Logo of SHORT FILM SLAM presented by The Madlab Post

23 Nov 2022

Published: 24 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner SHORT FILM SLAM presented by The Madlab Post

SHORT FILM SLAM presented by The Madlab Post

Philadelphia, United States

*** Submissions for the 2024 Short Film Slam, presented by The Madlab Post will be opening in the Spring. If you are interested in submitting your live action, animation, documentary or experimental film, Sign up for our waitlist to be the first to hear about the Call for Entries for our 2024 season - https://cinema.madlabpost.com ***

The Short Film Slam is a bimonthly competition presented by The Madlab Post that focuses on providing a platform for emerging and established filmmakers to showcase their work. Each round, a selection of up to twelve short films will be screened for local audiences who get to cast a vote for their favorite film. The highest rated film at live screenings will be declared "Movie of the Month" during the following month. The highest rated "in-competition" films from each live and online screening room will advance to the final round. All finalists get to compete for a total of $1,000 in prize money during the final round and festivities preceding the 2023 shnit Cinemas screening in Philadelphia.

Since 2012, The Madlab Post has promoted community outreach and engagement through film, screening dozens of exceptional short films from around the world to local audiences; including the Academy Award nominated short film A SINGLE LIFE, Clermond-Ferrand International Film Festival Special Jury Prize winner THE BATHTUB and Sundance Grand Jury Prize nominee Et ta prostate, ça va? (HOW'S YOUR PROSTATE). Main venues include the historic Bok building and Taller Puertorriqueño's state-of-the-art El Corazón Cultural Center.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic

Logo of Festival Inclusivo de Cortometrajes Gallo Pedro

07 Nov 2022

Published: 24 Sep 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Inclusivo de Cortometrajes Gallo Pedro

Festival Inclusivo de Cortometrajes Gallo Pedro

Almería, Spain

Por undécimo año consecutivo, la Asociación de Personas con Discapacidad Verdiblanca y el Ayuntamiento de Almería lanzan el Festival Inclusivo de Cortometrajes Gallo Pedro, dedicado a obras audiovisuales creadas en torno a la inclusión de las capacidades o habilidades diferentes, con el objetivo principal de crear conciencia y sensibilizar a la población sobre las personas con diversidad funcional.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Bombshell Movie Awards

20 Nov 2022

Published: 24 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Bombshell Movie Awards

Bombshell Movie Awards

St. Louis, United States

The Bombshell Movie Awards festival wants to reward excellence in independent film with creators and fans alike.

Our event takes place at the Boom Boom Room in St. Louis, Missouri - a staple of Washington Ave. entertainment.

Every film that is submitted to Best Feature or Best Short Film is automatically entered into the award categories for Best Actress / Actor, Cinematography, Director, Comedy, Drama, Horror / Thriller, and Score. You do not need to pay extra to be considered for those awards.

All film genres are accepted at the Bombshell Movie Awards.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Serbest International Film Festival (SIFF)

30 Jun 2023

Published: 24 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Serbest International Film Festival (SIFF)

Serbest International Film Festival (SIFF)

Kishinev, Moldova

The Serbest International Film Festival has been organized to showcase the work of film makers from around the world. Its aim is to discover new directors and screenwriters from the world of cinema and give clear support and encouragement to them, but it is also a space where they will represent and promote their work. We especially encourage those who through new innovative approach to the topics can offer a new more human vision of the world in which we live.SIFF is a cultural organization whose mission is to transform the way people see the world through film.

The idea of a new film festival emanated from the dire need for a wider space to present films by many new filmmakers from the region and all over the world.The Serbest International Film Festival brings together the most original storytellers and the most adventurous audiences in its annual program of feature, documentary, short, experimental, animation and other films.In addition to the main program of the festival, there will be many other programs and activities that will enrich the festival and enable film makers to enhance their knowledge of cinematography and experience by participating in panel discussions, debates, and masterclass workshops.

We continue to move forward and develop our film festival, creating better conditions and opportunities for filmmakers.That is why in 2023 we have launched a new platform, Serbest Film Distribution, which is designed to help film festival participants distribute and promote their films. You can get acquainted with the Serbest Film Distribution platform on the website - www.serbestdistribution.com

The full-scale launch of the Serbest Film Distribution platform will take place in February-March 2024 and will be a new milestone in the promotion of independent cinema from around the world.

