Logo of Interntional Film Festival

10 Jun 2024

Published: 19 Apr 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner FestCine Pedra Azul

Interntional Film Festival

Domingos Martins, Brazil

FestCine Pedra Azul is in its sixth edition and will take place on the 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th of September 2024.

We are an International Film Festival, qualified by IMDb, conceived and produced by Tower Filmes.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Fantastic Gijón

31 Jul 2024

Published: 19 Apr 2024
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival De Cine Fantástico Y De Terror De Gijón

Fantastic Gijón

Gijón, Spain

FantasticGijón was born with the illusion of filling a space that we believe empty in Asturias, to accommodate national and international productions of the Horror, Fantasy and Science Fiction genres that, due to the genre to which they belong, have less chance of reaching our community within of the programming of the rest of regional festivals.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fantastic  Terror

Logo of Festival de Cine de Madrid - PNR

08 May 2024

Published: 18 Apr 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Festival de Cine de Madrid - PNR

Banner Festival De Cine De Madrid - PNR

Festival de Cine de Madrid - PNR

Madrid, Spain



Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of Tarazona Film Festival

09 Jun 2024

Published: 18 Apr 2024
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Tarazona Film Festival

Banner Festival de Cine de Comedia de Tarazona Y El Moncayo

Tarazona Film Festival

Zaragoza, Spain



Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of International Short Film Festival on elderly people  (FICMA Salamanca)

01 Sep 2024

Published: 18 Apr 2024
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Internacional De Cortometrajes Sobre Personas Mayores  (FICMA Salamanca)

International Short Film Festival on elderly people (FICMA Salamanca)

Salamanca, Spain

The International Festival of Intergenerational Short Films on the Elderly (FICMA) was born within the Federation of Associations of the Elderly of Salamanca (FAMASA) with the aim of providing a cultural offer that contributes to improving the quality of life of the elderly, even with dependence or disfunctions by bringing them closer to a full citizenship and offering the cultural heritage of which they are protagonists. It is celebrated every year between September and October since 2016 in the city of Salamanca, being a meeting of intergenerational culture

The Festival poses as a place of debate and discourse for questions such as: How has cinema treated old age? The reflection of the role of the elderly in the family, sentimental, emotional and social relationships. The positive or negative consequences of cinema into stereotypes and believings about the elder and even if it treats the same way both man and women.

The importance of dignifying the intergenerational relationships between youngsters and elderlies becames vital in order to find ways towards a better future.


The goal of the FICMA is to archieve the people from Salamanca to be closer to the cinema from a third age perspective. This festival is a golden opportunity to offer a cinema party to the city and an active and positive vision from this part of the population.
The festival has as a goal to show the positive part of the elders and to reforce the intergenerationals relationships.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Other

Logo of International documentary film festival | Globale Bogotá 2024

30 May 2024

Published: 17 Apr 2024
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional De Cine Documental | Globale Bogotá 2024

International documentary film festival | Globale Bogotá 2024

Bogotá D.C., Colombia

11th version of the International Documentary Film Festival Globale - Bogotá
The Globale International Documentary Film Festival - Bogotá invites documentary filmmakers and audiovisual producers to submit proposals that revolve around utopias under
construction, that is, human and non-human resistance to live in freedom and autonomy.

About the festival
Globale—Critical and Emancipatory Perspectives is a non-profit and non-competitive festival that exhibits documentaries with political and social themes. It was founded in
Berlin in 2003 and later replicated in Warsaw, Montevideo, Rio de Janeiro, and Bogota, where it has been held since 2011.
Its objective is to generate scenarios of denunciation, dialogue, awareness, and analysis of reality based on the themes established for each version. Thus, it proposes
transforming established cultural, social, and economic models. For them, we resort to the documentary without a hierarchy of formats, media, qualities, or academic or
industrial validations.

About this version
In this version of the festival, we want to focus on utopias that inspire us to continue resisting the capitalist system of exploitation and domination. Therefore, we are interested
in hopeful audiovisual proposals of living and active struggles and propose the following sub-themes:
Nature in resistance:
Proposals that leave behind the anthropocentric paradigm and focus on different ecologies, organisms, and living systems and their ways of adapting to change through
strategies such as succession, regeneration, retaking, and creating relationships with other forms of life, among others. This theme also includes documentaries that present
other ways in which people relate to their living environment and, in doing so, refuse to participate in the destruction and instrumentalization of life that capitalism promotes.
Collectivities in resistance:
Documentaries that portray the strategies of self-organization, action, cooperation, and creation of networks and communities of collectivities that oppose the various forms of
oppression from places outside the state and its institutions, thereby building paths towards a freer and more supportive world.
Technologies in resistance:
We understand technology as a set of tools, techniques, skills, abilities, knowledge, and processes. From this perspective, we invite documentary proposals that portray
experiences where technology is part of collective or community processes that create autonomy, degrees of freedom, and other/new ways of relating between ecosystems.

