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The Fail Film Festival is an educational and therapeutic space that invites amateur and experienced filmmakers to accept and share their failure stories: their most intimate projects full of effort, honesty, and learning; aiming for the festival to be a constant networking space between members of the industry, since, despite the growing number of members and the creation of audiovisual projects in our country, the connection between them is scarce. If we want to become a true industry, we must first be a community; And for that to happen, we must begin to experiment, innovate and collaborate with each other.
Demystifying the negative connotation of failure within the creative process, and is inherent and necessary for our learning and improvement both personally, and professionally.
From the management position to the assistants (in all its varieties), bring them together to share their work experiences and their learning process, with the aim of giving them visibility and recognizing their importance within an audiovisual production.
Interconnect the various associations in the sector, since, despite their great variety and increase in recent years, they do not know each other. Our objective is to generate conversation and debate among them, on current issues and of social importance.
Decentralize the production of national cinema, from a regional and gender perspective.
Create community and encourage the development of projects through workshops, talks, consultancies, and networking.
The Elche Film Festival, organized by Mediterraneo Foundation's main objective is to offer a cultural space to filmmakers and moviegoers.
In a constant commitment to the promotion of culture and supporting emerging values of cinema, focusing on innovation, public conversation with the authors and the elimination of technological compete when barriers and vote.
15th Dada Saheb Phalke Film Festival-25, Delhi NCR, India
Celebrating Excellence in Cinema
The Dada Saheb Phalke Film Festival is a non-governmental, not-to-profit, non-commercial & India’s only independent film festival, established in the year 2011 in Delhi NCR with a mission to celebrate the cinema & work of aspiring, young, independent & professional filmmakers. The festival is important for Indian film industry as it is organized on 30 April each year to mark the birth anniversary of Late.Shri. Dhundiraj Govind Phalke, who is regarded as the father of Indian Cinema & fondly remembered as Dada Saheb Phalke by the film fraternity across the India & globe. Its aim is to recognize the enlightening, entertaining & progressive new age cinema of youth & experienced filmmakers.
In past years festival gains reputation & regarded as among most prestigious festival in India. The festival grows over the years & attracts filmmakers from across the India & 90+ nations across the world. The festival has sections for feature films, short films, documentaries, animations, music videos & ad films. The festival awards the filmmakers in production, creative, music & performance categories.
15th Dada Saheb Phalke Film Festival-2025 aims to celebrate the excellence in cinema. Dada Saheb Phalke started the movement of cinema in India in real sense & he is the symbol of excellence. His contribution to Indian cinema is unparallel. Today Indian cinema is touching the sky in terms of both content & technology but it is worth mentioning that it was started by legendry Dada Saheb Phalke and we are just carrying it forward.
Founded by the Educationexpo TV, a leading entertainment research & branding company and managed by Miniboxoffice, Dada Saheb Phalke Film Festival-25 provides chance to filmmakers to showcase their creativity. While the festival is open to filmmakers of all age, we feel that just as it is imperative that we should support and encourage participation by filmmaking community members & professional, it is also important that we find and cultivate the future members of the entertainment industry.
What is Zinetika Festival
Zinetika is a multidisciplinary festival that explores the relationships between dance and audiovisual arts, body and technology, creating together in search of different artistic experiences. The Festival hosts proposals of dance films, performance, masterclasses and workshops around this theme.
All this makes Zinetika a platform for cultural experiences shared by organisations and creators from different artistic fields and origins, both local and international. The festival is held in Pamplona/Iruña, San Sebastian/Donostia and Bilbao/Bilbo.
Best Film Zinetika 2022: 500 €
Best director Zinetika 2022: 500 €
The films that will be part of the Zinetika Official Selection will be projected in the three cities where the festival will take place.
▪ ▪ Welcome aboard Latin America's first drone film festival ▪ ▪
Thanks to the popularization of camera-mounted drones, independent filmmakers can now reach an aesthetics of mainstream productions, and break with image creation constraints such as never seen before in the history of digital cinema!