The Serbest International Film Festival therefore includes activities such as promotion, support, incentives, exchange of experiences, and film awards. It's a place where filmmakers can showcase new stories and offer a fresh perspective on humanity and the world we live in.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Sunfest Film Festival

31 Mar 2023

Published: 24 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Sunfest International Short Film Festival

Sunfest International Short Film Festival

Mumbai, India


The SUNFEST exists to celebrate the art of cinema and to create a shared experience around film. We are a non-profit international independent film festival programming shorts & Documentary and strive to bring the best films the industry has to offer to our community from home and abroad. Our programmers aim to faster new talent and help filmmakers connect with the global industry. We are also dedicated to educating and developing audiences for international and independent cinema screening the kind of innovative, visionary work that may not normally achieve distribution in this area.

The Juries will award our filmmakers in over all individual categories. Our selection committee is also made up of a group of industry professionals from various fields, such as directors, actors, producers, professors, writers, animators, casting directors, and more.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Censored Film Festival

15 Dec 2022

Published: 23 Sep 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Censurados Film Festival

Censored Film Festival

Lima, Peru

Censurados Film Festival is a film festival that disseminates and makes visible “the cinema they don't want you to see.” Based in Peru, the festival is committed to freedom of expression, human rights and diversity through the screening of films and the organization of artistic and educational activities.


1. International Competition “Censorship”. Fiction, documentary, animation and/or cinematographic experimentation films from any part of the world that have been censored due to political, religious, corporate, authoritarian or social pressures or interests, among others, or that have been victims of threats and/or violence, either during its research, production or realization or in its subsequent exhibition and/or distribution. It is an essential requirement to provide demonstrable information about the censorship, threat, pressure or violence that the film has suffered. No duration limit.

2. Short Film Competition “Shorts without Cut”. Fiction, documentary, animation and/or cinematographic experimentation films from anywhere in the world and a maximum duration of 30 minutes that claim freedom of thought and expression without fear of cancellation, and political and social action in matters of public interest.

3. “Peruvian Voices” Competition. Fiction, documentary, animation and/or cinematographic experimentation films from Peru that allow dissident voices to be heard and make the viewer reflect on controversial topics, on which different groups have constructed apparently irreconcilable arguments, in order to create an open and elevated dialogue space on them. No duration limit.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of Festival Gava Dates

27 Jan 2023

Published: 23 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Festival Gava Dates

Banner Festival de Cine Interactivo Gava Dates

Festival Gava Dates

Gavà, Spain

Interactive Festival where the public enjoys Short Films, theater, music and surprises.

The public participates in an active way during the event.

We accept any gender except Horror. Open to all types of filmmakers, whether professional or amateur.

The festival will be held in the town of Gavà, Barcelona (Spain), in mid-February. The VIII Edition will take place on Saturday, February 15, 2025.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of Short Film Festival For Long Times

16 Oct 2022

Published: 23 Sep 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Cortos para Tiempos Largos

Short Film Festival For Long Times

Pereira, Colombia

The "Festival Cortos para Tiempos largos" is a proposal for the training, creation and circulation of audiovisual content carried out by young Colombians since 2020 with a clear purpose, to connect people and stories. The festival is not looking for winners, it is conceived as a space for the dissemination and visibility of audiovisual products, carried out for academic and non-profit purposes, where all those who wish to be part of a great story can participate.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other

Logo of Lumiére Standalone Film Festival & Awards

10 Oct 2022

Published: 23 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Lumiére Standalone Film Festival & Awards

Lumiére Standalone Film Festival & Awards

Los Angeles, United States

Ashok Khullar and Kumaar Aadarsh, founder and President, welcome you to the UVT Standalone Film Festival & Awards (UVTsffa). This is a unique kind of film festival for independent filmmakers/content creators where there are no barriers to borders, languages, genres, etc. Based in California, USA, this festival is having an online Award Nomination Festival, live screenings, and Standalone Award Show in Los Angeles.

SFFA is consolidating filmmakers around the world for a wonderful presentation of cinematography and the unveiling of new talents. A committee comprising members from the film industry preview submitted films and select good works of motion pictures for the Award Nomination Festival.

The selected films participate in The Awards nomination Festival which is held for 4 months between Dec-March.

Films screen through this secure server screener where visitors and guests from around the world can witness and vote for the film. On the basis of viewers' choice and votes, films nominated for 42 categories of Awards which screen live in Hollywood and to honor filmmakers, actors, technicians at The UVT Standalone Awards Show in Los Angeles on the Last day of live screenings.

