Logo of Dublin Smartphone Film Festival

01 Jan 2018

Published: 15 Aug 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Dublin Smartphone Film Festival

Dublin Smartphone Film Festival

Dublin, Ireland

The Dublin Smartphone Film Festival

The Dublin Smartphone Film Festival (DUBSMARTFF) is an international festival dedicated to celebrating work shot on Smartphones.

No longer is expensive technology a barrier to creativity. The mobile phone has expanded the scope and freedom for filmmakers. Now aspiring artists have the ability to write, shoot and edit, their films at the touch of a button. Smartphones are reshaping the way we approach filmmaking creating limitless possibilities in the palm of your hand.

The festival was created with the goal of encouraging these filmmakers to share the stories they have captured on mobile devices. We also aim to provide a platform to exhibit these stories to a wider audience. It is also a chance to reward storytellers, who are using these devices to push the boundaries of narrative and style.

The festival takes place in the month of January and submissions are open to anyone with a Smartphone a compelling story to tell. Throughout the year there will be events designed to challenge filmmakers and revolutionize the way we approach filmmaking.

Why Us
We are a Festival created and run by Smartphone filmmakers.

We offer the unforgettable experience of watching your film shot with a micro device on the big screen.

Not just a festival, we are expanding beyond the confines of a single event. We will be offering unique workshops, live filming exercises and panel discussions.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video


12 Dec 2017

Published: 13 Aug 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of NOX FILM FEST

Banner Nox Film Fest 2026


Salto, Uruguay


The First Outdoor Fantastic Film Festival from Uruguay is celebrating it's 11th Edition

And we are preparing a big party to celebrate it.

Enjoy with us!

The NOX FILM FEST is a fun cinematic experience that takes place in the South American summer.

The festival accepts genre films like: Horror-Fantasy-Sci-Fi and subgenres.

It's an open-air festival with free admission that every year receives thousands of young people and families whom enjoy their events.

The 11th Edition will take place from 10 to 17 January 2026

The NOX FILM FEST will offer fun and attractive activities like:

Marathon of films
Live performances
Master classes
NOX for kids
Book's presentations
Special guests
'Not we are alone' sessions.
Developing lab and more atractions

The NOX FILM FEST has an International Competition of feature films, medium-length films and short films.

It accepts submisions films from all over the world and awards prizes and special mentions in the following categories:

Best International Feature Film
Best Ibero-American Feature Film
Best Medium-length Film
Best Short Film (different sections)
Films made by women (FILM MADE BY WOMEN)
Special awards for direction, acting and screenplay.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of CINI – International Children´s Film Festival

17 Nov 2017

Published: 12 Aug 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner CINI - Festival Internacional de Cine Para Niños

CINI – International Children´s Film Festival

Lima, Peru

The Cultural Británico cordially greets you and opens the call for entries to the “XI INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL FOR CHILDREN, CINI 2025”, to be held in Lima, Peru, from February 12 to 16, 2025.

This festival is held in the auditoriums of the Centro Cultural Británico, located in the districts of Surco, San Miguel, San Borja, Pueblo Libre, San Martín de Porres, Santa Anita, San Juan de Lurigancho, Camacho, and Miraflores.

All screenings to be held during the “XI INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL FOR CHILDREN, CINI 2025” will be free of charge for the general public.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other

Logo of Animacine - Festival de Animação do Agreste

10 Oct 2017

Published: 11 Aug 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner III Animacine

Animacine - Festival de Animação do Agreste

Olinda, Brazil

ANIMACINE - Agreste Animation Festival is part of an artistic and play concept popularized by the name ANIMACINE, which through the audio-visual spectrum popularizes the exhibition, the dialogue and the production of cartoons, mainly in the north / northeast of the country. All forms and content of animation will be well accepted, preserving the formation and learning, being also a stimulus to the Brazilian cinematographic culture, facing as space for the formation of new spectators and directors.

The purpose of ANIMACINE is to disclose the audiovisual production of character animation
Cultural and aims to contribute to the development of a universal language, without losing the regional spirit of the place that surrounds it. It also seeks to encourage the formation of audiences and the emergence of new filmmakers.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Animation  Experimental


30 Sep 2017

Published: 10 Aug 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Concurso De Cortometrajes Guadalcanal En corto Sonría Por Favor



The Cultural Area of ​​the Guadalcanal City Council (Seville) announces the VI Edition of the GUADALCANAL EN CORTO Short Film Festival 'Sonria, por favor', which will be held from October 24th to 26th, 2024.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of Celtic Animation Film Competition

25 Aug 2017

Published: 09 Aug 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Celtic Animation Film Competition

Celtic Animation Film Competition

Liverpool, United Kingdom

The Liverpool Irish Festival is proud to be supporting the inaugural Celtic Animation Film Festival, which will feature as part of this year’s programme, showcasing creative ingenuity and stories from and about Celtic life. The main focus of this festival-within-a-festival will take place 20-21 October 2017 and will involve screenings, talks and awards.

The inaugural Celtic Animation Film Festival competition provides a platform for established animators of Celtic heritage and emerging Celtic animators from around the world.

CAFc celebrates storytelling relating to Celtic identity, myths, cultural history and personal stories from Celtic animators from Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Isle of Man, Brittany and Cornwall and those who have migrated around the world. CAFc also welcomes international animation submissions celebrating cultural diversity and identity from outside the Celtic regions.

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of Los Angeles Academy of Film Awards

31 Dec 2017

Published: 09 Aug 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Los Angeles Academy of Film Awards

Los Angeles Academy of Film Awards

Los Angeles, United States

Los Angeles Academy of Film Awards (LAAFA) is an organization focused on bringing Independent films from around the world a venue to show filmmakers’ shorts and feature films to an audience in the center of the Entertainment Industry. LAAFA is a quarterly festivals with a yearly LIVE screening, for selected winners from each quarter, held in Hollywood, California on February 10, 2018. All filmmakers who entered are welcome to join us at the LIVE screening. We will also hold Q&A’s as a live streamed interviews for those filmmakers’ films who can not attend.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Skepto International Film Festival

04 Dec 2017

Published: 09 Aug 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Skepto International Film Festival

Skepto International Film Festival

Cagliari, Italy

Skepto International Film Festival is a competitive festival dedicated to short films, without restrictions on subject matter, style, or production budget. The main goal of the festival is to give visibility to independent filmmakers from all over the world and to build an open space where they can freely exchange ideas. Video productions of any genre or style are allowed. Audiovisuals created through the use of artificial intelligence in all its forms are also included.

The thirteenth edition of the festival will take place in Cagliari from October 2023 to June 2024: the main competition will be held in October 2023 in Cagliari, and there will also be two side events at locations to be identified in Italy and/or Europe and to be held at later dates, in any case by June 2024. The final date and location of the Festival and the two side events will be announced on the official website of the event www.skepto.net

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Tallahassee Film Festival

15 Jan 2018

Published: 08 Aug 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Tallahassee Film Festival

Tallahassee Film Festival

Tallahassee, United States

The Tallahassee Film Festival prides itself on exceptional and unexpected programming. We believe film is an art form that has the ability to make changes not only in someone’s life, but in the world, and therefore we respect and nurture our selected filmmakers as artists with something important to say. We’ve created this Festival as a safe space for artists and filmmakers to share their work with an audience of both their peers and those who appreciate film.

The Tallahassee Film Festival held its inaugural event in May 2008. Since then, the Festival has brought groundbreaking films and filmmakers to Florida's Capital City. We’ve showcased films by Oscar winning directors — before they were Oscar winners. We’ve premiered films from all over the world and from many of the most prestigious film festivals. Over the years, the Festival has become an international hub for filmmakers to network, party and share their work with like-minded and cinema-appreciative audiences.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other

Logo of Screen Short Fest 2024

30 Nov 2017

Published: 08 Aug 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Screen Short Fest 2024

Screen Short Fest 2024

Kalyani, India

"Screen Short Fest 2024" is an International Short Film Festival, coming back in its Sixth Year. The festival is the brainchild of Mr. Soham Banerjee, an award-winning Short Film Director and entrepreneur.

The festival invites all short filmmakers, with their short films, in the live-action and Animation genre, in any language (with English subtitles), within the 20-minute duration (including the title and credits).

The festival aims to showcase the best of the latest National and International Short Films of the world in front of the Film lovers of Kolkata, India.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of GwangHwaMun International Short Film Festival (former Asiana International Short Film Festival)

25 Aug 2017

Published: 08 Aug 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of GwangHwaMun International Short Film Festival (former Asiana International Short Film Festival)

Banner GhwangHwaMun International Short Film Festival (former Asiana International Short Film Festival)

GwangHwaMun International Short Film Festival (former Asiana International Short Film Festival)

Jongno-gu, South Korea

The 19th GwangHwaMun International Short Film Festival(GISFF2021, former Asiana International Short Film Festival) is presented by the GwangHwaMun Executive Committee.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Tlanchana Fest, Film and Digital Art Festival

04 Nov 2017

Published: 08 Aug 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Tlanchana Fest Festival de Cine y Arte Digital

Tlanchana Fest, Film and Digital Art Festival

Zinacantepec , Mexico

Tlanchana Fest, Festival of Cinema and Digital Art is carried out by Tlanchana Cultura Audiovisual AC, in order to create an exhibition space for emerging talents from Mexico and the world, by combining elements that promote cinematographic creation in conjunction with new media and digital art.

The Eighth Edition of Tlanchana Fest will be held from July 13 to 17, 2022 and will feature a series of screenings, conferences and workshops, as well as facilities and other activities that will be carried out virtually and in person and that will serve as an incentive for the work in cinematographic and digital art matters.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of WebSeries Festival Global

30 Jul 2018

Published: 08 Aug 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of WebSeries Festival Global

Banner WebSeries Festival Global

WebSeries Festival Global

Los Angeles, United States



SUBMIT TODAY! $5000.00 in awards

10th Annual Web Series Festival Global
September 8, 2023 Online Screenings & Awards with presenters from around the globe.
• All Genres accepted
• For A Global Community Of Content Creators
• Helping Creatives Shape the Future of TV
• Entries considered for Grand Prize or Category Winner $5000.00 in Awards
• We accept links to view online
• IMDB official event http://www.imdb.com/event/ev0003670/

A great opportunity for anyone wanting to
gain more exposure for their web series. There are four
categories that will be judged in this competition which are
Web Series Scripts (all lengths and formats)
Web Series
One Page Feedback
Content can be submitted with or without distribution.
All submissions will also be considered for the grand prize. $5000.00 in Awards!

You could be the next Award Winner! Submit today. Screenings & Awards are from the heart of Hollywood. For our global community of creators, online screenings & awards.

Genres include but are not limited to: Drama, Comedy, Action, SyFy, Documentary, LGBT, Script, Animation, E/I, Horror. Experimental, Social and more.
• All award wins must be used within one year of festival win date.
Submit early and save.

“We saw the other winners, and there are some truly great series, congratulations!” – Rose of Dolls
“We would like to express our gratefulness for recognition and acknowledgement.” – Cedra Wal
“The biggest prize was just being accepted and considered and I’m entirely grateful for the experience.” – V. Carubia

"Web Series Festival Global is a very well run festival with great
communications with a group of prestigious judges that I’ve found to be more than fair in their selection processes.
I highly recommend this Film Festival to any screenwriter looking to have their Web Series take a major step in the right direction." -
Charles Petrilla

"Good communication. Nice people. Great selections." -Christopher Ramsey

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Puerto Rico Film Festival

15 Apr 2018

Published: 08 Aug 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Puerto Rico Film Festival

Puerto Rico Film Festival

San Juan, Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico Film Festival is proud to showcase a high quality programming, a strong industry segment, an educational and networking platform for filmmakers; alongside an audience full of film enthusiasts from all over the world, generating presence in the international film industry, film authors and media representatives.

Hosted in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico, and surrounded by historical buildings and beautiful beaches, makes up the perfect place to experience true Puerto Rican culture.

Living up to its nickname, the Island of Enchantment, with lush rain forests, dazzling beaches and shimmering city, Puerto Rico has something for everyone.

Let's meet at the Puerto Rico Film Festival to have the best time, with the best artists in the best place to be!

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Cartagena de Indias International Film Festival - FICCI

24 Nov 2017

Published: 06 Aug 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Cartagena de Indias International Film Festival - FICCI

Banner Festival Internacional De Cine De Cartagena De Indias- FICCI

Cartagena de Indias International Film Festival - FICCI

Cartagena de Indias, Colombia

The Cartagena de Indias International Film Festival is a cinematographic event socially and culturally minded and by choice, free for anyone to access. FICCI constantly reads the particular circumstances of our country and our world to produce every year a world class version of our festival, guided by the preservation of freedom and the amplification of the cultural conversation through films and academic events that are relevant, humane, subtle, sophisticated, and act as a vehicle to enhance human consciousness, expand democracy and help create free, progressive and inclusive societies.

The Cartagena de Indias International Film Festival (FICCI) is the oldest and most permanent forum in the Americas for Colombian, Ibero-American and world cinema. Being an active part of the world cinema map since 1960, in the 64th edition, it will continue to provide spaces for memory, reflection, diverse voices, and as always, for the best cinephilia.

The Festival values the creative freedom of the world’s filmmakers and has space for films of any format, length, nationality, theme, genre or technique, that meet the highest standards of quality, take on narrative risks, and propose contents of great human and cinematic relevance, pertinence, and sustainability.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Errenteria Film Festival

08 Oct 2017

Published: 04 Aug 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films


Errenteria Film Festival

Errenteria, Spain

International Festival of Shortfilms of Errenteria, which in 2021 celebrates its XXVI edition. Our festival is characterized by a commitment to the Basque short film, a Basque defense and a promotion of the Spanish short film.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic

Logo of Music Video Underground

30 Aug 2017

Published: 04 Aug 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Music Video Underground

Music Video Underground

Los Angeles, United States

The Music Video Underground is competition festival exclusively focused on music videos, dance films, animated music videos, and other special stuff made of music and video.
You have music, you have images, and it's not a film ? We want it.
It's bizarre or borderline ? Submit to Best Music Video and we will consider you for free in addition for the BEST SPECIAL STUFF category, our own personal jewels we pick every month. There no limit for this one...

We are looking for all sorts of music videos. We are named the International Music Video Underground.
International means we accept videos from everywhere.
Music means we love music.
Video means you can do anything mixing images with music.
Underground means we are looking for fun, for ideas, for engaged artists, not only big budget productions. It also means we are approachable.

We select Music Videos and dance movies from all over the world and we screen them to give young artists both sides of the camera an opportunity to be noticed for their talents

2016 : took place in Paris
2017 : took place in Los Angeles (Sunset Boulevard)
2018 : took place in Los Angeles (Studio City)
2019 : next annual screening will have the festival back in PARIS.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Animation  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Inspired Faith Film Festival

17 Mar 2018

Published: 03 Aug 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Inspired Faith Film Festival

Inspired Faith Film Festival

marietta, United States

Do you have an inspirational or CHRISTIAN faith-based film that will leave the viewer encouraged, uplifted or in a place of retrospection? Whether it's a short or feature film, animation or a mini-film, we want your film!

Please note however, that the festival takes place on a church property, therefore NO PROFANITY, NO NUDITY, NO HORROR OR INAPPROPRIATE CONTENT WILL BE ACCEPTED.


The three-day festival begins with a welcome party will screen short films, feature films and documentaries from around the world, that inspire hope, encourage dreams, and tell stories about courage and faith in the midst of challenges.

ON Awards Night, we will have winners in all categories plus a special award for Best Female Director/Filmmaker. There are also a host of special awards such as the Inspiring Missions Awards and the coveted Inspired Faith Award for the top film.

Categories are: Mini, Short, Middy, Feature, Student, Documentary and Animation.

Inspired Sisters!!! Give your faith-based and inspiring films an audience. We will honor women filmmakers, directors and/or producers with a Best Female Filmmaker/Director award dedicated just to recognizing the contributions of women filmmakers to the industry.

Inspired students!!! Students are encouraged to submit their short films for consideration.

Inspired Animation!!! We would love to see an inspirational story in animation. Remember, children's stories can be inspiring too.

Inspired Faith is produced by BarriVIsion Films & Productions, Inc., producers of family-friendly and faith-based films and television programming. The festival is sponsored by BarriVision Films and Redeemed Christian Fellowship, where it will be held.

So head for Marietta, just an hour from downtown Atlanta, Georgia in May, for a weekend of exciting films, fun and fellowship.

See you there!

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other

Logo of Kiev International Film Festival

05 May 2018

Published: 03 Aug 2017
 Has submission fees
Feature films

Banner Kiev International Film Festival

Kiev International Film Festival

Kiev , Ukraine

Kiev International Film Festival ( KIFF) successfully held its first season. We are opening entry for the 2nd season. Looking forward to your work.

All the genres will be represented at the festival.
Cinematographers from all over the world have a chance to present their works . Special discounts and awards will be offered for student projects.
Professionals from 5 countries have been invited to form the jury.
There also will be public vote and people's choice awards.The audience will be able to enjoy the most interesting works in different genres
Our plans are to show films from more than 25 countries.

"Kiev International Film Festival" welcomes everyone!
The cinematographers will be able to present their projects for a reasonable fee
as we will have to cover the expenses on renting cinema theaters, advertising, organization. For more information please go here:

"Kiev International Film Festival" will be held from May 25-27, 2018

International Festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video


28 Nov 2017

Published: 02 Aug 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films



Paris, France

For an audacious and innovative cinema which does not amount to the basic vocabulary, which really raises itself the question of the direction, for an innovative cinema which is not formated " French cinema " style excessive social realism, but which inhales the big wide with visual and sound experiments which will remain burnt in us of long weeks after the projection, and especially, for a cinema which makes us dream and like the cinema, come to WE LOVE PARIS FILM FESTIVAL.

International Festival

Short film festival
