Logo of Animax Skopje Fest

30 Sep 2013

Pubblicato: 18 Sep 2013
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Banner Animax Skopje Fest

Animax Skopje Fest

Skopje, North Macedonia

About the Festival

“Animax Skopje Fest” is the first animated film festival in Macedonia. We regard it as a unique opportunity to present local Macedonian creative potential in their home country; the audience will get a clear picture of what is currently in Macedonia created in this field. The festival is by nature competitive and is open to animators from around the world. The main reason why we decided to organize an international festival of animated film in the Republic of Macedonia, is the desire and need for this animated film to get a wide door in Macedonia.

Profile and Mission

The festival is the right address for anyone interested in animation as a way of communication, as a way of expanding horizons, as an effort to support a cultural form and spend leisure time in creative and constructive way, as part of a global trend of creative industries in Europe and the world. “Animax Skopje Fest” is organized by the production company “Auripigment”, in collaboration with the Association of Citizens Creative Center “Tintiri - Mintiri” of Skopje, Macedonia, with the support of Ministry of Culture of Republic of Macedonia. The main mission of “Animax Skopje Fest” is:
Promotion of animation in Macedonia;
Increasing the awareness for animation in Macedonia as a part of important cultural (creative) industries;
Contacting and communication between artists in Macedonia and abroad;
Promotion of dialog between filmmakers, designers, animators, artists, producers and viewers;
Organizing seminars, forums, workshops.

Who We Are

Production company “Auripigment” is working about 15 years in the field of audio - visual arts in the Republic of Macedonia, producing feature films, TV series, feature series, documentaries and entertainment programs intended for the widest audience. Most of the projects are characterized as projects of national interest to universal values. In this list of projects is included one of the latest projects of the production company, the first Macedonian international festival of animated films “Animax Skopje Fest”. Currently the production company “Auripigment” has produced documentary “Hristo Uzunov”, while in pre - production and production are five projects including a feature film. Festival “Animax Skopje Fest” aims to unite and encourage all animators in the Republic of Macedonia and to facilitate verification and presentation worthy of their creative potential and product. “Auripigment” production team knows quality and potency of Macedonian authors and therefore deemed it necessary to put the festival in the service of the promoter and ‘exporter’ of aesthetic founded animated audio - visual works arising from Macedonia. In fact, this festival aims to raise and build culture in terms of making animated films for adults and children who present different aspects of everyday life. The authors of these films from around the world participate in this festival by sending their animated films. Animax Skopje Fest is held in November each year. The last night of the festival, most successful animated films are awarded with prizes, which have undergone previous round of competition and are being elected as awarded by the jury - the commission. On the other hand, our team closely monitors developments in the field of world animation and also as past years, this year and in future plans to carry the best of the world in Macedonia. This is illustrated by the previous two editions of the festival, in which were reported over 400 high quality animated films from more than 35 countries worldwide. While this year's edition reported more than 200 animated works from more than 40 countries from all around the world, which this time, also, will compete for the main prize “Golden Brick”.


Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

Festival del lungometraggio


Logo of The Frederick Film Festival

15 Apr 2014

Pubblicato: 18 Sep 2013
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Banner The Frederick Film Festival

The Frederick Film Festival

Frederick, United States

A world class festival bringing world class film to the region. Frederick is an hour north of Washington DC and an hour West of Baltimore, with a rich history and diverse population.

Our organization's mission is to provide access and exposure to the art of film and film appreciation to the Frederick community through exhibition of films and other film-related educational activities.

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

Festival del lungometraggio

 Finzione  Documentario  Animazione  Fantastico  Terrore  Altro  Sperimentale

Logo of Shorts That Are Not Pants

30 Nov 2013

Pubblicato: 18 Sep 2013
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Banner Shorts That Are Not Pants

Shorts That Are Not Pants

Toronto, Canada

Fondato nel 2012 come una serie di proiezioni trimestrali a Toronto, Canada, Shorts che Are Not Pants è ora un weekend di festival che si tiene ogni novembre.

Finora abbiamo proiettato più di 350 film provenienti da 41 paesi e stiamo cercando altre gemme sconosciute per mostrare il nostro pubblico di Toronto. I membri del nostro team di programmazione hanno esperienza lavorando per alcuni dei più grandi e migliori festival del mondo (TIFF, Sundance, Hot Docs, Cannes) e viaggiano in festival di tutto il mondo alla ricerca dei migliori film e dei registi più brillanti da sostenere.

