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Il 14° FICCI-ON - Ciudad Rodrigo International Film Festival mira a promuovere film educativi, sociali e spirituali realizzati in tutto il mondo.
Il tema del festival sarà quindi educativo, sociale e basato sui valori, compresi tutti quei film che promuovono lo sviluppo infantile in tutti i suoi aspetti.
Film basati sui valori che trattano il tema dei diritti umani e del dialogo interculturale. Ci sarà anche spazio per film con temi etnografici, di denuncia sociale o di impegno per lo sviluppo della cultura della Pace. Per quanto riguarda i temi spirituali, questa è una sezione molto ampia in cui saranno inclusi film religiosi e/o spirituali, indipendentemente dalla confessione e dal credo del film e dei suoi autori.
A TOP 10 NORTH AMERICAN FILM FESTIVAL by USA Today - and the only one in Los Angeles.
Now in its 24th year, DANCES WITH FILMS (DWF:LA) is an original on the festival circuit, hailed by Indiewire as "widely recognized as the premiere showcase of innovative independent cinema, presenting amazing undiscovered talent to an industry audience in Hollywood," "the future of Independent Film," by Huffington Post and as "An innovator and leader in positioning raw and new talented directors," by CNN and voted one of Moviemaker Magazine's Top 25 Coolest Film Festivals on the planet (and the only one in Los Angeles to make the list in the only year it was actually voted on by filmmakers across the globe), Dances With Films presents more than 200 films each year to the LA Filmmaking and Film-going community.
Dedicated to giving opportunities to creative talents who may not be considered 'Names', DWF stands out from the crowd with not only the community we've built, but by the success of our alumni and the shared loyalty of DWF relationships.
This year's EMMY AWARDS, had a sparkling amount of DWF alums, from presenting to sitting in the audience, including 2011 & 2012 alum, Gina Rodriguez presenting on stage to 2006 alum Alexander Skarsgard winning Best Supporting Actor to 2007 & 2012 alum Joel Watson, nominated for editing SHARK TANK. DWF has had many filmmakers go on to create series, such as the highly rated THE LAST SHIP, created by 2000 alum, Steven Kane. HBO’s critically acclaimed and hit series ‘Getting On” and “Big Love” were created by DWF Alums Will Scheffer and Mark Olsen after screening their feature film "Easter" at DWF 2004. Our TV/Web division, premiered TREADING YESTERDAY in 2016, which in now in development for a series. Jeremy Cloe, 2015 alum & ICA winner, recently won a student ACADEMY AWARD.
2008 actor alum Jesse Eisenberg was nominated for Best Actor in "The Social Network" for the 2011 Academy Awards. 2010 Audience Award winner "Go For It!" received a nationwide theatrical release through Lionsgate in 2011. Betsy Brandt "Breaking Bad'' & “Parenthood” was seen early on in her career in the Grand Jury Winner of 2005, "Shelf Life." And her co-star in “Breaking Bad” Bryan Cranston premiered his directorial debut with us in 2000! 2010 feature "Cost of a Soul" was seen nationwide at AMC Theatres in conjuction with Relativity Media's Rogue. - Just a few examples of our alumni accomplishments.
Some quotes:
"Dances with Film is an incredible film festival filled with a ton of hot, new talent. It's what Sundance should be and SXSW is – but it’s in our own backyard! They put on top notch industry panels and events which sync sponsors together with the filmmakers as well as other VIPs. Their events are well attended and are extremely well organized. It's a great platform for a sponsor to promote their own projects and enhance their profile in the Hollywood and Indie film community while picking up material and making new connections."
- Chris Charalambous, Head of Acquisitions, Freestyle Media
"Dances with Film is a great film festival. They treat their supporters and sponsors incredibly well, put on fantastic industry events and is an enormous wealth of new talent. Gersh has signed 3 new clients since becoming involved with DWF. We couldn't recommend it more highly."
- Frank Wuliger, Partner The Gersh Agency
As you can see, DWF provides great exposure to the decision makers of the film industry. In fact past year's panels and 'conversations with' series rocked it with Producer, Stephanie Allain (DEAR WHITE PEOPLE, HUSTLE AND FLOW); Casting Director, David Rubin (TRUMBO, GRAVITY); EVP, Worldwide Distribution, Paramount Pictures, Syrinthia Studier; Packaging Agent, Gersh Agency, Gergen Crochet; SVP, Acquisitions and Co-Productions, Miramax, Rosanne Kortenberg; EVP, Theatrical Distribution, CBS Films, Steven Friedlander... just to name a few. Every year brings out industry stars, the caliber of which - you will rarely find at other fests.
Dances With Pilots!
In addition to narrative and documentary features and shorts (not to mention music videos!), DWF is thrilled to bring back the 4th installment of Dances With Pilots! as we present TV and Webisodes as a sidebar to the big fest.
Dances With Kidz!
We are pleased to present year 6 of Dances With Kidz! This program consists of films created for kids and most importantly... created BY kids. There is a pro section along with the kids section (18 and below).
2 Minute Short Film Challenge
And on the creative side, DWF also produces up to ten short films during the week of the festival. The 2 Minute Short Film Challenge has become an exciting favorite program at the festival. Utilizing the latest digital technology and pure filmmaking ingenuity, submitted scripts are shot, edited and screened in front of evening competition films during the festival.
Academy® Qualification:
We also qualify a slate of shorts for Academy Award® consideration through our friends at Laemmle Theatres and Double Exposure in Los Angeles. Short films that premiere with us actually have a higher possibility of being Academy® qualified than most any other short film competition in the country.
The Family:
Finally, the community of Dances With Films that has evolved since 1998 is a strong and loyal one. DWF offers the opportunity for filmmakers to strengthen and expand connections that will endure for years to come.
For more information on all the above statements, head over to
OBJECTIVES: This non-competitive event aims to be a meeting place for independent film production and the public, we encourage the creation and production of audiovisual filmmakers from all over the world and provide a space to allow diffusion of contemporary and cultural film productions.
THEME: Works will be accepted whose aesthetic and thematic proposal refer to the cultural identity of the places of origin of the filmmakers, providing entertainment and cultural knowledge for the audience.
FFF 2017 accepts feature films, documentary, animation, medium and short films from established and emerging , independent filmmakers, film schools and media collectives from Ireland Europe and around the world.
L'European Fantastic Film Festival di Murcia SOMBRA è un progetto che mira a diffondere e fungere da riferimento ai film fantasy prodotti in Europa, oltre a sostenere la produzione europea, nazionale e regionale di genere.
Il Salento International Film Festival è una celebrazione di film e registi, promuove film indipendenti internazionali, in riconoscimento del fatto che i film sono la forma più potente di comunicazione culturale e di legame tra culture e popoli».
Fondato nel 2004 da Luigi Campanile, il Salento International Film Festival è emerso come un importante evento culturale e il miglior festival cinematografico del Sud Italia. Ogni anno introduce i registi di tutto il mondo alle risorse uniche del Salento, mentre celebra la storia e il futuro dell'industria cinematografica con 5 giorni di anteprime mondiali, eventi speciali, seminari, lungometraggi, cortometraggi, documentari.
Negli ultimi anni SIFF ha organizzato e organizzato un tour mondiale, portando il festival in destinazioni internazionali come Zurigo, Londra, Hong Kong, New York, Santiago del Cile, Mosca, San Pietroburgo, Oslo e altro ancora, presentando l'evento «Best of the Fest». Questo dà a SIFF l'opportunità di presentare alcuni dei migliori film presentati al Festival a un pubblico internazionale, in luoghi prestigiosi come gli Istituti Italiani di Cultura nel mondo e i teatri di cinema, aumentando la visibilità e l'apprezzamento di tali opere che faticano a trovare una distribuzione. canale.
Cellar Door Film Festival (CDFF) is Ottawa’s first showcase of speculative cinema, which celebrates the creativity of the Ottawa film scene and spotlights the city as a setting for the sinister and supernatural. CDFF encourages film culture, education, and production in Ottawa by promoting the creation, screening, and distribution of local, national and international films in the Nation’s capital.
Nel 2024, l'Iquique International Film Festival (Ficiqq) celebrerà il suo 15° anniversario. Ficiqq è un evento unico nella regione di Tarapacá, finanziato in questa occasione dal Fondo per lo sviluppo audiovisivo 2024, sponsorizzato da SQM Yodo Nutrición Vegetal e prodotto da Volcánica Films.
La città di Logrono e l'artefatto vogliono dare ai registi dilettanti la possibilità di mostrare i suoi cortometraggi Films.
L'Encuentro Hispanoamericano de Cine y Video Documental Independiente: Contra el Silencio Todas las Voces è uno spazio per viaggiare attraverso varie realtà ed estetiche del Messico e dell'America Latina.
Contra el Silencio ha la sua prima edizione nel 2000, quando praticamente gli unici festival cinematografici esistenti in Messico erano Guadalajara (1986) e Guanajuato (1998), e in generale, in America Latina la situazione non era molto diversa, c'erano pochissimi spazi che diffondevano e davano riconoscimento al documentario sociale.
Da questo stesso spirito e impegno a promuovere e sostenere la creazione di documentari arriviamo piacevolmente alla dodicesima edizione che si terrà dal 4 al 12 novembre 2022. In cui avremo proiezioni delle sezioni competitive, delle funzioni speciali, nonché delle attività accademiche e di formazione che promuovono la critica e la riflessione.
Festival internazionale di film horror con sede nella città di Guanajuato, in Messico. Tutte le attività del festival sono senza scopo di lucro.
L'Assessorato alla Cultura del Municipio di San Nicolás del Puerto e il Punto Vuela di San Nicolás del Puerto annunciano il IX Festival di cortometraggi horror e fantasy «La Vieja Encina» 2024, che si terrà il 28, 29, 30 novembre e 1 dicembre 2024.
KloosterKino is the place to be for animated shorts in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Three times a year we show the best animated shorts from all over the world in a friendly setting. The screenings take place in a historic cloister, which dates back to 1909, and are not subject to admission.
KloosterKino shows work by young filmmakers, but also pays attention to classic animated film. Throughout the year we also work with other festivals and cultural organizations to arrange screenings of animated shorts.
But why animated shorts? Well, first of all, because we love them! But also because too few animated shorts are shown theatrically in the Netherlands. KloosterKino wants to show animation in all its diversity: from stop-motion to CGI, from narrative to abstract, homegrown and from far away. In doing so, we hope to aid in the diffusion of the artistic animated short.
We intend to be an alternative to the larger animation festivals by offering screenings which are both accessible and challenging. We stand for high quality animated film in welcoming surroundings. Our target audience is not just the animation aficionado, but also those who normally don’t watch animation, but are open to a surprising and stimulating program of films.
KloosterKino is a nonprofit foundation, that depends on volunteers and gifts.
During the three days festival, the Food Film Festival attempts to cover all aspects of everything related to food. Aside from documentaries, feature films, animation, short and experimental films the festival boasts a variety of debate, lectures, live shows and workshops. This broad approach leads to the multifaceted program the subject deserves.
The Food Film Festival believes that good stories have the power to transform the world.
By creating a stage for food stories the Food Film Festival hopes to convey the love for food and at the same time it denounces the many problems related to our current day food system.
BioBioCine, Festival Internazionale del Cinema di Concepcion, è un incontro interculturale di conoscenza e saggezza espresse attraverso il cinema, che mira a essere uno spazio per il dialogo e la contemplazione, nonché per diffondere, promuovere, sostenere e dare valore alla cinematografia nazionale e internazionale di un territorio e Identità che viene stabilita come contesto per la sua riunione annuale.
Il BioBiocine International Festival chiede opere di tutti i paesi e culture per la sua undicesima versione. Il suo programma include categorie competitive e non competitive di lungometraggi e cortometraggi di finzione e saggistica, con particolare attenzione al cinema d'autore, ai nuovi registi, alla sperimentazione, al dialogo interculturale e alle prime nazioni.
Festival di cortometraggi e lungometraggi dell’orrore – Thriller – Pulp – Exploitation – Gore – Trash – Fantasy – Zombie Movie – B Movie - Western
I premi saranno assegnati a:
Miglior cortometraggio
Miglior fotografia
Miglior sceneggiatura
Miglior make up
El Coro Vell es como se conoce popularmente a la Societat Coral Juventut Terrassenca de Terrassa. Dicha entidad celebró en el 2008 su 150 aniversario, convirtiéndose así en una las entidades culturales más antiguas de la ciudad de Terrassa, aún en funcionamiento.
La Sección de Cine y Video por su parte, se ha convertido en el caldo de cultivo del cine amateur terrasense y estatal desde que creó a mediados de los años 60 el célebre certamen "EL ROTLLO", dedicado al Súper 8.
A partir del año 2003, la SCV del Coro Vell hace un salto al digital y la incorporación del audiovisual profesional con la celebración (anual y bianual, en algunos casos) del CONCURSO PLANO SECUENCIA, que ya ha celebrado 8 ediciones hasta la fecha.
El 9º CONCURSO INTERNACIONAL DEL PLANO SECUENCIA se celebrará en la Sede del Coro Vell, el próximo 21 de diciembre. La convocatoria para participar se abrirá el 8 de octubre hasta el próximo 3 de diciembre de 2013.