It is a festival of "silent" short films (no audible dialogue),
open to professionals and amateurs.
It is a non-profit project,
with the support of public institutions, social organizations and private sponsors who offer products or services as prizes of the festival.
The International Film Festival for Environment, Health, and Culture was established to participate in making a cleaner and better environment, raise the quality of life and maintain an intercultural relationship for better acceptance and deeper understanding of people and diversity in life. Our main mission is to promote films about the environment, health, and culture issues, carrying skillful methods of storytelling, produced with excellent technique and crafted with passion and love for humanity. International Film Festival for Environment, Health, and Culture is one of the members of a big festivals group internationalfilmfestivals.org. The Festivals Group is aimed to help to promote the goals of the United Nations in celebrating international days of peace, women, anti-discrimination, tolerance, youth, family, humanitarian, human rights, health, autism, disability, and more.
We receive submissions from all over the world. The festival accepts feature and short film, and documentary (any length), and we welcome ambitious newcomers to star their excellent films. We accept all kind of films besides environment and health because this festival is also about modern and traditional culture.
The festival appreciates all the hard work every department contributes to making a film. With an all-in-one package, juries of the festival will value various performances such as directing, cinematography, editing, performance, story, acting, sound, production design, costume design, music, etc. The festival would give separate awards if they got selected.
Participating in the global community events, celebrating the World Health Day (7 April), World Lupus Day (10 May), World Cultural Day (21 May), and World Environment Day (5 June), the Festival will conduct its Awards Ceremony on June 2019.
Our past winners include many Hollywood stars. We conduct a press conference, awards ceremony, workshop, and dozens of films are screened. Working together with the largest Indonesian cinema network, several private foundations and international culture centers, and having good connection with influential members of high-ranking society, the festival has managed to conduct yearly outstanding awards ceremony attended by kings, sultans, queen, ministers, senators, parliament members, notable guests, artists, and leading newspapers.
Неопределенность в будущем дает ясно понять, что гибкость в адаптации является ключом к выживанию. В этих условиях Morbido 2021 будет иметь гибридную идентичность. Фестиваль будет проходить на платном телеканале Morbido TV, онлайн, драйв-в и, надеюсь, в театрах, полностью соблюдая санитарные руководящие принципы Мехико.
Из-за пандемии и нынешних санитарных ограничений мы не сможем принять международных или национальных гостей, но мы подчеркиваем, что все наши показы будут сопровождаться Q/A Sessions с кинематографистами в нашем выборе. Эти сессии будут транслироваться на Morbido TV и его приложение во время фестиваля.
Выбор короткометражных фильмов/Платное ТВ + Онлайн с 28 октября по 06 нояб.
Выбор полнометражного кино/драйв в + кинотеатры с 28 октября по 06 нояб.
В нынешних условиях мы по-прежнему бдительны к развитию пандемии или любой другой чрезвычайной ситуации. В случае необходимости изменения даты фестиваля или места проведения фестиваля, мы сообщим об этом всем участникам.
FEMCINE была создана для того, чтобы выявлять и поддерживать работу женщин-кинематографистов и делиться фильмами на гендерную тематику с более широкой аудиторией. FEMCINE приглашает женщин-режиссеров из Чили и других стран мира принять участие в одной из трех конкурсных категорий: Международном конкурсе полнометражных фильмов, Международном конкурсе короткометражных фильмов и конкурсе короткометражных фильмов Чилийской школы кино.
26-й кинофестиваль «Киноарте», который пройдет с 14 ноября по 1 декабря, принимает заявки на конкурсные сессии короткометражных фильмов. Фильмы продолжительностью до 25 минут, снятые с января 2023 года, могут участвовать в иберо-американских, национальных конкурсах, конкурсах в Паранаэнсе и Лондриненсе.
ICAF started organizing CHENNAI INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL (CIFF) from the year 2003. All the earlier editions have seen a gradual growth in terms of attendance as well as popularity. With the film fraternity actively joining hands with ICAF since its 8th edition, the 14th edition of CIFF promises to be bigger and better.
Striving to be in par with the best International Film Festivals across the globe, CIFF is dedicated to presenting the best of international and Indian Panorama films to the cinema loving city of Chennai, just as it showcases the best of Tamil films to the world.
The Competition Section for Tamil Films that was instituted in 7th CIFF to encourage Tamil Filmmakers has been holding a strong presence. Active participation of the Tamil film fraternity was initiated and spearheaded by Ms. Suhasini Manirathnam in the year 2009, which gave a facelift to CIFF.
ICAF’s management team includes professional from various walks of life who have a passion for movies. The senior members of ICAF include but not limited to: Mr. Kannan, Mr. Ramakrishnan, Mr. Santhanam and Mr. Thangaraj (Festival Director), Mr. Murali, Mr. Srinivasan and more. ICAF is ably supported by the South Indian Film Chamber, Producers Council, Artists & Directors Association.
The film Fraternity team providing active support to ICAF include: Ms. Suhasini, Mr. Sarathkumar, Mr.Mohan, Ms. Revathy, Ms. Rohini, Mr. Jayendra, Mr. Manobala, Ms. Lizzy, Ms. Poornima, Ms. Shylaja and many more. The festival’s presence is felt on the web, social network sites, TV and FM radio apart from the print medium. The curtain-raiser press meets, opening and closing ceremonies, gala cultural shows, Chennai Film Forum Panel Discussions, Exclusive ‘Red Carpet’ evening screenings for an invited audience etc., all studded with film personalities from international, national and popular regional cinema all add substantially to the festival’s experience. Versatility and creativity will go hand in hand at the CIFF to give an exceptional experience.
Эта выставка является частью пропагандистских и пропагандистских программ, нацеленных на распространение аудиовизуальной культуры в северном регионе Аргентинской Республики, организации «Народная коммуникация Вайруро» и телеканала Red Kalipa TV, а также проекта при поддержке INCAA и Министерства культуры провинции Жужуй, в частности, в сопровождении Красных Фокосов, «Северного аудиовизуального пространства» и «КОНТАР».
Стремясь пробудить Филиппины к новым способам мышления через фильмы!
Неопределенность в будущем дает ясно понять, что гибкость в адаптации является ключом к выживанию. В этих условиях Morbido 2021 будет иметь гибридную идентичность. Фестиваль будет проходить на платном телеканале Morbido TV, онлайн, драйв-в и, надеюсь, в театрах, полностью соблюдая санитарные руководящие принципы Мехико.
Из-за пандемии и нынешних санитарных ограничений мы не сможем принять международных или национальных гостей, но мы подчеркиваем, что все наши показы будут сопровождаться Q/A Sessions с кинематографистами в нашем выборе. Эти сессии будут транслироваться на Morbido TV и его приложение во время фестиваля.
Выбор короткометражных фильмов/Платное ТВ + Онлайн с 28 октября по 06 нояб.
Выбор полнометражного кино/драйв в + кинотеатры с 28 октября по 06 нояб.
В нынешних условиях мы по-прежнему бдительны к развитию пандемии или любой другой чрезвычайной ситуации. В случае необходимости изменения даты фестиваля или места проведения фестиваля, мы сообщим об этом всем участникам.
Cultural Association “Visione Arte” (Art Vision) presents the 11th edition “Corti in Cortile” which has recently turned into International Short Film Festival.
The festival is held in Catania, Italy- Sicily,
from Friday 20th to Sunday 22nd September 2019.
The Festival wants to be a showcase for national and
international emerging independent productions. The contest is open both to Italian and foreign authors.
Submission deadline: July 7th 2019
We are one of the largest international gatherings of Urban film and film industry experts, sharpening skills of young filmmakers, meanwhile allowing them to showcase their masterpieces internationally.
International Urban Film Festivals giving Urban content a Voice at the highest level of industry exposure. We celebrate content by the creators for the creators.
An outlet for real people, with genuine dreams, who want to tell their stories in their own voice in their own way.
Providing upcoming filmmakers with a dynamic platform, creating more opportunities to show their films.
Showcasing up and coming filmmakers as well as educate them to be organized, reduce costs, and time to help structure their content and learn higher level pre-production and post-production skills.
Urban Film Festival is a four-day event focusing on educating, exposing, and providing distribution opportunities for the new generation urban filmmaker. Held in sunny Miami, FL every Labor Day weekend, UFF is dedicated to providing a platform that allows urban artists the same opportunities as mainstream genres.
Producer Workshops – Pre-Production, Line-Producing, Scheduling, Budgeting & Contracts
RED Camera Workshops – Camera Tech., Managing Data, Financing Options, Current Education of RED Camera Technology.
Director & DP Workshops Administered by CVT/ Rum Bum – ASC Certified DP/Cinematographer Egon Stephens
Screenwriting Workshops –Story Structure, Plot Driven Scripts vs. Character Driven Scripts, Character Arch: Creating Multi-Dimensional Characters, Character Development from Concept to Finish. Marketable scripts. Script formatting
Acting Workshops – Building character. Multi-dimensional characters. Understanding your character arch. Script analysis.
Beginners “Actor’s Tool Box”: intro to acting, preparing your actor’s resume, actor’s reel, the importance of improvisation, basic scene study for actors, how to dissect a script, basic movement for actors, basic voice and diction for actors, basic steps to landing a major role
Advanced: “Actor’s Black Box Series” – top actors will be involved in the workshop that are a part of Fall Series. Advanced techniques for actors, advanced character analysis, Method Acting, Advanced Movement, Advanced techniques to landing the Major role, Script Analysis, Successful tips for being cast for a major role.
After the grand success of the 3rd edition of IFFP in 2017 in Delhi, we are all set to celebrate its next level, 4th INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL OF PRAYAG,Delhi- 2018. The Festival We have added some more interesting segments this year.
DIGO — X\ I Международный кинофестиваль, посвященный гендерному и сексуальному разнообразию в Гойе, — первый кинофестиваль в центре Бразилии, посвященный таким вопросам, как разнообразие, гендер и сексуальность, путем демонстрации современных аудиовизуальных произведений и призыва к историческим рецензиям. Наша главная цель — повысить осведомленность об этой теме, чтобы способствовать инклюзивности, социальным изменениям и уважению к другим. Являясь международным мероприятием, команда DIGO также верит в важность межкультурного общения. Этот выпуск будет доступен онлайн. Авторы должны принимать фильм онлайн в течение одной недели.
The festival is organized by the Udada Festival Trust (UFT) and seeks to develop a local and regional audience by showcasing films that have been done by women for women and are not necessarily distributed in local cinemas or television. Special attention will be given to African films made by women and films pertaining to African women.
The mandate of the UDADA Film Festival is to:
Facilitate interaction between women filmmakers; and women filmmakers and their audiences;
Support and encourage women involved in film production;
Increase the exposure of new productions written and/or directed by women;
Showcase women productions to the Kenyan and International film industry for future ventures;
Provide opportunities for professional development;
Provide a marketplace for industry. In essence, a reverse trade mission providing local filmmakers and producers access to the national and international film industry;
Develop and offer youth programs to develop the next generation of filmmakers.
Международный кинофестиваль Автономного университета Нижней Калифорнии способствует обмену опытом в области аудиовизуальной продукции, а также накоплению знаний вокруг кинематографического явления.
CINETORO задуман как междисциплинарная фестиваль-школа, посвященная кураторской практике и обучению кинематографистов, налаживанию связей между начинающими талантами и выдающимися отечественными и зарубежными художниками, а также продвижению анализа и критики в отношении производства и идей, лежащих в основе экспериментального кино и анимации.
Мы выступаем за кинематограф, в котором диалог поэзии и искусства выходит за рамки зрелищности, технической корректности, тем и форм повестки дня. Это несовершенное кино, которое, несмотря на то, что оно создано в ручном стиле, стремится восстановить сознание телесности, осмыслить, проблематизировать и подвергнуть сомнению построение образа и звука.