A whole new path in the art of moving images is yet to be explored!
NO AR Brazil showcases and awards artists who are resorting to this new device to create breath-taking imagery and innovative visual languages.
Submissions are curated by highly-recognized media professionals from TV, film and photography industries, besides scholars from Brazilian, Canadian, Mexican and French universities. Nominated filmmakers are invited to join the jury board for a debate during the awards ceremony.
Palácio das Artes, a public iconic art venue signed by Brazil’s foremost architect Oscar Niemeyer, located right at the heart of Belo Horizonte, is the regular host of NO AR.
But as Cine Humberto Mauro, the four-decade movie theater located within the palace, could not host our projections due to covid-19 pandemic, NO AR has switched to a joyful online ceremony, which allowed filmmakers from several countries to attend.
Its blasting success gave us a lot of energy to build up a hybrid format (with online and big screen). The effort it takes to deploy such a project , added to the importance the festival has gained, have led us to an important decision: to transform NO AR into a biannual event.
Our purpose is not to be a mere repository of beautiful drone footage. We are here to question the paths that drone can propose to art.
Submissions to NO AR IV are open!
▪ Visit our website and fanpage for more information ▪
▪ http://noar.ticotico.tv/
▪ www.facebook.com/NoArBrazil
The festival is a showcase of films in all genres by young emerging filmmakers.The cultural capital of India hosts numerous film festivals every year. Our team has taken into account the features of most film festivals. To present something new, we decided to place our primary focus on independent underknown filmmaking from all over the world. Besides, we realize that the boundaries of cinema have expanded significantly over the past two decades due to the digital "revolution.” Nowadays, one can shoot films with a smartphone, without using special equipment or being a professional filmmaker. Therefore, the cinema has become far more expressive and entered a new era of its development, uncovering all shades of life, all colours of culture and subcultures. We believe that the programme of Venus Brightest Star Film Festival gives a free hand to any way of artistic expression.
We welcome any experimental ways that create new film languages evolving the cinema!
Un Court Tournable is a shorts films festival event that aims to be a place of discovery of new talents in the field of cinema.
Personalities will sponsor some of our events as a guest of honor, an opportunity to share experience with this artistic universe.
The festival have 4 editions by year.
The screening will take place:
5 Avenue Mac-Mahon
75017 Paris
Métro: Charles de Gaulle Etoile (ligne 1, 2 et 6)
Parking: Indigo Wagram ou Mac Mahon
23 rue des Ecoles
75005 Paris
Métro: Maubert-Mutualité, Cardinal Lemoine (ligne 10)
Celebrating its 28th anniversary in 2023, the Festival on Wheels is a traveling event bringing outstanding films to cinema lovers living outside major cities. New cinemas were opened and films were made in destinations where the Festival has been hosted. The Festival presents the latest films from World Cinema, new films from Turkey, special screenings that raise social and cultural awareness, silent films with live music as well as short films. Additionally, the Festival organizes workshops, Q&As, panel discussions and exhibitions. In the last 27 years, the Festival has visited 24 cities in Turkey, Azerbaijan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Greece, Macedonia and Georgia.
VinartFest es un evento artístico multidisciplinar en torno a la cultura del vino y su simbología que celebrará su quinta edición en mayo del 2025 en un entorno rural manchego como es Ventas de Alcolea, una pedanía casi despoblada entre las provincias de Albacete y Cuenca.
VinartFest quiere ser un punto de encuentro para expresiones artísticas diversas, reunidas en torno a un mismo hilo conductor: el poder creativo y evocador del vino y su cultura.
El Festival se articula en torno a un doble objetivo: poner en valor la riqueza cultural que posee el mundo del vino, así como dinamizar culturalmente una zona del medio rural manchego que ha ido quedando despoblada y es el reflejo de la denominada "España vaciada". El festival es una iniciativa de la asociación sin ánimo de lucro, Asociación Cultural de Ventas de Alcolea.
Como parte del festival, la Asociación Cultural de Ventas de Alcolea, ha convocado el V Certamen de Microrrelato, Fotografía y Cortometrajes VinartFest 2025, que se unirán al resto de actividades que se programarán en el marco del Festival.
International film festival for films of young filmmakers up to 26 years old!
«A truly wonderfully and unique experience. Incredible! I have traveled the world extensively making films and attending festivals and have never experienced such a loving, poignant and profound time as this one. Your dedication to media activism and global media literacy is astounding. May NUFF spreads it wings and fly!» (Paolo Davanzo, experimental filmmaker, USA)
Nordic Young Film Festival - NUFF is an annual short film festival for young filmmakers up to 26 years old from the Nordic countries & the world with short films (max 20 min) made in the last 2 years.
NUFF has been an important international platform for youth film and a meeting place for many young filmmakers since 2003.
Based at the youth culture house Tvibit in Tromsø, Northern Norway, NUFF has already a long success-story. Started by the wish to support young local filmmakers and to get an idea how our neighbours are making films and telling stories, NUFF discovered the world of Youth Cinema and all of the exciting potential that came with it.
The quality of submitted films has steadily been increasing and so too has the incredible atmosphere of the workshops and the growing network of filmmakers, partners and projects. All of this is making NUFF a unique summer event above the polar circle and under the overwhelming midnight sun.
Nordic film competition
International film competition
International film workshop
International film network
International film seminars, discussions and a lot of fun!
«NUFF has been one of my life’s best weeks» (Stian Skjelstad, Norway)
NUFF has two film competitions for short films made in the last two years (with a max length of 20 minutes) by filmmakers under the age limit of 26 years old. All genres are accepted!
For the Nordic film competition the films have to be produced in a Nordic country or the filmmaker comes from or lives in a Nordic Country. Nordic Countries are defined as Greenland, Iceland, Faroe Island, Denmark, Sweden, Norway & Finland.
For the International film competition the films have to be produced outside the Nordic countries or the filmmaker comes from or lives outside the Nordic countries.
The submission deadline for both competitions is June 1st!
Cheongju International Short Film Festival presents movies that are touching, entertaining, and short but strong.
The program team of the 21th Cheongju International Short Film Festival is hosting the festival under the motto of 'Film Festival for the Audience, by the Audience, of the Audience'.
1. Organization
The Cheongju International Short Film Festival is organized by the Cheongju branch of the General Association of Korean Filmmakers and hosted by the Cheongju International Short Film Festival Executive Committee.
Discussions on the Cheongju International Short Film Festival began in 1999 when Kim Kyung-sik, the first chairman of the association, established the Chungbuk Film Council.
The official start of the Cheongju International Short Film Festival is the "Cheongju City Excellent Short Film Festival" held by Kim Kyung-sik, the first president of the Cheongju Film Artists Association, a division established in 2004.
At that time, the main programs were "Invited Screenings for Outstanding Short Films in Korea" and "Cheongju Youth Film Class" aimed at fostering future film talents.
Since then, the festival has been renamed the "Cheongju City Digital Short Film Festival" in 2006, attempting to make changes in line with the digital era. Then in 2013, director Eo Il-sun took office as the second president, renaming it as the "Cheongju International Short Film Festival," inviting foreign films to diversify the program.
The city of Cheongju declared "video culture city" with the launch of the "Cheongju Film Commission" in 2017.
2. Purpose
The Cheongju International Short Film Festival aims to promote the diversity of video culture and independent short film production by discovering and introducing excellent short films from around the world.
Lloret Negre is the first noir genre festival of the Costa Brava. It's objetive is to promote the noir genre and as well as Lloret de Mar and it's heritage.
Luberon Film Festival
International Film Festival hosted by the city of PERTUIS will reward at the end of these 5 days in a feature film and short film section the Lavender of Gold for the best film.
The phenomenon of Russian civilization, immeasurable by the "common yardstick", by the end of the first quarter of the 21st century regains its relevance - both in the world and in Russia.
The word "Russian" in the understanding of the organizers of the film festival does not define nationality, but civilizational and ideological belonging - to the multinational Russian world.
