Logo of PACE Padùa Awards for Com Excellence

30 Aug 2017

Published: 27 Jun 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner PACE Padùa Awards for Com Excellence

PACE Padùa Awards for Com Excellence

Milano, Italy

EddiesComedyAwards at PACE Dedìcated to Eddìe Cantor, famous show man ìn Usa, Oscar © wìnner, whose famìly was from Russìa (jewìsh emìgrated), the Eddìes Comedy Awards become the European movìe Tony to promote the best ìn Euro- Amerìcan contemporary new comedy. 2017 edìtìon takes place ìn Padùa, ìt. for the PACE, Padùa Awards for Comedy Excellence.
We have 4 categorìes for thìs edìtìon: A) comedy B) dramedy C) fantaromance D) ìphone comedy format

Rules are so easy: you have to send to the festìval the lìnk to yr. Short or Feature Fìlm (short, from 1' to 30' maxìmum), yr web serìal pìlot (max 15'), ìphone format teaser (max 3') and the early bìrd ìnscrìptìon (deadlìne Aùg.30) The Fee ìs: 25euro (30 USD) for short and web pìlot; 40euro (45 USD) for feature fìlm; 15euro (20 USD) for teaser.

All the selected works take part of Euro-Amerìcan Comedy Academy and the categorìes wìnners wìll get the 2017 Eddìe Award (Certìfìcate of Award). Other prìzes are: orìgìnal paìnts by Seba Steìn well known art paìnter made for festìval, specìal promotìon on oùr dedìcated web channel, FAME awards for new dìrectors (Famoùs Award for Medìa Excellence), ìndìe creatìve productìon free tutorìng and other specìal awards.

The fìnal days and wìnners cerìmony wìll be on Oct. 6/7/8 at the GEA space ìn Padùa, ìt, at 18 Lagrange st.
The dìrector of ECAff and presìdent of Euro-Amerìcan Comedy Academy ìs Fabrìzìo Sebastìan Caleffì, an ìnt. playwrìght, screenwrìter, dìrector and actor, co-fonder of the prìvate tv ìn Mìlano (Canale5), awards wìnner and awards juror.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Portland Film Festival

20 Sep 2017

Published: 27 Jun 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Portland Film Festival

Portland Film Festival

Portland, United States

From October 14th to October 20th, 2019, Portland won't just be the city of roses—it'll be the city of film. All for the love of film, our weeklong event is jam-packed with networking, workshops, guest speakers, film premieres, financing talks, director Q&As and more. There's a reason Portland is different. Come be a part of what MovieMaker Magazine calls, "one of the coolest film festivals in the world."

Past attendees and alumni of the film festival include Aisha Tyler, Mario Van Peebles, Joe Dante, Sam Hamm, Mark Boone Junior, Eli Roth, Justin Long, Haley Joel Osment, Abby Elliott, Chris Williams, Chuck Palahniuk, Jason Mamoa, Doug Benson, Sally Kirkland, Joshua McDermitt, Wendy Froud, Brian Froud, Toby Froud, Vanna White, Penny Lane, Chelsea Cain, Daniel Wilson, Chelsey Reist, Isaac Feder, James Franco, Lorenza Izzo, Matt Walsh, Susan Sarandon, Michael Tully, Ryan Murdock, Kelly Reichardt, Kris Kaczor, Bryan Storkel, Leah Warshawski, Daryl Hannah, Vivian Norris, Karney Hatch, Jon Matthews, Dana Nachman, Mitchell Jackson, John Jeffcoat, Shawn Telford, Leah Meyerhoff, Mark Raso, David Zellner, Bradley King and more.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of International Horror Film Festival Aurora

24 Dec 2017

Published: 27 Jun 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Internacional De Cine De Horror Aurora

International Horror Film Festival Aurora

Guanajuato, Mexico

International horror film festival based in the city of Guanajuato, Mexico. All festival activities are nonprofit.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Terror  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Cine en Grande - Festival de Cine Nacional en Tierra del Fuego

23 Jan 2018

Published: 24 Jun 2017
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Short films
Feature films

Banner Cine en Grande - Festival de Cine Nacional en Tierra del Fuego

Cine en Grande - Festival de Cine Nacional en Tierra del Fuego

Rio Grande - Tolhuin - Ushuaia, Argentina

Only for Argentinian and Chilean Films.

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of DocsValparaíso | International Documentary Film Festival

23 Jul 2017

Published: 24 Jun 2017
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Feature films

Banner Docsvalparaíso | Festival Internacional De Cine Documental

DocsValparaíso | International Documentary Film Festival

Valparaíso, Chile


DocsValparaíso International Documentary Film Festival is part of the DocsBarcelona's 3 festivals network that takes place in the cities of Barcelona, Medellín and Valparaíso. The production and development of DocsValparaíso is leaded by the SurDocs team that produced a very important festival in the south of Chile (Puerto Varas) for more than 12 years.

The main goal of the Valparaíso festival is to become one of the leading documentary festivals of Latin America in a medium term by developing the areas of expertise of DocsBarcelona: industry and professional training.

The Festival takes place in the cultural capital and most dynamic city of Chile; Valparaíso.

During the festival there will be screened national and international films, workshops, laboratories, conferences and professional exchange. We will explore new ways and formats to develop documentaries through the InterDocs meeting, a professional event designed to understand, disseminate, create, finance and exhibit the interactive documentary.

Every edition of DocsValparaíso has the goal of becoming a portrait of society while entertaining, awakening and enriching the dialog through the audience, media, institutions and professionals. We want to make the experience of watching documentaries a tool for social empowerment and change.

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of Meraki International Film Fest

28 Jul 2017

Published: 24 Jun 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Meraki International Film Fest

Meraki International Film Fest

Palma del Río, Spain

Meraki International Film Fest aims to promote culture Film world through audiovisual works, discovering those innovative proposals in this field.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation

Logo of Festival Internacional de Cine Luz del Desierto

07 Jul 2017

Published: 24 Jun 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional De Cine Luz Del Desierto

Festival Internacional de Cine Luz del Desierto

Avellaneda, Argentina

The Luz del Desierto International Festival is an audiovisual Festival that aims to promote cinema within the country and abroad. The festival will take place in october with competition for feature films and short films, both fiction, animation and documentary. There will also be talks and workshops.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Festival Cortogijón

14 Sep 2017

Published: 23 Jun 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Cortogijón

Festival Cortogijón

Gijón, Spain

X CortoGijón Festival

The Gijón Short Film Festival arises
in 2015 as a parallel section within the
Aula 18 National Short Film Contest
in the delivery After the disappearance of
emblematic festival three of the programmers
decide to maintain their essence by transferring
the festival to Gijón. It is in the second edition
that of 2016, where the festival moves to the
municipal centers of the city to develop a festival with an eye on short films and music. Since then
to the competitive sections (Official Section,
Asturias Section) And to the sample sections
(Panorama Asturias and Mirada FICX) have been
there have been concerts that have given luster to the
cultural spaces of the city and that have
served to put the climax to each projection.

Names like Marilia, Pablo Und
Destruktion, Marem Ladson, Tiger and Diamond,
David Feito… confirm the high level
musical that lives the festival and its local and regional look.

In 2020 Laboral City of Culture joins
with a new screen inside CortoGijón
thus amplifying collaborations between
all cultural entities in the region started in 2017 with the Mirada Ficx section in
collaboration with the Gijón Film Festival.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of The Optical Theatre Horror Film Festival

10 Oct 2017

Published: 23 Jun 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner The Optical Theatre Horror Film Festival

The Optical Theatre Horror Film Festival

Rome, Italy

The Dark Circle Association is proud to announce the 3rd annual The Optical Theatre Horror Film Festival taking place November 2017 in Rome. We strive to support horror, fantasy and bizarre films. The Optical Theatre is a Wikipedia and IMDB credited festival. We add to IMDB the awards to the films that win at our fest.

Official horror partners: iHORRORdb.com / DarkVeins.com / BlumHouse.com / Horror-Movies.ca / ScaredToWatch.com

Our Jurors: Ruggero Deodato (Cannibal Holocaust), Stephen Biro (Unearthed Films - Film Distributor), Michael Del Rossa (special makeup FX - I am Legend), Scott Martin (Film Distributor/Tombstone Distribution), Antonio Tentori (screenwriter - Lucio Fulci's Demonia), Gregory Burkart (Film Critic, Writer, Musician), Chris Savage (Film critic), Federico Frusciante (Film critic). More TBA.

More info: http://www.opticalfest.com/

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of EduDoc 2017- Stories of Education

15 Sep 2017

Published: 22 Jun 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner EduDoc 2017- Stories of Education

EduDoc 2017- Stories of Education

delhi, India

EduDoc: Stories of Education
International Short Film Competition
The government has been the main provider of education in many parts of the world. However in emerging economies, the private sector is playing a pivotal role. Many poor parents forego free government education and spend their hard earned money on private alternatives. There have been lots of stories of creative innovations and solutions devised to tackle challenges and issues in Education.
EduDoc: Stories of Education is an International Short Film Competition by Centre for Civil Society (CCS) where we want to put Challenges, innovations and celebrations in the spotlight. The main objectives are:

• To identify and document social, political, cultural and regulatory challenges of education system through audio-visual medium
• To highlight various solutions devised by individuals, groups, communities, organizations, governments etc
• To celebrate Eduprenuership
The Theme for EduDoc: Stories of Education | 2017 is “Education: Challenges, Innovations, Celebrations”

“If you know someone who is redefining education, share their story with us in a short film.”

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Colombian Film Festival for Children

29 Sep 2017

Published: 22 Jun 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner 1ra. Muestra de Cine Para Niños y Niñas - Ojo al Sardino

Colombian Film Festival for Children

Bucaramanga, Colombia

Public Cinemateca Foundation presents the first edition of the Children Film Festival - Ojo al Sardino in Bucaramanga, Colombia on 9-13 October 2017, to support the creation and dissemination of thoughtful, provocative, and intelligent film for children and teens ages 3-18. The Festival experience cultivates an appreciation for the arts, encourages active, discerning viewing, and stimulates lively discussion among peers, families, and the film community.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Digital Box Office Awards and Screening Series

01 May 2018

Published: 22 Jun 2017
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Short films
Feature films

Banner Digital Box Office Awards and Screening Series

Digital Box Office Awards and Screening Series

Los Angeles, United States

Digital Box Office (Digital Box Office, LLC) presents an opportunity for you to be honored and have your film screened at the 2nd Annual Digital Box Office Awards in Los Angeles, an event specifically created for the independent filmmaker.

Developed by Hollywood Insiders and taking place May 10th in Los Angeles, Digital Box Office is a groundbreaking film festival and global film platform that supports and caters to filmmakers as its #1 priority.

Located at the beautiful Monica Film Center in Santa Monica, the Digital Box Office Awards will screen the brightest and best independent films of the year followed by a star studded reception and awards ceremony.
Winning Filmmakers will experience:

May 10th, 2018:
6:00pm: Red Carpet Arrival and Reception at Monica Film Center in Santa Monica, CA
Q+A with Digital Box Office Organizers
7:00pm: Winning Student Film Screened + Q&A with Filmmakers
7:30pm: Winning Short Film Screened + Q&A with Filmmakers
8:00pm: Winning Feature Film Screened + Q&A with Filmmakers
9:30pm: VIP Reception and Awards Ceremony

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Jodhpur International FILM Festival

30 Nov 2017

Published: 22 Jun 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Jodhpur International FILM Festival

Jodhpur International FILM Festival

Mumbai, India

I am Moti Singh Rathore Founder and Organiser JOIFF (JODHPUR INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL).In this festival welcome all international short films/documentaries/animation films time duration -3 minute to 45 minute.

This is 3rd year running joiff-2017. Joiff start journey 2015 together with all film lovers support and warm hearting support.

Invite all film lovers internationally.jOIFF -2017 Celebrated in Jodhpur,Rajasthan,India.

Moti Singh Rathore(MONTY RATHORE)
JOIFF- 2017

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Colombian Queer Film Festival

31 Aug 2017

Published: 22 Jun 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Colombian Queer Film Festival

Banner Muestra De Cine Queer

Colombian Queer Film Festival

Bucaramanga, Colombia

The 4th COLOMBIAN QUEER FILM FESTIVAL is an annual non competitive LGBT film festival created by Fundación Cineteca Pública de Santander, to reward and celebrate each films of Colombian and international filmmakers, who make visible an aesthetic-political nature with discussions on gender, diversity of sexual orientation and identity along with films in commercial circuits and festivals, to generate intercultural encounters and consolidate organization processes and self-representation.
Gender doesn't define us. The sexuality-gender-body relationship surrounds us with inexhaustible questions and reflections. That’s why in this fourth edition we adopt the proposal to explore the different possibilities that this relationship offers in Cinema. #GENDERisOVER

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary

Logo of INTERIORA Horror Fest

15 Sep 2017

Published: 22 Jun 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner INTERIORA Mostra ciò che hai dentro - Festival Horror Indipendente


Roma, Italy

IMPULSI Onlus issues the call for entries for the cinema section of "INTERIORA mostra ciò che hai dentro" Indipendent Horror Festival 6th edition (www.interiorafestival.it)

International Festival

Short film festival



10 Sep 2017

Published: 21 Jun 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Overtime Sport Film Festival


Macerata, Italy

Review of Short Films, Films and Documentaries on Sport.

The Pindaro Cultural Association organizes OVERTIME FESTIVAL, which will take place from 5 to 9 October 2022 in Macerata (Italy). The main objective of the festival is to propose sport, sports practice and sports ethics through all the arts, workers and means of communication.

In this context, the Pindaro Cultural Association, for the year 2022 OVERTIME FILM FESTIVAL, an international competition for short films, films and social documentaries, with the aim of promoting, disseminating and making young cinema visible. The event also aims to create an appointment in Italy where directors, video makers, industry professionals or simple cinema and sports enthusiasts can compare and combine different experiences.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary

Logo of Bringing Human Rights to the people,  short film contest

10 Sep 2017

Published: 21 Jun 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Concurso De Cortos Giza Eskubideak Herrira (Acercando Los Derechos Humanos Al Pueblo)

Bringing Human Rights to the people, short film contest

Legorreta, Spain

Opening of the festival: 13th september, 2024.

Inscription: Until 14rd october, 2024.

The GEH Short Film Competition is a short film competition on human rights held in different localities of Gipuzkoa (Basque Country).

This competition is part of the global project human rights Giza Eskubideak Herrira (Bringing human rights to the people.). The GEH is a human rights awareness project created by the dar-dar Productions cooperative in 2015. The first editions were based in Ordizia. In 2023, the festival has developed and extended to several towns in Gipuzkoa (Euskal Herria).

The main objective of this competition is to raise awareness and educate on human rights. Because this short film contest is a window that we open to the world, and from that window we can see the different realities that people live in different parts of the planet. In view of these realities, we intend to encourage reflection on human rights violations in different parts of the world.

Whatever the format is, all films will compete on equal terms.


1.First prize 1000€ for the best short film.

2.Second prize 500€.

3.Special Award "Arteria Award" 400€ for Vasque Country's best short film.

4.Young prize 300€.

To these prizes will be applied the retention of the corresponding tax (IRPF).

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of Women on Focus Gender Equity International Film Festival

30 Jul 2017

Published: 21 Jun 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Mujeres en Foco Festival Internacional de Cine por la Equidad de Género

Women on Focus Gender Equity International Film Festival

Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Women in Focus emerged in 2009 with the aim of encouraging the promotion and protection of women's rights through film, through the dissemination of films that allow give visibility to the violation of their rights and encourage debate. In this way he sought to create an open standard for men and women around the world space where open dialogue between genres and promote the active participation of the whole society to defend the full exercise of human rights, with a focus on the situation women in the world. They worked on a broad call, unlimited sex, age or origin, and with the conviction that change is possible only from the inclusion of attention.

The axis of Women in Focus is on the woman and her history of violations, to disseminate and denounce the naturalization of the unjust conditions they are facing, and give visibility to the diversity of social, cultural experiences and forms of organization, aiming thinking about other possible worlds. Through films about women also understand and discuss the construction of gender and how it is all of society we seek.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental

Logo of Festival cinema of La Culata

28 Jul 2017

Published: 20 Jun 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival de cortometrajes Cine de la Culata

Festival cinema of La Culata

Guayaquil, Ecuador

Since its inception, this festival has promoted the city as a setting in which each filmmaker tells about their reality, their ways of working and life experiences, in such a way that anyone who is a fan of or dedicated to filmmaking can learn through observation and viewing. of all kinds of works and their technical details such as camera movement, times a scene lasts, camera position or perception of silences ...

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Segundo Festival De Cine Artculvid en San Francisco de sales

29 Jun 2017

Published: 20 Jun 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Segundo Festival De Cine Artculvid en San Francisco de sales

Banner Segundo Festival De Cine Artculvid En San Francisco De Sales

Segundo Festival De Cine Artculvid en San Francisco de sales

Bogotá, Colombia

Our second edition of the Artculvid Film Festival will take place at San Francisco de Sales in Cundinamarca - Colombia, where the Colombian and International short film will be exhibited and studied, also understood as a film, as a cinematographic work. Our festival will take place on the 1st and 2nd of December 2018.

Only short films of maximum 15 minutes are accepted


Documentary film


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary