Logo of Spike and Mike´s Sick and Twisted Festival of Animation

31 Dec 2015

공개됨: 28 Aug 2014
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.

Banner Spike and Mike´s Sick and Twisted Festival of Animation

Spike and Mike´s Sick and Twisted Festival of Animation

La Jolla, United States

This year's show is a mixed cocktail with a strong stir from the flaming absinthe spoon.

Again proving the world isn't flat, we are set to tour with one of our best shows to date. To provide you with a taste of what's what... We are proud to present Jonas Georgakakis' "Saga of Biorn" a ferociously funny animated Nordic tale divulging the absolute truth about how one might earn the right to enter Valhalla. Then there is Javier Mrad's "Techopolis," an absolutely amazing 12min stop motion piece resembling Fritz Lang's Metropolis black and white film. This is the only show where so many entertaining films like these take the spotlight and are given full theatrical effect.

Before the "Festival of Animation" it was difficult to see independent, experimental, and foreign animation. Spike and Mike embarks on yearly world-wide film hunting expeditions. They have signed-on animation from the National Film Board of Canada, Cal Arts, Sheridan, Royal College of Art, Annecy, and select studios active amongst the art-house scene that at one time did not have a public venue. This Festival has come to be known as one of the most anticipated touring events on the circuit.

Initially, Spike and Mike produced the "Classic Festival" and later both the "Classic" and "Sick and Twisted" simultaneously- but by the early 2000s, the "Classic Festival of Animation" was phased into hiatus by the Sick and Twisted Festival (mainly featuring shorts venturing into the non sequitur e.g. "Lloyd's Lunchbox"). "The Festival" (meaning the current show) premieres a new cavalcade of adventurous films annually. Spike & Mike's "New Generation Animation" noted as the latest genre in animation, without question is now premiering the most captivating film-set of thought provoking concepts, humor, story, and daring production design in animation.

In animation, it is important to have an accurate gauge on the pulsating shifts in pop culture. Spike and Mike's content has evolved with the changing tastes of our times. The shows in their entirety have toured globally in theaters, film festivals (such as Cannes, Sundance, Annecy), college campuses, and dynamic events such as the Vans Warped Tour, the Winter X Games, and with the nu-metal band Korn.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

 애니메이션  판타스틱영화  공포영화  기타  실험영화

Logo of Cineport Film Festival

29 Sep 2014

공개됨: 27 Aug 2014
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.

Banner Cineport Film Festival

Cineport Film Festival

Ahvaz, Iran

Cineport film festival It's an independent film festival that hold in Iran.
- The Cineport Film Festival is to support independent filmmakers, movie stars, and talents to get international recognition, exposure, and opportunity for their careers.

جشنواره ی "دریچه سینما" جشنواره ی فیلمی مستقل است که در ایران برگزار می شود.
این جشنواره برای حمایت و شناسایی فیلمسازان جوان و مستعد برپا شده است تا آنان را در محیطی بین المللی کنار هم آورده و به آن ها فرصتی برای شناخته شدن و توسعه ی کاری دهد.

The Cineport Online Film Festival is open to all student and independent films. All genres will be accepted for review, including shorts, animation, experimental, and documentary.

Eligibility Requirements

Submissions to the Cineport Online Film Festival can be shot or created in any format (Film, digital video, animation, flash, etc.).

All films must be in English and subtitled in English or Persian

Short form must be under 42 minutes total running time.

Long form must be over 42 minutes.

Submission format: USA-Region playable DVD (DVD-R, DVD+R) at XP (Highest) quality (Full screen Hi-resolution). No other media formats (VHS tape, etc.) will be accepted.

How to Submit
Trough Filmfreeway.com or Withoutabox.com

Must submit a small filmmaker biography or back story no more than 250 words in length.

The The Cineport Film Festival mission is not only creating platforms for filmmakers, movie stars, and talents to compete in their respective field, but also providing opportunities for the overall winners of the Festival to get their film recognized in the region.
- We focus in the details of every film. We are not only focusing on the overall of the movie but on the brilliance of every aspect, every department, and every performance. Every brilliant art deserves an award.
- All films can join different categories as this will increase your chance of winning.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  판타스틱영화  공포영화  기타  실험영화

Logo of What The Dickens Orlando Flash Mob Video Contest

05 Dec 2014

공개됨: 27 Aug 2014
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.