A Russian person differs from a "Western" person. A Russian person can commit acts illogical and "unprofitable" - from the point of view of representatives of Western civilization: to the detriment of himself, but in the name of justice. After all, for a Russian person - if in good conscience and fairness, then this is both logical and beneficial.
Now, when the whole world is faced with global challenges - technological, social, economic, spiritual and ideological - we are again trying to find a source of strength in those intangible values that have given and still give the Russian world an advantage over the centuries.
Experience of holding the Russian Film Festival in 2017-2020. discovered a real interest of filmmakers from the regions of Russia and from other countries in comprehending the inexhaustible theme of the "mysterious Russian soul". This is especially true for young representatives of auteur cinema in Russia, for whom the Russian Film Festival has become a meeting place both with colleagues and with grateful moviegoers.
The Russian Film Festival is becoming that public creative space where there is a lively process of forming a community of like-minded people who consciously reflect in their work the spiritual and moral values of Russian civilization.
El Festival PSICURT está organizado por el Colegio Oficial de Psicología de Cataluña, el Ayuntamiento de Reus y el Ayuntamiento de Tarragona.
El objetivo es dar a conocer los diferentes ámbitos de la salud mental (prevención, promoción e intervención) a través del cine. Un proyecto cultural, social y de salud que permita promover la creación artística y la sensibilidad del público con la salud mental.
The Cultural Association ‘El Bujío’ of Segura de León (Badajoz), in its desire to pay tribute and remember Andrés Oyola Fabián, neighbour and friend of our town, tireless researcher and disseminator in the field of social and human affairs, organises, in collaboration and with the support of the Town Council of Segura de León and the Provincial Council of Badajoz, the Fourth Edition of the ‘Oyola Fabián International Documentary Film Festival (OFFCINEDOC)’.
Once the participating works have been received and as long as they comply with the aspects included in the Bases, a selection will be made by the organisation and they will be transferred to an international jury made up of professionals from the audiovisual field and from different subjects related to general culture, as well as to other members that we will call ‘popular jury’, who although they are not professionals in the field, have sufficient criteria to evaluate the selected works, understanding that in this way, a fair evaluation will be made that will include both the technical aspects and the cultural value and knowledge that the works contribute.
Depending on the number of works presented and selected, different screenings will be held during the week of 18 to 22 August 2025, in the open air and totally free of charge for those attending.
To conclude the Festival, the Closing Gala will be held on Saturday 23rd August 2025, where the prizes will be awarded to the winning works.
The SITGES - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia is a specialized, competitive fantastic genre Festival in accordance with the regulations established by the FIAPF (International Federation of Film Producers Associations). The Festival has also been declared a “Qualified Festival” by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences® in the United States. This means that those shorts winning the awards for “Best Short Film” in the Official Fantàstic Selection and “Best Short Film” in the Anima’t category will automatically be taken into consideration by the Hollywood Academy Awards® selection committee.
FILMETS Badalona Film Festival, is an international short film festival with 50 years of history. It is a reference festival in Catalonia awarded by the Barcelona Provincial Council and is a prescriber of the Goya awards.
Badalona celebrated the first edition of the old festival in 1971, on a biennial basis. The Amateur Cinema Section of the Museum was the entity that organized that international contest with the name 'Badalona World Amateur Cinema' and also held other contests such as Images (for members of the entity), the National Festival of Filmed Song (state wide) and the Religious Film and Human Values Contest (state wide). The entity collaborated with the main amateur film festivals in Catalonia, such as those held in Barcelona (Union of Amateur Filmmakers, the Catalonia Excursionist Center or the Barcelona Photographic Association) and others in Figueras, Terrassa, Valls, Mataró, Manresa, Vilanova i la Geltrú, etc.
These festivals screened films in 8 mm, Super8, Single 8 and 16 mm, where works by amateur filmmakers Tomàs Mallol, Rafael Marcó, Enric Menal, Miquel Esparbé, Jan Baca, Toni Garriga, Tomàs Freixas, Arnal S. Licer, Josep Parra, Enrique Montón, Agustí and Rafel Argelich, Joan Vidal, etc. At the end of the 1980s, a new association was created, with the name of Badalona Independent Filmmakers, which took charge of the new festival, the Badalona International Film and Video Festival, until the end of the 1990s.
In 2001, the Badalona City Council and Badalona Comunicació SA, with the support of historical members of the festival, launched the 27th edition of the new festival, under the name of FILMETS Badalona Film Festival. That new edition had 400 registered short films and 2,000 viewers and was the starting point and the new benchmark for short film festivals in Catalonia.
From then on, FILMETS Badalona Film Festival has been a benchmark not only for the short film festivals with the most international coverage and echo, but it is also a meeting point for filmmakers and, above all, for the most loyal public. Since its recovery, it has had the participation of the main short filmmakers from Catalonia and from the rest of the state and in its twenty-two years of the new stage, true film talents have participated who have subsequently stood out with the production of feature films with worldwide impact.
Some of the directors who have participated in the festival are Álex de la Iglesia, Fernando Trullols, Jaume Balagueró, Paco Plaza, Kiko Maillo, Judit Colell, Mar Coll, Javier Fesser or Àlex Pastor among others, as well as the participation of prominent international filmmakers like Steven Spielberg, George Lucas and Pedro Almodóvar. It has also given way to the new current generations of short filmmakers such as Bill Plympton, JA Bayona, Ari Sandel or Carla Simón, among others. The international jury has been made up of people of recognized prestige in the audiovisual scene such as Manuel Huerga, Josep Maria Forn, Roland Nguyen, Joao García, Ventura Pons, Antoni Verdaguer, Lluís Marco, Roger Coma, Romà Gubern, Florence Keller, Judit Colell, Jaume Figueras, Llorenç Soler, Sílvia Quer, Carles Bosch, Albert Solé and Oriol Sala-Patau, among others. In recent years, professionals from the short film distribution sector have attended, such as Marvin&Wayne, Freak, Kimuak, Catalan Films, Agence du Court Métrage, Nikita Distribution, France TV, RTP, or festival programmers such as Medit, Mecal, Fec Cambrils-Reus , Cittadella di Corto, Biennale di Vicenza, Off Courts Trouville L'Alternativa, My first festival, OH, LA LA!, BCN Sports Film. They have also played an important role in the film schools of Catalonia (ESCAC, Bande à Part, CECC, 9 Zeros, ECIB, FX Animation, EMAV) or the renowned Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg in Germany, ESRA, ESMA, Arte FX, Les Gobelins of France USC California, etc.
The festival is also a platform for our filmmakers, since the presence of the festival in the main international markets (WSFF Toronto, Regard Saguenay Quebec, Short Film Corner Cannes, Tous Courts Aix -en-Provence, Off-Courts Trouville, Clermont-Ferrand , BISFF Brussel·les, etc) has made it possible for FILMETS Badalona Film Festival to be a catalyst for the genre, also promoting its own productions. Directors and producers of short films that have subsequently won the Oscar, or Goya, Gaudí, César, Donatello, etc., have attended and participated.
FILMETS Badalona Film Festival has maintained relationships and collaborations with the main festivals in the world since its origins, from the USC of Southern California, the New York Film Institute, the London Film School, among others, but mainly the most important producers and distributors of independent short films (Premium Films, European New Sales, Marvin&Wayne, Freak, Agencia du Cortmétrage, Interfilm Berlin, Kurtz Film Hamburg, Ouat Media, etc.)
In this regard, the festival is active throughout the year and beyond the dates of the celebration it has organized sessions all over the world, with anthological sessions in several European cities. FILMETS develops year after year a pedagogical work of the best cinema, with contents that have been carefully worked on by the programming team. At the same time, members of the organizing committee of the festival have actively participated in different conferences, round tables, professional meetings and as members of the official jury of the festivals: ImagineNative Toronto, WSFF Toronto, Regard Saguenay Quebec, Off-Courts Trouville/Deauville, Très Courts Aix -en-Provence, Short Film Corner Cannes, Huesca International Festival, Docs Barcelona, Cryptshow Badalona, BISFF Busan South Korea, Clermont-Ferrand, etc. On the other hand, they have also participated as speakers or moderators in: Short Film Corner, Clermont-Ferrand, Quebec, Trouville, and in different exhibitions and festivals in Catalonia, as well as a member of the short film commission of the Gaudí Award by the Catalan Cinema Academy.
FILMETS Badalona Film Festival has promoted all over the world not only the festival brand, but also the main short film festivals of Catalunya Film Festivals CFF (founding member).
Crossover Film Fest is a unique festival where we go further than a movie selection, here we make you live the movies.
Crossover is the perfect fusion between comercial and independent movies, offering all the public the best selection of both worlds and the opportunity to live incredible experiences outside and inside the movie theaters.
SHORTS MEXICO has become the largest International short film festival in Latin America. Do not miss the chance to be part of its 20th celebration.
SHORTS MEXICO - Mexico International Short Film Festival call for entries begins February 17th through May 31st, 2025 at 23:59 (CST) Mexico City. We are open to receive Short Films from all over the world inviting all production genres.
SHORTS MEXICO is recognized as the biggest International short film festival in Iberoamerica. An international exhibition platform specialized in short films. It promotes cinema creative expressions, diverse voices, distinctive and innovative visions, bold quality films from filmmakers from all over the world. At SHORTS MEXICO we encourage the growth and development of short films as well as the filmmakers.
The 20th Edition of SHORTS MEXICO will be held from September 1st through the 30th 2025 in Mexico City. The National Cinematheque of Mexico is the main venue of the festival, and the most prestigious cinema venue in the country. The festival amounts other important venues as CINEMEX Theaters, one of the largest cinema chains in the world, famous Vasconcelo´s Library, Centro Cultural Universitario de la UNAM, CDMX´s Cultural Centers, etc. The festival amounts over 70 venues in Mexico, and holds exhibitions in every one of the 32 States of the Mexican Republic, so the event truly occurs throughout the entire country of Mexico. Since the pandemic, SHORTS MÉXICO is presented in a hybrid format, holding virtual and televised exhibitions as well, having over 1 million spectators per edition.
Throughout the year the festival features previews, exhibitions, retrospectives and master classes. The Shorts Mexico Tour includes cities, towns and villages of Mexico, as well as exhibitions in various countries around the world. Shorts Mexico Academy, consists in master classes and conferences, an academic offer aimed at developing professionalization in various specialized areas of filmmaking. The festival will also present Shorts México Pitching Competition, Work In Progress Contest, and its Screenplay Short Film Competition, with the goal of encouraging and promoting the creation and production of quality films.
INTERNATIONAL Competition (Live Action, Animation and Documentary)
IBEROAMERICAN Competition (Live Action, Animation and Documentary)
MEXICAN Competition (Live Action, Animation, Documentary, NeoMex)
Once your short film is registered, you are eligible to participate in all the festival sections, either competitive, showcase, or special programes.
International - Iberoamerican
- World Cinema
- Queer Shorts (LGBTTTQ+)
- Fantascorto (Fantasy, Sci-Fi and Horror)
- Ecoshorts (Environmental Conservation)
- Kids
- Indigenous Peoples
- Afro Shorts (African diaspora and culture)
- Fun Shorts (Comedy)
- Experimental
- International (Live Action, Animation, Documentary, Experimental)
- AI Shorts (Artificial Intelligence)
- Mexican (Live Action, Documentary)
- Pueblos Indígenas y Originarios
- Infantil – Kids
- Mujeres Mexicanas en el Cine
- Queer Shorts (LGBTTTQ+)
- Afro Shorts (Cultura y Diáspora Africana)
- Fantascorto (Fantasy, Sci-Fi and Horror)
- Experimental
- Ecoshorts (conservación ambiental)
- Funshorts (Cine de Comedia)
- AI Shorts (Inteligencia Artificial)