EXPANDED INFORMATION: www.globalebogota.wordpress.com / Facebook.com/festivalglobalebogota / globalebogota@gmail.com / @globalebogota

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of Luberon Film Festival

31 Aug 2024

Published: 17 Apr 2024
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Luberon Film Festival

Luberon Film Festival

Pertuis, France

Luberon Film Festival

International Film Festival hosted by the city of PERTUIS will reward at the end of these 5 days in a feature film and short film section the Lavender of Gold for the best film.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of Rosario Latin American Film Festival

14 Jun 2024

Published: 17 Apr 2024
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival de Cine Latinoamericano Rosario

Rosario Latin American Film Festival

Rosario, Argentina

The Secretariat of Culture and Education of the Municipality of Rosario, through Punto Audiovisual, invites you to participate in the 30th edition of the Rosario Latin American Film Festival that will take place from June 5 to 15, 2025, in the city of Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina.

The Festival has four competitive categories:

- Feature Film Competition

- Santa Fe Feature Film Competition

- Short Film Competition

- Rosario Short Film Competition


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Logo of La ReA Short Film Festival

15 Jul 2024

Published: 17 Apr 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner La ReA Short Film Festival

La ReA Short Film Festival

La Roche en Ardenne, Belgium

The third edition of the ReA Short Film Festival will take place on Saturday 6 September 2025 in La Roche-en-Ardenne at the Cinéma "Le Faubourg Saint Antoine" / formerly "le Carrefour" and on the adjoining square:

Place du Bronze
6980 La Roche-en-Ardenne/Belgium

The call for films is open!

This festival is giving 10 short films and their teams the chance to present their work. It will also give 5 short films for children the chance to meet a whole new and younger audience at the Festival.

The Festival will take place on 6 September 2025 from 11am to 1am.

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of XS Puçol

23 Jun 2024

Published: 16 Apr 2024
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner XS Puçol

XS Puçol

Puçol, Spain

Only for Spanish filmmakers

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Roca Film Festival

08 Jul 2024

Published: 16 Apr 2024
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival de Cine de Roca, Cine de Música

Roca Film Festival

Guitiriz, Spain

Roca Film Festival is a non-profit cultural project held annually in the parish of Roca, Guitiriz, Lugo, Spain. Organized by Xermolos Cultural Association, this small-format musical film festival reaches its XII edition in 2025.

Key Features:

Musical Focus:
The festival centers on musical-themed productions, providing a platform for filmmakers who explore the relationship between cinema and music.
Varied Program:
In addition to short film screenings, the festival offers a wide range of activities, including:
- Outdoor film screenings.
- Presentations of cultural projects.
- Live concerts.
- Art exhibitions.
- Colloquiums and debates.
- Guided tours of the area.
- Traditional games.

Short Film Competition:
The festival features a musical-themed short film competition, divided into two categories:
- Galician short films.
- Non-Galician/international short films.

The winners of each category receive a cash prize of €100 and an original trophy designed by local artisan Marcos Ladra.

Roca Film Festival contributes to the diffusion of musical cinema and the promotion of culture in the region of Lugo. Furthermore, it promotes cultural exchange between Galician and international filmmakers.
The parish of Roca, in Guitiriz, offers a rural and natural environment that adds a special charm to the festival.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Sitges FanPitch

01 Jul 2024

Published: 16 Apr 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Sitges FanPitch

Sitges FanPitch

Sitges, Spain


For the eleventh year in a row, the Sitges - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia is organizing Sitges FanPitch, its feature film and series production project pitch competition.
Sitges FanPitch is the international pitch competition event focusing on feature films and series productions in development with horror, science fiction and/or fantastic genre themes. The initiative maintains its objective of discovering the very best genre projects and facilitating connections with leading industry companies. The event will take place in hybrid format on October 12 and 13, 2025 at the Sitges Film Festival.

Altogether, a maximum of five series and seven feature films from all around the world will be selected. These will be joined by the projects selected by the Festival at the collaborating Sitges FanPitch film markets and the project selected at Sitges FanPitch Catalunya Imaginària.

