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Festival international du film fantastique de Castille-et-León « Terroríficamente Cortos » né de l'enthousiasme et de l'amour pour le cinéma des jeunes palenciens et de la nécessité de stimuler la culture et les loisirs de la ville de Palencia impliquant le secteur institutionnel et commercial de la province espagnole.
WhatTheFestival is a boutique experience of art, 8 stages of electronic and live music located 90 miles east of Portland, OR June 16 - 19 2017.
Le Festival du Film Rural a émergé dans la ville d'Ayacucho en 2016 comme une initiative de la Direction de la Culture pour promouvoir la production audiovisuelle dans notre ville.
Bien que la zone de travail audiovisuel appartient à la sphère artistique, elle peut également être appliquée selon les disciplines éducatives, environnementales, scientifiques, technologiques, politiques, commerciales et commerciales pour donner quelques exemples.
Ensuite, nous énumérons quelques-unes des idées centrales, en fonction du temps et des ressources, qui ont été et seront développées dans cet espace :
- Direction et coordination générale du Festival du Film Rural.
- Boost et promotion de la salle de cinéma et des espaces de projection alternatifs.
- Liaison et coopération entre les écoles rurales et urbaines.
- Génération de projets socio-éducatifs dans les écoles, les instituts et les centres de formation.
- Dictée des cours et des formations ouvertes à la communauté.
- Production de contenu audiovisuel et de ressources pour les bureaux municipaux.
- Production de courts métrages locaux qui couvrent des histoires fictives et des problèmes sociaux tels que l'agroécologie, l'environnement, les pesticides, le travail rural, la violence sexiste, l'intimidation et la cyberintimidation, la toxicomanie, l'avortement, l'abandon scolaire, la perspective de genre, l'inclusion sociale, entre autres.
- Formation des enseignants à toutes les étapes de la production audiovisuelle.
Nous comprenons cela comme un moyen de promouvoir la production et la réflexion artistique-sociale locale en favorisant le pluralisme culturel et en intégrant notre communauté.
A final del mes de Junio de 2017 se realizará la primera Muestra Fílmica El Buen Vivir en la ciudad de Viena, Austria.
Papaya Media Association (Asociación Medial Papaya), organizadora del evento, invita a
presentar trabajos para la pre-selección de los participantes en la I. Muestra Fílmica El Buen Vivir.
La inscripción de las obras en la selección es gratuita (excepto cuando una plataforma intermediaria exija una inscripción mínima), el plazo vence el 15 de abril de 2017 y los detalles para la presentación están descritos en el presente reglamento.
Podrán participar las películas que cumplan con el requisito de no exceder más de 5 años anteriores al año de inscripción a la Mostra. Aquellas películas que sobrepasen este tiempo sólo podrán participar en las secciones paralelas.
Las exhibiciones de las películas se harán principalmente en H264 HD pero también en 35 mm, Beta Digi con sus respectivas copias en DVD (PAL) y Bluray al aire libre en el cine abierto del Archivo Fílmico de Austria en la ciudad de Viena.
Información general sobre la primera muestra
Después de la realización de varias series de ciclos y muestras sobre América Latina la sociedad vienesa ya cuenta con un conocimiento relativo de la producción regional de la región. Al mismo tiempo el interés de los/las visitantes por la producción audiovisual sobre o en América Latina ha ido en aumento. En los ciclos anteriores se contó con un programa variado, que fue dividido en largometrajes, cortometrajes y documentales incluyendo la categoría de animación. El público siempre tuvo acceso a lo más reciente de la producción regional pero la temática de la presente muestra no tiene precedente alguno en esta latitudes.
El creciente entusiasmo con que los eventos cinematorgráficos es el motivo por el cual la Asociación Medial Papaya se ha dado a la tarea de organizar la primera Muestra Fílmica El Buen Vivir.
En la muestra oficial participarán las siguientes modalidades:
(-)Largometraje de ficción
(-)Cortometraje de ficción
La Muestra Fílmica El Buen Vivir es un evento inédito en esta ciudad y no reviste un evento de competencia en si. Es más bien una ventana al vasto mundo cinematográfico de la región para mostrar la obra más reciente o más importante de su cultura fílmica. Las películas seleccionadas podrán formar parte de diversas muestras culturales que se realicen en otras ciudades austriacas y/o europeas.
Rules for participating in the Buen Vivir Film Screening
Vienna, Austria
The first Buen Vivir (Spanish for Good Living) film screening will take place end of June 2017 in Vienna, Austria.
Papaya Media Association, organizer of the event, announces the call for submissions for the pre-selection of participants in the I. Buen Vivir Film Screening.
The submission of works for the selection process is free of charge (unless an intermediary platform requires a minimum fee) and the deadline is April 15, 2017. Details on how the works should be presented are explained below.
Only films that have been made within the last five years prior to submission for the film screening are qualified to participate. Films produced before this time will only be able to participate in the parallel sections.
Films will be exhibited in H264 HD, 35 mm, Beta Digi, DVD (PAL) and Blu ray formats in the open-air cinema from the Filmarchiv Austria (Austrian Film Archives) in Vienna.
General information about the first screening
After several film festivals and screenings about Latin America, Viennese society already has a relative knowledge of the regional productions in that area, while the local interest in the audiovisual production of Latin America has been growing. In previous festivals a varied film program was shown, divided into feature films, short films, documentaries, and animated films. The public was always shown the most recent productions of the region, but the theme of this current screening has no precedent.
The growing enthusiasm with which film events have been received has motivated Papaya Media Association to organize the first Buen Vivir Film Screening.
The following categories will make up the official screening:
(-)Fictional feature film
(-)Fictional short film
The Buen Vivir Film Screening is an undisclosed event in this city and does not consist of a competition. It is rather a window to the vast film world of the region in order to show the most recent and important works of its movie culture. The selected movies will be able to participate in diverse cultural exhibitions taking place in other Austrian and/or European cities.
• Allow the European public to become familiar with the most recent audiovisual productions about ancient and new life philosophies.
• Promote the increased production and distribution of quality audiovisual work made in all the sub regions of Latin America.
• Provide space for reflection and debate, give professionals the opportunity to keep in touch with current developments, and support the communication between Latin American and European artists, especially around the topic of Buen Vivir.
• Contribute to the understanding of cultural diversity and the establishment of tolerance by putting different realities and social ideals in touch with each other.
• Promote the Buen Vivir philosophy as a topic of international and general interest in the film world.
• Promote cinematic production about this topic within Europe.
• Stimulate producers from all over the world to invest specifically in the topic for a redundancy that ends in a more egalitarian and democratic way of life.
The Buen Vivir Film Screening provides a space for:
• Identifying and spreading video and film productions related to this important philosophy and proposed way of life and development.
• Informing the public and attracting the attention of the media and institutions that work in the audiovisual production industry as well as the promotion of local places and tourism, both in filming as well as content.
• Convening distinguished directors, producers, distributors, cinematic personalities and specialists, both local and international.
• Promoting and stimulating initiatives directed towards the development of policies and projects intended to increase, both in quantity and quality, the areas of work available to producers and topical experts in the planet.
• Holding touring exhibitions in diverse cultural public spaces
A final del mes de Junio de 2017 se realizará la primera Muestra Fílmica El Buen Vivir en la ciudad de Viena, Austria.
Papaya Media Association (Asociación Medial Papaya), organizadora del evento, invita a
presentar trabajos para la pre-selección de los participantes en la I. Muestra Fílmica El Buen Vivir.
La inscripción de las obras en la selección es gratuita (excepto cuando una plataforma intermediaria exija una inscripción mínima), el plazo vence el 15 de abril de 2017 y los detalles para la presentación están descritos en el presente reglamento.
Podrán participar las películas que cumplan con el requisito de no exceder más de 5 años anteriores al año de inscripción a la Mostra. Aquellas películas que sobrepasen este tiempo sólo podrán participar en las secciones paralelas.
Las exhibiciones de las películas se harán principalmente en H264 HD pero también en 35 mm, Beta Digi con sus respectivas copias en DVD (PAL) y Bluray al aire libre en el cine abierto del Archivo Fílmico de Austria en la ciudad de Viena.
Información general sobre la primera muestra
Después de la realización de varias series de ciclos y muestras sobre América Latina la sociedad vienesa ya cuenta con un conocimiento relativo de la producción regional de la región. Al mismo tiempo el interés de los/las visitantes por la producción audiovisual sobre o en América Latina ha ido en aumento. En los ciclos anteriores se contó con un programa variado, que fue dividido en largometrajes, cortometrajes y documentales incluyendo la categoría de animación. El público siempre tuvo acceso a lo más reciente de la producción regional pero la temática de la presente muestra no tiene precedente alguno en esta latitudes.
El creciente entusiasmo con que los eventos cinematorgráficos es el motivo por el cual la Asociación Medial Papaya se ha dado a la tarea de organizar la primera Muestra Fílmica El Buen Vivir.
En la muestra oficial participarán las siguientes modalidades:
(-)Largometraje de ficción
(-)Cortometraje de ficción
La Muestra Fílmica El Buen Vivir es un evento inédito en esta ciudad y no reviste un evento de competencia en si. Es más bien una ventana al vasto mundo cinematográfico de la región para mostrar la obra más reciente o más importante de su cultura fílmica. Las películas seleccionadas podrán formar parte de diversas muestras culturales que se realicen en otras ciudades austriacas y/o europeas.
Rules for participating in the Buen Vivir Film Screening
Vienna, Austria
The first Buen Vivir (Spanish for Good Living) film screening will take place end of June 2017 in Vienna, Austria.
Papaya Media Association, organizer of the event, announces the call for submissions for the pre-selection of participants in the I. Buen Vivir Film Screening.
The submission of works for the selection process is free of charge (unless an intermediary platform requires a minimum fee) and the deadline is April 15, 2017. Details on how the works should be presented are explained below.
Only films that have been made within the last five years prior to submission for the film screening are qualified to participate. Films produced before this time will only be able to participate in the parallel sections.
Films will be exhibited in H264 HD, 35 mm, Beta Digi, DVD (PAL) and Blu ray formats in the open-air cinema from the Filmarchiv Austria (Austrian Film Archives) in Vienna.
General information about the first screening
After several film festivals and screenings about Latin America, Viennese society already has a relative knowledge of the regional productions in that area, while the local interest in the audiovisual production of Latin America has been growing. In previous festivals a varied film program was shown, divided into feature films, short films, documentaries, and animated films. The public was always shown the most recent productions of the region, but the theme of this current screening has no precedent.
The growing enthusiasm with which film events have been received has motivated Papaya Media Association to organize the first Buen Vivir Film Screening.
The following categories will make up the official screening:
(-)Fictional feature film
(-)Fictional short film
The Buen Vivir Film Screening is an undisclosed event in this city and does not consist of a competition. It is rather a window to the vast film world of the region in order to show the most recent and important works of its movie culture. The selected movies will be able to participate in diverse cultural exhibitions taking place in other Austrian and/or European cities.
• Allow the European public to become familiar with the most recent audiovisual productions about ancient and new life philosophies.
• Promote the increased production and distribution of quality audiovisual work made in all the sub regions of Latin America.
• Provide space for reflection and debate, give professionals the opportunity to keep in touch with current developments, and support the communication between Latin American and European artists, especially around the topic of Buen Vivir.
• Contribute to the understanding of cultural diversity and the establishment of tolerance by putting different realities and social ideals in touch with each other.
• Promote the Buen Vivir philosophy as a topic of international and general interest in the film world.
• Promote cinematic production about this topic within Europe.
• Stimulate producers from all over the world to invest specifically in the topic for a redundancy that ends in a more egalitarian and democratic way of life.
The Buen Vivir Film Screening provides a space for:
• Identifying and spreading video and film productions related to this important philosophy and proposed way of life and development.
• Informing the public and attracting the attention of the media and institutions that work in the audiovisual production industry as well as the promotion of local places and tourism, both in filming as well as content.
• Convening distinguished directors, producers, distributors, cinematic personalities and specialists, both local and international.
• Promoting and stimulating initiatives directed towards the development of policies and projects intended to increase, both in quantity and quality, the areas of work available to producers and topical experts in the planet.
• Holding touring exhibitions in diverse cultural public spaces
Modive-SE est un festival de courts métrages et de longs métrages dans la ville de Campinas, qui propose des films sur le thème de la communauté LGBT.
La première édition a eu lieu en 2014, parrainée par le gouvernement de l'État de São Paulo.
Directed by Women Spain is a film viewing celebration of films directed by women in Spain.
Our celebration is part of the International movement Directed by Women, that for the past 9 years has been dedicated to promote and give visibility to films directed by Women.
Cineteca of Madrid and the CICUS of Seville are hosting the tenth edition with a complete program of short film sessions, feature films, unseen documentaries, sessions for young audiences and children. Filmmakers will be invited to present their pieces to the public and to participate in a Q&A.
There will also be debates, professional gatherings, workshops and a lot of celebration!
Le musée romain d'Oiasso et le conseil municipal d'Irun organisent le Festival international du film archéologique de la Bidassoa.
L'objectif du festival est de présenter l'archéologie au grand public, à travers la diffusion de matériel audiovisuel issu du travail des archéologues, afin d'assurer la promotion et la diffusion de ces films.
Le festival est célébré depuis 2001 et reçoit quatre prix depuis 2004 : le grand prix du festival, le prix spécial du public, le prix des valeurs éducatives et le prix Arkeolan pour la contribution à la science. Depuis 2006, il fait partie de Fedarcine, le réseau européen des festivals de films archéologiques.
Inconvenient Films is an international competitive human rights documentary film festival, taking place in various cities and towns accross Lithuania. Established in 2007 as an annual film event, it is currently the biggest documentary film festival in the country and the only film festival of this kind in the Baltic States region. The festival invites filmmakers, experts, activists and festival audience to appreciate and discuss the role of documentaries in reflecting and shaping our understanding of reality. The mission of this festival is to use award winning author driven films in raising awareness about human rights issues around the world, encouraging public debate on ways to address them.
Festival’s International Competition is dedicated to the films by new filmmakers – their first or second feature documentary. Films are selected considering artistic value, filmmaking skills and revelation of a relevant human rights topic. The Best Film is selected and awarded by international jury.
CreaSport est un concours de courts métrages qui a trait à la beauté des activités sportives, à leurs histoires, à leurs moments de gloire ou d'échec, à leur richesse pédagogique... mettant en évidence la capacité de pénétration de l'activité physique dans la société.
As the oldest film festival of its kind in Canada, image+nation stands as a premiere site for launching new and innovative media works to a savvy and appreciative audience.
Located in the cultural mecca of Montreal, image+nation offers LGBTQueer filmmakers a unique opportunity to network with local creators, programmers and producers.
Documentaires, fictions, animations et expérimentales.
Questions politiques, sociales, raciales, sexospécifiques, etc.
From 2nd to 6th October 2018, the cultural association Etranger, is proud to present the third edition of Etranger Film Festival. The aim of the event is to exploit the culture of diversity, encouraging global integration in respect of ethnical, cultural, social, religious, sexual and gender peculiarities, by means of cinematic expression. The festival's main goal is that of encouraging emerging authors who manage to distinguish themselves formally and stylistically
FrightFest staged its first edition in 2000 at the Prince Charles Cinema, off London’s Leicester Square.
The objective of FrightFest, when founded, was to provide the UK with a fantasy and horror film festival of similar stature to the market leaders in Europe and the US. FrightFest has since evolved into a community where audiences and guests alike travel from all over the world to be part of the event’s unique atmosphere.
Away from our London August event, which in 2018 runs from the 23rd to the 27th August, the festival also stages a Halloween extravaganza on the last Saturday of October and hosts a regular two-day terror-thon in Scotland as part of the Glasgow Film Festival. Dates for this in 2018 are the 2nd and 3rd March.
We are currently accepting submissions for our annual five-day August in London. The deadline for features for August is 1st June and 29th June for shorts.
Le Barichara Green Film Festival FESTIVER, créé par les acteurs colombiens Toto Vega et Nórida Rodríguez, vise à former une nouvelle génération d'artistes et de spectateurs engagés en faveur de l'environnement. À travers ses projections et sa recherche continue de ressources pour créer du contenu cinématographique environnemental, FESTIVER vise à éduquer et à divertir en développant des activités académiques, artistiques et récréatives qui enrichissent le paysage culturel colombien et contribuent à construire un monde meilleur. La 14e édition aura lieu du 19 au 22 septembre 2024 à Barichara, Santander, Colombie.
Le seul festival au monde dédié à Federico Fellini, fait dans la belle ville de Fellini : Rimini.
L'association culturelle SMART Academy, en collaboration avec SMART Lab, et sous les auspices de la région d'Émilie-Romagne, le district de Rimini et la municipalité de Rimini, annonce la 13e édition du Festival du film Amarcort, concours de courts métrages en Novembre 2020 à Rimini.
Amarcort est associé à AFIC (Associazione dei Festival Cinematografici Italiani) et
FEDIC (Federazione Italiana dei Cineclub).
3rd Anyang International Youth Film Festival
From Sept. 6, 2018 until Sept. 9, 2018
This Festival was founded in 2016
AIYouth aims to discover and promote the talent of youth filmmakers. AIYouth also encourages the understanding of different generations through films and facilitates exchange ideas among youth filmmakers from all around world.
The Lahore International Children’s Film Festival is a project of The Little Art. It's an an annual event to showcase the best of local and international films made by, for or about children and young people. The Festival was started in 2008, and has completed its 9 seasons successfully and has reached to nearly 451,550 audiences.
Aiming at education as well as entertainment, the film festival is dedicated to promote the culture of film watching, media literacy and alternative learning among children and young people. Each year, the festival brings some of the best international films to Pakistan to promote, peace, creativity, social awareness, world cultures and the arts.
The Festival reaches to nearly 50,000 children and young people each year, from urban to rural areas. The festival defines “children and young people” as its primary beneficiaries, irrespective of their gender, social status, class, education or income level.
The festival has an inclusive approach to involve marginalized and less privileged children as its audience. We collaborate with NGOs and community organizations to show the world's best films to out-of-school and marginalized children across Pakistan.
2018 is the 10th season of the Festival and will take place in Lahore, Pakistan in October 2018.