Banner What The Dickens Orlando Flash Mob Video Contest

What The Dickens Orlando Flash Mob Video Contest

Orlando, United States

$5,000 prize for the most fun and creative video. The top entries will be publicly shown in the culmination of Orlando's year-long celebration of the life, times, issues and works of Charles Dickens.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

 다큐멘터리  기타

Logo of Oregon Underground Film Festival

30 Sep 2014

공개됨: 27 Aug 2014
 출품비 있음

Banner Oregon Underground Film Festival

Oregon Underground Film Festival

World, United States

The Oregon Underground Film Festival, part of the series of festivals online, organized by Clockwork Film Institute, this first edition we show that there is more underground, dirty, forbidden, Cinema of the underworld, giving the most remote parts of the world guerrilla theater, anarchic and subversive.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  공포영화  기타  실험영화

Logo of Sansueña International Film Festival

14 Oct 2014

공개됨: 27 Aug 2014
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Banner Festival Internacional de Cine Sansueña

Sansueña International Film Festival

Madrid, Spain 스페인

The International Film Festival Sansueña is devoted to short films and feature traditional ANIMATION, optical and digital toys disseminating quality films that hardly reach Spain. Thus, gradually the Festival is intended as a field.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 애니메이션  기타  실험영화

Logo of Rome Independent Film Festival  - RIFF Awards

15 Dec 2014

공개됨: 27 Aug 2014
 출품비 있음

Banner Rome Independent Film Festival  - RIFF Awards

Rome Independent Film Festival - RIFF Awards

Roma, Italy

로마 독립 영화제 (RIFF) 는 이탈리아 최초의 독립 및 국제 영화제입니다. RIFF는 젊은 영화 제작자들 사이에서 영화 및 영화 제작에 대한 열정을 영화 제작 및 배급에 대한 현실과 결합시키는 것입니다. RIFF는 2001년 첫 번째 에디션 이후 로마에서 점점 더 많은 관심을 받고 있으며 전 세계 영화 제작자들의 참고 자료가 되는 행사가 되었습니다. 지난 몇 년 동안 Riff는 5개 대륙에서 온 작품을 받아 독립 영화 산업의 방향과 열정을 보여주는 세심한 증인이 되었습니다.

(r) 에볼루션 AI - AI 기술을 적용한 영화 및 비디오 제작을 전문으로 하는 RIFF의 새 섹션.
올해부터 RIFF는 인공 지능으로 만든 시각적 스토리텔링을 기념합니다.
이 새로운 경쟁 섹션에서는 시청각 제작 및 프레젠테이션에 AI 기술을 혁신적으로 적용하는 것을 장려합니다.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  공포영화  기타  실험영화

Logo of Global Music Awards

19 Sep 2014

공개됨: 27 Aug 2014
 출품비 있음

Banner Global Music Awards

Global Music Awards

La Jolla, United States

Global Music Awards (GMA) goal is to celebrate truly independent musicians, rather than being like other music talent competitions that honor only the best-selling recording artists. GMA is a showcase for original music, unique voices and emerging artists.

As an independent artist, it is always a challenge to build momentum and grow a musical resume that makes people stand up and pay attention. If you win GMA honors, it will establish your credibility as well as help you schedule bookings and secure dates. Mentioning that you have been honored by Global Music Awards will cause people to pause and take more time to consider your music. This will be helpful as you shop your music and seek more promotion, distribution, radio play, etc. The GMA issues press releases in support of GMA winners and thus helps GMA’s talented artists achieve success. In a nutshell, we allow our winners to use the credibility of the GMA name to open doors as independent artists.

Our goals are to provide talented musicians with our stamp of approval and generate buzz about their music. We will announce the GMA winners to our propriety email list of 30,000+ musicians and industry insiders. Our list is filled with music managers, music supervisors, record label executives and other industry insiders. We will blog about GMA winners in our bi-weekly newsletter, Backstage at the Global Music Awards. We will also issue a press release via Eworldwire.com to music media and news outlets around the world. Our efforts are intended to raise the public awareness of GMA winners and foster the credibility they deserve.

Winning a Global Music Award honors is a huge accomplishment. It proves that musicians can make it outside of the major label system and still be recognized for their work. The artists who win this award are just as talented as some of the biggest artists in the country. GMA impacts people in an incredibly positive way and fulfills an important role in exposing worthy independent music to a wider audience.

Billboard and Grammy are not the only awards that mean you made great music. Global Music Awards is a prestigious international music competition that brings attention to artists who are traditionally underrepresented by mass media. Global Music Awards are prestigious and are increasingly recognized by industry insiders to give legitimacy to outstanding artists. Beyond the joy of personal validation that winning GMA brings, the GMA honors are real attention-getters.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

Logo of Spike and Mike´s Festival of Animation

31 Dec 2015

공개됨: 27 Aug 2014
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.

Banner Spike and Mike´s Festival of Animation

Spike and Mike´s Festival of Animation

La Jolla, United States

This year's show is a mixed cocktail with a strong stir from the flaming absinthe spoon. Again proving the world isn't flat, we are set to tour with one of our best shows to date. To provide you with a taste of what's what... We are proud to present Jonas Georgakakis' "Saga of Biorn" a ferociously funny animated Nordic tale divulging the absolute truth about how one might earn the right to enter Valhalla. Then there is Javier Mrad's "Techopolis," an absolutely amazing 12min stop motion piece resembling Fritz Lang's Metropolis black and white film. This is the only show where so many entertaining films like these take the spotlight and are given full theatrical effect.

Before the "Festival of Animation" it was difficult to see independent, experimental, and foreign animation. Spike and Mike embarks on yearly world-wide film hunting expeditions. They have signed-on animation from the National Film Board of Canada, Cal Arts, Sheridan, Royal College of Art, Annecy, and select studios active amongst the art-house scene that at one time did not have a public venue. This Festival has come to be known as one of the most anticipated touring events on the circuit.

Initially, Spike and Mike produced the "Classic Festival" and later both the "Classic" and "Sick and Twisted" simultaneously- but by the early 2000s, the "Classic Festival of Animation" was phased into hiatus by the Sick and Twisted Festival (mainly featuring shorts venturing into the non sequitur e.g. "Lloyd's Lunchbox"). "The Festival" (meaning the current show) premieres a new cavalcade of adventurous films annually. Spike & Mike's "New Generation Animation" noted as the latest genre in animation, without question is now premiering the most captivating film-set of thought provoking concepts, humor, story, and daring production design in animation.

In animation, it is important to have an accurate gauge on the pulsating shifts in pop culture. Spike and Mike's content has evolved with the changing tastes of our times. The shows in their entirety have toured globally in theaters, film festivals (such as Cannes, Sundance, Annecy), college campuses, and dynamic events such as the Vans Warped Tour, the Winter X Games, and with the nu-metal band Korn.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제


Logo of Buffalo Niagara International Film Festival

01 Jan 2015

공개됨: 27 Aug 2014
 출품비 있음

Banner Buffalo Niagara International Film Festival

Buffalo Niagara International Film Festival

Amherst, United States

국제 영화제

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장편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  판타스틱영화  공포영화  기타  실험영화

Logo of International Half (Haiku Amateur Little Film Festival) Festival

30 Jun 2015

공개됨: 22 Aug 2014
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Banner International Half (Haiku Amateur Little Film Festival) Festival

International Half (Haiku Amateur Little Film Festival) Festival

Palakkad, India

(Haiku Amateur Little Film Festival)
HALF Festival stands for Haiku Amateur Little Film Festival. ‘Haiku’ is a very short form of Japanese poetry, here used to mean any short form of aesthetic creativity. ‘Amateur’ here denotes a creation by a creator whose chief intention in the creation is not financial gain. ‘Little’ here stands for shortness of duration of the film. ‘HALF’ denotes also the stipulated duration of the film which is 5 minutes or ‘half’ the time of a traditional film reel which is 10 minutes. Insight, which is organizing this festival, is a group of creative artists, with base at Palakkad, who believe in the infinite potential of the short film as a medium of communication and aesthetic creativity.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

 극영화  실험영화

Logo of Corona Chile Surf Film Festival

01 Nov 2014

공개됨: 22 Aug 2014
 출품비 있음

Banner Corona Ficsurf Chile 2015 - VIII Festival internacional de cine de surf

Corona Chile Surf Film Festival

Santiago, Chile

En su octavo año de historia, El Festival Internacional de Cine de Surf de Chile, FICSURF ha ocupado una posición única en el ¨fin del mundo¨.
Cada primavera, una ola de cultura del mar inunda la capital de Chile.
Los mejores cinematógrafos, artistas, músicos, ecologistas, emprendedores , deportistas y fotógrafos del mundo, todos amantes del mar y el Surf, se juntan acá para compartir el hambre por nuevos descubrimientos y la pasión por el Surf en toda su diversidad.

·” En este festival de cine nuestro principal atractivo son las películas de consagrados artistas y abrimos las puertas a nuevos talentos que reflexionen y potencien la vista a el mar.”..

Queremos compartir con ustedes un programa de calidad, ecléctico y fresco. Para nosotros es un placer poder contar con tu trabajo en FICSURF 2015.

Convocatoria abierta FICSURF Chile 2015 festival de cine de surf “Desde la ciudad con vista al mar”.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  기타  실험영화

Logo of BUtiful Film Festival

20 Sep 2014

공개됨: 21 Aug 2014
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.

Banner BUtiful Film Festival

BUtiful Film Festival

Bournemouth, United Kingdom

International Young Filmmaker Festival

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리

Logo of La Guarimba International Film Festival

31 Mar 2015

공개됨: 21 Aug 2014
 출품비 있음

Banner La Guarimba International Film Festival

La Guarimba International Film Festival

Amantea, Italy

L’associazione culturale La Guarimba ha come obiettivo quello di riportare il cinema alla gente e la gente al cinema. Questa motivazione ci ha portato a riparare un vecchio cinema all’aperto di 938 posti in Calabria; ad organizzare un festival del cortometraggio internazionale con ingresso libero; a creare La Scuola Delle Scimmie in Puglia, un processo di formazione di cinema e di illustrazione indipendente per 45 ragazzi; ci ha fatto creare La Guarimba On Tour dove ogni anno portiamo la nostra selezione di cortometraggi in giro per il mondo; e infine, ad agosto 2015, abbiamo organizzato la prima conferenza europea di Vimeo, il più grande distributore di cinema online diretto.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  공포영화  기타  실험영화  Music Video

Logo of Ideas Film Festival

15 Sep 2014

공개됨: 20 Aug 2014
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.

Banner Festival de Cine de las Ideas

Ideas Film Festival

Santiago, Chile

영화 및 비디오 페스티벌을 만들어 칠레의 전국 영화 제작자, 외국인 및 학교 학생의 제작과 제작을 촉진합니다. 그리고 헤게모니에 대해 연기 된 지리의 보급과 토론을위한 공간을 제공 할 수
미디어, 각 사람들의 시청각 및 문화 생산을 촉진하는 것과 함께.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리

Logo of 6th Indian International Advertising Festival-2017

15 Oct 2014

공개됨: 17 Aug 2014
 출품비 있음

Banner 6th Indian International Advertising Festival-2017

6th Indian International Advertising Festival-2017

Greater Noida, India

7th Indian International Advertising Festival-17 is a competitive festival of advertising films, design, photography, radio, online & mobile content produced by Indian & worldwide professionals. The festival was established by Education Expo TV in 2012 as Indian Advertising & Corporate Film Festival which caters mainly to ad & corporate films. After having 4 successful editions in year 2016 the festival rebrand as Indian International Advertising Festival to serve other sections of advertising industry. The IIAF is celebrating the achievement taking place in visual communication field & honoring the innovativeness, effectiveness, creativity, new ideas & technology globally in advertising.

The objective behind the festival is to recognize the best talent and setting new milestone in the most amazing advertising industry. The IIAF is an India’s first independent advertising festival providing platform to showcases the work of aspirant, young & experience professionals globally. IIAF is also providing platform for professional networking, sharing of ideas & knowledge. The IIAF awards honor the groundbreaking work, talent and outstanding design, production & advertising companies. We extend warm invitation to participate in 2016 edition and hope it turns milestone in your advertising career.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

 극영화  애니메이션

Logo of Cinema Perpetuum Mobile International Short Film Festival

30 Nov 2014

공개됨: 16 Aug 2014
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.

Banner Cinema Perpetuum Mobile International Short Film Festival

Cinema Perpetuum Mobile International Short Film Festival

Minsk, Belarus

The 6-th annual international independent short film festival “Cinema Perpetuum Mobile” is a non-profit cultural event. The Organizing committee was formed by the members of kinaklub.org community, which gathers enthusiasts and film-fans devoted to the values of continual and free cinema art.

Festival’s purposes:
To promote independent film-making. Short film is a low-budget, and thus, affordable democratic method of art expression. This allows to cover any actual and burning issue while staying laconic.

To support cultural diversity in cinema and discover new forms and methods in film art.
To assist in establishing and strengthening communication between film-makers and film societies in Belarus and around the world.
As reflected in its name, the idea of the festival is to touch upon eternal, perpetual subjects. The measure of how perpetual the subject is, is determined by it’s unquestionable importance and humanistic value. But also, with issues of this kind, a fresh and reasonable view is needed. That is why, both traditional and innovative approaches in interpretation of perpetual subjects are appreciated, as well as the whole spectrum of different cinematic forms — from silent to experimental.

Any interested person, who agrees with principles and ideas presented in the regulations, can become a participant of the festival, without regard to place of residence, age, color, height, weight, marital status and sexual orientation. The requirement for becoming a participant is a filled-in participant’s entry form and a completed film.
Festival screenings and selection of winners will take place simultaneously in Minsk, other locations in Belarus and on our planet as a whole, in April 2015, gathering more and more people who enjoy watching good films and are not indifferent to the problems of mankind.

The working languages of the festival are English, Belarusian, and Russian.
Participation in the festival is free of any charges.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  실험영화  Music Video

Logo of Public Service Announcement Festival (PSAF)

20 Aug 2014

공개됨: 15 Aug 2014
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.

Banner Public Service Announcement Festival (PSAF)

Public Service Announcement Festival (PSAF)

Chennai , India

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  판타스틱영화  실험영화


15 Nov 2014

공개됨: 13 Aug 2014
 출품비 있음

Banner Festival Fantàstik Granollers


Granollers, Spain 스페인

판타스틱 그라놀러스는 2012년부터 개최되고 있는 그라놀러스의 환상적이고 공포스러운 영화제입니다. 판타스틱 영화와 공포 영화에만 관련된 문화적 제안이 제공되는 이 도시의 독특한 행사로 자리잡았습니다. 단편 영화에 많은 관심을 기울이면서 그와 관련된 모든 것을 제안하고 있습니다.

영화 애호가들에게는 혁신적인 영화를 볼 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 이 주제에 관심이 있는 다른 사람들과 소통할 수 있는 좋은 기회입니다.

페스티벌 외에도 판타지 및 공포 영화 보급과 관련된 다른 활동도 연중 진행됩니다.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

 극영화  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  공포영화

Logo of Linea d“Ombra Festival

30 Oct 2014

공개됨: 13 Aug 2014
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.

Banner Linea d“Ombra Festival

Linea d“Ombra Festival

Salerno, Italy

Linea d’Ombra-Festival Culture Giovani is an international festival of cinema, literature,performing art and music.The event is divided in the following 4 sections:

Videoart & web
Performing art

Events and performances of these sections will be chosen directly by the artistic direction in base of quality, consistency with the project and the theme of the event, which is chosen year by year.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

 극영화  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  기타  실험영화

Logo of Viva Latino Film Festival NYC Int`l

15 Nov 2014

공개됨: 13 Aug 2014
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Banner Viva Latino Film Festival NYC Int`l

Viva Latino Film Festival NYC Int`l

NYC, United States

Viva! Latino Film Festival NYC Int'l is starting the process for 2017. The festival is the newest Latino international film festival in NYC. We will showcase emerging and established filmmakers from the U.S., Mexico and Latin America. We have industry representatives such as network executives, distributors, etc., on industry panels, workshops, and plenty more. Viva! Film Festival NYC is looking forward to meeting you and thanks for being part of this new event.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  공포영화  실험영화