Кино, имеющее территориальный отпечаток, которое реконструируется, видоизменяется и заявляет о себе всему миру. Освоение территории, изменение взглядов на сельскую местность и предоставление сообществу пространства для присвоения знаний.
About the Festival
“Animax Skopje Fest” is the first animated film festival in Macedonia. We regard it as a unique opportunity to present local Macedonian creative potential in their home country; the audience will get a clear picture of what is currently in Macedonia created in this field. The festival is by nature competitive and is open to animators from around the world. The main reason why we decided to organize an international festival of animated film in the Republic of Macedonia, is the desire and need for this animated film to get a wide door in Macedonia.
Profile and Mission
The festival is the right address for anyone interested in animation as a way of communication, as a way of expanding horizons, as an effort to support a cultural form and spend leisure time in creative and constructive way, as part of a global trend of creative industries in Europe and the world. “Animax Skopje Fest” is organized by the production company “Auripigment”, in collaboration with the Association of Citizens Creative Center “Tintiri - Mintiri” of Skopje, Macedonia, with the support of Ministry of Culture of Republic of Macedonia. The main mission of “Animax Skopje Fest” is:
Promotion of animation in Macedonia;
Increasing the awareness for animation in Macedonia as a part of important cultural (creative) industries;
Contacting and communication between artists in Macedonia and abroad;
Promotion of dialog between filmmakers, designers, animators, artists, producers and viewers;
Organizing seminars, forums, workshops.
Who We Are
Production company “Auripigment” is working about 15 years in the field of audio - visual arts in the Republic of Macedonia, producing feature films, TV series, feature series, documentaries and entertainment programs intended for the widest audience. Most of the projects are characterized as projects of national interest to universal values. In this list of projects is included one of the latest projects of the production company, the first Macedonian international festival of animated films “Animax Skopje Fest”. Currently the production company “Auripigment” has produced documentary “Hristo Uzunov”, while in pre - production and production are five projects including a feature film. Festival “Animax Skopje Fest” aims to unite and encourage all animators in the Republic of Macedonia and to facilitate verification and presentation worthy of their creative potential and product. “Auripigment” production team knows quality and potency of Macedonian authors and therefore deemed it necessary to put the festival in the service of the promoter and ‘exporter’ of aesthetic founded animated audio - visual works arising from Macedonia. In fact, this festival aims to raise and build culture in terms of making animated films for adults and children who present different aspects of everyday life. The authors of these films from around the world participate in this festival by sending their animated films. Animax Skopje Fest is held in November each year. The last night of the festival, most successful animated films are awarded with prizes, which have undergone previous round of competition and are being elected as awarded by the jury - the commission. On the other hand, our team closely monitors developments in the field of world animation and also as past years, this year and in future plans to carry the best of the world in Macedonia. This is illustrated by the previous two editions of the festival, in which were reported over 400 high quality animated films from more than 35 countries worldwide. While this year's edition reported more than 200 animated works from more than 40 countries from all around the world, which this time, also, will compete for the main prize “Golden Brick”.
9-й фестиваль фильмов ужасов Morce-go Vermelho (GOIAS HORROR FILM FESTIVAL) — это кинофестиваль в самом сердце Бразилии, на котором будут представлены современные аудиовизуальные произведения и историческое возрождение, связанные с темами ужасов, саспенса и ужасов. В рамках фестиваля возможны художественные постановки, эксперименты и анимация, а также мастер-классы и дебаты.
Цель состоит в поощрении и продвижении отечественного производства в Бразилии и во всем мире для любителей кинозрителей фильмов ужасов, жанра саспенса и ужасов, в которых участвуют одни из самых креативных независимых короткометражных фильмов в конкурсных шоу и художественных фильмов в программах.
Film Festival held in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico , specializing in spreading terror , suspense , science fiction and fantasy , focused on the cinema and the various artistic disciplines that exist emphasis on the entertainment part with commitment that the public receives in each of our events , a real fun and enriching experience.