Цель фестиваля — осведомленность как о внешних фильтрах на экране, включая цензуру (коммерческую, идеологическую, эстетическую), так и о внутренних фильтрах восприятия и проекции экрана, включая самоцензуру. NEFILTRAVANAE KINO — это исследование эстетизации и коммерциализации в искусстве. Следующая цель фестиваля — показать сложность, многогранность и разнообразие кинопроизводства.
NEFILTRAVANAE KINO — это кинофестиваль, который проводится Клубом короткометражных фильмов, платформой для кинематографических проектов. NEFILTRAVANAE KINO является фестивалем, удостоенным премии ADAMI Media Prize. Международная конференция по киноведению проводится одновременно с кинофестивалем. Таким образом, в кинотеатре NEFILTRAVANAE объединены теория и практика кино.
Первоначально фестиваль проходил в Беларуси, но из-за политических репрессий и публично заявленной антивоенной позиции показы и мероприятия можно проводить в разных странах. В первую очередь в Литве (Вильнюс). Например, десятая выставка Nefiltravanae Kino прошла в Берлине, Вильнюсе и Хельсинки в прошлом году. Для 12 кинопрограмм было отобрано 63 фильма. https://shortmovie.club/programmes/10-2024/
Концепция кинотеатра «NEFILTRAVANAE KINO» («Нефильтрованное кино»):
Мы живем в мире торговых центров и кинотеатров. Мы видим, что инди-кино и нетоварное искусство отодвигаются на второй план. На смену кинематографу приходят примитивные аттракционы. Зрители, желающие сбежать, отчуждаются за большим экраном. Таким образом, современное мейнстримовое кино — это инструмент манипулирования, который приводит к отчуждению общества. Таким образом, наблюдается тенденция к тому, что инди-кино становится все более нечитаемым для широкой аудитории. Чтобы понять независимое кино, мы должны понять контекст режиссера. Вот почему концепция NEFILTRAVANAE KINO подразумевает физическое присутствие кинематографистов.
Кинематографисты снимают миллионы фильмов. А тысячи фестивалей короткометражных фильмов ежегодно организуют показы по всему миру. В среднем на кинофестиваль представляется несколько тысяч фильмов. Таким образом, различными хорошими фильмами по какой-то причине можно пренебречь. Часто выбор вероятности сродни выигрышу в лотерею. В результате кинематографисты остаются без отзывов. Парадокс, что в эпоху Интернета вас никто не слышит! Основная культура предпочитает достопримечательности и непринужденный просмотр достопримечательностей.
Кроме того, эта идея основана на проблеме выбора фильмов. Наверное, неудивительно, что один человек, в лучшем случае программный директор или даже учащиеся киношкол, принимают предварительное решение о выборе фильма. Согласие судей или обозревателей — это гораздо более редкое явление, чем разница в происхождении и вкусах. Таким образом, отбор или судейство могут быть односторонними или поверхностными. Неплохо, ведь директор программы, конечно, обладает хорошим вкусом и эстетической чуткостью. Но мы обнаружили другую концепцию «нефильтрованного кино». Мы сравнили его с «лучшим из лучших». Это помогает воспринимать кинематографическую идиому без указания арт-кураторов.
Поэтому кинофестиваль Unfiltered Cinema старается избегать «лучших из лучших», но, конечно, не игнорирует его полностью. Фестиваль выбирает разделы художественной литературы, анимации, документального кино, экспериментов и виртуальной реальности. Жюри присуждает лучший фильм в каждой секции. Фестиваль проводит показы в кинотеатрах, Национальном центре современного искусства и арт-пространствах.
Наша цель — объединить людей в искусство, вести диалог и получать удовольствие от общения. Кино — это искусство, а не спорт. Ключевая цель нашего проекта — наладить коммуникацию между режиссером и зрителями.
Пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь с историей фестиваля по ссылке на сайт фестиваля. http://shortmovie.club/history/
Клуб короткометражных фильмов обеспечивает строительство кинотеатра CinemaVan (см. https://www.behance.net/gallery/33392769/Cinema-van-Mobile-library-Amphibia).
FIDIC is a biannual international independent festival that gathers international, regional and local artists in a dance event that seeks to promote artistic creation and production, research, support and exchange among colleagues. It is also an occasion to train the audience through reflection and debate meetings that are open to general public.
The festival will take place in the City of Buenos Aires from September 7th to 17th, and its program will feature both national and international shows, urban interventions, and research and exchange meetings. It will also offer spaces for collaborative productions between artists that are coming from different regions and seeking cultural exchange.
FIDIC has many different sections: international, regional and local shows that will take place both at conventional and unconventional settings, performances, spaces to reflect, meetings with producer artists, screen dance, video projections and clinics. In this edition, there will also be place for artists who address movement from a different perspective to show their work. In addition, the festival schedule includes an analysis exercise developed by an interdisciplinary team.
Screen Dance Section – Third Edition Registration is now open: June 9th to July 7th
Submissions after the given deadline will not be considered.
The third edition of the International Screen Dance Exhibition aims to disseminate and promote these expressions, fostering their production in Argentina and around the world.
Artists from any nationality are allowed to participate.
The choosing of the topic is free and authors can submit as many short films as they wish. If the screen dance video submitted is in any language other than Spanish, subtitles in Spanish must be included.
Video runtime limit: 15 minutes.
Call for entries and selection process
Call for entries includes the following categories:
• Screen dance as an artistic expression (with performers or animated)
• Videoclips developed from the choreographic movement
• Screen dance documentary
Registration of plays will not be considered.
Submission process:
-Send an e-mail to fidic2017@gmail.com containing the LINK (YouTube, Vimeo, etc.) to the material. If the material is password protected, it must be included in the e-mail.
-The e-mail subject line must be: Festival Cocoa 2017/Sección Video Danza. The e-mail body must contain title and author of the video.
-Register in https://festhome.com
Selection process is not competitive. Videos will be assessed by a judging panel. Results will be published on our website and social networks. Authors whose videos were selected will receive an e-mail with the proper information.
All selected videos will be included in the Festival’s video library and may be presented at different exhibitions organized during the year with exclusive cultural and or educational (not commercial) purposes.
Important: If the video is accepted, it will have to be shared through Dropbox or WeTransfer in .MOV or .MP4 h264 format, along with two pictures in high resolution and the signed statement.
Send form and statement to: fidic2017@gmail.com
2017 Cocoa International Festival requests, together with the submission of the video for its possible inclusion in the exhibition, the author’s agreement with the terms of the Festival. It also requests the author’s agreement to reproduce and exhibit their creation/s during any of the Festival’s activities, such as exhibitions, catalogues, videos, brochures and other promotional action regarding the Festival exclusively. The artist takes all the responsibility before third parties for any kind of claim regarding the originality or authorship of the submitted project/s.
UFO – the short film festival
UFO – the unidentified film object
UFO – that stands for an evening filled with 15 different short movies of various genres, themes, and forms of presentation.
Short, yet elaborately enacted; symbolic and significant; focused and continually surprising.
The short film represents a striking format among film genres, as it is so diversely interpreted, maintained with passion and constantly received.
Makers of short films are challenged technically as well as in their artistry – the size provokes the craftsmanship by its shortness and at the same time serves as a canvas for cinematic experimentation and creative self-realization.
Since its establishment in 2005 the UFO – short film festival serves filmmakers from Germany and Europe – regarding especially the young talents – as a platform, to present their works for the first time in Leipzig.
Being held in january, the festival always commences the Year of Cinematic Art in Leipzig.
Международный кинофестиваль лесбиянок, геев, бисексуалов, трансгендеров и интерсексуалов (Cinema Movilh) представлен в крупнейших и самых известных в Чили художественных, короткометражных и документальных фильмах, который ежегодно проходит в Сантьяго, а затем охватывает регионы сексуального разнообразия. Местные или иностранные работы могут быть представлены на фестивале после публикации в форме, указанной в настоящих правилах.
Фестиваль видеоданса Мехико, в сотрудничестве с Red Nacional de Arte, призывает хореографов, кинематографистов, компаний и визуальных художников зарегистрировать свои работы в шестом издании FiVideoDanza, который будет проходить с 02 сентября по 05, 2021.
Международный кинофестиваль «Скепто» имеет конкурсный характер и открыт для короткометражных фильмов, не ограничивая их тематику, стиль или бюджет производства. Он открыт для короткометражных фильмов всех видов, включая документальные фильмы, музыкальные видеоклипы, видеоарт, экспериментальные короткометражные фильмы, споты, поддельные трейлеры, новый медиаформат, мобильные видео и т.д.
Фестиваль пройдет в Кальяри в апреле 2022 года, с сопутствующими показами в те же даты или в последующие месяцы (до конца 2022 года мы планируем организовать как минимум два мероприятия в других городах Сардинии и два — в других городах Италии или мира). Точные даты будут опубликованы на официальном сайте Фестиваля www.skepto.net
OMAI Film and Theatre Festival is a branch of OMAI. The festival was born in San Antonio, Texas at the very beginning of 2016 by Actress/Director Andrea Mundaka. Now, in alliance with the Journalist/Director Luis Franceschi, both working together to achieve a successful launch of the festival this year in Mendoza, Argentina. The idea of it is to promote the audiovisual arts around the world and give the opportunity to others to show their work and dedication for this type of art. We believe that by helping each other grow, we can all make it, and what better way to show our work than a festival? The submissions are open to everyone who has anything ready to show in a movie theatre. We want to work together, along with all the members of OMAI to make this festival a complete success, and show the hidden jewels of film around the world.
Городской совет Нойи созывает «24-ю выставку короткометражных фильмов в Вила-де-Нойя 2023», которая состоится в последнем квартале этого года.
Only for filmmakers from Argentina.
Welcome to the 2nd Annual Cape Cod International Film Festival, and congratulations to the 2015 Official Selections and Award Winners!:
Best Director: Charlotte Schioler (SLOR, Denmark)
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor: Amanda Woodhams (BARROW, Australia)
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor: Xander Berkeley (PONY, USA)
Best Live-Action Short: CHAPA [The Grill Man] (Brazil)
Best Short Documentary: THE NIKE CHARIOT EARRING (USA)
Best Feature Documentary: JIAOLIAN [Coach] (China)
***2016 Academy Award Nominee***
Best Animated Film: WE CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT COSMOS (Russia)
***2016 Academy Award Nominee***
Best Picture: EADWEARD (Canada)
The 2015 edition featured two World Premieres, and fourteen Massachusetts Premieres. The vast majority of projects are independent films, including student films, animation and puppetry, documentary, and live-action narrative. Officially selected films in 2015 had directors who were as young as 22, and as old as 68. Selected films represented countries from around the world, including Japan, France, Denmark, Germany, Iran, Canada, Australia, Brazil, Russia, Italy, China, and the USA. We consider all works regardless of genre and country of origin.
We are currently accepting film submissions for the 2016 Festival!
Who we are: The Cape Cod International Film Festival is a volunteer-driven, not-for-profit organization that hosts an annual event showcasing the best local, regional, national (USA) and International films for residents of the "mid-Cape,", as well as traveling tourists, visitors from around the world, and film industry professionals. We strive to strike a balance between the film-making world and a general audience who is in need of an engaging cultural event. Our attendees tend to be well-traveled, educated, influential and supportive.
The objectives of the CCIFF are to:
1. Select and promote the absolute best films in any given year produced by a diverse and global pool of filmmaking teams.
2. Provide educational opportunities and entertainment for audience members who appreciate the effort that goes into making a quality film.
3. Provide networking opportunities for members of the film community.
4. Provide filmmakers an opportunity to interact with their audience via Q&A sessions at screenings (live and online), social events and sponsorship events.
5. Give filmmakers and production teams a chance to travel to a highly-regarded tourist destination known throughout the world for its food, beaches and "New England hospitality."
In the works for 2016 is an opening night gala on Thursday, October 6th, at the best film theater on Cape Cod: The Chatham Orpheum. The Orpheum is an all-digital cinema with a 150-seat main room and 35-seat screening room. Select short films will be showcased again in Orleans, Cape Cod at the Main Street Wine and Gourmet film loft.
We also strive to help filmmakers find a "home" for their work, and have evolving relationships with sales agencies, distributors and broadcasters. Our current slate of contacts includes: PBS, ESPN, TBS, A24, Screen Media Ventures, Shoreline Entertainment, and The Rainbow Group - with new relationships being established all the time...
We consider ourselves a boutique event, with 318 submissions in 2015. Larger festivals with a similar approach include the Hamptons International Film Festival (HIFF), Palm Springs International Film Festival (PSFilmFest), and Mill Valley Film Festival (MVFF). We aim to serve and champion high-quality work that is not industry-centric. We leave that to Cannes, Berlin, Toronto (TIFF), SXSW and Sundance. The CCIFF aspires to be one of the world's best film festivals worth the entry fee!
Thank you to our platform partners: FilmFreeway, and our media partner, the Cape Cod Times. Thank you to the local businesses who have supported us: Chatham Orpheum, Main Street Wine and Gourmet, The Chocolate Sparrow, Sunbird Cafe, Rockland Trust, Tom Bromley of CentreGrafik, Snow Library, Flowers by Mary, and The Little Inn on Pleasant Bay.
And special thanks to all who participated in the 2015 event, especially the talented filmmakers who flew (and drove) from far and wide to attend, talk with audience members and participate in Q&A sessions!
International Green Culture Festival GREEN FEST is an inclusive event, dedicated to ecological and environmental issues, which, with the use of educational and artistic programs, activities and products aims to enhance the culture of living in accordance with “green” values.
Belgrade’s GREEN FEST is a unique event in the region of South East Europe that binds environmental and cultural activities through film screenings, workshops, lectures, debates, exhibitions and innovations which are shaping this festival into the form that connects and brings together people of all professions and ages.
Program of Festival is divided on three parts:
GREEN SCREEN – International environmental film program,
GREEN FIELD – International education program
GREEN SQUARE – International exhibition program
TWIFF is dedicated to showcasing new and innovative films while fostering the next generation of filmmakers. The festival also seeks to serve the community by presenting unique programs that educate, inspire, engage and challenge a diverse audience through the art of film. The festival provides a platform to introduce their films to the broadest possible audience. TWIFF is committed to providing opportunities to fellow filmmakers and all others in bringing cinematographic arts and other related entertainment products through high-profile community events, talent, productions and films from around the country and the world.
Задачами Малагского фестиваля являются распространение и продвижение испанских фильмов и их общей культурной сферы. В этом смысле фестиваль также является платформой для латиноамериканских кинопроизводств. В его функции входит проведение мероприятий для представителей различных профессиональных секторов кинематографии на испанском языке (под ними понимаются фильмы, снятые в Испании и во всей Латинской Америке, включая Бразилию) с целью стимулирования их развития и продвижения международных продаж.
В соответствии с этими целями 28-й Малагский фестиваль пройдет с 14 по 23 марта 2025 года.
The Native Peoples International Film Festival is devoted to short and feature films, fiction, documentaries and animated films made by or about the native peoples around the world in order to promote knowledge, respect and acceptance diversity in raising awareness of the various facets of reality, trying not to fall into clichés. Thus, gradually the festival is intended as a field for meetings and discussions of projects of mutual interest.
Thank you for considering our festival for your film!
We are looking for the best features, shorts, docs and animation we can find to present in San Francisco. For 26 years SF IndieFest has developed a great reputation for eclectic, adventurous programming, getting great press for our films and filling theaters with enthusiastic film fans. Dozens of festivals and distributors have requested and received industry accreditation to view SF IndieFest titles at our festivals over the years.
Top 50 Film Festivals Worth The Entry Fee
25 Coolest Film Festivals in the World
“I’m certainly happy that IndieFest exists, because it is a celebration of films that don’t necessarily get distributed widely,” HITS director David Cross says, “I’m happy to be a part of it with my film, which is very much in the category of a low-budget, little indie movie. I’m glad there’s a place for it.” – SF Chronicle
“Sundance may have sold out, but SF IndieFest keeps it real” – Annie Lo, Flavorpill
“While the Bay Area is flush with festivals, this one remains an under-the-radar standout.” – Randy Myers, San Jose Mercury News
“The San Francisco Independent Film Festival, the Bay Area’s version of Slamdance, provides a showcase for edgy cinematic work — and a great excuse to do some serious partying.” – David Lewis, San Francisco Chronicle
"The movie business is in a perennial state of constant tension between ambition and collaboration, joyful inventiveness and jaw-dropping paydays. This roiling undercurrent, usually invisible to the public, gushes to the surface in the run-up to the Academy Awards ceremony. There is an antidote, however, to Hollywood’s annual backslapathon: SF IndieFest. The San Francisco Independent Film Festival is a beacon to anybody excited by the basic impulse of making movies. In its heart of hearts, IndieFest is a celebration of the minor miracle of finishing a film and getting it up on a screen in front of a live audience." - Michael Fox, KQED
“For many independent filmmakers, festivals such as SF Indiefest—aka the San Francisco Independent Film Festival–are the only way to bring their works before an audience. For filmgoers, SF Indiefest is the place to see original cinematic works created by directors who want to tell edgy stories which come from their hearts and souls. While some have bemoaned the death of cinema, the curators and filmmakers at SF Indiefest are keeping the craft of film alive.” – David Elijah Nahmod, SF SOUNDS
“SF IndieFest is the one festival of the year where you should throw a dart at the program and take a chance. Not because you’re guaranteed a masterpiece, but because it’s the best fest to see something that would never, ever breach your filter otherwise.” -Michael Fox, KQED
Press Coverage for past year's festivals: https://sfindie.com/press-coverage
"Hey Jeff: Just want to shoot you a quick note of thanks on hosting us at IndieFest and giving us our World Premiere. We had a great time and really enjoyed our time at the fest and in SF; it's a great vibe and the diversity of features and shorts in the program made for a really exciting and energized atmosphere. "- Max Gardner, Go/Don't Go
"Festivals bring unexpected benefits. Festivals are essential for brand creation. Premiering at Tribeca was enough to convince people to at least listen to me, but surprisingly it was the San Francisco Indie Fest that was just as crucial for our theatrical release. Our press from this festival helped convince the Red Vic to book us in April (I thank the amazing S.F. publicist Karen Larsen for convincing me of this in advance). We also incorporated festivals into our broader theatrical release, and while we did not claim them as cities in our 17-city count, they helped give us something to crow about."
"I've got to tell you that Indiefest was one of the greatest experiences of my life. I tell all filmmakers - and festival organizer friends of mine - how you run your fest and how you run each film twice. Every single time people look at me with shocked disbelief. Truly, Bonnie and I loved being a part of the event.
Thanks again for including us. SF Indiefest really made me feel that making YEAR was worth the whole effort.
"We LOVED San Francisco, meeting other filmmakers, seeing their films, participating in your screenplay panel and of course our awesome sold-out screening. You have one of the most engaged, passionate cinephile audiences I’ve ever seen at a film fest — they were incredible." - Warren Sonoda, THINGS I DO FOR MONEY, IndieFest 2020
"You have a great and engaging festival and one that draws on extremely passionate indie film audiences you are rabid for amazing content for which you definitely provide in bunches! You support of us and our film is greatly appreciated and we hope we are privileged To be welcomed back again in the future!" - Avi F.
"Thanks for these amazing photos (kudos on composition, lighting, and hyping up the crowd - what a great gift to filmmakers!). A million thanks to you both for pulling off an amazing event. We love the ethos of SF IndieFest and we're so honored to have participated. Thanks for your dedication to uplifting local filmmakers and for putting our all-female team (and our unexpected and important story) in the spotlight. Looking forward to seeing and working with you both again in the future!!" - Leslie Tai, How To Have An American Baby
"Thank you for a wonderful experience. The festival was a blast, the people so kind, the films inspiring, and great vibes all around. I'll be back to catch more films in the coming days." - Kerry Muir, Madame
"Thank you so much for having us and all that you and SF IndieFest do to champion independent film." - Anna Moot-Levin, Matter of Mind
"Thank you all for such a fun festival! You all really did a wonderful job all around and we were honored and grateful to be a part of it!" - Liz McBee, Finding Lucinda
SF IndieFest is a founding member of the FILM FESTIVAL ALLIANCE
КИЕВСКИЙ МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЙ ФЕСТИВАЛЬ КОРОТКОМЕТРАЖНЫХ ФИЛЬМОВ (#KISFF) — крупнейший в Украине фестиваль короткометражных фильмов.
Самая широкая панорама современных короткометражных фильмов, классических и новейших достижений украинского кино, специальных событий и мировых премьеров, образовательных и профессиональных секций — все это на нашем пятидневном марафоне в центре города.
Это событие для тех, кто любит реальное кино — самое важное искусство для нас!
Since 2003 the international Festival SIGNES DE NUIT is active in Paris, Berlin, Saarbrücken, Lisbon, and with special screenings world wide. The festival in Paris actually presents around 300 films coming from around 50 countries at different places in Paris. In Berlin the festival will be performed in the legendary cinema Babylon.
The International Festival SIGNES DE NUIT based in Paris is made up of films, which reflects new views, original imagery and critical approach to the crucial points of the modern human existence. It is a place for cinema that expands its own boundaries, that is astonishing, different, potentially free from the pressure of tradition, ready to give itself to the unpredictable experimentation.
The minor costs of digital production makes an independant- from comercial influences and any kind of censorship- production possible. These independant productions create an alternative, an artistic space very subtle and accessible to all, in contrast to what mass media offer.
This opposition and the preservation of the free cultural space is the goal of the International Festival Signes de Nuit, which has realized screenings and interventions in 29 different countries including Algeria, Australia, Chile, Cuba, Lebanon, Lithuania, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Peru, Russia, Tunisia, Turkey and the United States beside the screenings in main festival in Paris.
The Tenerife International Film Festival of World Cinema MILAN is an international film event to celebrate the movie making whilst bringing together film makers and the business of film making, from the smallest independent film maker to the most popular English and foreign language films and is open to all film genres.
The Tenerife International film festival is like no other International film Festival, we put you the filmmaker in front of potential investors in any new production you may be considering, we put your movie in front of potential distribution and sales to look at the possibility of offering you real deals and real help for you the filmmaker, look at our program read the short bios of the professional attending, join us and put your movie in a market place. Unproduced scripts also form part of festival week, were we bring together script writers with film directors.
Generally, we take nothing into account other than the art of film and the pre-eminence of artistic talent, and to facilitate transmission, so that tomorrow's Festival can continue the adventure with the combined strengths of experience and modernity, for those that enter the Filmmaker Award will truly be the future filmmakers of the film industry.
Международный кинофестиваль Cityflix Toronto (CIFF) посвящен продвижению и продвижению работ сценаристов, кинематографистов и каждого художника, который использует язык кино, чтобы рассказать историю.
Международный кинофестиваль Cityflix обнаруживает выдающихся, новых кинематографистов, которые служат шлюзом для устоявшихся и растущих талантов, чтобы продолжить или начать свою карьеру в кино. Благодаря семинарам, конференциям и мастер-классам Industry Professional фестиваль предоставляет возможности для развития и распространения среди писателей и кинематографистов.
Международный фестиваль Cityflix Торонто пройдет с ноября
29 - 01 декабря 2019 года в Торонто, Канада.
CIFF стремится служить интересам и потребностям независимых кинематографистов. CIFF понимает, как важно слышать и видеть образованные, развлекательные и разнообразные истории кинематографистов со всего мира. Мы предоставляем платформу, чтобы эти голоса могли быть услышаны и делиться с аудиториями, которые хотят быть вдохновленными
кинофестиваль для полнометражных, короткометражных, документов, новых СМИ, местных и международных кинематографистов.
CIFF предназначен для демонстрации инновационных работ новых кинематографистов со всего мира, С показов красных ковер и специальной послепартийной вечеринки, которая легко интегрирует голливудских профи с перспективными талантами, CIFF предлагает незабываемый фестивальный опыт, который помогает начать карьеру новых кинематографистов. Каждый показ на CIFF сопровождается ответами на вопросы и ответы, которые напрямую связывают режиссеров с любознательными и страстными любителями фильмов, что дает бесчисленное множество возможностей для динамичной дискуссии. Фестиваль посвящает время и внимание каждому из выбранных фильмов. Фестиваль посвящен тому, чтобы дать каждому кинорежиссеру то внимание, которое они заслуживают, с вниманием прессы к матчу.
Все кинематографисты, отобранные для фестиваля, гарантированно освещаются средствами массовой информации, приглашают новых кинематографистов со всего мира к сотрудничеству с уважаемыми профессионалами индустрии, демонстрируемыми кинематографистами и их аудиторией в Торонто.
CIFF страстно стремится предоставить зрителям, кинематографистам и сценаристам по всему миру превосходный и уникальный кинематографический опыт.
'Everything of value is vulnerable'
The Word and tell stories.
The festival of the Word is a look-festival that will tell about the language stories.
The comic has clarify non-verbal story, the dialogue, the monologue or poetry versus snake or rap. All this translated and used in various filmexpressions, which may or may not know the reason to talk and touch the soul. A festival that raises questions about our communication with each other.