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“Social World Film Festival” is the most emotional festival in the world with events, movies, previews, innovative activities, jury of young people and professionals, workshops, competitions, presentations and thousands of visitors.
The fifteenth edition of the International Social Cinema Festival “Social World Film Festival” will take place from 22 to 29 June 2025 in Vico Equense (Sorrento Coast - Italy) between activities in presence and innovative streaming modes aimed as always to ensure the interaction, direct and in connection, of the authors with the audience of the event.
The winners of the competitive selections are awarded during the Gala Night scheduled for the fifteenth edition in Vico Equense (Sorrento Coast - Italy).
Participating to the International Festival of Social Cinema “Social World Film Festival” offers some specially selected works the exclusive possibility to be presented in events organized worldwide thats in the last ten years, we have involved 28 cities in 40 events on five continents including Los Angeles, New York, Rio de Janeiro, Wien, Washington DC, Seoul, Busan, Berlin, Barcelona, Amsterdam, Cannes, Monte Carlo, Paris, Istanbul, San Francisco, Tokyo, Sydney, Marseilles, Palma, Tunis, Hong Kong, Jakarta.
(Association for Independent Audiovisual Production and distribution registered in the National Register of Associations: 1/Sección Group: 1 / National Number 596006 and registered in the Register of Companies Audiovisual de Catalunya, under audiovisual production with the number 2409 , established in Rosellón Street, 120, 4 º 2 ª, 08036 Barcelona.
El Grito is the first and only fantasy and horror film festival in Venezuela.
We are a space that promotes reflection, meeting and training through fantasy and horror films, serving as a platform for their dissemination and promotion as genres that go beyond entertainment, highlighting its poetic value and its own tools to move from different narratives, techniques and themes. Under the initiative of the El Grito Casa Audiovisual (www.elgritoproduce.com), this meeting was born in December 2019 in the city of San Cristobal, Tachira State.
We look for works that transcend narrative, aesthetic and technical languages within the genre, using history as the main element in his audiovisual proposal, demonstrating as an author, a search for new ways of showing situations, conflicts and twists of the screw hand in hand with references from different disciplines that feed its concept.
EL GRITO seeks to raise its voice until it becomes a thunderous noise that shakes our city and summons for years all kinds of nightmares and monsters that can strengthen our worn out humanity sensibility.
More information in elgritoproduce.com
TRETS is a film festival organized by the CineClub La Ràpita that wants, from a cinematographic approach, to show the identity and way of life of a town or culture. TRETS 2025: JAPANESE Culture
The City Council of Noia convenes the "24th Short Film Showcase Vila de Noia 2023", to be held in the last quarter of this year.
La morosité que le monde entier à vécu et supporté, durant les longs mois de confinement imposés par la pandémie, a bouleversé notre vie en conjuguant le mal être au présent quotidien.
Toutes les manifestations culturelles qui nous dispensaient joie et allégresse ont été interrompues momentanément. Aussi est-il grand temps de reprendre avec l’embellie, le chemin de nos activitésqui nous aideront à retrouver notre dynamisme et notre bien-être. Ce sont ainsi des rituels simples mais tellement efficaces, comme celui de retourner dans une salle de cinéma, qui nous redonneront l’énergie, la vitalité et le ressort des premiers jours.
Le Festival International du Cinéma Méditerranéen de Tétouan, à l’instar de plusieurs autres festivals du monde, a organisé en mode virtuel son édition précédente, tandis que bien d’autres ont tout simplement reporté leur manifestation. Aujourd’hui, les responsables du FICMT travaillent d’arrache-pied pour présenter à leur nombreux public un événement à la hauteur des aspirations de cet événement et de son histoire qui s’étale sur presque 40 ans.
Le Festival International du Cinéma Méditerranéen de Tétouan, donne à nouveau rendez-vous à son fidèle public en organisant sa 27ème édition, qui aura lieu du 10 au 17 juin 2022. Réinvestir ainsi les salles de cinéma sera une cure de réjouissance et d’épanouissement, non seulement en visionnant des films, mais aussi et surtout en partageant et en vivant les émotions les plus intenses, en un seul corps collectif de cinéphiles,animés de la même passion mutuelle de rencontres conviviales et d’échanges culturels.
A ce sujet, et en concertation étroite avec nos partenaires, nous estimons qu’il est temps de nous retrouver et de rétablir l’ordre naturel qui régit notre vie en satisfaisant aux impératifs des activités auxquelles nous avons habitué notre public de cinéphiles en raison de leur attachement à cette manifestation cinématographique pérenne et singulière, dont s’enorgueillit la ville de Tétouan, la région et le Royaume tout entier, et qui est devenue au fils des ans et des éditions, un des patrimoines culturels et artistiques les plus appréciés et les plus représentatifs de l’ouverture de notre pays aux valeurs universelles de la diversité. Notre devoir principal est, justement, de lutter contre le découragement et l’oubli, en profitant de la régression de la pandémie pour raviver la flamme et redonner vie et espoir à tous ceux qui ont voué leur existence au 7ème art.
Par conséquent, nous comptons développer plus encore la fonction éducative du festival et la confirmer davantage, en procédant par des projections, des débats, des tables rondes et des ateliers, incitant ainsi notre public, et principalement les jeunes, à s’engager dans la construction et le renforcement des valeurs modernes et citoyennes, qui mèneront notre pays sur la voie de la prospérité et de la consolidation de ses nombreux acquis, dignes de son histoire millénaire.
LA Shorts International Film Festival ranks among the most prestigious and largest international short film festivals in the world.
The festival is accredited by the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts & Sciences OSCAR®, the British Academy of Film and Television Arts BAFTA and the Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television (ACCT) presenters of the Canadian Screen Awards and The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Spain (Goya Awards).
We are proud to have 66 filmmakers from LA Shorts earned an Academy Award® nomination.
Now in its 28th year, LA Shorts is the longest-running short film festival in Los Angeles. The festival screens over 350 films and attracts over 10,000 attendees each year including Hollywood industry professionals and emerging independent filmmakers.
LA Shorts is an official qualifying event for the British Academy of Film and Television Arts BAFTA short film awards. Award-winners at the festival are eligible to win BAFTA Awards.
LA Shorts is recognized by The Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television (ACCT) presenters of the Canadian Screen Awards.
Those who have been honored at the festival include directors, Jon Favreau, Paul Haggis, Bryan Singer, Jan de Bont, Shane Black, and actors Gary Oldman, James Woods, Martin Landau and Richard Dreyfuss. Many recognizable directors and actors have screened films and attended the festival such as Scarlett Johansson, Demi Moore, Ashton Kutcher, Courteney Cox, Tim Burton, Sofia Coppola, Jason Reitman, Terry Gilliam, Spike Jonze, Eva Mendes, Jessica Biel, Rachel Weisz, Hilary Swank, Josh Brolin, Kirsten Dunst, Rita Wilson, Ralph Macchio, Ricky Gervais, Vin Diesel, John Stamos, Matthew Modine, Dean Cain, Robin Wright, George R. R. Martin and many many more.
The film programming screens all genres from a wide spectrum of categories with high to low-budget films 40 minutes or under. From recognizable directors and celebrity actors to students from the finest film schools and high school teenagers- they're all here to celebrate the art (and business) of short-form cinema!
Too Cool for School es un programa de promoción y difusión de cortometrajes producidos en centros de formación audiovisual de España, realizados exclusivamente por alumnos de los centros, impulsado por el Ministerio de Cultura y el ICAA.
La finalidad de este programa es realizar una selección de obras para conformar una colección dentro de la videoteca del Short Film Corner del Marché du Cannes de 2022.
The mission of the Moving Body Platform is dedicated to connecting artists and audiences through art that shares a strong choreographic sensibility. How do we move? What makes us move? Towards what are we moving? How do we move from an individual towards a collective body shaping the future of history? How do we move in times of Catastrophe? These are the issues that underline any program selection.
For more info visit our website:
MB#8 | Critical moves | Screenings| Open call 2023
Critical Moves Screenings is an international competition program in the frame of the Moving Body Festival with a focus on short screen dance films.
We witness more and more evidence of climate challenges, inequality issues around the globe, and a huge polarization between individuals and nations. These diverse illnesses are interconnected and together they are creating unpredictable dynamics.
It looks like there isn’t an easy exit, neither a safe return nor a new normality. We need to learn how to navigate our lives through uncertainty and remind ourselves that challenging times are also occasions of real possibilities and major opportunities.
With our Open Call, we would like to hear your strong critical voice!
The temporary collective body that we form every year has an increasingly powerful charge of energy. It seeks, provokes, quests around, and wants to see, speak and hear. It maps the routes along which artists and audiences move through art with strong conceptual and choreographic sensibility. The edition unfolds in a rich program that hides entrances and exits to a variety of contexts and topics which meets us with works in process, research residencies, artistic practices, performances, lectures and talks, screenings, and party situations.
We perceive the critical areas that we will offer to your attention as a rich full territory in which to explore, to stand and observe, to provoke, to stand up and insist that it is important - How do we move? What makes us move? Towards what are we moving? How do we move from an individual towards a collective body shaping the future of history? How do we move in times of Catastrophe?
Welcome to edition number 8ht!
We are searching for short films which represent experiments in video art mediums, and dance with strong choreographic sensibility and original concepts. Films that explore new audiovisual lines and challenge the viewer’s perspective are very welcome to submit. The category is open to a wide range of genres, with a priority on experimental, but also narrative, social, and documentary.
We are curious to receive:
- films that are tapping into Moving Body’s platform core questions;
- films with sharp and clear concepts;
- innovative and provocative video art works that push the boundaries of the film medium;
films related to dance, choreography, or movement;
- films between 1 - 15 min.;
- films not older than 2 years;
- films not submitted to previous Moving Body editions;
- max. 2 submissions per filmmaker
We are not interested to receive:
- trailers;
- recordings of performances;
- commercials.
A film will be considered by the festival's selection committee once the online form has been filled out and the selection screener link has been sent, before the 23rd of May 2023.
'SPHERE → WORLD CINEMA CARNIVAL' is introducing the world's largest and first multidisciplinary festival to celebrate the visual arts. We are here to showcase new art, new genres, new innovations, and exceptional stories. It is all about us, the people, and the world or beyond. Sphere festival is presently an autonomous initiative of WYND360 Foundation, a not-for-profit international company to enlarge the art and the artistic image worldwide.
We are faithful to several art forms and cinematic values. Our purpose is to introduce and develop the exceptional and powerful independent artist industry. We know and believe visual art is the only medium to transform the thinking process and generate a new profile in the world scenario.
Therefore, we are extremely excited to launch our first event worldwide. Kindly follow the links and turn the notifications on to get yourself updated with all our future news and initiative.
The Sax International Film Festival, in the province of Alicante, qualifier for the Goya Awards, arises through the initiative of the filmmaker and writer Miguel Herrero Herrero. Since its creation in 2006, the festival has had the support of the Sax City Council and is backed by: Generalitat Valenciana, Miguel Hernández University of Elche (UMH), University of Alicante, (UA), Alicante Provincial Council,... In the festival the best short films and feature film projects compete in competition. The event has numerous cinematographic activities: shows, exhibitions, concerts, book presentations, courses, workshops, tributes, master classes and meetings with renowned professionals such as the actor and director Aldo Sambrell, the animator and director Raúl García, the actor Carlos Santos, the director and producer Gonzalo García Pelayo, the actress Sonia Almarcha, the composer Luis Ivars, the writer and critic Carlos Aguilar, etc.
LA International Film Festival is dedicated to discovering emerging storytellers.
Competitive sections for feature-length fiction films; a diverse selection of documentary films; selected to showcase break-out global talent in Los Angeles.
Our mission is to discover and showcase new filmmakers with fresh stories in independent cinema.
The festival includes special screenings co-presented in cooperation with the following Oscar® qualifying film festivals: Locarno International Film Festival (Switzerland), Gijon International Film Festival (Spain) and Cartagena International Film Festival, FICCI (Colombia).
Top 100 best rated and reviewed in the world and IMDb listed - Global India International Film Festival
Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam!! Yes the whole world is a one family; From the Spiritual soil of India. From the bottom of the heart, we believe that the whole humanity is a one family and an every individual human being is a beautiful character or a player with a supreme god particle, who perform his or her great role on this global prosperous World Stage.
We really wish to share international thinking which is developed in the form of films with the society and the young generation of humanity. Every human being has a unique story to tell, but few from them are capable to express their own to the world. But the Filmmakers are the great storytellers and world wants to watch their stories through films or digital media. Because they channelize & nurture these stories through films and our motto is to spread these stories from all across the world to the masses and especially to the youngsters. Filmmakers from all across the globe are respectfully welcome to share and submit your beautiful films into the GIIFF.
We understand that you understand the realm of understanding and so you have created your wonderful films with your conscious understanding.
Connecting World with India through Audio-Visual.
Films are really a strong medium to share, yes to share, but what creates a filmmaker is a sense of what to share. Through vantage point we see that entertainment is just the medium to share realm of life with film lovers. If we penetrate the meaning of life sometime we feel that there is no such meaning or purpose to life, yes! Sometime, but we must have to give a great meaning or purpose to life to create it more beautiful for the whole world as a one family. for whole humanity or for our next generation.
We are really very small people; please understand what we want to say. But the task or mission which we want to empower is very big. One can understand it by the example of river. The beginning or origin of every river is so small but her consistency with selflessness leads her towards more hugeness.
Porto Femme - International Film Festival is a place for the exhibition and dissemination of multiple and diverse artistic visions. A concrete action in the struggle for equal representation, focusing on new identity representations that seek to deconstruct stereotypes and erase invisibilities. The Festival aims to create a visibility space for women and/or non-binary identities in the cinematographic world, uniting them internationally.
Feminist solidarity is our guiding thread, and we want to continue creating feminist spaces through an innovative, intersectional, and intergenerational way of working characterized by support, diversity, creativity, and experimentation, serving as a point of sharing, debate, and creation for all those who love cinema.
These films intend to educate and inform the public about social and political issues that affect women and minority identities worldwide and give voice to several groups and struggles.
Our curation aims to reflect the diversity of genres, themes and languages. PORTO FEMME is a festival with a varied and appealing offer to the public, including competitive sessions, exhibitions, workshops, debates, Q & A sessions, exhibitions, among others.
India International Film Festival is being organised by group of active filmmakers through a charitable non profit organisation, Vikas India Trust, whose mission is to cultivate and promote the art and science of film through education, audience participation and cross cultural cinema experience. Our principal objective is to enrich, to educate, to entertain, to initiate cultural dialogue and celebrate cinematic experience.
Pune being very close to the film capital of India, Bollywood Mumbai and Pune a vibrant, buzzing with youth , a cultural educational technological centre of India where there is a culmination of producers Investors Distributers and renowned film personalities. Which will present the submitters with future opportunities to advance their films and further careers.
ISFFI is being organised by a charitable non profit organisation- Vikas India Trust, whose mission is to cultivate and promote the art and science of film through education and audience participation.
ISFFI Director being himself a filmmaker and also Director of India's oldest film Association (IMPPA) Indian Motion Picture Producers Association since 2010 has taken the initiative along with the group of passionate filmmakers.
It is a very sincere and humble attempt to add our expertise of film making and distribution to provide another unique platform for younger generation filmmakers.
ISFFI is being celebrated in Mumbai the film capital of India Bollywood, also the financial capital of India, the home of topmost Industrialists, of top Film actors, producers, Investors and distributers. The filmmakers will have a great chance to interact with these film fraternity during festival event.