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The Festival was born with a very specific mission: it aims to stimulate public attention towards an open and wide representative space, such as the rural environment, makes its outdoor projections, open to all, the best exponent. Youth and adults, generations separated by years and experiences, gather around a screen, which is the focus of the light of a past and a future: culture is timeless, culture unites, and film language will be the link common to temper emotions and feelings, to treasure memories, to provoke lively gatherings.
In this way, all attendees of the event can enjoy a heterogeneous and dynamic speech. Through this cultural impulse, the different currents of creativity allow viewers to move and explore new and old codes in a public space, creating community.
6th edition of the Festival Girona en Moviment, international charity dance festival, from 13 to 16 July 2023.
All proceeds raised from the festival are donated to the Fundació Oncolliga Girona to assist cancer patients and their families.
The selection of the short films "Cinema, dance and identities" is based on artistic, technical and script criteria.
Festival Internacional de cortos y largometrajes.
La sección oficial de cortometrajes es competitiva.
El festival está coorganizado por el Ayuntamiento de Castelldefels i el CECAAC (Centre Exprimental de la Cinematografia i les Arts Audiovisuals de Catalunya).
Festival Cine en las Sierras, is an international film festival, which takes place in the city of San Francisco del Monte de Oro (San Luis) Argentina.The FILM FESTIVAL IN THE SIERRAS, SAN FRANCISCO DEL MONTE DE ORO opens its 2nd CALL 2022 and is open from February 25 to April 25, 2022 in JULY and closes on AUGUST 22, 2021, it is aimed at filmmakers and producers national and foreign provincial films that have made feature films, short films and minute films aimed at children and families; as well as Mexican and/or foreign mini-filmmakers between 5 and 14 years old, between 15 and 18 years old and I publish in general up to 30 minutes of short films sent in their original language with Spanish subtitles in the case of foreign languages. They can be recorded with professional film equipment
The objective of the call is to ensure that children in vulnerable situations and the general public can access valuable content that awakens emotions and empathy in them, that leaves them learning and makes culture reach them through cinema as factors determinants for their identity and social inclusion and improvement of their reality by contributing to Mex society
The sample of films that are part of the 2021 Selection of the CHURUMBELA Children's Film Festival will be included in the following categories:NATIONAL PRODUCTION
Children's short film
-Documentary film
INTERNATIONAL PRODUCTION children's short film
-Documentary film
The works can be registered by the filmmakers, producers and/or distributors at no cost since the festival is non-profit and what we want is to bring their stories to many children so that they serve as a reflection, inspiration, awareness and to generate self-confidence.
In this edition, we extend the production date of the works, which can be carried out between 2019 and 2022.
The official selection will be published from June 20, 2022 on social networks and the official website of the Festival:
Registration must be done only through FESTHOME/ www.festhome.com or by sending an email to cinefestivalsierras21@gmail.com with the following information:
• 2 Stills in .jpg format (300 dpi),
• Movie poster in .jpg format (300 dpi),
• Photograph of the director in .jpg format (300 dpi),
• Technical sheet (You can
The final exhibition formats will be exclusively in digital downloadable file, H264 compression, 4K (4096 x 2160) and/or in H264, (3840 x 2160) in the case of Mini-filmmakers, it can be received in an HD format (1920 x 1080) type .mov or .mp4.
It is requested to send a subtitled version in case the work is made in a language other than Spanish.
Send movie trailer for dissemination and promotion.
The deadline for receiving exhibition material is February 25 to April 25, 2022
The CHURUMBELA CHILDREN'S FILM FESTIVAL will take place from September 25 to December 5, 2021; It is supported by the Mexican Institute of Cinematography (IMCINE), the Trust for the Promotion and Development of Mexican Cinema in Mexico City (PROCINE) and important alliances have been established with the private initiative and benchmarks in the film industry such as EFD MÉXICO, EWOK POWER RENT, COVESTRO, INTEGRAL SERVICES among others.
Thanks to this collaboration, it is possible to bring cinema closer to children for free so that they can immerse themselves in the wonderful world of cinematography.
In this 5th edition we will reach more girls and boys who live in vulnerable communities in other states of the republic through workshops and film screenings based on the programming that you can consult at: churumbelafest.com/programación2021.
Due to its social and supportive nature, access to the Churumbela Children's Film Festival is free, fosters an inclusive environment and promotes dialogue, the seventh art and artistic expression as tools for social transformation.
The Oiasso Roman Museum and the City Council of Irun organize the International Archaeological Film Festival of the Bidasoa.
The aim of the Festival is to present archaeology to the general public, through the diffusion of audio-visual material resulted from the work made by archaeologists, assuring the promotion and the spreading of these films.
The Festival is being celebrated since the year 2001 and from the year 2004 it has four prizes: the Grand Prize of the Festival, the Special Audience Prize, the Educational Values Prize and Arkeolan Prize for Contribution to Science. Since 2006, it’s inside Fedarcine, the European network of Archaeological Film Festivals.
Out of Bounds is an independent event, in Puglia, southern Italy.
In 1945 the American army landed in southern Italy for the "liberation" campaign and suddenly passed through Molfetta, our base city. During their stay the allies reported some neighborhoods as "OUT OF LIMITS" due to the "social danger" of the people who lived there. In the first two editions, 2013 and 2014, our festival took place in two squares, Piazza San Michele and Piazza delle Erbe, near the areas still considered by many to be "out of bounds", in Molfetta.
The “Out Of Bounds” film event is run by filmmakers and focuses on empowering the best independent artists and encouraging all aspects of independent film production. We seek the unconventional, the unusual, the underground, the intuitive, the innovative and the true.
Subsequent editions took place in the cloister of the church of San Domenico, in the port area of the town and in the ancient arena of the castle of Barletta, an evocative and historic medieval place and at the Artists' Citadel of Molfetta.
The special section chosen for the latest editions is "Film School Short". The new section for both national and international works is “Short from the sea”.
This year the Festival will host the first stage of the fourth edition of the "Out of Bounds Film School", a film school supported by the Ministries of Culture and Education.
The Esoteric International Film Festival collects the best esoteric films from around the world, which were created both by professionals and by enthusiasts, and helps to get them across to the Russian audience.
We admit only the esoteric films, both modern and historical ones. As well as those films, where esoteric world is an important part of the synopsis.
Esoteric International Film Festival invite filmmakers who make films and documentaries about ghosts and spirits, brownies and witches, fairies and sorcerers, exorcism and parapsychology, telekinesis and transmission of thoughts at a distance, prophetic dreams and premonitions, alchemy, amulets, amulets, non-traditional religious cults, voodoo religion, animism, shamanism, theosophy and anthroposophy, the hidden edges of reality and other dimensions; self-discovery, the search for the meaning of life, the search for yourself in this world and your mission, life after death, human energy, chakras, aura, meditation, yoga, retreats, spiritual practices, spiritual teachers and ashrams, reincarnation and the recollection of past lives, the power of thoughts and the work of the subconscious; alternative medicine and non-standard methods of treatment, the universal mind, the energies of the new time, high vibrations, etc.
All films must be in English (orRussian). Alternatively, have the English or Russian subtitles (with the exception of all films without words), regardless of the country of production.
All best films that were selected for the vscreening, will be shown on the big screen during the solemn final ceremony on February 07-08, 2026 in Moscow, Russia and will be able to struggle for the main prize and the title of the "Best Esoteric film". As well as for the oteric in the standalone nominations.
Short Out is a film festival that has the ambition to represent a reflection's place on the issues crossing the suburbs.
The enhancement of peripheral spaces is a central topic to explore expanding territories and with the purpose of understand an urban context that invests in centralization.
In the margins lives an unexpressed or not yet explored artistic lymph and the desire is to bring it to light, starting from Lainate, on the edge of the metropolitan city of Milan.
The fourth edition of Short Out Festival will take place from Tuesday 1st to Sunday 6th July, inside the natural spaces and courtyards of Villa Litta, emblem of the artistic, historical and cultural heritage of the city of Lainate.
We desire to create a widespread Festival that does not end with the screening of short films.
That's the reason we thought of a Short Off with a rich program of meetings during all three days of Short Out Festival.
Around International Awards ✈ Barcelona ✈ Paris ✈ Amsterdam ✈ Berlin.
Annual Independent event with 4 major programs for all Features, Shorts, Documentaries, Experimental, Commercial, Music Video, Animations, Student Films, TV, Series, and New Media. The international community evaluates the all-genre creations to serve ARFF Official Laurels and to certify the awarded filmmakers at the end of the annual festival run. Thus, all the ARFF Finalists will be mentioned multiple times to have the best out of the entire year altogether. Submit today to participate in all 4 programs, regarding the unique system of ARFF International.
Submissions made via Festhome are getting evaluated and selected, directly for the yearly festival run and participating in the Official Certificate Program exclusively. Monthly selection is available on other associated platforms. Regarding the Unification Program of ARFF International, all 4 editions will gather at Amsterddam November/December 2024, till then Barcelona, Paris & Berlin editions will take place online.
See you Around & Fest Regards
MOONWATCHERS Association for Cinematographic Culture from Statte (Taranto, Italy) organizes the “Moonwatchers Film Festival” contest for Directors and Film-makers from all the world, who produced their works from January 1st, 2020 onwards. The deadline to send the movies is set to May 31st, 2023.
The D'A Film Lab Barcelona is a program to promote new film talent that aims to facilitate the conclusion of feature films in the post-production phase and promote their international circulation. Six unfinished films will be selected to receive specific advice from professionals and a jury will award a prize of 20,000 euros to the best film of the six participants.
TODOS SOMOS DIFERENTES (WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT) it is configured as an International Film Festival that seeks to make visible audiovisual works that address issues related to different types of disability as well as the Rights of People with Disabilities, such as equal opportunities, social inclusion, participation and accessibility. In this seventh edition, due to the global health emergency, both the Festival and the various activities will take place virtually.
Likewise, it seeks to enhance and encourage the participation of organizations of and for people with disabilities and educational institutions, artists, workers in the audiovisual world and people with an interest in the development of films that revolves around these themes.
This is the first festival in South Africa that goes beyond artistic films, by accommodating all kind of genres i.e. action, sci-fi etc. We believe that emerging and experienced film makers deserved equal rights to showcase their talent; therefore, this festival is initiated as a platform to give new film makers from KZN/Africa/ all over the world a chance to showcase their films worldwide, while promoting the work of the experienced film makers. Using the existing relationship between.
The ACCIONS 3E Non-Profit Cultural Association is convening and organizing the 29th SUNCINE International Environmental Film Festival, to be held on November 2-10, 2023.
SUNCINE, formerly known as FICMA, was first held in 1993 and is positioned as the oldest Environmental Film Festival in the world; it is a reference in its genre.
SUNCINE is a multi-screen festival (in-person, online and televised). Its primary objective is to promote, disseminate and publicize environmental audiovisual works to raise awareness about the state of the environment, biodiversity and the planet’s sustainability.
The Visualízame festival began in 2011.
Organized by Fundación Inquietarte, the main objective of Visualízame is to serve as a platform for the dissemination of cinematographic works in which women participate in the direction, script and/or production.
Likewise, serve as a dissemination platform for short films that promote equality, in addition to respect for Human Rights. That is why we have two special awards for short films committed to the 2030 agenda of Sustainable Development Goals, and films whose plot addresses the topic of death and mourning.
The Dead And SudBuried Horrorthon began life way back in 2016 in darkest Suffolk in the small market town of Sudbury as a celebration of classic horror movies. Over just one day, seven such classics were thrown back on the big screen in the intimate venue of The Quay Theatre. Taking place in a town without an actual cinema to fulfil our dream to see these movies on a big screen, the first Horrorthon was planned around a birthday so just in case it failed to bring enough horror fans obsessed enough to sit and watch non-stop horror all day long, the event could be written off as a present to ourselves!
Fortunately, a small but perfectly formed crowd came, enjoyed and endured over 13 hours of wonderful motion pictures giving birth to our very own franchise! We believe that movies should be seen on a big screen with big sound and with a crowd to be truly enjoyed which is the real reason the Horrorthon keeps coming back every year!
We returned in 2017, 2018 and 2019 bombarding a growing crowd with more classic horror movies and adding giveaways, discounts from local businesses and more! Sadly due to Covid, our 2020 was postponed but we created a virtual event to bridge the gap to 2021 using the Eventive platform and a host of brand new movies and shorts over an entire weekend!
Returning to the real world after the pandemic, we brought in our biggest crowd yet for our fifth event to watch a weekend of 7 brand new features (2 UK premieres) including Wyvern Hill, It Came From Below, Alien On Stage, Sweetie You Won’t Believe It, Tales Of The Creeping Death, Werewolf Castle and Box with 4 live Director/Cast Q&A’s following the screening, 7 classic horror movies featuring The Lost Boys, The Changeling, The Howling, Pieces, Friday The 13th, Videodrome and [•REC] with video introductions from Joe Dante, Alex Winter and Sean S Cunningham plus 24 amazing shorts from all over the world.
The huge success of Horrorthon V led to an even bigger 3 day event for Horrorthon VI in 2022 featuring 8 classics including Deep Red, The Living Dead At The Manchester Morgue, Return Of The Living Dead, The Fog and The Beyond, 8 festival circuit movies including The Creeping, Night Shift, Powertool Cheerleaders versus The Boyband Of The Living Dead, Do Not Disturb, The Outwaters, Super Z, Anthropophagus II, Feed Me and 19 brand new shorts plus the addition of food trucks and merchandise!
The seventh Horrorthon, Taste The Blood Of Dead And SudBuried was the biggest event to date with a bigger crowd than ever before! The 3-day event featured classics like Train To Busan, The Haunting, Death Line and Motel Hell, brand new movies Eight Eyes, Beaten To Death, How To Kill Monsters, The Moor, The Black Mass, The Pocket Film Of Superstitions, Lore and Punch and 19 new horror shorts!
The Eighth edition expanded with an earlier start and more movies - 18 features including Protein, The Invisible Raptor, Straight On Till Morning, The Last Video Store, Bogieville, Cara, The Well, Scared Shitless and Members Club plus 18 shorts, more Q&A's, more food trucks - just more everything!
We return in October 2025 with our the ninth edition in our usual home, The Quay Theatre in Sudbury, Suffolk. Come and join us!
The 3rd International Comedy Film Festival will present to the public contemporary worldwide film production dedicated to the comedy genre in its various variants, enabling the circulation of films that do not find space in the traditional commercial distribution and exhibition medium.
Around International Awards ✈ Barcelona ✈ Paris ✈ Amsterdam ✈ Berlin.
Annual Independent event with 4 major programs for all Features, Shorts, Documentaries, Experimental, Commercial, Music Video, Animations, Student Films, TV, Series, and New Media. The international community evaluates the all-genre creations to serve ARFF Official Laurels and to certify the awarded filmmakers at the end of the annual festival run. Thus, all the ARFF Finalists will be mentioned multiple times to have the best out of the entire year altogether. Submit today to participate in all 4 programs, regarding the unique system of ARFF International. Submissions made via Festhome are getting evaluated and selected, directly for the yearly festival run and participating in the Official Certificate Program exclusively. Monthly selection is available on other associated platforms.
See you Around & Fest Regards
The International Film and Human Rights Festival - HUMANS FEST, held in Valencia since 2008, is one of the main initiatives promoted by the Fundación por la Justicia. Its aim is to bring audiovisual culture closer to both the general public and especially vulnerable audiences, while advocating for human rights and denouncing their violations worldwide. Additionally, it features a series of activities with a social focus.
The 16th edition of HUMANS FEST will take place from May 29 to June 7, 2025.