Theatre venue is in the heart of Hollywood. We will screen all nominated films here as well as look forward to create year-round screening, filmmaking, and writing opportunities and to that end we are launching new festivals as part of the UVT Standalone Film Festival & Awards.

UVT SFFA Submissions are for feature narratives, Short films, Shows, Series, documentaries, and animation as even experimental films and music videos.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Curtas Vila do Conde International Film Festival

30 Apr 2023

Published: 23 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Curtas Vila do Conde International Film Festival

Banner Curtas Vila do Conde International Film Festival

Curtas Vila do Conde International Film Festival

Vila do Conde, Portugal

Curtas Vila do Conde – International Film Festival is one of the most prestigious film festivals in Portugal, reaching its 33rd edition in 2025.

Assuming as the main objective the promotion and diffusion of cinematographic and audiovisual works, selected according to quality criteria, Curtas Vila do Conde focuses on the discovery of new films and filmmakers and also on the recognised legacy of Cinema.

Short film competitions with animations, documentaries, fiction films, experimental films, and music videos, produced in 2024 or 2025, no longer than 60 minutes (exception made, under 30 minutes of duration, for Curtinhas – youth and children; My Generation – competitive section aimed for teenagers; Take One! – student films; and Music Videos), preferably with subtitles in Portuguese or English, are admitted to the various competitions.

Side programs, to be progressively announced, will highlight not only a selection of worldwide contemporary short films but also the relations between shorts and features, music and film, or art and cinema.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video


20 Nov 2022

Published: 22 Sep 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Circuito


Ciudades deColombia, Colombia

Only for Latinoamerican Filmmakers.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of International Horror Film Festival Aurora

24 Dec 2022

Published: 22 Sep 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Internacional De Cine De Horror Aurora

International Horror Film Festival Aurora

Guanajuato, Mexico

International horror film festival based in the city of Guanajuato, Mexico. All festival activities are nonprofit.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Terror  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of FesOh!Curt - Nules Film Festival

21 Oct 2022

Published: 21 Sep 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner FesOh!Curt - Festival De Curtmetratges De Nules

FesOh!Curt - Nules Film Festival

Nules, Spain

FESOHCURT is, in its 7th edition, a reference within the short movie festivals, as it contributes to fostering the use of Valencian through cinema. Thus, at least 50% of the short movies selected for this edition will be in Valencian language (or any of its dialectal varieties).

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of Juree Asia Awards 2022

15 Oct 2022

Published: 21 Sep 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Juree Asia Awards 2022

Juree Asia Awards 2022

Singapore, Singapore


Storytellers, filmmakers, creatives and producers may submit short films concluded from 1 January 2020 onwards. This year's Juree consist of two main categories: open category and vertical storytelling category.

Its main prize, the Grand Prize Award, consists of a cash grant and Intellectual Property (IP) development opportunity with Viddsee Labs. Viewers may also participate by casting votes for their favourite shortlisted films for the Audience Choice Awards.

Finalists of Juree Asia will be offered to join the Scene City Accelerator Asia 2023 to develop a new short film under Scene City Asia. The best concepts will be selected and provided with mentoring and funding support for filmmakers.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Terror  Other

Logo of Poppy Jasper International Film Festival

31 Oct 2022

Published: 21 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Poppy Jasper International Film Festival

Poppy Jasper International Film Festival

Morgan Hill, San Martin, Gilroy, Hollister and San Juan Bautista, United States

The Poppy Jasper International Film Festival (PJIFF) has been entertaining audiences in the greater San Francisco Bay Area for more than 15 years. We promote inclusion, diversity, and women empowerment; educate people of all ages about filmmaking; and encourage everyone to “find their voice through film.”

In 2021, like many other festivals, Poppy Jasper’s annual festival turned all-virtual. For the first time, our wide variety of films, panel discussions, and filmmaker conversations was available worldwide. We have as a result forged a stronger bond with the international filmmakers whose films made up 2/3 of the festival’s 2021 offerings. Circumstances permitting, we anticipate a hybrid festival in April of 2022.

PJIFF is based just south of Silicon Valley in the towns of Morgan Hill, Gilroy, Hollister, and San Juan Bautista. The festival’s name is drawn from a semiprecious mineral found only in this region. We look forward to once again welcoming visitors to the historic downtowns of our host communities, where local restaurants, breweries, and wineries join in making festival visitors feel right at home.

PJIFF was honored to receive “Best of the Fest” honors at the 2019 Fest Forum in Santa Barbara, and we are thrilled to be one of MovieMaker Magazine’s Top 50 Festivals Worth the Entry Fee for 2021.

Before You Submit

Please submit your film to the category in which you would want your film to be considered for selection and “Best Of” honors.

If submitting in a Student or Local category, your film will be considered for selection for Student or Local day. Remember to include proof of student status or contact address with California zip code. If as a student or local filmmaker you prefer to be considered for selection and honors in the main festival, please submit in a genre / type specific category instead.

We are committed to inclusion and diversity, and strive to select films that honor that ethic. Half of our selected films will be from women directors. We typically have a program of shorts and a few feature-length films. English closed captioning and audio description are encouraged but not required. Foreign-language films must have English subtitles.

Learn more about our communities by visiting their websites: https://visitgilroy.com/ , https://www.visitmorganhill.org/ and http://www.discoversanbenitocounty.com/

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Indy Film Fest

01 Feb 2023

Published: 20 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Indy Film Fest

Indy Film Fest

Indianapolis, United States

Indy Film Fest was founded in 2004 to celebrate the art of cinema and to create a shared experience around film in Indianapolis. We are a non-profit, international, independent film festival programming both features and shorts. Our all-volunteer staff strives to bring the best films the industry has to offer to our community from home and abroad. Our programmers aim to foster new talent and help filmmakers connect with the global industry. We are also dedicated to educating and developing audiences for international and independent cinema in Indy, screening the kind of innovative, visionary work that may not normally achieve distribution in this area.

Indy Film Fest is looking for the best independent features and shorts no matter the category or genre including: live action, animated, drama, comedy, narrative, documentary, horror, sci-fi, and experimental. Our annual festival spanning over 10+ days typically programs around 25 features and 100 short films, with over 90% from submissions.

Always growing and adapting, the Indy Film Fest began as the three-day Indianapolis International Film Festival in 2004. We quickly expanded to our current 10-day format in 2006, moved our festivities to the summer in 2009, changed our name to the Indy Film Fest in 2014, and since 2018 have been back home in our original spring timeframe. Due to COVID-19 our 2020 and 2021 festivals were primarily virtual and our 2022 - 2024 festivals were hybrid 5-day in-person festivals followed by virtual availability and concluding with award-winner in-person screenings on the final weekend. That format is our goal for the 2025 festival and before selection decisions are made filmmakers will be informed of any changes to dates or format and given the opportunity to request their submission fee be applied to a future festival if those changes are not acceptable.

Alumni of the Indy Film Fest (and Indianapolis International Film Festival) are eligible for a reasonable number of free submissions. Films with significant ties to Indiana are eligible for drastically reduced submission fees. Examples of eligibility include the director or writer being a current Indiana resident or native, or the film being primarily shot within Indiana. Please contact submissions@indyfilmfest.org to see if you are eligible for either of these opportunities.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Cinema Nahualli: Film and Video Contest

30 Oct 2022

Published: 20 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Cinema Nahualli: Festival De Cine Y Video

Cinema Nahualli: Film and Video Contest

Mérida, Mexico

Galería Nahualli en su segunda edición del Festival de Cine y Video, convoca a cineastas, artistas visuales, antropólogos y/o aficionados de la imagen en movimiento radicados en la península de Yucatán.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Experimental

Logo of Sombra-  14th Murcia European Fantastic Film Festival

09 Jan 2023

Published: 20 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Sombra - XIV Festival De Cine Fantástico Europeo De Murcia

Sombra- 14th Murcia European Fantastic Film Festival

Murcia, Spain

The European Fantastic Film Festival of Murcia SOMBRA is a project that aims to spread and serve as a reference to fantasy films produced in Europe, as well as support European, national and regional production of gender.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Cortisonici International Short Film Festival

31 Dec 2022

Published: 20 Sep 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Cortisonici International Short Film Festival

Cortisonici International Short Film Festival

Varese, Italy

International short film festival - MX 15 min.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Blows Up Queer Film Festival

02 Nov 2022

Published: 20 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Blows Up Queer Film Festival

Blows Up Queer Film Festival

Coimbra, Portugal

The BLOWS UP Int. Film Festival showcases films about eroticism and sexualities. We search from multiple perspectives and offers a selection of culturally relevant, transcending the established, commonplace and stigmatized approaches we are all familiar with. We select works that show a specific angle on the vast and diverse states of love, eroticism, and queerness.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental