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Short and music outdoor. This is what is proposed Korterraza, a festival of short films that celebrate its fourteenth edition of June 25 to 28, 2025 in Vitoria-Gasteiz, and throughout the summer, the eleventh edition of Korterraza Araba.
The National Film and Television Festival, the only Kermesse in Italy to combine the two macro-themes of communication, manages to connect, in a simple and direct way, but at the same time, criticism and analytics, themes and communication structures that accompany and sometimes affect the lives of everyone. Through stories, meetings, debates, screenings, shows, exhibitions and concerts, the greatest artists of the small and big screen are told captured by the emotion generated by the "climate" of magic that only the world of cinema and TV can give to a passionate audience of spectators.
Big Dreams & Silver Screens presents the 7th Annual Westfield International Film Festival, (formerly Rahway International Film Festival)!
We offer a four day weekend with feature films, short films, seminars, Q&A's, parties and more! All of this in a gorgeous MANSION in Westfield, NJ. We look forward to treating you at the James Ward Mansion this year.
Our mission is to provide an opportunity for artists worldwide to showcase works that educate, and inspire equality, empathy and awareness through film.
We believe that film can reach the mind and soul in ways nothing else can. For this reason, we present films that strive to promote equality, champion the oppressed and promote open-mindedness. We also offer seminars and workshops intended to engage and educate aspiring filmmakers and on-camera talent.
Our intent is to call attention to and encourage the artistic endeavors of women and minorities, whose work is often overlooked, and in so doing, fully advocate for equality.
We are committed to enhancing the creative community in the Tri-State area and providing a platform for both local and international storytellers to not only share their work but enjoy a place to forge new relationships for collaboration.
Westfield International Film Festival (a Big Dreams and Silver Screens production) is a non-profit international film festival first established in Rahway, New Jersey, U.S.A, only 40 minutes away from New York City. It was first held in June of 2013 in an effort to create a warm and welcoming home for independent filmmakers and fans of film in the Tri-State Area. We annually showcase short films, feature films and music videos while offering networking and workshop opportunities to those interested in the film industry.
As a women-led film festival in a primarily male-dominated film industry and in keeping with our mission of equality, we seek to present an equal ratio of films created by male and female filmmakers (Director/Writer/Producer/DP) from around the world. We also present the annual “Woman in Film Award” to honor and celebrate women in the film industry who exemplify our definition of success.
We are glad to be a part of the bustling downtown district of Westfield, NJ - one of the "happiest cities in New Jersey" - where we call The James Ward Mansion home. It is a unique, beautiful, and glamorous space in which we are happy to honor our hard-working filmmakers whom we feel deserve the full red-carpet treatment.
Big Dreams and Silver Screens is currently awaiting its 501c3 Non-Profit Status from the State of NJ. WIFF is a Big Dreams and Silver Screens production.
To learn more about Westfield International Film Festival, visit us here: www.westfieldfilmfest.com.
Welcome to the XXI edition of the International Air Film Festival, a veteran festival that began in 1999 and has as its theme air and flight in all its facets. This year 2020 we turned twenty-one years old showing the best of flight cinema from all over the world to visitors to our festival. Twenty years in which the world of audiovisuals has changed radically, of formats, quality and also in production where we have very professional productions and also "amateur" producers that are able to surprise us with very original and well-worked formats and productions.
This film festival gave rise to the current "Festival del Aire" where we find endless activities related to flight and sport and where of course, cinema plays a leading role.
What drive us:
A contest dedicated to transcendental cinema, at its several meanings, including philosophic, psychological, scientific, anthropological, spiritual and poetic cinema.
Because transcendence in the man and the world, might be eventually ineffable and, on this, cinematographic art has certain advantages, and a huge responsibility.
All cinematographic possibilities are welcome, with a major interest on rareties
Cinemística as an open space-time, with non restrictive features, enabling the authors to develop their own language: all formats, duration, nationality, year of production, etc. are accepted.
An international refuge for films that intend, technically or with the plot, an approaching to the big mystery of world representation, in the art and in the man. Without dogmas, under any individual or collective perspective, from faith, but also from agnosticism, spiritual atheism and scientific thought.
Filmmakers' looks, in all their socio-cultural diversity, interested in any film as a result of personal discovering, researching or experimentation, inspiration and work, from revelation or introspection of the authors. Quotidian, ecstasy and disparity as structures to create depth on the film treatment.
Mysticism and asceticism in film production represent, probably, a more absolute estate compare to others, because a cinema with huge budget and more technical complexity could be done, but sometimes the most humble and simple film is, however, universal.
Impermanent cinematographies, from the still, from 'amateur' cinema (from French verb aimer), define directors not only by what they show and how they do it on screen, but by what they decide not to show.
What appears and disappears, topologies emergence, materials or conscious, and their invisibility or subsequent expiration. The sequential surroundings of emptiness, of matters and time. Shafts at the discourse, eloquent, everyone can understand it by himself. Absence and miracle: Mystic as a possible cohabit together.
Great importance of the colloquiums and live interaction between spectators and filmmakers. maximum communication, respect, sympathy and closeness from the organization to the filmmakers, artists and directors who come to present their films.
CORTOFLIX es un festival de Cine EN VIVO y ONLINE, en el que se destaca a los films más destacados online, este es un sitio especialmente para cortometrajes, que hace premiaciones cada mes y selecciones oficiales cada día dependiendo de su calidad, estética, capacidad narrativa y lenguaje cinematográfico. CORTOFLIX está abierto a todos los géneros de cortometraje ya sea cine ficción, documental o experimental.
Con CORTOFLIX tienes la oportunidad de ser selección oficial del año y poder participar en más de 3 FESTIVALES DE CINE con exhibiciones en vivo en America Latina. CORTOFLIX es gratis solo por tiempo limitado, inscribe tu cortometraje HOY.
MegaCities-ShortDocs is an association of public interest founded in Paris, whose objective is to inspire through short documentary films, other people, associations, businesses and governments to set in motion new initiatives that contribute to a society more respectful of the environment and offering greater solidarity among citizens.
The association is organizing the 4th edition of the International Festival of Citizen "short documentary films" on the theme of megacities. This annual festival is open to anyone and must highlight solutions, or potential initiatives, that meet urban challenges and improve our lives.
Short videos must be submitted no later than July 31, 2018, and the winners will be presented at the Awards Ceremony, mid-October, in Paris.
A propos de MegaCities-ShortDocs
MegaCities-ShortDocs est une association d’intérêt général fondée à Paris, dont l’objectif est d’inspirer via des documentaires courts, des habitants, des associations, des entreprises, des élus, à mettre en mouvement de nouvelles initiatives, au coeur des plus grandes villes du monde, concourant à une société plus respectueuse de l'environnement et plus solidaire.
L’association organise la 4ème édition du Festival International de “courts-métrages documentaires” Citoyen sur la thématique des mégapoles. Ce festival annuel est ouvert à tous et doit mettre en avant des solutions, ou pistes de solutions, qui répondent aux défis urbains et améliorent la vie des habitants.
Les documentaires courts doivent être remis au plus tard au 31 Juillet 2018, et les lauréats seront présentés lors de la Cérémonie des Récompenses à la mi-Octobre.
The International Festival of Intergenerational Short Films on the Elderly (FICMA) was born within the Federation of Associations of the Elderly of Salamanca (FAMASA) with the aim of providing a cultural offer that contributes to improving the quality of life of the elderly, even with dependence or disfunctions by bringing them closer to a full citizenship and offering the cultural heritage of which they are protagonists. It is celebrated every year between September and October since 2016 in the city of Salamanca, being a meeting of intergenerational culture
The Festival poses as a place of debate and discourse for questions such as: How has cinema treated old age? The reflection of the role of the elderly in the family, sentimental, emotional and social relationships. The positive or negative consequences of cinema into stereotypes and believings about the elder and even if it treats the same way both man and women.
The importance of dignifying the intergenerational relationships between youngsters and elderlies becames vital in order to find ways towards a better future.
The goal of the FICMA is to archieve the people from Salamanca to be closer to the cinema from a third age perspective. This festival is a golden opportunity to offer a cinema party to the city and an active and positive vision from this part of the population.
The festival has as a goal to show the positive part of the elders and to reforce the intergenerationals relationships.
3rd Anyang International Youth Film Festival
From Sept. 6, 2018 until Sept. 9, 2018
This Festival was founded in 2016
AIYouth aims to discover and promote the talent of youth filmmakers. AIYouth also encourages the understanding of different generations through films and facilitates exchange ideas among youth filmmakers from all around world.
International Film Festival
The biggest open-air film festival in Central Europe.
Over 2 months of every-day entertainment
for thousand's of Art&Movie lovers.
Prestigious locations:
Warsaw: National Museum, The Amphitheatre at Łazienki Royal-Park, Królikarnia Palace, Park Żeromskiego & accompanying events in Cracow, Poznan and Wrocław
If you are the author of a film about art, or art is an important topic in your film – show it at the first on-air film festival in Poland. We are looking for best art productions from all around the world, covering topics such as sculpture, painting, photography, music, dance and film.
The festival lasts two months. It takes place for the 7th time in June and July in the biggest cities of Poland.
The last editions were known as Film&Art Festival. We invite viewers to watch not only new movies about art, but also the best films of recent years, such as “La Grande Bellezza”, “Exit Through the Gift Shop”, “Pina”, “Cinema Paradiso” or “Finding Vivian Maier”.
Poles are passionate of Art and movies. Many Polish filmmakers, such Roman Polański, Andrzej Wajda, Krzysztof Kieślowski, Janusz Kamiński, Sławomir Idziak are a part of wordlwide history of cinematography.
From Fine Art to Street Art - your film may present all genres of art: painting, music, dance, ballet, theatre, performance, sculpture, video art, etc.
We invite all categories of filmmakers: professionals, students and independent artists.
We accept all main genres: fiction, documentary and animation.
Show your movie to the Polish and international audience, bring your movie-theme closer, and be a part of On Art Festival 2018!
Enrolled films (short films and feature films) may participate as long as they fit into one of the following film genres: animation, drama, fiction, action, thriller, comedy, horror or children.
Cinema as a social phenomenon has become one of the most innovative and enriching cultural consumptions and practices of the XX century. Clearly, cinema changes us but this transformation that film provokes is not just individual. We’re also asking for as a community. Therefore, cinema must be understood as a social phenomenon, as a cultural vehicle, as a complex device which catalyze the yearnings and portraits of a society, as a producer of subjectivities.
For the city of Chivilcoy the launching of an international film festival represents a chimerical cultural proposal. Its background is based on previous experiences that bond these individual and collective practices: shootings, film’s retrospectives, workshops, festivals and other events that take place in our community. This whole set of inputs is a key component, coupled with the suitable reaction of the local public who are eager to rejoice at the "seventh art" and to enjoy a festival as a space for exchange, dialogue and circulation of cultural goods.
The 12th edition of the FICS will take place in Bucaramanga – Santander from September 27 to October 1, 2022. The call in all official competitive categories, will be open from June 24 to August 19, 2022. For this edition, the Festival will have prizes in effective, recognition support for audiovisual development.
The Social Education and Communications Corporation PRESS LIBRE, whose trajectory of more than twenty years, in the leadership of the development of the media in Santander, supports and qualifies the suitability of the FICS.
The FICS is made up of the presidency of the film director Sergio Cabrera and is headed by its director, Oscar Fonseca, in accompaniment of administrative partners.
Its main objective is to work for the formation of a public criticism and for the consolidation of spaces for discussion and appreciation around a real film culture in the region and in the country.
The department of Santander as the headquarters of the FICS, is among other
the department with the highest average economic growth annual and is promoted as one of the most popular tourist destinations
important, a cultural epicenter of enterprising people, who opens its doors to new markets.
The competitive sections of the FICS are windows to the development of the
culture and the film industry, with new looks towards Ibero-America, maintaining its strong commitment to cinema national, supporting the cinema made in Colombia and Latin America
The Solidando Film Festival will be held from 7th to 9th December 2018 in the city of Cagliari in Italy.
It is a NO-PROFIT international competitive festival of social short films for the following genres: documentary, fiction or animation exclusively on social themes.
What do we mean by social theme:
we mean stories: real, inspired to reality or fictions that deal with human rights, solidarity, cooperation, education, social projects, third-world issues, environmental sustainability, diversity, etc. etc..
MegaCities-ShortDocs is an association of public interest founded in Paris, whose objective is to inspire through short documentary films, other people, associations, businesses and governments to set in motion new initiatives that contribute to a society more respectful of the environment and offering greater solidarity among citizens.
The association is organizing the 4th edition of the International Festival of Citizen "short documentary films" on the theme of megacities. This annual festival is open to anyone and must highlight solutions, or potential initiatives, that meet urban challenges and improve our lives.
Short videos must be submitted no later than July 31, 2018, and the winners will be presented at the Awards Ceremony, mid-October, in Paris.
A propos de MegaCities-ShortDocs
MegaCities-ShortDocs est une association d’intérêt général fondée à Paris, dont l’objectif est d’inspirer via des documentaires courts, des habitants, des associations, des entreprises, des élus, à mettre en mouvement de nouvelles initiatives, au coeur des plus grandes villes du monde, concourant à une société plus respectueuse de l'environnement et plus solidaire.
L’association organise la 4ème édition du Festival International de “courts-métrages documentaires” Citoyen sur la thématique des mégapoles. Ce festival annuel est ouvert à tous et doit mettre en avant des solutions, ou pistes de solutions, qui répondent aux défis urbains et améliorent la vie des habitants.
Les documentaires courts doivent être remis au plus tard au 31 Juillet 2018, et les lauréats seront présentés lors de la Cérémonie des Récompenses à la mi-Octobre.
The Rock Horror Film Festival is more than a film festival, it’s an event that unites the best of the horror, thriller, and fantasy films with rock & roll in a big party for moviegoers who love music, and cinema. Prepare your heart for scaring and exciting nights filled with the best of the national and international thrillers, and a lot of rock & roll.
The festival will also have a team of international professionals in pannels, workshops and round tables about cinema in different areas such as: production, photography, directing, acting, makeup, soundtrack, among others.
The festival organize round tables with the participation od the directors, actors and professionals.