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Aguilar de Campoo 단편 영화제는 해당 장르에서 우리나라에서 가장 오래되고 관련성이 높은 영화 인용작 중 하나로 손꼽히고 있습니다. 스페인 영화 예술 아카데미에서는 고야 어워드에서 경쟁할 단편 영화를 선정하는 주요 페스티벌 중 하나로 이 영화를 포함시키고 있습니다. 영화제는 지난 에디션을 통틀어 이 나라의 영화계에 기여하기 위해 중요한 결정을 내려 왔습니다. 13번째 에디션에서 그는 자신의 영화에 대한 철학과 헌신을 보여주는 선언문을 발표했습니다. 그는 엄선된 단편 영화의 선정 비용을 지불하기로 결정했고, 따라서 경제적 경쟁을 없애고 예술적 창작과 제작을 장려했습니다. 상영실은 모든 장르, 소설, 다큐멘터리 애니메이션 및 실험 영화를 포함한 국제 영화를 관람할 수 있습니다. 2016년 이 페스티벌은 AIC (단편 영화 산업 협회) 로부터 인정을 받았습니다. 이 인증서는 영화와 그 산업, 특히 단편 영화의 보급, 보호 및 전문화에 모범적인 역할을 하는 페스티벌을 차별화하고 포상하기 위한 연례 표창입니다. 이 인증을 받은 것은 이번이 처음이며, 단편 영화와 제작자에 대한 올바른 행동 지침을 개발하기 위해 1년 이상 전국의 축제, 영화 제작자 및 기타 전문가들과 대화를 나누고 작업한 결과입니다. 이러한 우수성의 기본 목적은 신세대 영화 제작자를 교육하고 그들의 헌신과 엄격함을 인정하여 모델 페스티벌을 보호하는 것입니다. 우리는 문화적 풍요의 한 형태로서 전문가와 대중 간의 만남과 교류를 추구합니다.
The festival will offer diverse program, featuring films of the famous directors, debutants and animation students from various countries, many of whom were awarded at numerous international animation festivals.
International Animated Film Festival "Tindirindis "- is not a commercial film scene. The festival's mission - to deliver the widest range of the animation world: the different styles, the schools work, to show the animation, which encourages creativity.
Artistic animation, author retrospectives, the films, which stimulate creativity. 16 years festival is running every year in Lithuania, showing the best non-commercial animation works from around the world. Competition programs include short and feature films for children, adults, experimental, student, debut, and music clips. Since 2018 new nomination - "Best Animadoc". From 2019, a new nomination "For the Best Work of Applied Animation" will be introduced, with the aim to introduce new animation forms: performances, interactive media works, applications, installations, advertisements, educational works, works of virtual reality. The purpose of the festival is to reveal the wide variety of animation, diversity and perspectives. During the festival we present retrospectives of animation masters, organizing meetings with viewers, animation workshops, Master classes for students and industry employees with famous animation creators from abroad and Lithuania.
Day Of Film Festival is a dynamic and fast growing film event that shows the best out of film in one day, in every aspect. Several aspects of film will be at the centre of attention for a complete day. Not only from the crowd, but also professionals. Workshops, lectures, panel-discussions and the viewing of a great selection of films are combined in an event that has captured hundreds of peoples attention every year. Your film is their finishing touch! And even better: it can be awarded!
The 2018 edition will take place in Lumière Cinema Maastricht on May 19th.
Fidé는 유학생 다큐멘터리에 전적으로 헌신하는 프랑스의 축제입니다. 그것은 현실에 기대어 영화, 사운드 또는 멀티미디어 작업에 관한 것이며 감독의 연구 중에 실현 된 것입니다. 매년 약 600 개의 다큐멘터리가 등록되어 전 세계의 대학, 학교, 워크샵 및 학생들이 참여하고 있습니다. 그 원칙은 학생들의 작품을 홍보하고 축하하는 것입니다. 보통 회로를 제외하고는 거의 자리를 찾지 못합니다.
축제는 생산 또는 원래 지원의 날짜의 제한이 없습니다, 제목 또는 길이.
모든 국적의 이사는 자신의 영화를 제출하는 것을 환영합니다. 프랑스어 또는 영어로 자막이 요구됩니다.
다음 피데는 2021 년 4 월 파리 교외에서 열립니다.
The Georgia Latino Film Festival is a 501(c)3 non-profit under the direction of Latinos in Information Sciences and Technology Association Inc. (LISTA). Latinos in Information Sciences and Technology Association Inc. (LISTA) is a certified 501(c)(3) non-profit providing institutions, organizations, events and corporations with technology and cultural enrichment services. These services include presentations, workshops, lectures, film festivals and more.
The Georgia Latino Film Festival operate in Atlanta Ga and Norcross Ga. Located just minutes from Stone Mountain. Norcross is a small town known for it’s arts centers, restaurants and easy access to area attractions, trails, restaurants, shopping and scenic byways.
The Georgia Film and TV Office, a component of the Georgia’s Department of Economic Development, the Atlanta Mayor's office on Film and Entertainment and the Georgia Production Partnership are annual supporters of the event and is sponsor of the festival and it’s activities.
