Logo of World Film Awards

20 Apr 2018

Veröffentlicht: 19 Aug 2017
 Hat Einsende-Gebühren

Banner World Film Awards

World Film Awards

Kecamatan Gunung Putri Bogor, Indonesia

World Film Awards' awards day in May 2018 was bliss. Winning filmmakers came home with a lot of good memories to share in their hometown.

Following its great success, the festival is open for submission now. We greet independent filmmakers, travelers, history lovers, adventurers, and general filmmakers to show their passion through entertaining and informative films. Our Festival welcomes filmmakers, both professionals, and newcomers, from all over the world and newcomers, in short, and feature-length narrative and documentary film, from various genres.

Our judges consist of notable professionals in the film industry. We understand and appreciate the hard working in making a film. We open special categories for directors, cinematographers, actors and actresses, editors, screenwriters to compete for their awards.

We seek more than 100 narrative and documentary films produced with excellent technique and passion, carrying unique voice, and with a strong message to the world. A various language with English subtitles or dubbing is welcome.

Partnering with the largest cinemas in Indonesia, several international culture centers, and private institutions, the festival conducts prestigious awards night, press gatherings, press conference, workshop, and screenings attended by international filmmakers, mass media, mass media, government bodies, and celebrities. All winners and accepted filmmakers and members are welcomed at this event.

On the Awards Night that will be held on May 2019, we will acknowledge attending filmmakers with certificate awards, medals, and statue to the best film of the festival.

Make your outstanding film becomes the gem in our festival and gets the recognition your film well-earned.

Internationales Festival



 Fiktion  Dokumentarfilm  Animation  Andere  Experimental

Logo of World Documentary Awards

10 Dec 2017

Veröffentlicht: 19 Aug 2017
 Hat Einsende-Gebühren

Banner World Documentary Awards

World Documentary Awards

Kecamatan Gunung Putri Bogor, Indonesia

World Documentary Awards is the sister festival of the World Film Awards. By establishing this festival, we hope to exhibit the winning international documentary films to the Indonesian and international audience, bolster filmmakers’ assurance to give their best for the film industry, and prevail the film industry internationally.

The festival is opened for professionals and newcomers in the industry globally. Various languages with English subtitles or dubbing are welcome.

Truth well captured in an excellent cinematic motion is an art documentary filmmakers struggle to achieve. The Festival greets all documentary filmmakers to show their talents and passions through their films. We are looking for intelligent, well-produced, smartly edited documentary films from any type of true-life films that engage in interesting story telling, and could be mixed with dramatic situation. Documentary filmmakers have a series of categories entries to enter to, and to widen their chances to win, they are offered with the cost-effective Package-of-Five.

The World Film Awards group is partnering with the largest movie theater chain in Indonesia, international culture centers, and several private institutions and organizations. We will conduct prestigious awards day, press conference, workshops, and screenings that will be attended by international filmmakers, mass media, mass media, government bodies, and celebrities. All winners and accepted filmmakers and members are welcomed at these events and we will acknowledge attending filmmakers with specific physical awards.

Internationales Festival



Logo of World Humanitarian Awards

09 Jun 2018

Veröffentlicht: 19 Aug 2017
 Hat Einsende-Gebühren

Banner World Humanitarian Awards

World Humanitarian Awards

Jakarta, Indonesia


Welcome aboard, humanitarian heroes.
World Humanitarian Awards is part of a big festival group, the International Film Festivals. Working closely with the Council of Creative People (Dewan Kreatif Rakyat) and International i-Hebat Volunteers, we strive to give recognition to people, who work and dedicate his/her life for the betterment of humanity. He/she could be anyone from any kind of profession, from all age, and from any parts of the world. May it be an ordinary man/female or a nation leader. We value hard works labored for peace and humanity, reaching hunger souls crying for help.

Our mission is to promote humanitarian issues and inspire others. Winning person profile will become our showcase based on their CVs.

The Festival Group prominent past winners include President Jimmy Carter, John Pope II, Nobel Peace Prize winner, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, and many Hollywood stars: Alice Krige, Robin Shou, Dennis Rodman, Leonardo DiCaprio, Academy Award Winner Susan Sarandon, Martin Sheen, James Cromwell, David Anders, Julian Sands, Pearl Jam, U2, etc.
May all the good works spread around the globe and become both a living sample and inspiration to others.

We receive submissions from all over the world.

Internationales Festival



 Fiktion  Dokumentarfilm  Fantastisch  Terror


01 Sep 2017

Veröffentlicht: 19 Aug 2017
 Hat KEINE Einsende-Gebühren



Casares, Spain

Only for filmakers from Andalusia (Spain) or who work in Andalusia

Internationales Festival



 Fiktion  Dokumentarfilm  Animation  Fantastisch  Terror  Andere  Experimental

Logo of Territorio Flamenco

31 Jul 2018

Veröffentlicht: 19 Aug 2017
 Hat Einsende-Gebühren

Banner Territorio Flamenco

Territorio Flamenco

Madrid, Spain

“Territorio Flamenco” is created with the aim of promoting through the cinema another view regarded to the Flamenco as cultural heritage.

This program responds to the intention of dealing with the Flamenco from its cultural environment, anthropologic and social, with special attention to the role of the woman though its evolution.

We want that it would be a tool that open the door to the perception and vision that Spanish artists and world audiovisual artists have from the Flamenco. For this reason, we will give priority to the accessible suggestions to people with audible or visual disabilities.

Internationales Festival



 Fiktion  Dokumentarfilm  Animation  Fantastisch  Terror  Andere  Experimental

Logo of The International Film Festival for Family, Public Service, Against Drug Abuse & Trafficking

10 Apr 2018

Veröffentlicht: 19 Aug 2017
 Hat Einsende-Gebühren

Banner The International Film Festival for Family, Public Service, Against Drug Abuse & Trafficking

The International Film Festival for Family, Public Service, Against Drug Abuse & Trafficking

Jakarta, Indonesia

The International Film Festival for Family, Against Drug Abuse & Trafficking was established to support and promote filmmakers all over the world.

The festival mission is to raise local and international awareness towards issues relating to family, drug abuse, and trafficking, and to help the United Nations promote its humanitarian goals.

We hope to inspire and influence our modern society to be aware and more concern about these matters and to fight against illicit drugs.

Juries of the Festival will watch and carefully choose films with excellent storytelling and production technique, with a strong and inspiring story, and produced with passion and noble aims for humanity.

Having a series of successes in organizing our sisters' festivals events, we are proud to welcome filmmakers from all over the world to submit their outstanding films.
The International Film Festival for Family, Against Drug Abuse & Trafficking open submissions from all over the world. We accept short and feature films and documentary with a general theme, but especially in relating to family, public service, against drug abuse and trafficking issues. The Festival values every aspect of a film and will acknowledge them through our value packages (directing, editing, cinematography, music, acting, etc.)

The International Film Festival for Family, Against Drug Abuse & Trafficking, will hold its festival May to celebrate International Day of Families (15 May), Global Day of Parents (1 June), UN Public Service Day (23 June), and International Day against Drug Abuse & Trafficking (26 June).

The festival will be featuring premiere screenings, film-making workshops and special guest appearances by filmmakers, mass media, and celebrities. We hope to give motivational, informative, and outstanding films to be our showcase in the Festival.
Let's build a healthy nation worldwide and give a better future for our children through films.

Internationales Festival



 Fiktion  Dokumentarfilm  Animation  Terror

Logo of Painted Birds International Film Festival

31 Jan 2018

Veröffentlicht: 19 Aug 2017
 Hat Einsende-Gebühren

Banner Festival Internacional de cine de los pájaros pintados

Painted Birds International Film Festival

Madrid, Spain

Das Internationale Festival der gemalten Vögel widmet sich Kurzfilme und Spielfilme, Fiktion, Dokumentar- und Animationsfilme MADE VON 1. JANUAR 2018 NICHT IN VORHEREN EDITIONEN, mit dem Ziel der Förderung von Kindern interkulturellen Dialog, sozialen Zusammenhalt und Menschenrechte, vor allem diejenigen von KINDER bis 12 JAHRE.

Wird Qualitätsfilme verbreiten, die Spanien kaum erreichen, versuchen, nicht in Klischees fallen. So wird das Festival nach und nach als ein Feld für Treffen und Diskussionen von Projekten von beiderseitigem Interesse gedacht.

Internationales Festival



 Fiktion  Dokumentarfilm  Animation

Logo of International Film Festival for Environment, Health, and Culture

20 Apr 2018

Veröffentlicht: 19 Aug 2017
 Hat Einsende-Gebühren

Banner International Film Festival for Environment, Health, and Culture

International Film Festival for Environment, Health, and Culture

Jakarta, Indonesia

The International Film Festival for Environment, Health, and Culture was established to participate in making a cleaner and better environment, raise the quality of life and maintain an intercultural relationship for better acceptance and deeper understanding of people and diversity in life. Our main mission is to promote films about the environment, health, and culture issues, carrying skillful methods of storytelling, produced with excellent technique and crafted with passion and love for humanity. International Film Festival for Environment, Health, and Culture is one of the members of a big festivals group internationalfilmfestivals.org. The Festivals Group is aimed to help to promote the goals of the United Nations in celebrating international days of peace, women, anti-discrimination, tolerance, youth, family, humanitarian, human rights, health, autism, disability, and more.

We receive submissions from all over the world. The festival accepts feature and short film, and documentary (any length), and we welcome ambitious newcomers to star their excellent films. We accept all kind of films besides environment and health because this festival is also about modern and traditional culture.

The festival appreciates all the hard work every department contributes to making a film. With an all-in-one package, juries of the festival will value various performances such as directing, cinematography, editing, performance, story, acting, sound, production design, costume design, music, etc. The festival would give separate awards if they got selected.

Participating in the global community events, celebrating the World Health Day (7 April), World Lupus Day (10 May), World Cultural Day (21 May), and World Environment Day (5 June), the Festival will conduct its Awards Ceremony on June 2019.

Our past winners include many Hollywood stars. We conduct a press conference, awards ceremony, workshop, and dozens of films are screened. Working together with the largest Indonesian cinema network, several private foundations and international culture centers, and having good connection with influential members of high-ranking society, the festival has managed to conduct yearly outstanding awards ceremony attended by kings, sultans, queen, ministers, senators, parliament members, notable guests, artists, and leading newspapers.

Internationales Festival



 Fiktion  Dokumentarfilm  Animation

Logo of Aullido Muestra Internacional de Videoclip

08 Jan 2018

Veröffentlicht: 19 Aug 2017
 Hat KEINE Einsende-Gebühren

Banner Aullido Muestra Internacional de Videoclip

Aullido Muestra Internacional de Videoclip

Mexicali, Mexico

Aullido International Video Show CONVOCA Werke zu präsentieren, um diejenigen auszuwählen, die ihre 9. Internationalen Videoclip integrieren wird im März 2021 in Mexicali, Baja California, Mexiko statt.

Internationales Festival


 Andere  Musik-Video

Logo of Iquique International Film Festival

31 Oct 2017

Veröffentlicht: 19 Aug 2017
 Hat KEINE Einsende-Gebühren

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine de Iquique

Iquique International Film Festival

Iquique, Chile

2024 feiert das Iquique International Film Festival (Ficiqq) sein 15-jähriges Bestehen. Ficiqq ist eine einzigartige Veranstaltung in der Region Tarapacá, die zu diesem Anlass vom Audiovisual Development Fund 2024 finanziert und von SQM Yodo Nutrición Vegetal gesponsert und von Volcánica Films produziert wird.

Internationales Festival



 Fiktion  Dokumentarfilm  Animation  Experimental

Logo of Banjara International Film Festival

30 Nov 2017

Veröffentlicht: 19 Aug 2017
 Hat Einsende-Gebühren

Banner Banjara International Film Festival

Banjara International Film Festival

-, India

Internationales Festival




31 Aug 2017

Veröffentlicht: 17 Aug 2017
 Hat Einsende-Gebühren




«BRIDGES» INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL was established in 2008 in the framework of celebrations of 150 years of the foundation of Corinth. It was held Under the Auspices of Ministry of Transport and Communications in Greece and was organized in cooperation with the Cultural Centre of Corinth. It was greeted by the Minister of Transport and Communication, the Mayor of Corinth, the President of the Cultural Centre and the Prefect of Peloponnesus

The program, apart from the screenings of the Panorama, Competition and other sections included also the screening of a selection of short films by Cine Fantom, especially chosen for Peloponnesian Corinthian International Film Festival. «The main Club in Moscow» – this is how the press refers to CINE FANTOM. This is, however, no wonder for the club with the 20 years history. CINE FANTOM Club has been holding screenings every Wednesday for many years, regardless of weather and political conditions. For many years on, the club has managed to stick to such a weekly format. CINE FANTOM, however has also its own festival, SELECTION, a unique event which aims at promotion and development of young cinema.

The 2nd edition of the festival took place in 2011. On 2009 and 2010 it was cancelled due to national elections that occurred the same period. The opening of the 2nd festival was scheduled on October 14th 2009 with the presence and a live concert by the famous actor of Hollywood, Kevin Costner with his music band Modern West! Unfortunately, the national elections were announced on the 6th of September to be held on the 10th of October and the festival was cancelled. But the concert took place the same day, 14th of October 2009 on the Badminton theater in Athens. http://www.petraterzi.org/kevincostner/
Within the framework of its annual organization Bridges International Film Festival, carries on its close partnership with local authorities and other organizations, willing to provide to such an important aspect of our lives, culture, which is weakened through these hard times we are going through. During the same event, excursions to archeological sites, cruises in Canal of Isthmus and a film poster exhibition took place.

In order to be able to accommodate the needs of the vast number of cinephiles and cinemagoers of Greece, which has proved to be big and varied during past organizations, this year`s festival edition has created Special theme screenings as the «World Cinema – Bridges» section. As the BRIDGES International Film festival concurs often with the International Day of People with Disability, a part of our screenings is dedicated to films about human disabilities, under the symbolic title «We can do». Furthermore, the audience will have the unique opportunity to watch films by upcoming filmmakers premiering in the festival. Some of the most outstanding feature films created recently are going to compete for the festival`s Grand Prize «Golden Pegasus», which is going to be given to the film indicated by an internationally acclaimed Jury of cinema professionals.

Note: Foreign films with greek subtitles are eligible to participate in the official program of the International Film Festival "Bridges"

Internationales Festival



 Fiktion  Dokumentarfilm  Animation  Fantastisch  Experimental  Musik-Video

Logo of Cinema Crianza Film Fest

30 Oct 2017

Veröffentlicht: 17 Aug 2017
 Hat KEINE Einsende-Gebühren

Banner Cinema Crianza

Cinema Crianza Film Fest

Milladoiro-Ames, Spain

Cinema Crianza ist das erste internationale Kinderfilmfestival in Galicien.

Es entsteht aus dem Wunsch, einen Vorgeschmack für den Film unter den Jüngsten zu fördern und dabei zu helfen, ein zukünftiges Publikum mit künstlerischer Sensibilität, kulturellem Interesse und einem kritischen Geist in Bezug auf den audiovisuellen Konsum zu erziehen.

Wir glauben, dass ein Filmfestival wie dieses die Vielfalt des Kinderfilms vermitteln muss und dazu beiträgt, die Neugier der Kinder zu fördern. Im Prozess der audiovisuellen Alphabetisierung von Kindern in der heutigen Welt sind wir der Meinung, dass der Zugang zu einer möglichst vielfältigen Auswahl an Werken unerlässlich ist, um ein Verständnis dieser Kunst zu entwickeln, so dass sie sich nicht auf die Produkte des Konsums in der heiklen Zeit der Jugend beschränkt.

Internationales Festival



 Fiktion  Dokumentarfilm  Animation  Andere

Logo of WorldFest - Houston International Film / Video Festival

31 Jan 2018

Veröffentlicht: 16 Aug 2017
 Hat Einsende-Gebühren

Promotional card of WorldFest - Houston International Film / Video Festival

Banner WorldFest - Houston International Film / Video Festival

WorldFest - Houston International Film / Video Festival

HOUSTON, United States

WORLDFEST NOW ACCEPTS ONLINE FESTHOME SCREENERS! WE HAVE LG & SHARP 110" DIGITAL BIG SCREENS FOR JURIES! WE DO ALSO ACCEPT DVD, BLURAY OR USB FLASH/PEN/JUMP DRIVE FOR JUDGING AND FOR THEATER SCREENING! Region Zero! (If you win a Remi, you may be screened on big Cinemark Theatre screens to 600+ theater audience!! So we need a BluRay, DCP or Jump Drive for the DCP screening! Large juries view your entry on a big digital screen, not a little laptop! We will personally confirm your entry's arrival.

WorldFest is the only film festival in the world that gives your entry a grade, a score! Your score can earn you a Remi Award! We do not believe that there can just be three winners in a category, a Gold, Silver and Bronze - so we assign your entry a score from the jury! An A+ wins a Special Jury Award and is considered for the Grand Remi! An A score wins a Platinum Remi, an A- wins a Gold, a B+ wins a Silver and a B wins a Bronze Remi. No Awards are made below a B level score. With more than 4,750 category entries, only about 10-15% actually win a Remi Award, but we feel it is the best possible way to run a festival awards system!


“FORGET SUNDANCE! …WorldFest is one of the best conceived festival productions on the planet!” ~ Craig Outhier, film critic, Phoenix press; Tempe Times.

The 55th Annual WorldFest-Houston International Film Festival continues its totally dedicated Independent Film screening format for the upcoming April 20-24, 2022 unspooling. WorldFest will screen just 60-80 feature film premieres and over 130 Shorts with a total and absolute emphasis on the American and International Independent feature film and a continuing annual spotlight on award-winning short films and documentary films. Entries Officially Open Aug. 15, 2021. The EarlyBird Entry Deadline is Nov. 15th 2021 – A Mail-By/Enter By/Ship-By Deadline! Entries do not have to arrive by this deadline. The Main Entry Deadline is December 15, 2021. The Late Entry Deadline is Jan 15th 2022!

WorldFest Artistic and Program Director, Kathleen Haney, stated, “We are fiercely dedicated to the Indie Feature and Short Film and look for a quality selection of individual films to maintain a smaller, yet effective program rather than an overly large and unwieldy slate of 150-300 films. Haney continued, “For the 2020 WorldFest we continue to use ‘A good story, well told’ as our time-tested approach to film selection”. WorldFest-Houston now accepts Online, Thumb-Drive & DVD/BR format entries.

This year WorldFest presents its 8th Annual Panorama Asia, the largest survey of new films from all of Asia & China in the whole, wide world! More than 200 directors and filmmakers will attend from Beijing, Shanghai, Korea, Taiwan, Mongolia, VietNam, Cambodia, the Philippines & Japan. China is now the largest box-office and production revenue country in the world, surpassing the USA. There is a special Panorama Asia theater and a dedicated section of the program book.
WorldFest Grand Remi Award Winner, Ridley Scott commented “WorldFest is in the business of validating excellence!” We are delighted to agree! The mission of WorldFest is to recognize and validate creative excellence in film & video production in every facet and category of filmmaking. Many filmmakers report that a Remi Award from WorldFest opens doors to advance their careers.

WorldFest will continue with its annual Short Film Showcase, a special review of 130+ new short and student films...from the festival that gave first top honors to Spielberg, Lucas, Francis Ford Coppola, Randal Kleiser, The Coen Brothers, Ridley Scott, Robert Rodriguez, Spike Lee, Gavin Hood, John Lee Hancock, John Frankenheimer, Michael Cimino, Leslie Linka Glatter, Oliver Stone, Ang Lee, Atom Egoyan and David Lynch, among many others! Few other festivals have such a “Discovery” track record. WorldFest has emerged as the oldest continuous film festival management in the world with the same executive director, serving with a special vision for 53 consecutive years. A few other festivals are older, but they have had as many as ten different directors. It is the oldest film festival in The South, and the 3rd oldest International Film/Video Festival in North America, after San Francisco & NYC.

The 55th Annual WorldFest-Houston International Film Festival highlights include a Red Carpet Opening Night Gala, the Remi Awards Banquet with top honors presented to more than 1,000 up-and-coming attending filmmakers from over 75 countries from round the globe, there are 9 Master Classes in Film & Video Production, a nightly Festival Club at the HQ Westin-Memorial City Hotel, Indie Panels, a VIP tour of NASA with a special police escort and an exciting Houston Yacht Club Sailing Regatta & Texas BBQ. All offer superb networking opportunities!

WorldFest began in August 1961, as Cinema Arts, an International Film Society. It began screening Independent, foreign & art films. It became an officially competitive International Film Festival seven years later, in April 1968, and has been in continuous operation since. It is one of the original three film festivals in North America, with San Francisco and New York as the first two events. Following WorldFest was Chicago, Cleveland, Dallas, and Seattle. Then Sundance and SXSW, Toronto and Tribeca. Now there are more than 3,500 USA film festivals of various types, levels and quality, most being simply non-competitive screening events! WorldFest is international, competitive and invites filmmakers worldwide.

The 55th Annual WorldFest offers International Competition in; Features, Shorts, TV production, TV commercials, unproduced Screenplays & Teleplays, Experimental, Student, Documentary, Business & Industry, New Media, and Music Videos. You may enter the Feature, Short, Student, Experimental, Student, Music Video, and New Media-Websites via FestHome. You must go to our main website (worldfest.org) to enter the TV Production (100 series), TV Commercials (400 series), Film & Video Production (200 Series) and the Screenplay Competition (700 Series). WorldFest is the largest film & video competition in the world, in sheer number of actual category entries, with more than 4,750 category entries received in 2020. There are almost 200 sub-categories for competition, allowing each film to compete in its own individual genre.

WorldFest-Houston is sponsored by Memorial City Mall, Cinemark Theatres, Boxer Properties, the State of Texas, the City of Houston, HBU Fitness Center, Kodak, NASA, Lopez Negrete Communications, the Houston Yacht Club, Maggiano's Ristorante, Avis/Budget, The HQ Hotels Westin & Zaza, The Houston Chronicle, Regent University Film School, the Houston Yacht Club, and the Houston Film Society

The 55th WorldFest-Houston – 9898 Bissonnet, Suite 650, Houston, Texas 77036, 713-965-9955, Fax is 713-965-9960 – Email is – info@worldfest.org – The website is https://worldfest.org

Internationales Festival



 Fiktion  Dokumentarfilm  Animation  Fantastisch  Andere  Experimental  Musik-Video

Logo of TBDroneFestival

15 Oct 2017

Veröffentlicht: 15 Aug 2017
 Hat Einsende-Gebühren

Banner TBDroneFestival


Esposende, Portugal

TbDroneFestival is an event for those who really like aerial imagery made with drones with excellent lectures featuring Philip Bloom as the main speaker. Our aim is to celebrate aerial cinematography and show averyone that Drones are an excellent tool and are absolutely essential for the future. Our Jury is made by Portuguese cinematographers, cinema critics, professional Photographers and the the best 10 submitions will be evaluated by Philip Bloom. We wa

Internationales Festival



Logo of Dublin Smartphone Film Festival

01 Jan 2018

Veröffentlicht: 15 Aug 2017
 Hat Einsende-Gebühren

Banner Dublin Smartphone Film Festival

Dublin Smartphone Film Festival

Dublin, Ireland

Das Dublin Smartphone Film Festival

Das Dublin Smartphone Film Festival (DUBSMARTFF) ist ein internationales Festival, das der Feier der Arbeit auf Smartphones gewidmet ist.

Teure Technologie ist nicht mehr ein Hindernis für Kreativität. Das Mobiltelefon hat den Spielraum und die Freiheit für Filmemacher erweitert. Jetzt haben angehende Künstler die Möglichkeit, ihre Filme auf Knopfdruck zu schreiben, zu drehen und zu bearbeiten. Smartphones gestalten die Art und Weise, wie wir das Filmemachen angehen, um grenzenlose Möglichkeiten in Ihrer Hand zu schaffen.

Das Festival wurde mit dem Ziel gegründet, diese Filmemacher zu ermutigen, ihre Geschichten auf mobilen Geräten zu teilen. Wir wollen auch eine Plattform bieten, um diese Geschichten einem breiteren Publikum zu präsentieren. Es ist auch eine Chance, Geschichtenerzähler zu belohnen, die diese Geräte nutzen, um die Grenzen von Erzählung und Stil zu überschreiten.

Das Festival findet im Januar statt und Einreichungen sind offen für jeden mit einem Smartphone eine überzeugende Geschichte zu erzählen. Das ganze Jahr über wird es Veranstaltungen geben, die Filmemacher herausfordern und die Art und Weise revolutionieren, wie wir das Filmemachen angehen.

Warum Uns
Wir sind ein Festival, das von Smartphone-Filmemachern gegründet und betrieben wird.

Wir bieten Ihnen das unvergessliche Erlebnis, Ihren Film mit einem Mikrogerät auf der Großleinwand zu sehen.

Nicht nur ein Festival, wir expandieren über die Grenzen einer einzigen Veranstaltung hinaus. Wir bieten einzigartige Workshops, Live-Filmübungen und Podiumsdiskussionen an.

Internationales Festival


 Fiktion  Dokumentarfilm  Animation  Fantastisch  Terror  Andere  Experimental  Musik-Video


12 Dec 2017

Veröffentlicht: 13 Aug 2017
 Hat Einsende-Gebühren

Promotional card of NOX FILM FEST

Banner Nox Film Fest 2026


Salto, Uruguay


Das erste Fantastische Filmfestival im Freien in Uruguay feiert sein 10-jähriges Bestehen

Und wir bereiten eine große Party vor, um das zu feiern.

Viel Spaß mit uns!

Das NOX FILM FEST ist ein lustiges Kinoerlebnis, das im südamerikanischen Sommer stattfindet.

Das Festival akzeptiert Genrefilme wie: Horror-Fantasy-Sci-Fi und Subgenres.

Es ist ein Open-Air-Festival mit freiem Eintritt, an dem jedes Jahr Tausende von jungen Menschen und Familien teilnehmen, die ihre Veranstaltungen genießen.

Die 10. Ausgabe findet vom 16. bis 18. Januar 2025 statt, aber die Feierlichkeiten werden ab November 2024 stattfinden.

Das NOX FILM FEST bietet unterhaltsame und attraktive Aktivitäten wie:

Marathon der Filme
NOX für Kinder
Präsentationen des Buches
Besondere Gäste
Sessions zum Thema „Nicht wir sind allein“.
Entwicklung eines Labors und weiterer Attraktionen

Das NOX FILM FEST veranstaltet einen internationalen Wettbewerb für Spielfilme, mittellange Filme und Kurzfilme.

Es akzeptiert Einreichungen von Filmen aus der ganzen Welt und vergibt Preise und besondere Erwähnungen in den folgenden Kategorien:

Bester internationaler Spielfilm
Bester iberoamerikanischer Spielfilm
Bester mittellanger Film
Bester Kurzfilm (verschiedene Sektionen)
Filme von Frauen (FILM MADE BY WOMEN)
Sonderpreise für Regie, Schauspiel und Drehbuch.

Internationales Festival



 Fiktion  Dokumentarfilm  Animation  Fantastisch  Terror  Andere  Experimental

Logo of CINI – International Children´s Film Festival

17 Nov 2017

Veröffentlicht: 12 Aug 2017
 Hat KEINE Einsende-Gebühren

Banner CINI - Festival Internacional de Cine Para Niños

CINI – International Children´s Film Festival

Lima, Peru

Der Cultural Británico begrüßt Sie herzlich und eröffnet die Ausschreibung für das „XI INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL FOR CHILDREN, CINI 2025“, das vom 12. bis 16. Februar 2025 in Lima, Peru, stattfindet.

Dieses Festival findet in den Auditorien des Centro Cultural Británico in den Bezirken Surco, San Miguel, San Borja, Pueblo Libre, San Martín de Porres, Santa Anita, San Juan de Lurigancho, Camacho und Miraflores statt.

Alle Vorführungen im Rahmen des „XI. INTERNATIONALEN FILMFESTIVALS FÜR KINDER, CINI 2025“ sind für die breite Öffentlichkeit kostenlos.

Internationales Festival



 Fiktion  Dokumentarfilm  Animation  Fantastisch  Andere

Logo of Animacine - Festival de Animação do Agreste

10 Oct 2017

Veröffentlicht: 11 Aug 2017
 Hat KEINE Einsende-Gebühren

Banner III Animacine

Animacine - Festival de Animação do Agreste

Olinda, Brazil

ANIMACINE - Agreste Animation Festival is part of an artistic and play concept popularized by the name ANIMACINE, which through the audio-visual spectrum popularizes the exhibition, the dialogue and the production of cartoons, mainly in the north / northeast of the country. All forms and content of animation will be well accepted, preserving the formation and learning, being also a stimulus to the Brazilian cinematographic culture, facing as space for the formation of new spectators and directors.

The purpose of ANIMACINE is to disclose the audiovisual production of character animation
Cultural and aims to contribute to the development of a universal language, without losing the regional spirit of the place that surrounds it. It also seeks to encourage the formation of audiences and the emergence of new filmmakers.

Internationales Festival


 Animation  Experimental


30 Sep 2017

Veröffentlicht: 10 Aug 2017
 Hat KEINE Einsende-Gebühren

Banner Concurso De Cortometrajes Guadalcanal En corto Sonría Por Favor



The Cultural Area of ​​the Guadalcanal City Council (Seville) announces the VI Edition of the GUADALCANAL EN CORTO Short Film Festival 'Sonria, por favor', which will be held from October 24th to 26th, 2024.


 Fiktion  Animation  Fantastisch  Andere  Experimental