Logo of Chhatrapati Shivaji International Film Festival

16 Aug 2023

Published: 13 Nov 2022
 Has submission fees
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Feature films

Banner Chhatrapati Shivaji International Film Festival

Chhatrapati Shivaji International Film Festival

Pune, India

CHHATRAPATI SHIVAJI International Film Festival's main objective is to provide the opportunity for filmmakers from all over the world to excel, and to have the best work selected and showcased in a celebration of cinema, as well as to give filmmakers a platform to network amongst fellow professionals and cinematic artists. CSIFF is looking forward to fostering these relationships and to helping extraordinary filmmakers get their projects seen by global audiences. CSIFF unites cinematic, cultural, educational more over Inspirational objectives by presenting its film discoveries.


The CSIFF is dedicated to showcasing new and innovative films while fostering the next generation of filmmakers. It is a strong advocate for social change, and encourages cultural diversity and understanding between nations. It strives to foster the movie art of all continents by stimulating the development of quality cinema and promoting meetings between cinema professionals from around the world.

The CHHATRAPATI SHIVAJI International Film Festival is dedicated to showcasing the spirit, passion, and skill of the best new filmmakers from around the world for audiences around the world.

We are also including and actively supporting not only the finest examples of classic moviemaking, but works that are experimental, breaking ground in new non-narrative forms and crossing over into the video arts. All films will be reviewed as they are submitted, and the best in each category will be chosen to screen at the festival. A jury of industry professionals will then view the finalists and choose the winning selections.

Filmmakers planning on attending should notify the film festival as soon as possible, so their names may be listed in the scheduled program at the venue where their film will be shown. https://csiff.buddhafest.in/

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of XX° Muestra de Cine LGBTIQ+ de Fuerteventura

30 Nov 2022

Published: 13 Nov 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films


XX° Muestra de Cine LGBTIQ+ de Fuerteventura

Fuerteventura, Spain

The Fuerteventura LGTBI+ Film Festival was born 20 years ago, promoted by ALTIHAY Fuerteventura in 2002, as a cultural tool to raise awareness among the population of Fuerteventura about respect and to help combat the discrimination and stigma suffered by LGTBI+ people. in their environment, insisting on the need for a more inclusive and diverse society. We invite you this 2022 to be part of our 20 years of history and resistance!

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental


31 Dec 2022

Published: 12 Nov 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films



Bilbao, Spain

Zinegoak is organized by Zinegoak Association and will take place in the city of Bilbao, Spain, June 2025.

All films which have an approach to sexual and gender diversity and LGTBQ+ families, which have been produced after January 1st, 2023 and never had been broadcasted or commercially released in Basque Country.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of Nawada International Film Festival 6th Season

31 Mar 2023

Published: 11 Nov 2022
 Has submission fees
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Feature films

Banner Nawada International Film Festival 6th Season

Nawada International Film Festival 6th Season

Nawada, India

Nawada International Film Festival 5th season held on 27th October 2024 brings to its audience, acclaimed documentary works from across the world of different region. Audiences are given the chance to experience a film festival from miles away. From the peak of Everest to the penguins of Antarctica, #NIFF2020INDIA brings the Northern and Southern hemispheres together. Because the love for cinema stretches beyond borders. The focus is to showcase unseen stories from across the regions to our viewers. Rahul Verma Film Production presents this festival with Pragati Foundation, Festival Supported by SYSKA Lights PVT LTD. presents a curated selection of films acclaimed for its artistic merit.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Wild Indie Sci-fi & Fantasy Film Festival

19 Aug 2023

Published: 11 Nov 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Wild Indie Sci-fi & Fantasy Film Festival

Wild Indie Sci-fi & Fantasy Film Festival

London, United Kingdom

New 2025 Season OPEN.


The Wild Indie Sci-fi & Fantasy Film Festival continues to celebrate our favourite genres of film. Enter once, your film is assessed for all the categories (see note below). It's a shorts specific festival and there are prizes for some categories. We are trying to get more all the time. We'll confirm prizes for the new season between the hyphens below.

