Logo of All Sports Los Angeles Film Festival

Крайний срок
15 Jan 2016

Опубликовано: 02 Jul 2015
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Banner All Sports Los Angeles Film Festival

All Sports Los Angeles Film Festival

Santa Clarita, United States

Whether it is a dramatic or comedic piece, we want screenwriters and filmmakers to share their great stories in regards to the world of sports. We felt that creating this festival would give the many sports fanatics out there an outlet for their love of competition.

Some people have asked us to define "sports". Well, we want to include any subject that deals with mental and physical competition for the sake of winning a prize (and not killing anyone along the way to do it). So we're ready to watch and read any stories from auto racing and badminton to spelling bees and chess.

We ask that your film's plot revolve around a competitive theme. We ask to see something other than a film with a sports scene in it that doesn't involve the story line.

Our jury and judges are well respected people in the film and sporting industry. We'll be adding more so check our website periodically to see the updates.

Having your film or screenplay in the festival may open doors that may not be available to you. We can’t promise sudden fame and fortune but we’ll so our best to get you noticed.

This is the sixth year of the festival and we hope to continue to grow.

Международный фестиваль

фестиваль короткометражных фильмов

Фестиваль художественных фильмов

 Художественный  Документальный  Анимация  Другие

Logo of CortogeniAl, Cinema and Short Films’ Festival

Крайний срок
01 Oct 2015

Опубликовано: 02 Jul 2015
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Banner CortogeniAl, Festival De Cine Y Cortometrajes

CortogeniAl, Cinema and Short Films’ Festival

Puente Genil, Spain

Празднование XV фестиваля кино и короткометражных фильмов CortoGenial пройдет в городе Пуэнте-Хениль (Кордова, Испания) с 11 по 19 октября 2024 года.

К участию приглашаются все лица (кинорежиссеры, продюсеры или дистрибьюторы), имеющие юридический контроль над представленными работами или работами.


− Короткометражные фильмы должны быть сняты в 2023 или 2024 году.

− Короткометражные фильмы не должны длиться более 20 минут.

− Каждый режиссер может представить столько работ, сколько пожелает.

− Произведения, снятые не на испанском языке в качестве основного, должны быть представлены на выставку с испанскими субтитрами.

− Кинематографисты будут владельцами законных прав на свои работы и ответственными за авторские права короткометражных фильмов.

Международный фестиваль

фестиваль короткометражных фильмов

 Художественный  Документальный  Анимация  Фантастика  террор  Другие  экспериментальный

Logo of Brussels Short Film Festival

Крайний срок
28 Jan 2016

Опубликовано: 01 Jul 2015
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Promotional card of Brussels Short Film Festival

Banner Brussels Short Film Festival

Brussels Short Film Festival

Brussels, Belgium

Брюссельский фестиваль короткометражных фильмов — это выставка, предназначенная для любителей кино, как зрителей, так и профессионалов. Цель состоит в том, чтобы продвигать и распространять короткометражные фильмы, а также налаживать контакты между аудиторией, молодыми режиссерами и профессионалами.

С 2018 года обладатель Большого приза Международного конкурса будет иметь право на участие в номинации «Короткометражный анимационный фильм/короткометражный фильм в прямом эфире» премии «Оскар»® без стандартного кинопоказа при условии, что фильм в остальном соответствует правилам Академии.


Международный фестиваль

фестиваль короткометражных фильмов

 Художественный  Документальный  Анимация  экспериментальный

Logo of Corona Chile Surf Film Festival

Крайний срок
01 Nov 2015

Опубликовано: 01 Jul 2015
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Banner Corona Ficsurf Chile 2015 - VIII Festival internacional de cine de surf

Corona Chile Surf Film Festival

Santiago, Chile

En su octavo año de historia, El Festival Internacional de Cine de Surf de Chile, FICSURF ha ocupado una posición única en el ¨fin del mundo¨.
Cada primavera, una ola de cultura del mar inunda la capital de Chile.
Los mejores cinematógrafos, artistas, músicos, ecologistas, emprendedores , deportistas y fotógrafos del mundo, todos amantes del mar y el Surf, se juntan acá para compartir el hambre por nuevos descubrimientos y la pasión por el Surf en toda su diversidad.

·” En este festival de cine nuestro principal atractivo son las películas de consagrados artistas y abrimos las puertas a nuevos talentos que reflexionen y potencien la vista a el mar.”..

Queremos compartir con ustedes un programa de calidad, ecléctico y fresco. Para nosotros es un placer poder contar con tu trabajo en FICSURF 2015.

Convocatoria abierta FICSURF Chile 2015 festival de cine de surf “Desde la ciudad con vista al mar”.

Международный фестиваль

фестиваль короткометражных фильмов

 Художественный  Документальный  Анимация  Другие  экспериментальный

Logo of Moscow International Documentary Film Festival DOKer

Крайний срок
25 Dec 2015

Опубликовано: 01 Jul 2015
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Banner Moscow International Documentary Film Festival DOKer

Moscow International Documentary Film Festival DOKer

Moscow, Russia

DOKer был создан 9 лет назад для того, чтобы донести до российской аудитории замечательные независимые документальные фильмы со всего мира и обеспечить дискуссионную площадку для авторов, экспертов и зрителей.

Принципы DOKer:
- Когда мы говорим «документальный фильм», мы делаем акцент на «кино».
- Есть бесчисленные способы сделать документальный фильм, но мы считаем, что он должен быть драматичным и интересным.
- Изображение и звук так же важны для документов, как и для художественных фильмов. Язык фильма универсален, и мы используем его, чтобы рассказать наши истории.

Международный фестиваль

фестиваль короткометражных фильмов

Фестиваль художественных фильмов


Logo of Iranian Film Festival - San Francisco

Крайний срок
15 Jul 2015

Опубликовано: 30 Jun 2015
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Banner Iranian Film Festival - San Francisco

Iranian Film Festival - San Francisco

Tiburon, United States

Iranian Film Festival (IFF) - San Francisco, is an annual event showcasing independent feature and short films made by or about Iranians from around the world.

"Iranian Film Festival - San Francisco" is open to all genres: fiction, short, animation, documentary, music video, sports, children...

"Iranian Film Festival - San Francisco" is the first independent Iranian film festival outside of Iran, launched in 2008.


Международный фестиваль

фестиваль короткометражных фильмов

Фестиваль художественных фильмов

 Художественный  Документальный  Анимация  экспериментальный  Клип

Logo of 13ª MOSCA

Крайний срок
31 Jul 2015

Опубликовано: 30 Jun 2015
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Banner MOSCA - Mostra Audiovisual de Cambuquira


Cambuquira, Brazil

Фестиваль короткометражных фильмов MOSCA — Cambuquira проходит в старом уличном кинотеатре, который был закрыт около 20 лет и был оживлен в 2001 году как культурный центр. Камбукира — небольшой городок, расположенный в водном круге Минас-Жерайс.

Программа состоит из бразильских и международных короткометражных фильмов, специальных программ, дебатов, семинаров, фотовыставок, детских мероприятий, MOSCA's Coffee и странствующего фестиваля в школах.

13-й MOSCA состоится с 8 по 12 июля 2020 года в кинотеатре Antigo | Espaço Cultural Синья Прадо, в Камбукира/MG - Бразилия.

Международная компания MOSCA Sh
owcase — неконкурсный кинофестиваль (только для популярного жюри) и некоммерческий проект.

