festival established to celebrate and encourage the work of independent filmmakers from around the country on the theme of peace, harmony, social justice, meditation, social taboo and environment. ATSFF aims to contribute towards culture of peace, non-violence, harmony, social justice, meditation through cinema, dialogue and programming highlighting the individuals on the vanguard of peace activism and social change.ATSFF works to connect expression – artistic, political, social and personal – to positive, respectful vehicles for action and change. The festival program is carefully curated to create a place for open dialogue, using the films as catalysts for change.
1.Between the 15th and 25th of October 2019, the selected works will be displayed in different towns in Guipuzcoa. On the 25th in Hernani the verdict will be made public and the awards Festival will be celebrated.
Cork International Film Festival’s mission is to present Ireland’s most exciting, diverse, and ambitious annual film festival, connecting and stimulating audiences and artists through a carefully curated selection of the best films, to create a unique shared cultural experience, rooted in Cork, open to the world.
Cork International Film Festival is rightly positioned and valued at the forefront of Ireland’s film culture. By curating and presenting a programme of exceptional films, our vision is for a film festival recognised and respected around the world for its record of launching and nurturing the careers of the filmmakers of tomorrow. We celebrate award-winning films alongside emerging talent, providing a unique festival experience in Ireland, delivering a depth of engagement for audiences through the medium of film in all its diverse forms, and the opportunity to see these films first in Cork.
The Festival showcases the latest and best international and Irish features, documentaries and shorts, both in cinemas and online via our dedicated digital platform, and includes programmes for schools, families, classics, a focus on film and mental health (Illuminate) and specialist Industry Days, including Doc Day, cementing the Festival as the destination festival for documentary in Ireland.
The Festival welcomes submissions of features and shorts, and all forms of film production – fiction, documentary, animation, experimental, etc. We look for interesting new voices and work that pushes boundaries and takes risks. We champion new voices and celebrate excellence in filmmaking throughout our programme. We also recognise filmmakers’ achievements through our 10 Awards, three of which are Academy Award® qualifying.
Applicants to the 2021 submissions platform will be notified of the outcome of their submission in September 2021.
Invia il tuo cortometraggio online con una durata massima di 15 minuti.
Le fotografie non devono pesare più di 4 Mb in formato jpg. La dimensione sarà di almeno 1.600 pixel di larghezza. Il formato del file sarà JPEG di qualità (10).
Non importa se hai partecipato a eventi precedenti.
Collega il tuo lavoro con la guida, il consumo di droga, la strada, i viaggi, il sonno... O quello che pensi servirà a mostrare il tuo punto di vista sull'argomento.
Siate creativi, sorprendete. I
cortometraggi e le fotografie possono essere pubblicati sul web dal 1 maggio 2018 al 30 novembre 2018 alle 23:59.
Non deve concentrarsi su un particolare prodotto o fare riferimento a una specifica prescrizione del prodotto, né promuovere trattamenti specifici o utilizzare l'immagine di un farmaco commerciale (nome, logo, scatola, ecc.).
Se sei un medico o un farmacista, concorrerai per il miglior cortometraggio e fotografia tra i tuoi colleghi, e se vincerai, deciderai quale ONG, associazione di pazienti o fondazione sanitaria è il destinatario del premio. È anche possibile scambiarlo per assistenza a un congresso nazionale. Sempre secondo il codice che segna l'USD (Unità di supervisione deontologica).
Ispirare nella sezione farmacia e guida, o nelle informazioni fornite dalla DGT. Voto
pubblico: verranno conteggiati solo i voti via email convalidati. Qualsiasi comportamento sospetto, come l'uso del servizio di posta elettronica temporaneo, strani modelli di posta elettronica, e-mail sospette o molti voti dallo stesso indirizzo IP, squalifica automaticamente il lavoro in competizione.
Il Mix Brasil Festival è un evento culturale annuale con un focus sui film legati alla sessualità nelle sue varie forme espressive.
Nel 2020, un pubblico stimato di 176k persone ha partecipato alle proiezioni, spettacoli teatrali e musicali, conferenze e dibattiti promossi nella 28a edizione annuale del festival.
Il Mix Brasil si terrà a novembre presso i prestigiosi cinema di San Paolo e sfrutta appieno la diversità della città per ospitare una varietà di eventi innovativi. Dopo San Paolo, i tour Mix Brasil hanno ridotto i programmi ad altre città brasiliane.