News Oct 24 - First Prize Sponsor - Announcement week commencing 20th Oct.
News Oct 24 - Open

The last season of WISFFF brought us to a new home in Genesis Cinema - London. And this season, we are staying. There is a lovely welcoming "film-o-phile" vibe going on at the cinema, which resulted in lots of fun, and a surprising amount of networking. WISFFF continues to grow with more entries and awards and prizes than ever before We also had an awesome and ever growing selection of films at the screening. There are some photos of the various events on here.

Awards wise, there are a number of challenges, awards and prizes for Micro (2min), Mini (10min), and Short (25min) film categories within the genre.

The 2022 Early Bird Teaser can be viewed at:

The 2021 trailer can be viewed here:

News for the 2024-5 season will come to you via the the social media channels, particularly the Facebook Page, mainly because the text isn’t limited in characters like other channels.

To answer a question asked all the time. Yes HORROR is included and has it's own sub-genera award.

The festival is open to all (UK, Worldwide, The Up/Down/LSide/RSide Dimensions, even the Outer Spiral Arm (of the Galaxy). English is the festivals first language ; other languages are welcome but should be closed captioned to English. Awards are listed in full below.

If we've had the good fortune to see an advert for your film and sent you a discount/waiver it's because we really want you to enter. We make films and enter festivals ourselves so we know just how many offers you'll get on a marketing cycle. If you've got an offer from us, it's because we think your film fits? If you we didn't see your ad'... ask us... filmmaking is about networking.

This event is completely independent of Wild Indie's production (but again ask us if you want to find out about any of those projects).

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Fantastic  Other

Logo of Nieve Roja

28 Feb 2023

Published: 11 Nov 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Nieve Roja, festival internacional de terror, ciencia ficción, fantástico y bizarro.

Nieve Roja

El Bolsón, Argentina


Nieve Roja was created with the intention of being a diffusion space for the production of independent short films of the horror and fantasy genre, whose production grows year by year, and needs more exhibition and promotional spaces. The spirit of Nieve Roja is to gather all lovers of the genre and promote their productions, mainly in Patagonia.
This sixth edition of the festival is competitive, and will have the following categories:

- Patagonic Short Film Competition (National).

- Argentinian Short Film Competition (National).

- Latin American Short Film Competition.

- International Short Film Competition.

- National Bizarre Short Film Competition.

Nieve Roja is a member of FANTLATAM (Alianza de Festivales Fantásticos de Latinoamérica), RAFMA (Red Argentina de Festivales y Muestras Audiovisuales) and Red-FAP (Red de Festivales Audiovisuales Patagónicos)

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of ShorTS International Film Festival

28 Feb 2023

Published: 11 Nov 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of ShorTS International Film Festival

Banner Shorts International Film Festival

ShorTS International Film Festival

Trieste, Italy

ShorTS International Film Festival (ShorTS IFF) is organised by the Maremetraggio Association.

Since 2000, ShorTS IFF has been a landmark for short films and up and coming cinematographers at international level. In every edition, ShorTS IFF aims to make the short film genre known to a broad and heterogeneous audience, with particular attention to the young with specific sections for children and teenagers aged 6 to 15.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Premios Oriana

04 Sep 2023

Published: 10 Nov 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner  Premios  Oriana   y Festival De Sant Andreu De La Barca

Premios Oriana

Sant Andreu de la Barca, Spain

13th of the Sant Andreu de la Barca Film Festival and framework of the Oriana Awards delivery
The gala is held at the Nuria Espert Theater, where in one night the work of a year of filmmakers of short films, documentaries, web series and feature films is brought together.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Ras i Curt

14 Dec 2022

Published: 10 Nov 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival De Curtmetratges Ras i Curt

Ras i Curt

Ullastrell, Spain

Ras i Curt is the short film competition of Ullastrell (Western Valls). He first saw the light in 2018, with the aim of promoting audiovisual creation through the short film and its exhibition in Ullastrell. This 2022 we celebrate the 5th edition.

We think small places like Ullastrell, not because they are small, less rich in the knowledge and abilities of the people who inhabit it to generate culture. For this reason, through the audiovisual, a very transversal medium, the opportunity is given to both young people and adults from any place to be able to express themselves on the big screen, putting images, sound and the maximum creativity and quality that they are capable of.