Международный фестиваль

фестиваль короткометражных фильмов

 Художественный  Документальный  Анимация  экспериментальный

Logo of Festival of Chilean Films FECICH

Крайний срок
07 Sep 2015

Опубликовано: 30 Jun 2015
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Banner FECICH, Festival de Cine Chileno de Quilpué

Festival of Chilean Films FECICH

Comuna de Quilpué, Chile


фестиваль короткометражных фильмов

Фестиваль художественных фильмов

 Художественный  Документальный  Анимация

Logo of AVANCA 2020 International Meeting of Cinema, TV, Video and Multimedia

Крайний срок
16 Jul 2015

Опубликовано: 30 Jun 2015
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Banner Avanca 2020 Encontro Internacional De Cinema, Tv, Vídeo E Multimédia

AVANCA 2020 International Meeting of Cinema, TV, Video and Multimedia

Avanca, Portugal

With twenty-two years of existence, (the first edition was in 1997) AVANCA Film Festival was awarded first place in 2011 contest of the support film festivals sponsored by ICA / Ministry of Culture.

An additional thematic programming has happened over all these years, giving space to screening of significant works of contemporary cinema appropriately framed in concerns and / or well-defined objectives.

The AVANCA is known as a space for workshops led by personalities of world cinema, and being more than a "master class", has allowed a unique cinema practice. Every year we have always 6 or 7 workshops, bringing together participants from all over Europe. The media have written that this is the largest European area of professional workshops in the field of cinema.

AVANCA is the only festival that congregates a Cinema International Competition, works from the television area, video and new supports of multimedia, with a special concern of exhibit the best world productions done in each category.
Since the first edition, the festival only accepts unprecedented films in Portugal.

The World Premiere competition is unique in our country and was only possible because Avanca became a passage point of unpublished authors and movies with great quality. Films that have their world premiere in the festival, independently of the submitted category, are also participating in the World Premiere Competition.
AVANCA is the Portuguese festival with the highest percentage of worldwide unpublished movies that find here their first showing.

In 2020 Edition, Avanca will bring for the first time the VR Competition, where films in virtual reality 360°, narrative or experimental (but with no interactivity) are allowed.

Since 2010, we have organized the international film conference AVANCA | CINEMA, becoming the most important conference in the field of cinema in the Iberian Peninsula. This conference brings together speakers and participants from around the world.
Thematic exhibitions, editions of books, bibliographic presentations and various projects have marked these last 10 years of AVANCA with the quality that compels the festival and the participants obviously require.

Международный фестиваль

фестиваль короткометражных фильмов

Фестиваль художественных фильмов

 Художественный  Документальный  Анимация  Фантастика  террор  Другие  экспериментальный  Клип

Logo of International Mobile Film Festival

Крайний срок
19 Dec 2015

Опубликовано: 28 Jun 2015
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Banner International Mobile Film Festival

International Mobile Film Festival

La Mesa, United States

MFF2017 is an International Mobile Film Festival based in San Diego. Our film festival is exclusive to films shot with mobile phones. No other cameras qualify.

Our 6th International Mobil Film Festival™ in San Diego takes place April 29 & April 30, 2017. See you there! TAG is #MFF2017SanDiego

It is very important that you only submit ONE film per filmmaker or company and it MUST BE SHOT WITH A MOBILE PHONE. One (1) Entry per Filmmaker Only.

****NEW COMPETITION beginning with MFF2017 is the MOBILE FEATURE COMPETITION. SEE CATEGORY: ***Feature Mobile Films Competition (NEW!) Deadline 11/19/17 and visit our website. www.internationalmobilefilmfestival.com for details. *You cannot submit a film without requesting a password.

****SEPARATE SHORT FILM COMPETITION: All films must be shot with mobile phones to qualify for this film festival and must be between 1 & 5 minutes in length. ****

Submissions are completely free for our SHORT FILM COMPETITION!

Everyone MUST fill out the REGISTRATION FORM to be eligible AND YOU WILL RECEIVE IT IN AN EMAIL. Email us to request the form: entries@mobilfilmfestival.com


ONE FILM PER FILMMAKER & LENGTH BETWEEN 1 to 5 MINUTES (20-60 minutes for feature film competition)

No exceptions. All films must be shot with mobile phones only.

See RULES PAGE on our website for deadlines. Link is above.

Международный фестиваль

фестиваль короткометражных фильмов

 Художественный  Документальный  Анимация  Фантастика  террор  Другие  экспериментальный

Logo of Tenerife International Film Festival  World Cinema MILAN

Крайний срок
30 May 2016

Опубликовано: 28 Jun 2015
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Banner Tenerife International Film Festival  World Cinema MILAN

Tenerife International Film Festival World Cinema MILAN

MILAN, Italy

The Tenerife International Film Festival of World Cinema MILAN is an international film event to celebrate the movie making whilst bringing together film makers and the business of film making, from the smallest independent film maker to the most popular English and foreign language films and is open to all film genres.

The Tenerife International film festival is like no other International film Festival, we put you the filmmaker in front of potential investors in any new production you may be considering, we put your movie in front of potential distribution and sales to look at the possibility of offering you real deals and real help for you the filmmaker, look at our program read the short bios of the professional attending, join us and put your movie in a market place. Unproduced scripts also form part of festival week, were we bring together script writers with film directors.

Generally, we take nothing into account other than the art of film and the pre-eminence of artistic talent, and to facilitate transmission, so that tomorrow's Festival can continue the adventure with the combined strengths of experience and modernity, for those that enter the Filmmaker Award will truly be the future filmmakers of the film industry.

Международный фестиваль

фестиваль короткометражных фильмов

Фестиваль художественных фильмов

 Художественный  Документальный  Анимация  Фантастика  террор  Другие  экспериментальный  Клип

Logo of Indie. Online Film Festival

Крайний срок
23 Jul 2015

Опубликовано: 28 Jun 2015
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Banner Indie. Online Film Festival

Indie. Online Film Festival

Westcity, United States

IOFF 2015is an online international film festival at its first edition. The festival’s main purpose is to create a context where films can compete with each other and receive the vote of the people, with no need of live screening.

Международный фестиваль

фестиваль короткометражных фильмов

Фестиваль художественных фильмов

 Художественный  Документальный  Фантастика  террор  Другие  экспериментальный  Клип

Logo of Ideas Film Festival

Крайний срок
28 Aug 2015

Опубликовано: 28 Jun 2015
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Banner Festival de Cine de las Ideas

Ideas Film Festival

Santiago, Chile

Сделать кино и видео фестиваль, чтобы способствовать созданию и производству национальных кинематографистов, иностранцев и школьников в Чили. И позволить предоставить пространство для распространения и обсуждения географий отложенных для гегемонии
средства массовой информации, а также содействие аудиовизуальной и культурной продукции каждого народа.

Международный фестиваль

фестиваль короткометражных фильмов

 Художественный  Документальный

Logo of Nice International Film Festival South of France

Крайний срок
07 Mar 2016

Опубликовано: 27 Jun 2015
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Banner Nice International Film Festival South of France

Nice International Film Festival South of France

Nice, France

Held Just a few days before the Cannes International film festival in May, our festival is
One of the greatest festival in the world to help filmmakers find a market to support their aims with people attending that can give good solid advice to work with established film industry professionals if you wish, screening, meetings, networking, world famous international awards ceremony, at the same time as Cannes International film festival, in 2018, what we have created over the years is a unique festival with our other festivals a real platform for filmmakers to meet, network, do business festival week.
This year 2018 in Nice at the festival we gave three deals to filmmakers to make there future productions of 100,000 dollars each, we will be allocating up to 5 a year in 2019/20 enter to get a chance at this budget

We have built a small but exceptional professional network of industry professional that will look at all films entered and will give business and commercial advice, in some cases the distributors attending will make offers to the filmmakers for their work and to work together to put your movies in the market place, we have the people and skills in our professional team to make this happen, if the professional attending feel there is a market for your movie, they will as with many films over the years of our other festival make it happen.

We are unique in the amount of platforms and festival we offer filmmakers, we can create a ripple for your movie to be seen around the world, it all starts here by entering your movie.

Carl Tooney
Festival President

Международный фестиваль

фестиваль короткометражных фильмов

Фестиваль художественных фильмов

 Художественный  Документальный  Анимация  Фантастика  террор  экспериментальный

Logo of ’O Curt Short Film Festival

Крайний срок
17 Sep 2015

Опубликовано: 27 Jun 2015
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Banner Festival del cortometraggio `O Curt

’O Curt Short Film Festival

Napoli, Italy

Originally born as a local showcase for young Neapolitan filmmakers, conceived by Mediateca Santa Sofia, ’O Curt Short Film Festival has become, along fourteen editions, a moment for gathering and sharing multiple and various cinematic experiences worldwide.
XV edition is entrusted to Tycho Cultural Association, under the coordination of Mediateca Santa Sofia, by the Councillorship for Youth of the Municipality of Naples. This edition also benefits from the support of AC/E (Acción Cultural Española).

’O Curt Short Film Festival – XV edition will take place from 18 to 21 November 2015 at the Institut français Napoli, at the Instituto Cervantes in Naples and at the PAN | Palazzo delle Arti Napoli.

Международный фестиваль

фестиваль короткометражных фильмов

 Художественный  Документальный  Анимация  Фантастика  террор  Другие  экспериментальный

Logo of  International Filmmaker Festival

Крайний срок
30 May 2016

Опубликовано: 27 Jun 2015
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Banner  International Filmmaker Festival

International Filmmaker Festival

Berlin, Germany

Berlin 2018

One of the greatest festival in the world to help filmmakers find a market to support their aims with people attending that can give good solid advice to work with established film industry professionals if you wish, screening, meetings, networking, world famous international awards ceremony.
A unique festival with our other festivals a real platform for filmmakers to meet, network, do business festival week.

We have built a small but exceptional professional network of industry professional that will look at all films entered and will give business and commercial advice, in some cases the distributors attending will make offers to the filmmakers for their work and to work together to put your movies in the market place, we have the people and skills in our professional team to make this happen, if the professional attending feel there is a market for your movie, they will as with many films over the years of our other festival make it happen.
We are unique in the amount of platforms and festival we offer filmmakers, we can create a ripple for your movie to be seen around the world, it all starts here by entering your movie.

Carl Tooney
Festival President

Международный фестиваль

фестиваль короткометражных фильмов

Фестиваль художественных фильмов

 Художественный  Документальный  Анимация  Фантастика  террор  Другие  экспериментальный

Logo of CID Short Film Festival 2018

Крайний срок
15 Aug 2015

Опубликовано: 27 Jun 2015
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Короткометражные фильмы

Banner Festival Internacional De Cine de DosQuebradas - Concurso Internacional Documental C.I.D. 2018

CID Short Film Festival 2018

DosQuebradas - Risaralda, Colombia


The XIII International Festival of Cinema of DosQuebradas -FICDOS- seeks to carry out an audiovisual production competition focused on short-term Documentary realization open worldwide under the theme "Sensitization in post-conflict and reconciliation", there will be chosen the best work to own the Charlot Prize, commemorative plaque to its winner and work team.

The screening of the official selection will take place in the municipality of DosQuebradas, Risaralda, Eje Cafetero, Colombia.

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фестиваль короткометражных фильмов


Logo of Twister Alley International Film Festival

Крайний срок
31 Mar 2016

Опубликовано: 27 Jun 2015
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Banner Twister Alley International Film Festival

Twister Alley International Film Festival

Oklahoma City, United States

Twister Alley International is a unique film festival run by filmmakers...for filmmakers. After screening at hundreds of film festivals, seeing the good and the bad, Twister Alley Festival Directors Josh Hope & TJ Treece are proud to bring their favorite indie films from across the globe back home to NW Oklahoma by designing a film festival that provides the perfect setting for both filmmakers and movie fans alike. With complimentary food, airport shuttle & lodging expenses for screening filmmakers, a jury loaded with working filmmakers and actors and all film screenings on the big screen at the beautiful and historic Woodward Theater, Twister Alley sets itself apart from the mass of tired film festivals by putting the filmmaker first.

"We were taken care of from the second we got off the plane until the second we got back on. It made the experience all that better because we didn't have to worry about anything other than representing our films and having an awesome time." Chris Holder...Actor...The Life and Death of an Unhappily Married Man

"I've been to several festivals myself, and I can tell you, this was by far the best film festival I have ever attended. PERIOD." David Bryant Perkins...screenplay finalist

"Twister Alley was hands down the best festival I've been to (not exaggerating!) I've never been treated so well for merely having a little short film showing in a sea of films." Anthony Stratton...Actor...Nesting Grounds

"Going to Woodward was one of the best film fest experiences I've ever had. The town was very cordial and it's only going to get bigger and better from here." Tom Radovich...Producer...Nobody

"It was awesome and perfect. " Elyse Cantor...Actor...The Life and Death of an Unhappily Married Man

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фестиваль короткометражных фильмов

Фестиваль художественных фильмов

 Художественный  Документальный  Анимация  Фантастика  террор  Другие  экспериментальный

Logo of Madrid International Film Festival

Крайний срок
10 Mar 2016

Опубликовано: 27 Jun 2015
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Banner Madrid International Film Festival

Madrid International Film Festival

Madrid, Spain

The Madrid International Film Festival is an English speaking film festival held in the capital of Spain, as the festival grows we will continue the film experience and work with filmmakers from around the world. We are unique group of International film festival and offer filmmakers the possibility of a wider experience as we have had great success for filmmakers for many years.

Part of one of the greatest festival in the world to help filmmakers find a market to support their aims with people attending that can give good solid advice to work with established film industry professionals if you wish, screening, meetings, networking, world famous international awards ceremony,

We have built a small but exceptional professional network of industry professional that will look at all films entered and will give business and commercial advice, in some cases the distributors attending will make offers to the filmmakers for their work and to work together to put your movies in the market place, we have the people and skills in our professional team to make this happen, if the professional attending feel there is a market for your movie, they will as with many films over the years of our other festival make it happen.

We are unique in the amount of platforms and festival we offer filmmakers, we can create a ripple for your movie to be seen around the world, it all starts here by entering your movie.

Carl Tooney
Festival President

Международный фестиваль

фестиваль короткометражных фильмов

Фестиваль художественных фильмов

 Художественный  Документальный  Анимация  Фантастика  террор  Другие  экспериментальный

Logo of FICAE - Diseases International Short Film and Art Festival

Крайний срок
01 Dec 2015

Опубликовано: 27 Jun 2015
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Короткометражные фильмы

Banner FICAE - Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes y Arte sobre Enfermedades

FICAE - Diseases International Short Film and Art Festival

Valencia, Spain

Purpose of the Festival

FICAE - Diseases International Short Film and Art Festival opens the 4th edition of the Festival (4FICAE). It is open to all creators of audiovisual content that want to show their short films in all type of cinematographic genres whose main theme is directly related to some type of disease or health issues.

The purpose of this festival is to promote social awareness about diseases as a process of life in order to help destigmatize them. In addition, the festival seeks to promote artistic creation through audiovisual language to make it more visible and transmit knowledge about diseases, both those that involve changes to the health state, and those that are considered as social diseases and their consequences.

Dates and Venues

The Festival will take place in several venues in the city of Valencia during the last week of February and first week of March 2018.

The Festival will take place at different locations in the city of Valencia during the first week of March 2017.

FICAE is an initiative of Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) and of the association VINCLES.

Международный фестиваль

фестиваль короткометражных фильмов

 Художественный  Документальный  Анимация  экспериментальный