Il tuo inscrição sarà valutato dal nostro team e, se scelto, sarà proiettato al nostro festival nel novembre 2020. Abbiamo otto anni di grande esperienza di programmazione alle spalle, con un sacco di slancio del pubblico.

Vedere alcune delle belle cose che i registi hanno detto su di noi qui: http://www.shortsnotpants.com/testimonials/

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

 Finzione  Documentario  Fantastico

Logo of 4th Children’s, Nature & Wildlife Film Festival-25

15 Oct 2013

Pubblicato: 17 Sep 2013
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Banner 4th Children’s, Nature & Wildlife Film Festival-25

4th Children’s, Nature & Wildlife Film Festival-25

Greater Noida, India

Children's, Nature & Wildlife Film Festival è un festival cinematografico indipendente indiano promosso da Miniboxoffice India. L'obiettivo del Children's, Nature & Wildlife Film Festival è quello di mostrare e promuovere lungometraggi, cortometraggi, animazioni e documentari professionalmente divertenti, illuminanti e incoraggianti tra il pubblico target. Il festival accetta tutti i generi di film per bambini, sulla natura, sul clima e sulla fauna selvatica, che si tratti di film fantasy, motivazionali, drammatici, sulla disabilità, educativi, di fantascienza, avventurosi, genitoriali, ecc.

Il Children's, Nature & Wildlife Film Festival è una boutique di film per bambini, sulla natura, sul clima e sulla fauna selvatica che celebra l'infanzia e la natura. L'obiettivo del festival è portare il cinema di livello mondiale a portata di mano dei bambini, che fornisce una fonte alternativa di apprendimento e aiuta a comprendere la cultura di altre nazioni e la natura attraverso l'arte del cinema. Il CNWFF dà anche visibilità all'educazione cinematografica attraverso vari workshop e master class. Allo stesso tempo fornisce ai registi una piattaforma per raggiungere un vasto pubblico attraverso il CNWFF.

Il festival aiuta a innalzare gli standard di qualità dei contenuti per film per bambini e naturalistici e aiuta anche a promuovere il mercato cinematografico. Ci auguriamo che il CNWFF si riveli una pietra miliare per i registi nella loro carriera e una ricca esperienza anche per il pubblico.

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

Festival del lungometraggio

 Finzione  Documentario  Animazione  Fantastico  Altro  Sperimentale  Music Video

Logo of Cardiff Independent Film Festival

31 Jan 2014

Pubblicato: 14 Sep 2013
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Banner Cardiff Independent Film Festival

Cardiff Independent Film Festival

Cardiff , United Kingdom

The Cardiff Independent Film Festival will be held over the 5th to 7th May 2017 in Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff. This will be our third festival, following highly successful events beginning in 2014. We're a fun, friendly and open festival run by film-lovers that celebrates the best in independent cinema and adheres to the highest ethical standards.

We're non-profit, which means ALL of the submission fees go into the running of the festival. And we are truly independent - we don't take public or corporate money so the films we pick are our favourites.

We also attract big-name guests: CIFF2015 saw talks by Stephen Frears and Paul Andrew Williams and the great John Boorman present the Welsh premiere of his final feature Queen and Country. We may be small but we punch above our weight.

We will be screening five feature films, ten short films and five short animations in competition and there will be out-of-competition screenings for other films of significant merit.


Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

Festival del lungometraggio

 Finzione  Documentario  Animazione  Fantastico  Terrore  Altro  Sperimentale

Logo of Chicago Underground Film Festival

15 Dec 2013

Pubblicato: 14 Sep 2013
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Banner Chicago Underground Film Festival

Chicago Underground Film Festival

Chicago, United States

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

Festival del lungometraggio

 Finzione  Documentario  Altro  Sperimentale

Logo of Jaipur International Film Festival

30 Nov 2013

Pubblicato: 12 Sep 2013
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Banner Jaipur International Film Festival

Jaipur International Film Festival

Jaipur, India


The Cinematic Olympics - Unborn

JIFF is the World's Biggest Competitive Film Festival (in fiction films).

The Jaipur International Film Festival, the world's fastest growing film festival, is held every year in January in Jaipur, India

Launched in January 2009, Jaipur International Film Festival -JIFF became expanding establishing name in organizing world film festival every year in Rajasthan.

The purpose of this film festival is to promote new movie makers, exchange of knowledge, information, ideas & culture between India & other nations in context of their social and cultural ethos. JIFF also promotes friendship and co-operation among people of the world through the medium of films & documentaries.

Though the film festivals have became a regular affair in most countries yet most of them cater only to selected audience as well as entertain the commercially successful film makers and related personalities. However, JIFF intends to organize a festival that connects the film fans & movie goers with the world, especially the serious filmmakers & their associates so as to bring about greater understanding of the art of film making.

The Seventeenth JIFF 2025 received 2408 films from 88+ countries and 241 films nominated for screening.

The Sixteenth JIFF 2024 received 2971 films from 82+ countries and 329 films nominated for screening.

The Fifteenth JIFF 2023 received 2205 films from 63+ countries and 282 films nominated for screening.

The Fourteenth JIFF 2022 received 2100 films from 52+ countries and 279 films nominated for screening. (COVID 19 - Hybrid Edition)The Fourteen JIFF 2022 received 2100 films from 52+ countries and 279 films nominated for screening. (COVID 19 - Hybrid Edition)

The Thirteenth JIFF 2021 received 2121 films from 85+ countries and 266 films nominated for screening. (COVID 19 - Online Edition)

The Twelfth JIFF 2020 has received 2411 films from 100+ countries and 240 films nominated in competition for screening.

The Eleventh Aryan JIFF 2019 has received 2221 films from 103 countries and 232 films nominated for screening.

The Tenth JIFF 2018 has received 2019 films from 100+ countries and 136 films nominated for screening.

The Ninth JIFF 2017 has received 2004 films from 100+ countries.

The Eighth JIFF 2016 has received 2176 films from 100+ countries.

The Seventh JIFF 2015 has received 1807 films from 100+ countries.

The Sixth JIFF 2014 has received 1587 films from 90+ countries.

The Fifth JIFF 2013 has received 1397 films from 90 countries.

The Fourth JIFF 2012 has received 902 films from 70 countries.

18000 film lovers and film makers visited the festival.

The third JIFF 2011 was held with overwhelming response & it was a feather in crown.

The second JIFF 2010 was held with overwhelming response & it was a feather in crown.

The first JIFF 2009 was a first milestone towards success.

Sridevi JIFF Indian Panorama (All submitted films will be included automatically in this panorama from India only without any additional fee or you can submit directly in this panorama only, made/produced in all regional languages) new from JIFF 2019

Focus Country, Guest Country, Tribute, Retrospective and more - By Invitation Only

(You can submit according to your submission eligibility or write us for any support at myjiffindia@gmail.com)

JAIPUR CRITICS – For feature fiction films only, best film award from film critics. Total nominations: Around 5 films.

HONORARY ASIA - We welcome you in JIFF 2026 as senior and experienced film producer and director. This category is only for Asian continent for feature fiction films, who have produced/directed minimum 5 films in their respective career, we request you please submit your film/s produced/released/un released after 1st Jan. 2024 or film in post-production. It is non-competitive international nominations category, in this category will screen top two or three films out of all submissions.

WELCOME REGARD - For directors and producers 1st feature fiction film, in other words this submission should be first project/film as a director or producer. It is competitive international nominations category, in this category will screen top two or three films out of all submissions.


OLD IS GOLD - screenings (by invitation only)
Classic World (Classical films from India and the world) – By Invitation Only

Films made by Crowdfunding (mention in the submission form)

Films made by/with Co-Production (mention in the submission form)

Web Series (up to 30 minute/s)

Mobile Film Making on Social Issues (film should be shoot by mobile camera, up to 30 minute/s)

Submit Song/Ad Film//Music/Album/Poster/Live performance

Top 10 Dialogue.


Films Nominated at Oscar 2026 (Short Fiction/Live Action) - Official entry to the Oscars
Films nominated at Oscar 2026 (Short Documentary) - Official entry to the Oscars
Films nominated at Oscar 2026 (Feature Fiction) - Official entry to the Oscars
Films nominated at Oscar 2026 (Feature Documentary) - Official entry to the Oscars

Films nominated at Oscar 2026 (Academy Awards, USA)
from different countries as official entry to the Oscars and official nominations through various ways, will be directly part of the competition in JIFF 2026. The awards will be separate for these categories and will be finalized by international jury members (World cinema leaders). Few top films will be screened in JIFF 2026 for global audience. Other rules will be the same as film submission in JIFF 2026.


Best OTT Platform, Best OTT Short Fiction Film (released on OTT, between January 2023 and December 2025)

Best OTT Feature Fiction Film (released on OTT, between January 2023 and December 2025)

Best Photograph (New from JIFF 2026)

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

Festival del lungometraggio

 Finzione  Documentario  Animazione  Fantastico  Terrore  Altro  Sperimentale  Music Video

Logo of Imaginaria - International Animated Film Festival

31 May 2014

Pubblicato: 10 Sep 2013
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Banner Imaginaria - International Animated Film Festival

Imaginaria - International Animated Film Festival

Conversano, Italy

IMAGINARIA nasce nel 2003 quale festival internazionale di cortometraggi d’autore.

Imaginaria, dal 2014, lancia una nuova esperienza: affiancare in una naturale continuità il cinema d’animazione internazionale ai movimenti e agli autori più innovativi del fumetto d’autore.

Una manifestazione quanto mai eccentrica e “specializzata” rispetto all’abituale programmazione audiovisiva regionale.

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

Festival del lungometraggio


Logo of Mecal Pro,  27th Barcelona International Short and Animation Film Festival

08 Dec 2013

Pubblicato: 09 Sep 2013
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Promotional card of Mecal Pro,  27th Barcelona International Short and Animation Film Festival

Banner Mecal Pro, 27º Festival Internacional De Cortometrajes Y Animación De Barcelona

Mecal Pro, 27th Barcelona International Short and Animation Film Festival

Barcelona, Spain

Mecal Pro, il Festival internazionale del cortometraggio e dell'animazione di Barcellona, celebrerà la sua 27a edizione. La lunga storia di MECAL PRO lo ha consolidato come uno dei festival di cortometraggi più importanti in Europa e nel mondo, ricevendo così il sostegno di istituzioni locali, nazionali e internazionali. Nel 2024 abbiamo proiettato più di 300 cortometraggi nelle 29 sezioni che programmiamo.

Mecal è fortemente impegnata a promuovere l'esposizione e la diffusione di creazioni audiovisive in formato breve, non solo presso il pubblico, ma anche facendo incontrare creatori e distributori attraverso diverse attività. Mecal si dedica anche alla promozione dei talenti emergenti, organizzando eventi e premi appositamente rivolti ai giovani creatori. In questo senso, funziona anche come rete di diffusione di cortometraggi, organizzando proiezioni sia a livello nazionale che internazionale, collaborando con festival, ambasciate e istituzioni di tutto il mondo.


Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

 Finzione  Documentario  Animazione  Fantastico  Terrore  Sperimentale

Logo of The International Horror Hotel

15 Mar 2014

Pubblicato: 07 Sep 2013
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Banner The International Horror Hotel

The International Horror Hotel

Bedford Hts., United States

Il 14° anno includerà nuove aggiunte e competizioni! L'International Horror Hotel Film Festival and Convention si tiene ogni giugno nel nord-est dell'Ohio. Abbiamo concorsi aperti per film e sceneggiature dei seguenti generi: sperimentale (solo film), fantasy, horror, commedia horror, slasher, fantascienza e thriller di suspense. Accettiamo anche trailer, video musicali, progetti pilota TV (film o sceneggiatura) ed episodi web (film o sceneggiatura) per progetti dei generi elencati.

Il concorso è aperto anche per il nostro concorso di musiche per film horror (iscrizioni tramite il nostro sito web). All'evento, abbiamo anche concorsi dal vivo di scream king/scream queen e concorsi di trucco FX.

Quest'anno organizzeremo anche la seconda edizione del concorso cinematografico Room 237, in cui i registi si sfideranno per creare un film in 30 giorni utilizzando un'arma del delitto assegnata durante una riunione introduttiva di Zoom. Ulteriori informazioni sul concorso cinematografico Room 237 saranno disponibili sul sito Web dell'Horror Hotel Film Festival entro gennaio 2024. Inizia a costruire la tua squadra e preparati a competere!

L'evento prevede quattro giorni di proiezioni di film, due giorni di tavole rotonde e conferenze, una convention che avrà inizio venerdì pomeriggio, ospiti speciali, feste karaoke di networking, competizioni dal vivo e altro ancora.


Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

Festival del lungometraggio

 Finzione  Animazione  Fantastico  Terrore  Altro  Sperimentale  Music Video

Logo of Curtain Raiser The Malta Children´s Film Fest

30 Nov 2013

Pubblicato: 07 Sep 2013
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Banner Curtain Raiser The Malta Children´s Film Fest

Curtain Raiser The Malta Children´s Film Fest

Luqa, Malta

Be part of this festival in Malta which will be held on the 8th of December 2013. You can submit your film online here or through our Festivals platform partners. The choice is entirely yours.

We are looking for different genres of films, being live action, animation, stop motion always keeping in mind to entertain young children while giving them something to learn about! There will be 3 awards for this festival and will be attended by many children and their families!

Submissions are open from now till the 30th November, and every one is welcome to submit their work dedicated to children in mind, being Feature films, short films, animation films and why not also experimental if they have something to show to children. There is a fee of 10 Euro to pay through paypal for your submission to be eligible.

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

Festival del lungometraggio

 Finzione  Documentario  Animazione  Fantastico  Altro  Sperimentale

Logo of Entretodos - Human Rights  Short Film Festival of São Paulo

05 Oct 2013

Pubblicato: 06 Sep 2013
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Banner Entretodos - Festival de Filmes Curtos e Direitos Humanos

Entretodos - Human Rights Short Film Festival of São Paulo

São Paulo, Brazil

ENTRETODOS 17 - È un Festival ad ingresso gratuito dedicato alla mostra e alla premiazione di cortometraggi, della durata massima di 25 minuti, di tutti i generi e formati, che affronta questioni relative ai diritti umani.

Il Festival si svolge a San Paolo. Prodotto da Prefeitura de São Paulo, Spcine e ESTATE Produções.

Squadra del Festival ENTRETODOS.

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

 Finzione  Documentario  Animazione  Fantastico  Altro  Sperimentale

Logo of Naturman,  III International Film Festival of Nature and Man of La Laguna

20 Oct 2013

Pubblicato: 05 Sep 2013
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Banner III Festival Internacional de Cine de la Naturaleza y el Hombre de La Laguna (Naturman)

Naturman, III International Film Festival of Nature and Man of La Laguna

San Cristóbal de La Laguna, Spain

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

Festival del lungometraggio

 Finzione  Documentario  Fantastico  Altro  Sperimentale

Logo of Etnomed

31 Oct 2013

Pubblicato: 05 Sep 2013
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Banner Certamen Etnomed


Granada, Spain

Submitted short films must focus on the sensitivization and preservation of ethnographic legacy as a means for a common identity, on women's role in the transmision of thet identity, and the bond between that patrimony and the conservation of the enviroment within the everyday reality of the areas of Granada in Spain and Jebala-Gomara in the North region of Morocco.

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

 Finzione  Documentario  Altro  Sperimentale

Logo of FIDA International Animation Film Festival

26 Sep 2013

Pubblicato: 05 Sep 2013
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Banner Festival Internacional de Animación FIDA-Chile 2014

FIDA International Animation Film Festival

Valparaíso, Chile

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

Logo of Madrid Gothic Week

06 Sep 2013

Pubblicato: 05 Sep 2013
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Banner Semana Gótica de Madrid Cine

Madrid Gothic Week

Madrid, Spain

The eighth edition of Ventana Oscura, will take place on Friday 21 and Saturday 22 October 2016 at the Forum of FNAC Callao within the events of the Madrid Gothic Week VIII. During the event the selected works will be screened, and this event, only a sample and in no case a competitive contest.

Festival del cortometraggio

 Animazione  Fantastico  Terrore

Logo of Animated Exeter

01 Nov 2013

Pubblicato: 03 Sep 2013
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Banner Animated Exeter

Animated Exeter

Exeter, United Kingdom

Animated Exeter, established in 2000, is an annual animation film festival with a rich mix of films, events and activities; from the best of international short and foreign feature films to opportunities to meet the film-makers. The festival also showcases regional animation and celebrates the best graduate animation from the UK.
Unlike other animation festivals in England, Animated Exeter is uniquely focussed on attracting the general public. The festival focus is one of access and education for all, and its emphasis on practical in-depth workshops, master-classes for enthusiasts, hobbyists and students of all ages and professionals. The animation careers advice attracts a wide range of interest from trainers, industry, students and young professionals.

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

Logo of Universe Multicultural Film Festival

21 Dec 2013

Pubblicato: 02 Sep 2013
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Banner Universe Multicultural Film Festival

Universe Multicultural Film Festival

Palos Verdes Peninsula, United States

The Universe Multicultural Film Festival seeks to bring to the best of classic and contemporary filmmaking from the world; Committed to enlightening the public with a unique international film program, a forum for cultural understanding and enriching educational opportunities. The Festival focuses on showcasing diverse cultural and heritages films, supports the creation and advancement of innovative and artistic cinematic works of both emerging and seasoned filmmakers and proudly embraces the passion, independent spirit and vision of these talented artists. With the integration of the local community and educational institutions into all aspects of the Festival, the Festival stimulates an interest in the study and appreciation of film and encourages people of all ages and background to participate and share the harmony universe.

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

Festival del lungometraggio

 Finzione  Documentario  Animazione  Fantastico  Terrore  Altro  Sperimentale  Music Video

Logo of Student Film Festival (STuff)

08 Oct 2013

Pubblicato: 02 Sep 2013
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Banner Student Film Festival (STuff)

Student Film Festival (STuff)

New Delhi, India

About Stuff & Objective - The Student Film Festival (Stuff) is one of the few international film and arts festivals dedicated to budding filmmaker's with aims to provide young filmmakers with an authentic film festival experience, a valuable understanding of the film industry, and an opportunity to screen their movies on “the big screen.” The Festival seeks to nurture and showcase ability as well as the art of film making which encompasses aspects of the arts, culture, history, crafts, geography, cuisine & lifestyle in short what make us what we are. Stuff films and screenings are selected and hosted by filmmakers, professors, and other notable figures in the world of cinema.

The Student Film Festival (Stuff) Founded in 2012, In past years festival gains reputation & regarded as among most prestigious festival in India. The festival grows over the years & attracts filmmakers from across the India & across the world. The Stuff festival is renowned for its wide-ranging film selections from major institutions, independent and international filmmakers, this three-day extravaganza, consisting of indoor and outdoor red carpet film screenings, fashion, dance shows, workshops, and of course shopping stalls.

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

Festival del lungometraggio

 Finzione  Documentario  Animazione  Fantastico  Terrore  Altro  Sperimentale  Music Video


30 Sep 2013

Pubblicato: 01 Sep 2013
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Banner Brazil Cinefest International Film Festival


Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

NUOVA CATEGORIA - Iscrizioni a BEST MUSIC VIDEOCLIP (Ufficiale, Youtube, Vimeo, ecc)

FESTIVAL di SMG FILM alla distribuzione di contenuti indipendenti in tutto

IMDB: Carica informazioni sul tuo film (Per favore, tutti i registi, carica informazioni sulla selezione ufficiale o sui premi) su IMDB Brazil Cinefest: http://www.imdb.com/event/ev0004784/
Atualize suas informações no IMDB caso seu filme tenha feito parte de seleção oficial ou seja ganhador em qualquer categoria de alguma das edições do Brasil Cinefest, Macaé Cine ou Noite Contemporânea.

Cinemateque di MAM - Rio de Janeiro

Brasile CineFest è un circuito creato con molte categorie e opzioni di proiezione e premi. Durante cinque anni, è stato realizzato a Macaé City come Macaé Cine Int'l Film Festival e ha presentato proiezioni nazionali e internazionali con categorie concorso e non concorso, tutte gratuite, mostrando sempre il meglio del mondo delle produzioni cinematografiche, entusiasmanti di opportunità per onorare i registi emergenti e veterani del settore, vincitori e nuovi talenti, fianco a fianco. Ora è il momento di andare avanti, perché un buon film è uno dei prodotti più potenti e potenziali per le notizie midia e dispositivi elettronici e ha sempre bisogno di più. Oggi è realizzato presso il Museo d'Arte Moderna (Cinemateque di MAM) a Rio de Janeiro, città di bellezze naturali e grandi produttori e studi. Stiamo cercando nuove prospettive globali sui film ed espressioni moderni. Qualificate il vostro progetto oggi! Ogni edizione, una selezione dei film più promettenti viene inviata ai migliori produttori e studi di America, Europa e America Latina.

Partner: MAM - Museo di Arte Moderna, Cinemateque di MAM, Ancine, Revista de Cinema, CIARIO, Chicago for Ribs - Redondo Beach, Rio Film Comission, Federação de Conventions & Visitors Bureau do Estado do RJ, Rio Film Commission, Accademia Brasileira de Cinema)

Festival at Cultural Map of Rio de Janeiro State by Brazilian Governmentment- http://mapadecultura.rj.gov.br/headline/macae-cine-festival-1
Documentario sul festival, nominato al Gran Premio del Cinema Brasiliano - http://www.academiabrasileiradecinema.com.br/petroleo-e-cinema

Festival Internazionale

Festival del cortometraggio

Festival del lungometraggio

 Finzione  Documentario  Animazione  Fantastico  Terrore  Altro  Sperimentale