From November 7 to December 14, 2022, the registration period opens to send short film proposals for the second edition of ras i Curt, with a maximum duration of 5 minutes. There are prizes for categories of up to 200 euros each, and one recognition for the best questioning and the best short poster design, each with a prize of 100 euros. The audience is and will be one of the pillars of this contest, and for this reason we give voice to your judgment to award the Audience Award, valued with 200 euros and with an annual subscription to Filmin.

We encourage anyone who has an idea to develop it, with the tools at their disposal. And to accompany those who need a push, we offer the Festival a program of 9 free training online workshops of themes that revolve around the short film. Registration is required through the online form as places are limited.

At the end of the deadline (14/12/2021), the jury, made up of five members of the audiovisual and artistic world, will deliberate the prizes among the short films presented that meet the bases. And it will be on Saturday, December 17 at 7 p.m. when the public screening of all the shorts and the corresponding subsequent awards ceremony will be made. This awards ceremony will take place in the Act Room of Ullastrell's Casal Cultural, and admission will be free - you can book a seat by www.ja.cat/entradesullastrell - or by picking them up for half an hour before starting the event at the Casal's locker. The ticket will be accompanied by a voting ticket for the public prize.

Ras i Curt is a festival organized by the City Council of Ullastrell and has the collaboration of the Provincial Council of Barcelona.

You're just missing your:
If you have a goal, participate!

Short film festival

 Fiction  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of DokStation

15 May 2023

Published: 10 Nov 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Feature films

Banner DokStation


Bucharest, Romania

In the fall of 2015, DokStation introduced itself as a unique, cutting edge music documentary film festival in Bucharest, Romania. It has since established itself as one of the premiere niche festivals in the country, but more importantly as a vital part of the local cultural scene. Now in its 8th year, the festival has expanded to include year-round programming, unique pop-up events, and special screenings including world and national premieres.

DokStation tells the true stories behind the music and examines music in all its complexity and history, focused exclusively on showcasing amazing national and international non‐fiction music documentaries, covering all genres of music during five days.

For all passionate about independent film and music across all genres, DokStation provided the unique opportunity to watch great music documentaries as they were meant to be seen on the screen and venues, but at full volume.

The 2022 DokStation edition presented 28 fascinating and compelling music documentaries, most of them Romanian premieres (about prominent figures such as Leonard Cohen, Jim Morisson, a-ha, Sinead O’Connor, Kate Bush, Bryan Ferry, Sheryl Crow, King Crimson, Shane MacGowan, Bee Gees, Cesária Évora), accompanied by Q&A sessions with directors and other key players involved, gigs, and DJ sets themed on the films presented across five alternative Bucharest venues.

The 2023 DokStation Festival will take place from September 20-24 in Bucharest, Romania. Next September, DokStation will continue to discover, exhibit and champion compelling non-fiction music films, covering all genres of music, hosting interactive panels and live music events.


International Festival

Feature film festival

 Documentary  Experimental



Logo of Festhome
Published: 10 Nov 2022


It is well known that John Ford was an angry despot on his shooting sets, capable of savagely beating his main actors, of publicly humiliating his brother, of throwing his actresses into a swimming pool. An unrepentant alcoholic, he exercised tyrannical violence with the malice of one who knows that he has at his disposal the necessary power to exercise it.

I don't think we can and should not excuse John Ford for those behaviors, neither in the 30s/40/50s nor now in 2022. But neither can we ignore them, as if they were acceptable, nor cancel John Ford entirely, as if we hope that great creators should not have serious character flaws. What we can do is assume the natural imperfection of the human condition, accept John Ford as a great creator with terrible flaws that should never be silenced, and appreciate his films to a greater or lesser extent. It's easy to say, very hard to do.

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Logo of Hispanic International Film Festival

11 Dec 2022

Published: 09 Nov 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine Hispano

Hispanic International Film Festival

Rehoboth Beach, United States

From the creators of the Depth of Field International Film Festival, Docs Without Borders Film Festival, and the WRPN.tv Women’s International Film Festival (among a few other successful festivals) and, under the umbrella of the WRPN.tv Network we bring you the Hispanic International Film Festival (HIFF)

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Prokuplje Film Festival

15 Jul 2023

Published: 08 Nov 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Prokupacki filmski festival

Prokuplje Film Festival

Prokuplje, Serbia

Prokuplje Short Film Festival, founded in 2011, is the youngest film festival in Serbia. In Prokplje is event where audience can see the best from the field of documentary, experimental, animated and fiction from around the world. Thousands of films from all over the world arrive at the festival's address, and it has been reflected by the numerous audiences in Prokuplje, but also in other cities in Serbia and the region,because the team organizes Tour in which the best films are presented in over 30 cities. The lack of the Cinema, as well as the lack of a movie as a subject at school, prevents young people from learning about this art.

In order to see something of this content, the young people must go to Nis, or even to Belgrade. This is an opportunity to see the latest short film achievements from all around the world in Prokuplje. In recent years, according to research, there is a decline in audience attendance at the festivals all over the world. So because of that and because of the introduction of the film to young people, we brought the work with them, in all primary and secondary schools, which are potential audiences and will be animated by the presentation of festival films and the discussion on the significance of the Festival. In addition to work with young people in Prokuplje,the Film Club Prokuplje is the first to start animating the audience from the rural areas, which are completely excluded from all events, especially cultural events.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Logo of  Mostremp, Cinema Rural al Pallars

24 Mar 2023

Published: 08 Nov 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner 14è Mostremp, Cinema Rural Al Pallars

Mostremp, Cinema Rural al Pallars

Tremp, Spain

Rural themed short film contest.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Cypriot and Greek Film Festival of Barcelona

23 Nov 2022

Published: 08 Nov 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Feature films

Banner Festival de Cine Chipriota y Griego

Cypriot and Greek Film Festival of Barcelona

Barcelona, Spain

1. The Festival is held for the fifth year. The aim of the Festival is to present to the spanish public modern Greek and Cypriot short and feature films in an effort to highlight contemporary artistic currents and producers from Greece and Cyprus - films produced from January 2020 until today. This Festival can become a bridge of communication between these Mediterranean countries through works of the seventh art. Furthermore, we believe that with such a festival the Greek and Cypriot expatriates of Barcelona will strengthen their national ties and the spanish-catalan public will get to know the character of Cyprus and Greece. The Festival has been embraced by the local Greek community and by locals who show a special interest in contemporary greek cinema.

2. Individual Objectives:

2.1 Projection of Cyprus and Greece as a film setting and film production location.
2.2 Promotion of cultural diversity through the filming and promotion of new films.
2.3 Support the emerging creative initiative of contemporary films, especially those made in Cyprus and Greece.
2.4 Promoting the creation of social ties between Barcelona and Greece and Cyprus.
2.5 Strengthening the cooperative relations between companies and creators.

3. The Cypriot and Greek Film Festival of Barcelona is organized by OKTANA Casa de Cultura and sponsored by the Cultural Services of the Deputy Ministry of Culture of Cyprus, the Hellenic Cinema Center and the Hellenic Diaspora Secretariat of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece. It is also supported by the Cypriot Embassy of Spain, the Hellenic Embassy of Spain, the online movie platform Filmin, the Greek Community of Catalonia, the Official Language School of Barcelona, ​​the Under-Minister of Tourism of Cyprus and local companies such as Punt de Gir.

International Festival

Feature film festival


Logo of INTERSECCIÓN - A Coruña International Film Festival

31 May 2023

Published: 08 Nov 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of INTERSECCIÓN - A Coruña International Film Festival

Banner Intersección - Festival Internacional de cine de A Coruña

INTERSECCIÓN - A Coruña International Film Festival

A Coruña, Spain

INTERSECCIÓN - A Coruña International Film Festival is committed to the freest currents of auteur cinema. Its program welcomes independent films created from risk and innovation and offers the public the chance to see groundbreaking and vibrant works.

The festival explores new cinematographic languages and defends courage, diversity and curiosity in creation.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of Alterna Independent Film Festival

03 Feb 2023

Published: 08 Nov 2022
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Short films
Feature films

Banner Alterna - Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente

Alterna Independent Film Festival

Zaragoza, Spain

ALTERNA - International Independent Film Festival is a film festival created to promote and exhibit national and international audiovisual works of independent production and/or distribution with auteur, underground and experimental film narratives.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Wallachia International Film Festival

03 Sep 2023

Published: 07 Nov 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Wallachia International Film Festival

Wallachia International Film Festival

Bucharest, Romania

Wallachia International Film Festival is a highly professional, industry connected film festival, an exclusive independent grassroots film festival taking place in an exquisite location in Downtown Bucharest, only hundreds of meters away from Dracula’s former court in the grand Old Town!

We won multiple cinema prizes including important awards at major film festivals, like Cannes, Locarno, Montreal, London, Milan, Miami and Atlanta. Also, our advertising work received accolades at Clio, Effie, In-Awe, Lion Awards, ANDY Awards and Ad’Or, while working for companies like Coca-Cola, UNICEF, McDonalds, Renault, Yahoo! and Nestlé-Purina.

But there’s nothing we love more than indulging ourselves with cinematic candies from all over the world, under the autumn night sky of Wallachia. We will be arguing for a long time about which ones we feel are the best, and about the most promising unproduced screenplays.

Welcome to Wallachia, the Legendary Land of Voivode Vlad III Dracula, universally known as Vlad the Impaler. Born in 1431, Vlad was an authoritarian Principe, he revolutionized the affairs of Wallachia and refused to pay tribute to the sultan Mehmed II, resulting in a bloody war with the Ottomans. Multiple works containing stories about Vlad's cruelty were published soon after his assassination in 1475. In 1897, Bram Stoker downgrades Prince Vlad to Count Dracula, a blood-sucking vampire inspired by Wallachian ancient folklore. Loosely based on the book, Dracula (1931) casts immortal Bela Lugosi as the doomed romantic Count.

Just think cinétopia! Feel hundreds of years of mythic Wallachian history under the night sky! It’s a 100% natural film affair!

We watch all movies, we read all screenplays and we select exclusively based on artistic merits.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of The Cannes International Pan African Film Festival

30 Apr 2023

Published: 07 Nov 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internationnal Du Film Panafricain De Cannes #FIFP

The Cannes International Pan African Film Festival

Cannes, France

The International “Festival International du Film Panafricain” (FIFP) in Cannes is a platform that exhibits cinema and its professions, arts and entrepreneurship, as well as innovation, culture and events.

The FIFP was created and founded by Mr. Eitel Basile NGANGUE EBELLE and the “Association Nord Sud Développement, agréée jeunesse et Education Populaire Ministère de la santé, de la jeunesse et des sports n° 06514”.

As a driving force behind the PanAfrican Cinema and Arts industry, the Festival is constantly seeking specific solutions for the development of PanAfrican Cinema and Arts.
With a booming Pan-African market (from Africa to the Americas through the Caribbean, Europe and Asia), the Festival benefits from expertise in the development of cinema and Fashion as well as the development of cultural affairs.

Since its creation in 2006, the DIKALO AWARDS (meaning « message » in the Cameroonian language Douala) has been awarded by a professional jury for the best short and feature films (fiction), the best long and short documentaries, the Dikalos Peace Award, as well as the best actor and actress awards.

The FIFP is a felt moment. It is a unique experience where PanAfrican cinema and African cultures and those of its diaspora around the world are the central focus. An exceptional energy is felt.

Since 2018, the FIFP in Cannes has included along with its projections, a market: the Entrepreneurship Salon for Culture and Well-Being. The objective is to enhance the economy of PanAfrican cinema.

A few years from now, the market which features pan-African arts will generate considerable sums. « Tomorrow is now ». This enormous potential must be brought forward into the light.

Such an “active dream” is an ideal that has made Africans and their diaspora what it is today. This was Mandela’s and Obama’s vehicle, as well as many others…

Pan-Africanism is an aggregate of universalism. It contains all of the lights, those of ancient Egypt and those of the future. In short, a constant beauty.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of NIAFFS (NOIDENTITY - International Action Film Festival - Spain)

01 May 2023

Published: 07 Nov 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Niaffs ( Noidentity - International Action Film Festival - Spain)

NIAFFS (NOIDENTITY - International Action Film Festival - Spain)

Sevilla, Spain

In 2007 Joaquín Ortega (Director, actor, stuntman and stunt coordinator) created under his trademark NOIDENTITY his international stuntmen team. In 2010 he founded the independent production company NOIDENTITY Films and has already produced two films privately and a program TV. In 2013 he continues to advance its intention to generate film industry and makes the first action film festival in Spain.

So this way born NIAFFS (NOIDENTITY - International Action Film Festival - Spain), with the intention of generating film industry and promote international action films.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other