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Mosmos, Mostra Stop Motion de Sagunt
La convocatoria MosMos 2024 para artistas Stop Motion menores de 30 años, organizado por la Asociación Cultural Pausa Zulú con la colaboración de la Concejalía de Juventud de Ayuntamiento de Sagunto, tiene como objetivo promocionar a jóvenes realizares/as de animación Stop Motion.
Muestra Intergaláctica Short Film Festival is a space where people can present their film projects of all kinds of genre.
It started as a small local show. Due to the response of the people and thanks to the support of sponsors, it has become an event with local, national and international short films.
The attendance to the Intergalactic Short Film Festival has increased edition after edition, initially with a unique function, however, since the edition of the year 2017, additional days were added to the festival in order to show content in a section of honorable mentions.
We have had more and more coverage by the media, and we hope in this edition to receive better and more productions from around the world, and of course a greater response from the public and satisfaction, as well as sharing the work of the filmmakers.
This year, for the 42nd Rencontres du Cinéma Latino-Américain, a festival organized by the association France Amérique Latine in Bordeaux, The cinema team would like to propose for the 4th consecutive year an official competition of short films.
These 12 films selected by the employees and volunteers of the association will be presented to students who will award different prizes and use the short films as a study support.
The scholar work on and with the short films will start in september: the final answer of your participation in the official competition will be given at the beginning of december.
The Award winners will be notified after the Festival is concluded.
The Festival reserves the right to place entries into alternative categories if they feel it is to the benefit of the title. Each submission must be entered separately and it cannot be withdrawn.
By submitting, you agree not to withdraw your film from the festival after it has been accepted by the selection committee. If your film is selected, the festival holds the right to show your film at a time and date of its choosing.
La Asociación Cultural Cinergias, con sede en Madrid, España, organiza la Edición Lanzamiento de Cinergias Festival de Cine Iberoamericano, que tiene como objetivo la promoción, difusión y reconocimiento de cineastas iberoamericanos para dar impulso a los jóvenes talentos con la divulgación de sus obras en formato corto, o de sus óperas primas de largometraje.
En esta primera edición de 2024 el festival busca generar una programación a partir de la reflexión, la multiplicidad de voces y discursos, y la diversidad de miradas.
El festival quiere constituirse en un espacio trascendente para un cine que sea relevantemente contemporáneo y que no tenga miedo de mirar al pasado ni al futuro.
Se trata de un festival no competitivo en su sección oficial de cortometrajes y largometrajes que pone el foco en una cuidada programación representativa de Iberoamérica y, en lugar de un premio único para uno de los participantes en la sección oficial, propone el pago por selección de 200 € a cada una de las películas seleccionadas.
El nombre de Cinergias surge de la combinación de las palabras cine y energía en su sentido de eficacia y virtud para obrar. Y a la vez alude al término sinergia, como la unión de varios elementos para obtener un resultado mayor al de esas partes por sí solas.
The festival is composed by :
- the official short films competition.
- many special screenings.
mujerDOC - VIII INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF DOCUMENTARY FILMS ON GENDER, organized by the NGO Mujeres del Mundo and the City Council of Soria, is a platform for the exhibition of DOCUMENTS created to help eliminate gender stereotypes and make visible the role of women in development of societies.
The works presented will include topics related to demands for equality and the feminist agenda.
They will be documentaries produced from January 1, 2022.
Participation in the Festival is open to all people, individually or collectively, without distinction of nationality or residence.
The festival will take place in March 2025 in Soria (Spain).
The festival, through a Committee, will select films to be part of an Official Section, with the following prizes:
- Woman Award: 3,000 euros (for this award, only films in which the director is a woman will be eligible)
- Long Film Award: 2,000 euros (from 60 minutes)
- Short Film Award: 1,000 euros (up to 59 minutes)
- CIMA Award for the best filmmaker (statuette and one year as a member of the Association of Women Filmmakers and Audiovisual Media).
* Each selected film will receive 150 euros for the total exhibition at the Festival, covering a maximum of 4 screenings in the Cinema in Soria or in Festival windows in other cities around the world.
The selected films will also participate, if they wish, in the online edition of the contest, through the online cinema platform Filmin. The films can be seen on Filmin during the official festival dates. The benefits obtained will be distributed as follows: 60% for participating documentary films, 40% for Filmin.
The International Street Film Festival is an annual celebration that showcases cinematographic works of exceptional quality that have been created independently and innovatively. This event seeks to promote and disseminate artistic expression through cinema, giving street filmmakers from around the world a platform to show their works to the public.
Our festival takes place in a variety of locations around the world, highlighting urban and outdoor spaces that allow audiences to enjoy a unique cinematic experience. We are pleased to present a wide selection of films that span diverse genres and themes, from experimental short films to documentaries, animated films and conventional narratives.
In addition to film screenings, the International Street Film Festival also offers a variety of activities and special events. These include workshops and lectures led by film industry experts, presentations of featured projects, talks with leading filmmakers, and post-screening Q&A sessions.
The Caracas Ibero-American Film Festival was born with a clear intention of serving as dissemination and recognition for any type of cinematic expression of Ibero-American directors or productions of first and second works, fiction and documentaries, feature films and short films, student and professional productions. All can be postulated at the festival that, beyond its competitive character, for the selection of the independent pieces of the current film scene.
The first initiative to create a Caracas Film Festival arose with its founding in 2003; however, it was suspended after five editions and has now been refounded again.
The Caracas Ibero-American Film Festival is part of the National System of Film Festivals and Samples in Venezuela (SNFMCV), independent association created under the authorization of the National Autonomous Film Center (CNAC). The Festival is an IMDB qualifying.
The Festival was refounded at the initiative of the writer and filmmaker Francisco Villarroel to promote independent cinema in the Ibero-American region, mainly from new filmmakers.
It is currently carried out in a non-face-to-face manner.
FRAME Film Festival es un festival de cortometrajes itinerante, sin una única ubicación, que se celebrará en la provincia de Tarragona.
El FRAME Film Festival consta de dos fases.
El objetivo principal es difundir y promover la cinematografía en general y el cortometraje en particular, apoyando a las directoras y los directores de cortometrajes y creando un espacio donde puedan dar a conocer sus trabajos.
Pero sobre todo trabajamos para que las y los cineastas se sientan acogidos y vivan la experiencia de visitarnos cómo si estuvieran en familia. LA GRAN FAMILIA DEL CORTOMETRAJE!
Otro motivo es ampliar la oferta de acontecimientos culturales para hacer llegar el cortometraje a a poblaciones que no tengan la oportunidad de disfrutar de nuestro cine en formato CORTO.
En el FRAME Film Festival queremos darle al público que sigue y disfruta los cortometrajes, la oportunidad de decidir sobre la selección de las películas que pasarán a la FASE FINAL para recibir los premios TALENTO FRAME.
The "Aniwow" is the core activity of China (Beijing) International Student Animation Festival, which aims to encourage young animators to adhere to their artistic ideals, discover and cultivate new animators, cartoonists and new media artists with creative passion, original spirit and good artistic cultivation. The festival builds a bridge for students from different countries who love animation to exchange ideas, discuss academics and pass on friendship on a larger scale and at a higher level, and creates a new platform for international animation academic exchange with multiple interactions.
International Children and Youth Film Festival “Light of the World. Children" is held annually in the Yaroslavl region of the Russian Federation.
Nominations of the International Film Competition:
1. Fiction films;
2. Documentary films;
3. Television report;
4. Animation;
5. Music video;
6. Social video;
7. “Without Borders” (video works created with the participation of children with disabilities).
The results of the qualifying stage of the international competition are announced no later than September 7, 2024.
The authors of video works that qualified for the finals of the Festival are invited to the final events of the Festival, which will be held on October 11-14, 2024 in Yaroslavl.
Travel of participants to the venue of festival events and accommodation is carried out at the expense of the festival participants themselves or the sending party. The educational, entertainment and excursion programs, as well as lunches for participants of festival events, are paid for by the organizers of the Festival.
It is not necessary to come to the festival. You can participate in the competition in absentia. Diplomas to all winners and finalists of the competition are sent by email.
Roma Short Film Festival is a newly-founded festival based in Rome (Italy) that aims to create an opportunity for emerging filmmakers. Our goal is to support low budget and underground films that create new experiences and narrate unique stories with limited resources. Understanding how filmmakers around the world work, how young filmmakers get creative to get past the obstacles of production, and how their attempts can lead to a new form of cinema are among the things we care about. We strive to play a small role in the emergence of the new generation in the world of independent filmmaking by helping young filmmakers, actors, cinematographers, editors and producers to be heard and to get their messages across.
ABYCINE – FESTIVAL Y MERCADO DE CINE INDEPENDIENTE DE ALBACETE tiene entre sus objetivos fundamentales la difusión y promoción de películas y cortometrajes de categoría artística que, por una u otra razón, no disfrutan de la distribución regular en los circuitos convencionales de exhibición.
El Festival trata de cubrir, en la medida de lo posible, este importante vacío, siendo otro de sus objetivos, y no de menor importancia, presentar una selección de películas participantes que atiendan las nuevas corrientes del cine joven contemporáneo, el fenómeno “indie” en el cine español y la educación de la mirada en las nuevas generaciones de espectadores.
We accept films, that deal with themes of disability or Deaf culture, or about people who identify as 'disabled', 'people with a disability', or use terms like 'handicapped', 'functional diversity', or -abled'. We also welcome Deaf and neurodiverse people who do not identify with or use these terms.'
All the films need to be SUBTITLED IN FRENCH IN WHITE COLOR and in second line in English with orange color for them to be accepted on competition.
Our jury and the board of organisation is composed by valid and handicap persons.
Run by young people, for young people, the Live Link Film Festival was born in Mary's Youth Club, Islington. A non-profit organisation, Mary's provides free opportunities for young people aged between 10 and 19 that expand their skills and encourage them to pursue personal development.
We're proud to say that the festival is entirely run by our members who, over the course of the planning and delivery stages, grow their confidence in key skills such as teamwork, event planning, and community partnership. We work in collaboration with local filmmakers and colleges to deliver an educational and enjoyable three-day event.
Our panel of young people review each submitted film, categorising them and choosing the final line-up that best represents the vision they have for their festival.
Films must be up to 10 minutes in length and suitable for those aged 10 and older. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to send us an email.
The festival aims to promote independent filmmakers and innovative work, to take risks and move the frontiers from the boring and most of the times empty conventional to the artistic initiating strong emotions and out of the box exceptional. It equally aims to give the opportunity to independent filmmakers to showcase their work free of commercial constraints.
DIGO – I International Film Festival on Gender and Sexual Diversity of Goiás, is the first film festival in the heart of Brazil to address issues such as Diversity, Gender and Sexuality, by showcasing contemporary audiovisual work and urging historical reviews. Our main goal is to raise awareness on this topic, in order to promote inclusion, social change and respect for others. As an international event, the DIGO team also believes in the importance of cross cultural communication.
“스마트폰으로 어디까지 상상해보았는가?”
세계에서도 몇 안되는 대한민국 유일의 ‘국제스마트폰영화제’로서 천혜의 자연 환경의 도시 경상북도 예천에서 2019년 첫 발을 내딛은 예천국제스마트폰 영화제 (이하 YISFF)는 예천을 상징하고, 경북을 넘어 전국에서 스마트폰 영화제로서 대표적인 영화제입니다. ‘누구나’가지고 있는 스마트폰을 가지고 시대의 발자취에 맞추어 영화를 제작함으로서 신선하고 새로운 바람을 불러 일으켰습니다.
Bajo Nuestra Piel International Film Festival on Human Rights is a project that aims to generate a debate and reflective space on Human Rights topics through the artistic representation in documental, fiction and animation format, of critical, socially compromised and quality cinema.