The people responsible for each of the selected projects will have the opportunity to make a sales pitch and meet with each of the participating companies. In addition, the five winning feature film projects will be eligible for travel grants for their international circulation and to be part of the next Feratum Residency.

In the series category, one winning project will be selected, which will be awarded a cash prize for its ongoing development.

Once again this year, we will be supporting local talent with the Catalunya Imaginària label, guaranteeing a place in the final selection for a project in Catalan.

For the fifth consecutive year, this edition will be complemented by the Showrunners LAB, an introductory and mentoring seminar on the role of the showrunner. The selected series projects will be able to benefit from individual mentoring sessions with the showrunners participating in this year's edition.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Fantastic

Logo of Mostra De Cinema Jove d’Elx

29 Apr 2024

Published: 16 Apr 2024
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Mostra De Cinema Jove d’Elx

Mostra De Cinema Jove d’Elx

Elx, Spain

Festival of short films made by young people from 14 to 30 years old.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of New Delhi Film Festival-NDFF

05 Mar 2025

Published: 16 Apr 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner New Delhi Film Festival-NDFF

New Delhi Film Festival-NDFF

New Delhi, India

21, 22 and 23 February, 2025
India International Centre-ICC, New Delhi INDIA

Human interests are changing, with changing cinema techniques and short/documentary/feature film styles are changing us and our attitude.

This attitude will now screen in the heart of Delhi through the finest global short, feature and documentary films.



Organized by: Jaipur International Film Festival & Trust

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video


01 Jul 2024

Published: 16 Apr 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner WomanInFan


Sitges, Spain

Girls Just Wanna Have FAN

IV WomanInFan - Sitges Fanlab Short Film-Teaser Creation Competition Call for Entries

The Sitges - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia presents its fourth call for entries to make a short film-teaser as part of the WomanInFan (Sitges FanLab) program. The objective of this initiative is to give visibility to female creators and incorporate them into fantastic genre filmmaking, proposing the creation of a piece destined to circulate around the audiovisual market, which will serve as a sample of an idea for a fantastic genre feature film.

WomanInFan expands its field of action to include film production in order to support the work done by female filmmakers within the fantastic genre industry.

The Evaluation Commission will select 10 projects from among all those submitted, out of which there will be one winner. The 9 runners-up and the winning project will have the right to participate in the Industry Sessions at the 58th Sitges - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia thanks to industry accreditation (except for private events).

WomanInFan - Sitges Fanlab Short Film-Teaser Award:

• Industry accreditation for 1 person.

• A 10,000 euro budget (VAT included), which will be allocated entirely to producing the winning short film-teaser.

• Support from the Sitges - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia in the project's production functions.

• Presentation of the project as part of the corresponding edition of the Sitges - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia in the Industry section and/or at those sections that the Festival considers most advisable, com Sitges FanPitch.

• 2 nights of accommodation for the winner in order to attend the Sitges FanPitch with their winning project in this competition (the representatives will cover travel and food expenses).


III WomanInFan – Sitges Fanlab Residence Call for Entries

The Sitges - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia presents the III WomanInFan – Sitges FanLab training grant call for entries, as part of the WomanInFan program.

This Sitges Film Festival initiative for the visibility and incorporation of female creators in fantastic genre filmmaking proposes a new platform for female fantastic genre creators. It consists of a proposal for training in the through the residency format, which will take place during the 58th Sitges - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia.

The Grant Includes:

• Accommodation, travel expenses and per diems during the entire 58th Sitges - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia.

• Access to all Industry sessions at the 58th Sitges - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia.

• The selected applicants will receive intensive mentoring from leading experts in the film industry so that they can develop their projects in different facets. The mentoring and workshops will take place in Sitges during this year’s Festival.

• Training via mentoring, individual counseling from experts, screenings, Master Classes and workshops.

• The possibility of presenting the project as part of the corresponding edition of the Sitges - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia in the Industry section and/or at those sections that the Festival deems most convenient.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of FanCineQueer | International LGBTI Film Festival of Extremadura

31 Jul 2024

Published: 16 Apr 2024
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner FanCineQueer | Festival Internacional de Cine LGBTI de Extremadura

FanCineQueer | International LGBTI Film Festival of Extremadura

Badajoz, Spain

FanCineQueer, the International LGBTI Film Festival of Extremadura, celebrates this year its 27th edition between the 8th and the 17th of November launching its traditional Short Films Call with the purpose of recognising, visibilising and fostering the production and dissemination of recent or unreleased LGBTI works.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video


01 Oct 2024

Published: 16 Apr 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Fantàstik Granollers


Granollers, Spain

Fantàstik Granollers is the fantastic and horror film festival of Granollers, which has been held since 2012. It has become a unique event in the city, in which a cultural proposal related exclusively to fantastic and horror films is offered. and everything that is related to it, betting very strongly on short films.

It is an excellent opportunity for film lovers to see innovative films, as well as to connect with other people interested in this topic.

Apart from the festival, other activities are carried out during the year related to the dissemination of fantasy and horror films.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of Corrosive Film Fest

05 Jul 2024

Published: 16 Apr 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Corrosivo Film Fest

Corrosive Film Fest

San José, Costa Rica

At Corrosivo Film Fest, we are determined to give genre cinema the place it deserves in a country where an increasingly larger audience is open to everything that cinema from the other side of the spectrum has to offer. With this fourth edition, Corrosivo Film Fest consolidates itself as a space for those who enjoy genre cinema with popcorn on the big screen.

Our goal is to bring followers of the dark, bloody, and fantastic closer to new proposals that are not shown in commercial movie theaters, films that wander through the shadows of the best festivals to be exhibited in our country, at an event that everyone will remember.
Welcome to this festival, and let’s share together the love we have for these other stories through films, screenings, and activities.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of International Student Film and Video Festival

15 Aug 2024

Published: 16 Apr 2024
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner 国际学生影视作品展


Beijing, China

Please visit submission.isfvf.online to fill out the submission form.

a. Screenings

1. International Competition Screenings:
The shortlisted works of this year’s ISFVF will be screened, and the audience will vote on the screened works. Post-screening exchanges with the main creators and teachers will be arranged, and they will be asked to share their experiences with the audience through discussions.

2. Special Screenings:
To promote high-quality film education resources from around the world, the Festival will collaborate with other film and television schools, cultural institutions or short film festivals to present joint screenings and thematic screenings. They will provide a platform toshowcase and inspire discussions on diverse cultural expressions in cinematic works from around the world.

3. Retrospective Screenings:
To connect the past with the present, some representative works will be selected from the shortlists of previous years’ ISFVF for screening.

4. Screening Tour in Universities:
Following the conclusion of this year’s Festival, some representative works from the award-winning entries will be chosen for academic screenings and exchanges at other universities.

b. Exchange Activities

1. Academic Exchanges in Classes:
The main creators of shortlisted works will be invited to Beijing Film Academy’s classrooms to conduct academic discussions and share their creative experiences with faculty and students in the relevant courses.

2. Thematic Forums and Lectures:
Experts, scholars and practitioners in the film and television industry will be invited to conduct themed discussions aimed at guiding the creative path and development of young film and television students.

3. Thematic Workshops:
Thematic interactions based on professional practice will be conducted to inspire participants with new methods and ideas, and nurture their creativity.

4. Cultural Tour in Beijing:
The main creators of shortlisted works and distinguished guest representatives will be invited to visit World Heritage sites and/or cultural landmarks in Beijing to gain a deeper understanding of Chinese culture, fostering cultural exchange and appreciation.

c. Opening and Closing Ceremonies
The Opening and Closing Ceremonies will be held. The announcement of awards will take place at the Closing Ceremony.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Cuenca Internacional Film Festival

26 Jul 2024

Published: 15 Apr 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine de Cuenca

Cuenca Internacional Film Festival

Cuenca, Ecuador

The FICC is one of the pioneering festivals in Ecuador that has been consolidated throughout more than two decades of history. During different editions, our event received the visit of renowned international film personalities such as Laurent Cantet, Isaki Lacuesta, Goran Paskaljevic and Eduardo Noriega, among many others.

And since 2021, with its own organization, the Cuenca International Shortfest has been held, as an allied space of the FICC, to promote short films.

The 2025 edition will feature four international competitive sections: International Feature Film Competition (for works of more than 40 minutes of any theme, genre and style); Latin American Feature Film Competition, International Short Film Competition, and Competition for Ecuadorian and Cuenca short films.

Outside of competition, we have the section called “FREE”, focused on human rights films (including themes such as ecology and feminism).

The Cuenca International Film Festival 2025 will take place from June 25 to 30 in the city of Santa Ana de los Cuatro Ríos de Cuenca, Ecuador.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental