Logo of International Student Film Festival

31 Jul 2018

公開済み: 11 Jun 2018

Banner Festival International du Film de l’Etudiant

International Student Film Festival

Casablanca, Morocco





 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ  ファンタジー  ホラー

Logo of Intercontinental Cordoba Film Festival

31 Jul 2018

公開済み: 11 Jun 2018

Banner Festival Intercontinental de CIne de Córdoba

Intercontinental Cordoba Film Festival

Cördoba, Argentina

The Intercontinental Córdoba Film (FICC), invites filmmakers from
everyone to participate with audiovisual material of its 1st edition that will take
held in the month of October 2018 in the city of Córdoba, Argentina.

The festival will accept films of varying duration, according to the relevant section and
produced between the years 2016 and 2018 and will have a competitive instance for
Films of Fiction and the sample of non-competitive audiovisual material in the
documentary, short film and animation sections.

The Intercontinental Film Festival of Córdoba, has a mission: to show films, documentaries, shorts and other audiovisual products of technical and artistic quality that carry as a premise in their content, either centrally or secondarily, the good relations between the countries, between different cultures, between different people, between the human beings that inhabit this planet.
We live in a globalized world and there are discordant voices in this regard, we believe that we can share this situation as an advantage, so that through the magnificent invention of cinema, we join and share everything we have in common and accept everything that is us different.




 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ

Logo of Cine en la Isla  Film Festival

15 Sep 2018

公開済み: 11 Jun 2018

Banner 9° Festival Cine En La Isla

Cine en la Isla Film Festival

Isla Fuerte (Cartagena), Colombia




 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ  実験映画

Logo of Tychetainìa Festival

12 Aug 2018

公開済み: 09 Jun 2018

Banner Tychetainìa Festival

Tychetainìa Festival

Taranto, Italy

Tychetainìaフェスティバルは、「ASSOCIAZIONEカルチュラーレアルタバ」と共同で映画制作ハウス「SNAPORAZフィルムプロダクション」が主催し、ドゥオーモ経由のパラッツォGaleotaでタラントで開催されます, 2日間の長さ:10月11日 2020.


Tychetainìaフェスティバルは会い、質の高い映画について学ぶ機会です。 世界中から映画製品に特化した競争セクションと一緒に, 文学のレビューは、テーマに計画されています「シネマ」, 非競争の回顧客, 毎年異なる. さらに、組織の裁量により、特定の「映画」キャラクターに特化した「個人」または展覧会を提供することができる。



 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ  ファンタジー  ホラー  その他  実験映画

Logo of 2nd Nagaon International Short and Documentary Film Festival 2019

05 Aug 2018

公開済み: 09 Jun 2018

Banner 2nd Nagaon International Short And Documentary Film Festival 2019

2nd Nagaon International Short and Documentary Film Festival 2019

Nagaon, India

After the successful beginning, CINEMALAY, a primary film institute based on Nagaon of Assam (India) is ready to organise the second edition of Nagaon International Short and Documentary Film Festival 2019. We strongly believe that film making is one of the most insightful mediums through which we can recreate the world, and should not have to stick to conventional principles in order to be celebrated. Our festival aims to promote those who create art through the medium of film and continue to push the envelope in artistic creation.

We are a film festival organized by filmmakers, cine lovers, film students etc. Our main goal is to reduce the distance in between filmmakers and small town audience. For that we ONLY concern about quality cinema and nothing else. No hidden agenda. Our only goal is to award the talented filmmakers that can be found all around the world - from all walks of life. That's why we accept submissions from any country, any genre, and any filmmaker.

We can't wait to see your submissions!




 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ  ファンタジー  ホラー  その他  実験映画

Logo of Festival de Málaga

15 Jan 2019

公開済み: 09 Jun 2018

Promotional card of Festival de Málaga

Banner Festival de Málaga

Festival de Málaga

Málaga, Spain

1。 目標

フェスティバル・デ・マラガの目的は、スペイン映画とその一般的な文化圏を広め、促進することです。 この意味で、映画祭はラテンアメリカの映画制作のプラットフォームでもあります。 その機能には、スペイン映画(スペインおよびブラジルを含むラテンアメリカ全域で制作された映画と解釈される)のさまざまな専門分野を対象としたイベントの開催が含まれ、その発展を促進し、国際的な販売を促進することが含まれます。






 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ

Logo of Near Nazareth Festival

27 Nov 2018

公開済み: 09 Jun 2018

Banner Near Nazareth Festival

Near Nazareth Festival

Afula, Israel

Near Nazareth Festival ( NNF ) invites all film lovers to partake in our celebration.

Near Nazareth Festival hospitably opens its doors to filmmakers. Festival participants from around the world will show their works.

We believe that the best place for them to present their work - is Near Nazareth Festival.

More than 3500 participants from 70 countries of 5 continents presented their films and works at the Festival in Israel since 2015.

The works are evaluated by an international jury. Many participants became prize-winners and winners in their nominations.

A festival diploma increases the prestige of the piece.

We invite you to take part in it. We will be glad to review your work.

Our motto is: Everyone has a chance to be evaluated and win! We wish you creative success.
An important addition.

We continue our work.

We believe that film and art is very important during this time.

We still accept submissions and will hold online screenings as scheduled.

We look forward to your new works.

Art is life.

Stay safe and healthy!
Our festival - NNF - is the first of its kind.

Our festival will serve to strengthen mutual understanding and friendship between the peoples of the world. Through cooperation with movie lovers from around the world, we will make history.

Today filmmakers from 70 countries are participating in the festival, and presented his works.

Near Nazareth Festival Online Film Market - Free of charge for all participants of the NNFestival.

We post your film info on Near Nazareth Festival Facebook page - post + image.
We'll set up info about your film on Near Nazareth Festival website.

Page is opened and distributed among national and international distributors.

We are inviting of you to join
We do not limit the categories of participants. All films are presented in their original language. There is no need for subtitles in a foreign language different from the original.

Every submitting will be reviewed by a qualified jury and the audience.

Event venue - The Poznak Community Centers, Givat Ha-More




 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ  ファンタジー  その他  実験映画  Music Video

Logo of International Film Festival for Spirituality, Religion, and Visionary

02 Oct 2018

公開済み: 09 Jun 2018

Banner International Film Festival for Spirituality, Religion, and Visionary

International Film Festival for Spirituality, Religion, and Visionary

DKI Jakarta, Indonesia

The International Film Festival for Spirituality, Religion, and Visionary (IFFSRV) was established by some individuals who care about human living in peace towards themselves, forming strong and healthy alliances with others in harmony, and having good communication with their Creator despite of their sex, religion, race, and economic status.

The International Film Festival for Spirituality, Religion, and Visionary will act as a mean to sustain and promote the continuity of creativity and artworks produced and carved by filmmakers all over the world in following their dreams and pure calling to make betterment for humanity, as well as to participate in the film industry; to make a better live for each individual despite their differences in belief system.

IFFSRV festival day will be held at the end of November to celebrate the tolerance world day (16 November).

Through this festival, we hope to:
1. Give comfort and consolidation for the people in despair that he or she is never alone and that life is full of hope.
2. Encourage people when facing difficulties because of what they belief.
3. Inspire and enlighten people to find the purpose of their life regardless their belief, economic or cultural background.
4. Help people to have better acceptance towards themselves and enhance self-esteem because each individual are loved by God and they are special and unique in God’s eyes.
5. Inspire people to follow their dream and not easy to give up.
6. Encourage people to follow his and her own mission and path in life.
7. Inspire young generation to have broader mindset and perspective, to think beyond the box, and to be able to accept differences among religions and belief system.
8. Inspire young people to have vision and goal in life and work hard to achieve them.




 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ  ファンタジー  ホラー  その他

Logo of Festival de Málaga. Sección Afirmando los Derechos de las Mujeres

15 Jan 2019

公開済み: 09 Jun 2018

Banner Festival de Málaga. Sección Afirmando los Derechos de las Mujeres

Festival de Málaga. Sección Afirmando los Derechos de las Mujeres

Málaga, Spain

ASSERTING WOMEN'S RIGHTSは、フェスティバル・デ・マラガ、メイベル・ロザノ(ドキュメンタリー映画製作者で映画祭のコラボレーター)、そしてマラガ市議会の機会均等地域が抗議活動の一環として生まれたプロジェクトです。 このセクションは、女性の権利に対する社会的認識に寄与する問題を毎年調査し、取り組むことを目的として作成されています。

フェスティバル・デ・マラガのこのセクションは2008年に誕生し、今年で18回目を迎えます。 このプロジェクトは、女性であるという事実だけで今世紀になってもなお苦しんでいる不公平について知らせること、そして女性が創り出す映画作品を奨励し支援することという二重の目的で構想されている。




 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ  ファンタジー  その他  実験映画

Logo of Los Angeles Crime and Horror Film Festival

20 Oct 2018

公開済み: 08 Jun 2018

Banner Los Angeles Crime and Horror Film Festival

Los Angeles Crime and Horror Film Festival

Los Angeles, United States





... そしてより。




 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  ホラー

Logo of Madrid Fashion Film Festival

01 Sep 2018

公開済み: 07 Jun 2018

Banner Madrid Fashion Film Festival

Madrid Fashion Film Festival

Madrid, Spain

MadridFFF es una muestra de los mejores trabajos audiovisuales realizados para la industria de la moda.

El programa con ponencias, mesas redondas y exhibiciones que, junto con el certamen dirigido tanto a profesionales como a jóvenes talentos, componen MadridFFF. #MadFashionFilmFest


MadridFFF is a showcase of the best audiovisual work made for the fashion industry.

Lectures, panels, presentations and exhibits, that along with the contest aimed at both professionals and young talents, make the content we have seen in the third edition of MadridFFF. #MadFashionFilmFest




 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  その他  実験映画  Music Video

Logo of DocsValparaíso | International Documentary Film Festival

06 Jul 2018

公開済み: 07 Jun 2018

Banner Docsvalparaíso | Festival Internacional De Cine Documental

DocsValparaíso | International Documentary Film Festival

Valparaíso, Chile


DocsValparaíso International Documentary Film Festival is part of the DocsBarcelona's 3 festivals network that takes place in the cities of Barcelona, Medellín and Valparaíso. The production and development of DocsValparaíso is leaded by the SurDocs team that produced a very important festival in the south of Chile (Puerto Varas) for more than 12 years.

The main goal of the Valparaíso festival is to become one of the leading documentary festivals of Latin America in a medium term by developing the areas of expertise of DocsBarcelona: industry and professional training.

The Festival takes place in the cultural capital and most dynamic city of Chile; Valparaíso.

During the festival there will be screened national and international films, workshops, laboratories, conferences and professional exchange. We will explore new ways and formats to develop documentaries through the InterDocs meeting, a professional event designed to understand, disseminate, create, finance and exhibit the interactive documentary.

Every edition of DocsValparaíso has the goal of becoming a portrait of society while entertaining, awakening and enriching the dialog through the audience, media, institutions and professionals. We want to make the experience of watching documentaries a tool for social empowerment and change.




Logo of Intermediaciones, video art and experimental video

15 Jul 2018

公開済み: 07 Jun 2018

Banner Intermediaciones Muestra  Internacional de Videoarte & Cine Experimental

Intermediaciones, video art and experimental video

Medellín, Colombia


ショーケースはコロンビアのメデリン市で開催されます。 これはオーディオビジュアル作品、特に芸術的で実験的なビデオを取り巻くさまざまな実践を促進し、普及させることを目的とした、非競争的なイベントです。





 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ  その他  実験映画

Logo of Bare Bones International Film & Music Festival

31 Dec 2018

公開済み: 07 Jun 2018

Banner Bare Bones International Film & Music Festival

Bare Bones International Film & Music Festival

Muskogee, United States

Bare Bones was created to champion the small budget filmmaker who wears many hats to bring their project to completion By Any Means Necessary. BAMN! 'No Frills-No Waste' is our common battle cry.

If you are a fiercely independent filmmaker producing small budget films or a screenwriter that can craft a script that can be shot on a small (less than a million dollar) budget, this festival is for you.

We are a festival run by Filmmakers, Professors of Film and Film Fans for Filmmakers, Film Students and Film Fans at all levels of expertise. This is a festival where recognition is generous and you are the Star no matter what role you played or how many roles you assumed, everyone is treated like a Rock Star. We roll out the red carpet for your premiere, allow time for Q & A following the screening, or the block of films if you are in the shorts category. We hold live readings of your screenplay with professional actors with you directing.

If you have special skills, you may be invited to moderate a panel or participate as a panelist. Festival Alumni also serve as Awards Presenters during the Bonehead Awards Gala.




 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ  ファンタジー  その他  実験映画

Logo of Rolling Reels Film Festival

22 Jul 2018

公開済み: 06 Jun 2018

Banner Rolling Reels Film Festival

Rolling Reels Film Festival

Chennai, India

Rolling Reels Short-Film Festival(RRFF) is a non-profit, student-run organization established in 2015. Presented by Festember, the biggest cultural festival of South-India, RRFF is a one-day cinematic spectacle for budding filmmakers.

The aim of this venture is to establish a platform for young filmmakers to interact and learn from the veterans in this field. The participants would be given a time period of about 3 months to send in their entries after which thee movies would be filtered first by a preliminary panel of judges. The shortlisted movies are then screened on the day of the Festival. These are judged by a lineup of A-list jury comprising of maestros of the film industry.

Aside from the event, RRFF also hosts an extravagant workshop and a panel discussion on a topic that concerns our industry.



 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ  その他

Logo of ISFF El Álamo

01 Sep 2018

公開済み: 06 Jun 2018

Banner ISFF El Álamo

ISFF El Álamo

Madrid, Spain

First Edition of our dear festival!
Short films, pieces and experimental videoworks will be welcome!

Why do we do film fest? To know each other, learn and, of course, have fun! Drink, dance and laugh, this is El Álamo.
The town, "El Álamo", has a long history of filmaking, helping and supporting directors since long time ago. Recently, cooperated in "Cash n Flow: The Event" a very succesfull low cost movie.

Good people ambience and will to enjoy filmakers world.
Let's go!



 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ  ファンタジー  ホラー  その他  実験映画

Logo of Certamen de Cortos de la Provincia de Sevilla

09 Nov 2018

公開済み: 06 Jun 2018

Banner Certamen de Cortos de la Provincia de Sevilla

Certamen de Cortos de la Provincia de Sevilla

Sevilla, Spain

Only for Spanish Filmmakers.


 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  ファンタジー  ホラー  実験映画

Logo of Bringing Human Rights to the people,  short film contest

10 Sep 2018

公開済み: 06 Jun 2018

Banner Concurso De Cortos Giza Eskubideak Herrira (Acercando Los Derechos Humanos Al Pueblo)

Bringing Human Rights to the people, short film contest

Legorreta, Spain




このコンペティションは、グローバルプロジェクト「ヒューマン・ライツ・ギザ・エスクビデア・ヘリラ(人々に人権をもたらす)」の一環です。 GEHは、ダーダー・プロダクションズ協同組合が2015年に創設した人権啓発プロジェクトです。 初版はオルディツィアを拠点としていました。 2023年、フェスティバルは発展し、ギプスコア(エウスカル・ヘリア)のいくつかの町にまで拡大しました。

このコンクールの主な目的は、人権についての意識を高め、教育することです。 なぜなら、このショートフィルムコンテストは世界に開かれた窓口であり、その窓からは、地球上のさまざまな場所に人々が住んでいるさまざまな現実を見ることができるからです。 こうした現実を踏まえ、私たちは世界各地における人権侵害についての考察を促すつもりです。



1. 最優秀短編映画の最優秀賞は1000ユーロ。

2. 二等賞は500ユーロ。

3. バスク・カントリーの最優秀短編映画賞に「アルテリア賞」400ユーロ特別賞。

4. ヤング賞 300ユーロ。

これらの賞品には、対応する税金 (IRPF) の留保が適用されます。



 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ  ファンタジー  その他  実験映画

Logo of iChill Manila Film Fest

24 Jun 2018

公開済み: 06 Jun 2018

Banner iChill Manila Film Fest

iChill Manila Film Fest

Manila, Philippines





 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ  ファンタジー  ホラー  その他  実験映画

Logo of Amsterdam International Filmmaker Festival of World Cinema

31 May 2019

公開済み: 05 Jun 2018

Banner Amsterdam International Filmmaker Festival of World Cinema

Amsterdam International Filmmaker Festival of World Cinema

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Amsterdam International Filmmaker Festival of World Cinema 2019 will be hosted in Amsterdam.

The Amsterdam International Filmmaker Festival of World Cinema is one of the greatest and most popular festivals in Europe. This naturally fills our festival with a wealth of talent from around the world.

For over 12 years in our other festivals, we have been helping filmmakers find distribution and funding for their next filmmaking venture. Year after year, we are praised by filmmakers for the opportunities that unlock upon entering and participating in our festival.

There is ample opportunity to attend networking events, industry professional talk panels, workshops, guest speaker events, film premieres, financing talks, director Q&A's, film screenings and to socialize with like-minded creatives from all walks of life. All of this is neatly wrapped in a week-long showcasing of films where our strong community supports any and every film, from first-time artists to seasoned creators.

Our prestigious awards ceremony concludes the festival in high fashion with a 5-course gala dinner to celebrate our nominees and winners.

We are a unique festival that provides a real platform for filmmakers to meet, network and do business during the festival week.

We have built a small but exceptional network of industry professionals that will look at all films entered and will give business and commercial advice. We have many success stories where attending distributors have made offers to the filmmakers, launching them and their work into the marketplace. We have the people and skills in our professional team to make this happen.

We can create a ripple for your movie to be seen around the world. It all starts here by entering today

This will truly be a unique festival, giving filmmakers a real platform to meet, network, do business and, of course, watch great films.




 フィクション  ドキュメンタリー  アニメ  ファンタジー  ホラー  その他  実験映画  Music Video