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Zabut Festival aims to have the ambition to achieve an international appeal, to propose a path of strong cultural innovation and to become a reference point for fans, insiders and audience of animation film.
Zabut shows special interest to the soundtracks of animation films and to “drawing” and aims to create an archive/museum of operas by directors, animators and designers selected by the Festival Committee.
Zabut was born in 2016 in the Savoca city center, a small Art heritage village in Sicily. In 2019, it moves to Santa Teresa di Riva.
Zabut is primarily an event that will connect space and community, people and places.
Welcome to the Angel Film Awards – Monaco International Film Festival and to be part of an amazing worldwide community celebration peace love and the art of making movies and a unique collaboration of multi-talented writers, film score composers and filmmakers, producers and musicians. The Angel Film Awards mission is to entertain, inform, inspire, encourage and educate. We honour those artists who, through their creative work, actively increase awareness, provide multiple viewpoints, address complex social issues, and strengthen ties between international audiences and the Angel Film Awards. A inspiring & intimate platform together with other writers, directors and producers in Monte Carlo to create new opportunities, develop tools for success and forge new alliances within the international film and entertainment industry.
The AFA has eight categories and many award genre. All shortlisted film & screenplay will be contacted in due time by the organizers of the AFA- MIFF.
The AFA selection committee is made up of acclaimed international industry professionals, directors, producers, cinematographers, screenplay writers, film journalists, actors, and the AFA founders. Votes cast decide the finalists and winners in all 8 categories.
Since its creation in 2003 the Angel Film Awards - MIFF is held in the Principality of Monaco. It is a non-profit making independent film festival, known as an elegant and glitzy affair. It has won recognition as 'a jewel in the crown' on the film festival circuit.
We welcome you to join this unique festival experience! All the best, Rosana and Dean Festival founders, creative director, producer
Due to the current pandemic, Festival show dates are TBD but we are aiming for an in person fest!
For well over a decade the ** Chicago International REEL Shorts Festival ** has provided FILMMAKERS from around the World the opportunity to showcase their work to REEL PEOPLE in the Chicagoland area.
They seek to provide a supportive atmosphere with low entry fees and low cost ticket prices.
With unique venues like the state of the art "Chicago Filmmakers Fire House Theater", Classic venues in Chicago’s Belmont Theater District or a basement screening at the World Famous "Mothers" where you can enjoy a local brew while you watch some of the Worlds best films.
We are all Shorts All the Time !!! No Features stealing your spotlight :)
The finalist short films will make up the competitive exhibition. This will be screened in the various screening spaces scheduled for this year's edition of the 2024 Festival.
As part of the festival's decentralized activities, this finalist screening may be programmed in audiovisual and cultural events organized or co-organized by the Cinco Minutos Cinco association.
The SMR13 International Independent Film Festival is an annual, IMDb-certified, four (4)-day event held in the second half of November, in Saint-Mitre-Les-Remparts, in the south of France, near Marseille.
First and foremost, it's a physical festival, taking place in "La Manare", a dedicated performance hall with a total surface area of 1000m² and a capacity of 250 spectators.
The 10th edition of the SMR13 international independent film festival will take place from November 21 to 23, 2025.
The festival stands out for its highly developed network, passionate members and trusted partnerships. It is a unique showcase for independent cinema, attracting professionals from all over the world.
Since its inception, the festival has been supported by a patron, an emblematic figure in independent cinema. John Carpenter (2018), director, screenwriter and composer (Halloween, The Thing, New York 1997...). Andréa Ferréol (2019), actress (La Grande Bouffe, Le Dernier Métro, La Scoumoune...). Francis Ford Coppola (2019), director and screenwriter (Godfather, Apocalypse Now, Dracula...). Virginie Lemoine (2020), actress (Famille d'Accueil, Nos années parallèles, Oscar...). Sean S. Cunningham (2021), director and producer (Friday The 13th, Spring Break, DeepStar Six...). Patrice Leconte (2022 and 2023), director and producer (Les Bronzés, Les Spécialistes, Maigret, Olivier Marchal (2024), actor, screenwriter and director ( 36 quai des Orfèvres, Flics, Braquo and Pax Massillia.
The theme must focus, from the values of solidarity, tolerance, culture of peace, nature and commitment to gender equality, on ways of life, traditions, trades, crafts, sustainable economy, respect for the environment and living beings, that is, all aspects of the diversity of human culture, with a specific section dealing with issues of the peoples of Siberia and Central Asia.
Since its inception, this festival has promoted the city as a setting in which each filmmaker tells about their reality, their ways of working and life experiences, in such a way that anyone who is a fan of or dedicated to filmmaking can learn through observation and viewing. of all kinds of works and their technical details such as camera movement, times a scene lasts, camera position or perception of silences ...
This festival only admits submissions from SPANISH NATIONALS. No film-makers from any other nationality will be allowed to submit their films to this festival.
Year 4 is underway! We'll see you Nov. 12-15, 2020, in Kilgore, Texas.
Reel East Texas Film Festival is dedicated to showcasing independent filmmakers.
Located in the heart of the East Texas Piney Woods, Kilgore is unlike any other town in Texas. Its wildcatter spirit and workman mindset is ideally suited for independent filmmakers, and Kilgore’s signature skyline, authentic downtown and tall pine trees make for a picturesque Texas backdrop. The city’s Main Street and Historic District is home to the iconic Texas landmark Texan theater, where all films are screened. Beyond downtown, Kilgore offers a cultural and learning experience with the Texas Museum of Radio & Broadcasting, the East Texas Oil Museum and the Rangerette Showcase.
City events, parties, mixers and other custom-tailored activities make the Reel East Texas Film Festival a can’t miss for all filmmakers.
A festival hosted by filmmakers for filmmakers, RETFF loves great films, and bringing together audience, filmmaker and film industry representatives in celebration of artistic and independent spirit.
We are 6 students of IAE Lille at the heart of a project entitled "IAE makes its cinema" belonging to the association of the Office of Students of Management Training Social Sciences IAE Lille. Since its creation in 2007, this cultural event consists of organizing a unique event around the cinema. It is an opportunity to broadcast several films, documentaries and shorts, for three days and free of charge. The common theme of the various films screened aims to stimulate a discussion on management methods by focusing on disruptions as well as innovative initiatives and the emergence of new practices. It is a question of considering with a certain critical spirit the social and managerial dimension brought by cinematographic productions. A debate ensued by the director, journalist, university professor or professor specializing in the art of cinema, which leads to an exchange of ideas, opinions, opinions between professionals and the public. Our theme for this twelfth edition is: "Pro Life VS Personal Life" theme very current because of new work practices, new technologies ... Today our professional life is increasingly confused with the personal life, this may lead to questions about the limit not to be crossed.
The festival will take place from 06 to 08 March 2018 at the IAE Lille.
Wanna get dirty? Diddle our skittle!*
Strangelove festival is looking for queer artists who provoke and highlight non-binary perspectives! We welcome filmmakers, visual artists, musicians, writers and performers exploring gender, sexuality, counterculture, alternative formats and queer identities.
For the 2018 edition we plan to dig into dirty/punky/trashy intersections which take shape as queer art forms. Let’s show some trash awareness together! We hope you will feel inspired to collaborate with us—get down and dirty…
Our call is open between 15-31 January 2018. We look forward to discovering your work!
Submit here! https://www.strangelovefestival.be/
Main Program (International competition), which will regularly feature films from all over the world from among a director’s first and second feature films. The idea is to promote new filmmakers who are making a debut or are only just starting their careers.
This program’s goal is to identify and promote relatively unknown filmmakers’ new film stories, giving them a chance at the beginning of their film careers.
The idea for this film festival emanated from the dire need for a wider space to present debut films by many new filmmakers from the region and all over the world.
The International Film Festival KineNova Skopje, therefore, includes activities such as promotion, support, incentives, exchange of experiences, and film awards. It is a venue for new filmmakers to showcase new stories and offer a fresh perspective of humanity and the world we live in.
The festival and the city of Skopje have the honor to be the meeting point for new filmmakers and a springboard for their respective career paths.
The “KINOSVET” International Children's Cinema and Television Festival will be held from October, 2025 in Minsk, Belarus.
Festival "KINOSVET" is designed to develop, inspire and support young cinematographers; those who will soon influence the mass culture in their countries. The festival will allow those who want to make this world better, to be seen and heard. And also give a wide range of viewers the taste of a highly moral, deep, humane, inspiring art.
What movies and TV shows are shown around the world today? Who teaches contemporary and, most importantly, future artists and media ways to illuminate moral and, spiritual laws? Who controls the content and ideological direction of the most meaningful and strong types of art? The festival’s purpose is to seek, find, and give a venue to young talents who can create beautiful and meaningful art that makes our world brighter and kinder.
Festival goals:
development of cinematography;
moral education of children and adolescents;
the formation of personality with the help of cinema;
initiation of the younger generation to spiritual culture;
increasing the interest in creating films focused on children and youth audiences.
Festival tasks:
to fill the world with good pictures with humane ideas, moral values in order to make our world brighter;
to revive children’s, youth and family cinema;
to draw the attention of society around the world to social problems that are associated with children, people in need and nature;
to promote true, universal spiritual values;
to educate a new generation of filmmakers;
to expand and strengthen filmmakers connections from different countries both for children and youth;
to draw the attention of state, public and commercial organizations to supporting children’s and family filmmaking as well as to encouraging of the young authors.
Véritable exercice de style, il cristallise en quelques minutes les qualités d’une oeuvre naissante. L’apprenti réalisateur y trace les contours de son univers, il y imprime sa patte. De Godard avec « Charlotte et son Jules », Claude Berri avec « Le poulet », Rivette avec « Le coup du Berger » produit par Claude Chabrol, Jean-Pierre Jeunet avec « Foutaises », ou Sam Karman oscarisé avec « L’omnibus » – pour ne citer qu’eux – aucun de ces grands noms du cinéma n’aurait atteint son apogée sans un galop d’essai remarqué.
Le format court n’a jamais été aussi bien portant qu’aujourd’hui – productions croissantes, nouveaux réseaux de diffusion, regain d’intérêt des spectateurs et des cinéastes- faisant de la France l’un des premiers pays producteurs en Europe.
Plus que jamais le court-métrage confirme son statut de grand laboratoire du cinéma français. Vitrine de talents émergents, le festival de court-métrage est à la fois l’écrin, le point d’orgue où le talent brut éclot, où il brille au regard de tous, public et professionnels mêlés.
Au fond, peu importe qu’il y ait beaucoup d’appelés et peu d’élus. La vocation première du festival est d’offrir à ses spectateurs un champ de vision le plus ouvert possible sur le monde et de mettre en lumière des talents nouveaux.
Smita Patil International Film Festival, committed to showcasing the original voices in cinema.
The aim of the festival is to showcase films from across the globe and promote underrepresented filmmakers.
Started in 2012 by Arogya Sena, the upcoming festival marks the ninth year of the event.
The covid pandemic is an incredibly challenging time for the global filmmaking community. Filmmakers around the world are facing financial crises and increasing difficulties to showcase their work in the theatrical format. Committed to our mission to help, support and promote independent and underrepresented filmmakers in India and abroad, SPIFF sponsored by ‘Arogya Sena’ is announcing, that the entries to the 9th edition of SPIFF will be FREE OF COST.
Cinefilia Tanguera is an Itinerant & International Short Film Festival linked to TANGO, not competitive.
Our primary objective is promote the tango and cinema, from an original perspective without dissemination and promotion anywhere in the world, as are the works of short films and documentaries about the identity of the tango in all sense.
Since 2009 was presented in some of the most prestigious cultural events in the world, performing at Cagliari (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2016), Barcelona (2009, 2016, 2017), Moscow, London (2009, 2013, 2016), Madrid (2009, 2016), Ámsterdam (2009, 2018), Brussels (2010, 2018), Liège, Catania, Hamburg, Jordan, Buenos Aires (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018), Athens, Valladolid, Zurich, Bergen (Norway), Milán, Eindhoven, Sassari (2012, 2016), Berlin, Paris, Crete (2016, 2017, 2019), Budapest, Tenerife, Formentera (2016, 2018), Ibiza, Prague, Zagreb, Timisoara, Novi Sad, Istanbul, Tokyo, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Bali, Bilbao, Montecarlo, Arles, Georgetown (Guyana), Oslo, Toronto and Cairo.
Leonel Mitre
Managing Director
The Houston Latino Film Festival is an organization dedicated to developing, promoting and increasing awareness of Latino culture among Latinos and other communities by presenting a variety of art and films to the Houston area.
During the festival, films from all over Latin America, Spain, Portugal and the United States will screen. The programming represents the great diversity of themes and genres of the Latino and Hispanic filmmaking community. The five-day festival also features opportunities for the audiences to participate in discussions with the directors at the screenings as well as a series of special events highlighting the diversity of the Latino culture. 2022 will mark the sixth year of the Houston Latino Film Festival.
Our Mission: The Houston Latino Film Festival is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating and enlightening the communities of the South Texas region about other cultures and issues through film and video while also recognizing the contributions of the artists who are dedicated to the craft of independent filmmaking.