L'evento è realizzato da Associação Cultural Mix Brasil, un'organizzazione senza scopo di lucro che cerca di promuovere la libertà di espressione della diversità sessuale guardando modi nuovi e diversi che questo si ottiene.
A causa della pandemia di Covid-19, l'edizione del Festival Mix Brasil 2021 si svolgerà online, su una piattaforma sicura, con un numero limitato di partecipanti in ogni proiezione. Se le linee guida degli enti pubblici locali lo consentono, il Festival può anche svolgersi nelle sale cinematografiche.
Si conclude quindi che la sua inscrição al Festival Mix Brasil/ Festhome significa che lei accetta che, se selezionato, il film sarà anche mostrato online.
We invite you to participate in the second edition of RUEDA International Cyclist Film Festival of Barcelona that will be held on October 6-7-8-9th 2016.
The festival includes a competitive section and a non-competitive section.
Films screened in competition are eligible for one or more jury prizes:
Rueda Best Feature Film
Rueda Best Short Film
People’s Choice Award
All awards come with a cash prize. All genres are welcome if and when the bycicle or cycling and cyclists are part of the story.
Call for submissions will remain open until june 30th 2016.
Camera, bicycle…we are rolling!
The Costa Blanca International Film Festival is a two day event held at the San Miguel de Salinas Nueva Taberna in the heart of the Costa Blanca. The festival has screenings of films in many genres from international filmmakers and is free entry to the public
( registration required.)
Filmmakers are invited to submit their films is any genre and any length. Selected films will be eligible for award nomination. Winning films are screened at the festival with filmmakers invited to attend the awards ceremony and Q&A sessions.
«Visões Macabras: Cine Terror» è un festival internazionale di cortometraggi horror, incentrato su film della durata massima di 20 minuti, che coprono tutte le parti del mondo. Il festival ospiterà cortometraggi di fiction e animazione, mettendo in risalto la creatività e il talento dei registi che usano il formato breve per esplorare la paura, la suspense e il soprannaturale. L'obiettivo è riunire produzioni che sfidano i limiti dell'horror, offrendo al pubblico un'esperienza intensa e coinvolgente.
Seoul Metro International Subway Film Festival (SMIFF) introduce vari cortometraggi estremi a livello mondiale sui monitor della metropolitana di Seul e Barcellona e mira a contribuire a creare un ambiente culturale cosmopolita dove chiunque possa guardare film in diversi luoghi oltre le sale cinematografiche.
Most Festival è un evento annuale che mira a mostrare le migliori opere audiovisive internazionali legate alla vinicoltura, al vino e al cava. Allo stesso tempo, il festival mira a brindare al buon cinema proiettando film inediti di grandi autori.
Organizzato nel Penedès, una zona molto vicina a Barcellona (Spagna) con una lunga tradizione vinicola e diverse attrazioni turistiche legate al vino, il festival vuole promuovere la vinicoltura e le arti legate al vino e al cava attraverso opere audiovisive ed esplorare anche tutti gli aspetti della vinificazione, in particolare valori come la qualità, la diversità, l'enoturismo e il legame con la regione.
The 12 Months Film Festival (#12MFF) is farrest challenging film festival available which attracts, displays and awards filmmakers from six continents. Our finest selection system brings the benefits of a quality qualification in the #12MFF and also come with surprise awards where qualify all selected entries. #12MFF was designed to award you amazing prizes. Moreover, we will do our best in working with your needs in order for your talent and dedication to be appreciated by the public.
Together we build a global audience!
Entries requirements:
-> All films must have been made in or after 2012 and have English subtitles (unless English is the main language spoken); A creation date does not apply in case of the screen writings from being stopped for submissions, but the submitted must be in English or have a copy translated in English;
-> We accept shorts, documentaries, animations, experimental, music videos, web and new media, commercials (all specified previously under 45 minutes); feature films and feature documentaries (any length, 45 + minutes);
->A description between 50 and 150 words;
->Trailer (not required for movies under 7 minutes; optional) and the film must be submitted as an on-line screener (Vimeo preferred) which may be embedded on the website for visitors to see your creation; you can further opt for modifications in your entry;
->Cover of the film/screen writing or a defining photo;
We also offer the following services:
Film review; Film improvement support; Trailer for your movie; Web-design and coding; Complete graphic-design. Proceed here: