Logo of Star Film Fest Barcelona

01 Jan 2020

Published: 08 Nov 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Star Film Fest Barcelona

Star Film Fest Barcelona

Barcelona, Spain

Duration short films 1 minute to 49 minutes. Feature films: 50 min minim
Films made from 2015 to 2021
Inscription FREE until August 31st
From September 1st the inscription is €3
Any cinematographic gender can participate
Deadline submission january 1st 2021 / Screen January 17th 2021
Submit films by Click for Festivals, Filmfreeway, Festhome
All registered films (whether selected or not) will be eligible for the AUDIENCE AWARD. This Award may be won by popular vote on the website that indicates the Film Festival. Voting will begin after the Last Deadline until the day of the Festival

Our Film Festivals have double type of screenings:
- Online: On the Vimeo platform there will be a private screening only accessible to festival guests. This screening will be online for 24 hours, to facilitate viewing to guests
- Live: We have agreements with several emblematic venues in Barcelona. It is necessary to confirm the assistance to the venue. In both projections you can vote online for the Audience Award
The Awards will be known the day after the screenings
Films not selected will have the opportunity to enter the Official Selectionby public vote. After the Deadline a vote will be opened for 3 days and the 4 most voted films will go to the Official Selection with the possibility of winning the Award
Participants voluntarily accept the basis of this film festival

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Corti a Ponte Short Film Festival

31 Dec 2019

Published: 07 Nov 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Corti A Ponte - Festival Internazionale Di Cortometraggi

Corti a Ponte Short Film Festival

Ponte San Nicolò, Italy

Corti a Ponte is a great little festival in the Venice area.

Films are screened in Italian or in original language with Italian or English subtitles in front of an audience from 3 to 99 year old.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation

Logo of El Festivalico Short film and Videoart festival

22 Dec 2019

Published: 07 Nov 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner El Festivalico Muestra de Cortometrajes y Videarte

El Festivalico Short film and Videoart festival

Caravaca de la Cruz, Spain

The Festivalico is a videoart and short film non competitive showcase.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of The Film and Video Poetry Symposium

03 May 2020

Published: 07 Nov 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner The Film and Video Poetry Symposium

The Film and Video Poetry Symposium

Los Angeles, United States

The Film and Video Poetry Society Presents:
The 2021 Film and Video Poetry Symposium

Poets, writers, filmmakers, and media artists are called to submit their work to the 4th annual Film and Video Poetry Symposium. The film festival and symposium will celebrate and screen a large scope of film and video projects developed primarily through the medium of poetry. FVPS will host a media gallery, a series of panels, guest speakers, and public dialogues regarding film and video poetry over the course of the symposium.

The Film and Video Poetry Symposium will accept submissions of poetry films, filmpoems, digital-poetry, poetry video, choreopoems, Cin(E)-Poetry, spoken word film and videos, videopoems, visual poetry, poetrinca, media poetry, and all film and video works that are driven by text.

The Film and Video Poetry Symposium also calls for experimental film and video work that explores language and/or literature whether it be oral, written, visual, or symbolic. This includes non-narrative work and the avant-guard. We strongly consider work that challenges traditional and current visual communication methods while continuing to function as a mode for exploring narrative and personal expression.

The Film and Video Poetry Symposium also calls essay film, works of epistolary cinema, documentaries, animation, performance art film and video, and oratorical works.

Lastly, The Film and Video Poetry Symposium seeks virtual reality projects, 360° Video, digital art, video mapping, works of ASMR, installation proposals, and video art presentations that feature, hybrid, or contain strong aspects of poetry.

DEADLINE IS: September 4, 2021

PROGRAM ANNOUNCED: October 4, 2021

For more information regarding how we have navigated the international health crisis caused by Coronavirus-19 please follow the link: https://www.fvpsociety.com/covid19-statement

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Documentary  Other  Experimental

Logo of Los Angeles Crime and Horror Film Festival

18 Apr 2020

Published: 07 Nov 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Los Angeles Crime and Horror Film Festival

Los Angeles Crime and Horror Film Festival

Los Angeles, United States

The Los Angeles Crime and Horror Film Festival aims to showcase crime drama, true crime, horror, and related subgenres from around the world.

We provide independent filmmakers with a platform to connect with audiences, industry professionals, and fellow filmmakers who share their passion for crime and horror cinema.

With live screenings at a historic theater in Hollywood, the LA Crime and Horror Film Festival gives recognition to the independent films and filmmakers in crime and horror storytelling.

Winners considered by Hollywood production companies reps, and streaming platforms including:

... and more.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Terror

Logo of Wayuu Woman and Border Film and Video Show

10 Nov 2019

Published: 07 Nov 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Muestra De Cine Y Video Wayuu Justicia Social y Crisis Climática

Wayuu Woman and Border Film and Video Show

Maicao, Colombia

The Wayuu Film and Video Show was born in 2008 as an initiative of young filmmakers worried about not having spaces for dissemination and exhibition of their work in La Guajira.

Alliances are quickly made between the Wayuu Women's Force Organization and the Jain Wain’juin Audiovisual Foundation (Venezuela).

The young filmmakers David Hernández Palmar, Miguel Iván Ramírez and Leiqui Uriana, with great interest and enthusiasm, show their first cycle of Wayuu cinema on the improvised screens of a wall of the town of Uribia, beginning the Wayuu Culture Festival First cycle of the Wayuu Film and Video Exhibition. Thus, this space was born to promote an exchange where communities, spectators and the general public could contribute critically to the achievements, as well as helping to recognize in us as Wayuu the possibility of telling our own stories.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Biografilm Festival

31 Mar 2020

Published: 06 Nov 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Biografilm Festival

Banner Biografilm Festival

Biografilm Festival

Bologna, Italy

Biografilm is known internationally as the cinematic event entirely dedicated to life stories and to quality cinema. Biografilm is organised by the Fanatic About Festivals association, under the Artistic Direction of Chiara Liberti and Massimo Benvegnù.

Biografilm promotes growth, development, knowledge, dialogue and inclusivity through the use of the cinematic language in all its forms, like art, entertainment and industry. By telling real lives and stories, it aims to create a free, democratic space with no distinction.

For the upcoming 21st edition of Biografilm we are pleased to officially launch the call for both national and international films to participate in the Festival, in Bologna, 06-16 June 2025.

For more detailed information regarding the event, programmes from previous editions, news about the upcoming edition and about Biografilm’s activity throughout the year, we kindly invite you to visit the Festival’s website: www.biografilm.it/en/


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary

Logo of Matera Hollywood International Film Festival

25 Nov 2019

Published: 06 Nov 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Matera Hollywood International Film Festival

Matera Hollywood International Film Festival

Matera, Italy

The first film festival in Matera, an event that wants to become the reference point in the territory. A project that will bring in some of the fundamental characteristics of the great events with many sections and previews directly connected with the American world but without forgetting the attention to the territory and those that characterize it. Masterclasses, retrospectives, guests, appointments with great masters of the cinema and finally contests of various kinds.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Hambre de Cortos 2020 - II Festival Nacional de Cortometrajes de Cobisa

05 Dec 2019

Published: 06 Nov 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner HAMBRE DE CORTOS 2020 - II Festival Nacional de cortometrajes de Cobisa

Hambre de Cortos 2020 - II Festival Nacional de Cortometrajes de Cobisa

Cobisa, Spain

II Festival nacional de cortometrajes de Cobisa (Toledo)

Único festival de Castilla La Mancha que tiene pago por selección además de premios en metálico.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental


27 Apr 2020

Published: 05 Nov 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films



Mascalucia, Italy

Organized by “NO_NAME”, "CineMigrare – Rassegna Internazionale di Cinema Senza Frontiere" is a festival totally dedicated to movies, short movies and documentaries speaking about immigration and cultural integration.
The 9th edition in 2025 of CineMigrare Festival will take from 8th to 22th July in Pedara (CT).

Several SPECIAL GUEST are invited to this second edition and they will be awarded with the CineMigrare Award 2025.

Foreing authors are invited to send their short movies with italian subtitles. Info: info@cinemigrare.it // www.cinemigrare.it

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video


11 Nov 2020

Published: 05 Nov 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films



Bobigny, France

Un Court Tournable is a shorts films festival event that aims to be a place of discovery of new talents in the field of cinema.

Personalities will sponsor some of our events as a guest of honor, an opportunity to share experience with this artistic universe.

The festival have 4 editions by year.

The screening will take place:

5 Avenue Mac-Mahon
75017 Paris
Métro: Charles de Gaulle Etoile (ligne 1, 2 et 6)
Parking: Indigo Wagram ou Mac Mahon


23 rue des Ecoles
75005 Paris
Métro: Maubert-Mutualité, Cardinal Lemoine (ligne 10)

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Indie Doc Pro

16 Oct 2020

Published: 05 Nov 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Indie Doc Pro

Indie Doc Pro

Barcelona, Spain

Bases INDIE DOC PRO 2020
Duration short films 1 minute to 49 minutes. Feature films: 50 min minim
Documentaries made from 2015 to 2020
10€ for each short doc, 16€ each feature doc
Parent topic: DOCUMENTARY.
Deadline submission OCTOBER 16th / Screen OCTOBER 31st
Submit films by Festhome
All Selected films will be eligible for the AUDIENCE AWARD. This Award may be won by popular vote on the website that indicates the Film Festival. Voting will begin after the Last Deadline until the day of the Festival
--> Our film selection system allows filmmakers to have more opportunities in our Film Festivals. Our film festivals have a unique Selection process. Once our jury has decided the films of the Official Selection, unselected films have the opportunity to enter, thanks to the public vote. The 4 most voted films will enter the Official Selection with full right to obtain an Award. <--

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of Muestra de cortometrajes dirigidos por mujeres (Shortfilms directed by women)

09 Feb 2020

Published: 05 Nov 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Mostra de curtmetratges dirigits per dones

Muestra de cortometrajes dirigidos por mujeres (Shortfilms directed by women)

Martorell, Spain

Our short film show intends to celebrate and disseminate the film creation made by women.

We want to create a diverse and heterogeneous show, we will not value positively that the theme of the short film is related to gender, because we want to exhibit the feminine creation in its pure gesture, for its cinematic value and not for its theme.

We will value positively that the director can attend the exhibition, since our intention is to create a dialogue with the public about the work of the directors.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Silent short film Rural Goya Festival

30 Jun 2020

Published: 05 Nov 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Cortometrajes Mudos Goya Rural

Silent short film Rural Goya Festival

Fuendetodos, Spain

The third Edition of Film Competition "Goya Rural"

Objective: Are you be able to communicate without any word, just using image, sounds or music?

Goya, was born in Fuendetodos village and nowadays is major knowing, because of he had the power to express all he could fell (without fears), using "the image"

For this reason, this Short Film Competition, wants make a tribute to Goya artist as the same time pretends to be a challenge to everybody who can communicate by the silent cinema.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video


01 Oct 2020

Published: 05 Nov 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner International Film Festival Bucovina

International Film Festival Bucovina

Chernivtsy, Ukraine

INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL "BUCOVINA" takes place in the heart of the greatest city Chernivtsy.
Winners in each of the Screenplay Competition categories will:
Be announced and promoted through leading trade publications, subscribed to by leading producers, production companies and studios.
Screenplay competition winners will receive the opportunity to pitch their script to production companies, agents and other industry representatives.
The purpose of the festival is to provide an opportunity for filmmakers and screenwriters to receive valuable information from industry professionals through a series of panel discussions, as well as an opportunity for attendees to participate in networking sessions and nightly receptions.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of OUTFESTPERÚ International LGBT+ Film Festival

31 Mar 2020

Published: 05 Nov 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Outfestperú Festival De Cine Lgbti+

OUTFESTPERÚ International LGBT+ Film Festival

Lima, Peru

The International Gay, Lesbian Trans Film Festival of Lima - the OutfestPerú - opens its call for the XXI edition and films of all nationalities whose theme is LGBTIQ, and which are eligible for the various sections of the festival can participate in it: Feature films ( Official Section and International Panorama), Short Films Section either Documentary or Fiction and Video Art (Official and Panorama). The works must not have been exhibited in commercial theaters, broadcast on TV or be available to the public on the Internet or other windows in Peruvian territory prior to the celebration of the festival and must have copyright after 2023. Feature films and short films must preferably be unpublished in Peru, although this is not exclusive but will be valued very positively. OutfestPerú reserves the right to include films that do not meet these conditions in the programming, but out of competition.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other

Logo of NIAFFS (NOIDENTITY - International Action Film Festival - Spain)

15 May 2020

Published: 04 Nov 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Niaffs ( Noidentity - International Action Film Festival - Spain)

NIAFFS (NOIDENTITY - International Action Film Festival - Spain)

Sevilla, Spain

In 2007 Joaquín Ortega (Director, actor, stuntman and stunt coordinator) created under his trademark NOIDENTITY his international stuntmen team. In 2010 he founded the independent production company NOIDENTITY Films and has already produced two films privately and a program TV. In 2013 he continues to advance its intention to generate film industry and makes the first action film festival in Spain.

So this way born NIAFFS (NOIDENTITY - International Action Film Festival - Spain), with the intention of generating film industry and promote international action films.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of MosFestFilm

31 Jul 2020

Published: 04 Nov 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner MosFestFilm


Moscow, Russia

MosFestFilm is an international film competition with an annual awards event in Moscow.

MosFestFilm is an organization devoted to showcasing the best and brightest films from around the globe, advancing the careers of filmmakers through screenings, networking events, and various panel and forums. Categories include Narrative, Animation, Documentary, Music Video, Experimental and Student Shorts.

MosFestFilm is an avid supporter of local and international filmmakers representing cinematic productions that embody the true spirit of the art. From classic or original scripts to new cinematography and film techniques, each and every piece is the result of true emotion and expression.

We're glad you're here! We can't wait to discover the amazing films you create and the global community that you build.

All best films that were selected for the screening, will be shown on the big screen during the solemn final ceremony on September 16 - 21, 2025 in Moscow, Russia and will be able to struggle for the main prize and the title of the "Best film". As well as for the prizes in the standalone nominations.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of The Peoples Film Festival

20 Mar 2020

Published: 03 Nov 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner The Peoples Film Festival

The Peoples Film Festival

New York, United States

The People's Film Festival, a dynamic three-day event that celebrates the Voice of the People through the power of film, art and technology. Our festival takes place from May 29, 2025 to May 31, 2025 in Harlem, NY, and features films from around the globe.

Rooted in the belief of freedom of speech and media access for all, TPFF was founded in 2012 with the goal provide a platform for independent filmmakers, producers and creatives to showcase their works in venues that can elevate them to the next level. Over the last 13 years, TPFF has become known as “The Voice of The People,” an extraordinary platform where filmmakers can tell their stories their way and make a real impact on their audiences.

Our mission is to not only inspire future creatives and innovators but to also expose audiences of all ages to new tools and technologies for storytelling. TPFF has had some remarkable success stories, with many films screened at our festival ultimately being featured at other prestigious media outlets and venues such as HBO, Netflix, FOST, PBS – Public Broadcasting Service, Revolt TV, and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Library & Archives.

Our festival is held in Harlem, NY, a thriving and vibrant community with rich cultural history. It is an ultimate synergy of great music, literature, arts, and entertainment also collectively known as The Harlem Renaissance. Filmmakers and filmgoers come together each year to actively share information, break bread, and build relationships.

The People’s Film Festival is a great initiative of The People’s Media, Music & Arts Foundation (TPMMAF) - a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. We use our platform to promote awareness of independent film, technology, media, music, and art across the globe while encouraging those, particularly in the Harlem New York area, to develop a greater appreciation and understanding of cultural diversity in media.

This event is open to everyone.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of #nhc Nea Hacela Corto

15 Nov 2019

Published: 03 Nov 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner #nhc Nea Hacela Corto

#nhc Nea Hacela Corto

Formosa, Argentina

Only for Argentine and Paraguayan filmmakers.

“NEA HACELO CORTO” es un festival regional que busca poner en valor la riqueza cinematográfica de una región en la que la diversidad constituye un verdadero patrimonio cultural. El cine nos describe, nos retrata de una manera dinámica y creativa.
#NHC se va consolidando como un espacio de reflexión y difusión del lenguaje audiovisual y cinematográfico, con instancias de formación, intercambios y experiencias para el fortalecimiento y la promoción del cine regional. Se realiza todos los años en la ciudad de Formosa, Argentina.

El corto es un formato de gran valor y relevancia para el cine regional, nacional y latinoamericano, en tanto es una instancia de formación y profesionalización de realizadores, productores, técnicos y actores.

Objetivos del Festival:

Estimular el diálogo entre las producciones de realizadores regionales, para generar cualquier tipo de acción que fortalezca la calidad técnica y estética narrativa de nuestras producciones regionales.

Promover y fortalecer la difusión de cortometrajes que narren la identidad de la región, con los que por identidad cultural, proximidad geográfica, compartimos historia, costumbres y formas de ver e interpretar el mundo, la diversidad, los lenguajes y narrativas a través del arte cinematográfico y audiovisual.

Convertirse en un espacio de reflexión y difusión del lenguaje audiovisual y cinematográfico, con fuertes instancias de formación e intercambio de experiencias, que nos permita además la formación de público, por medio de la interacción con realizadores y ofreciendo oportunidad de ver obras audiovisuales locales, regionales y de Paraguay.
La 3ra Edición del Festival #NHC se llevará a cabo del 27 al 30 de Noviembre de 2019, en la ciudad de Formosa. Incluirá la siguiente Competencia Oficial: “Competencia Cortos NEA”.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video