Festival objectives:
The purpose of this non-profit organization is to conduct an annual film festival in the state of Georgia that features Latino produced films among other national and international entries.
The mission of the Georgia Latino Film Festival is to build awareness of independent films and film as an art form; provide educational opportunities for students and Georgia Latino filmmakers; and create opportunities for the Georgia communities to experience high-quality Latino films.
To make sure that our stories are being told in Hollywood and around the world and that our community has a place in Georgia where Latino film executives directors and artists at the forefront of the Latino Film and animation industry can come together to discuss the future of our industry and create a vehicle to develop the next generation of Georgia Latino film-makers.
코르토제니얼 영화 및 단편 영화제 XV 에디션 축하 행사는 2024년 10월 11일부터 10월 19일까지 푸엔테 제닐 (스페인 코르도바) 에서 열립니다.
작품 또는 제출된 작품에 대한 법적 통제권을 가진 사람 (영화 감독, 제작 또는 배급) 이면 누구나 참여할 수 있습니다.
요구 사항:
− 단편 영화는 2023년 또는 2024년에 제작되었어야 합니다.
− 단편 영화는 20분 이상 지속되지 않아야 합니다.
− 모든 영화 제작자는 원하는 만큼 작품을 제출할 수 있습니다.
− 스페인어를 주 언어로 촬영하지 않은 작품은 전시를 위해 스페인어 자막과 함께 제출해야 합니다.
− 영화 제작자는 작품에 대한 법적 권리의 소유자이며 단편 영화의 저작권에 대한 책임을 집니다.
이 시연은 아르헨티나 북부의 시청각 문화 확산과 와이루로 대중통신, 레드 칼리파 TV 등의 방송과 홍보를 위한 제안의 일부분이며, INCAA와 사무국장의 지지에 대한 설명입니다. 후후이 주 문화는 물론, 레드 포커스, 에스파시오 노르테 시청각, 콘타르 (CONTAR) 와 함께 활동하고 있습니다.
The Adam Mickiewicz Institute, under the brand Culture.pl, Polish Film Festival, Pomeranian Film Foundation & Gdynia Film School have announced the 3rd edition of the Common Baltic Short Film Contest, centred around the universal theme of the Baltic Sea region.
The contest is open to all participants, both professionals and amateurs aged 18 and over from Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany and Poland. Films one to five minutes long may be submitted. Films may be submitted by no later than 11 August 2017 via an online submission form available on the Adam Mickiewicz Institute's website.
The organisers invite participants to engage in creative pursuits and answering the questions: how has the Baltic Sea region been changing in terms of arts, society, politics and economy? Is there a common identity shared by the countries from the Baltic Sea region? Does the Baltic Sea unite or perhaps divide the nations living at its coasts?
단편영화의 매체를 포용하는 탈리 쇼츠 필름 페스티벌은 지역 사회의 인지도를 높이고 문화적, 경제적 자산으로서의 영화에 대한 지원을 높이기 위해 노스 플로리다에 진정으로 독특하고 독립적인 영화 경험을 선사하게 되어 기쁩니다. 탈리 쇼츠는 전 세계의 영화관을 선보일 뿐만 아니라 영화의 모든 측면을 네트워크로 연결하고, 전시하고, 토론하는 길을 제공하여 지역 영화 제작자를 보존, 육성 및 육성하는데 전념하고 있습니다.
Our Films go from PIFF to CANNES! And some even win! Such as the films: "Tuesday", "Our Father" and "Til Then/Bis Gleich"! Or perhaps your film will be acquired by the SHORTS HD Channel! Who's it going to be for 2018?!
PIFF Attendees: Martin Sheen, Michael Gross, Doris Roberts, Jason Ritter, Clare Kramer, Mimi Kennedy, John Bowe, Kim Coates, Melissa Fitzgerald, James Marsters, Jay O. Sanders, Lee Meriwether, Sadie Calvano, Tom Lenk, Charisma Carpenter, Dee Wallace, among others
Many of our films garner distribution at PIFF. We host a selection of the finest distribution companies at the top of their game who find gems at PIFF and go on to acquire them.
"The Pasadena International Film Festival is an experience not to be missed by filmmakers. From the elegant black tie Great Gatsby Gala Opening night, to the diverse, informative panels, to the top quality screenings in an actual mainstream movie theatre… in over ten years of traveling the festival circuit with multiple films, this was, hands down, one of the best-run festivals, and the best times I have even had AT a festival. I wish I had another film ready to go so I could submit next year!"
-- Filmmaker, Heather Connell
"You guys really put on a show! I can't imagine doing what you did to pull things together. The organization and logistics… everything ran so smoothly, and looked so positively effortless, that it belied all the long hours and dedication you poured into this project. You also managed to assemble a marvelous group of volunteers and staff, all of whom are to be commended for their work. I heard nothing but superlatives from all who attended. Filmmakers and audiences alike felt welcomed and nourished by the experience, and I feel certain that the good words they take home with them will go a long way to put this festival -- and your hospitality -- on the map. My wife and I, along with our friends, are already looking forward to next year's festival -- and to watching it grow in your capable hands."
-- Michael Gross, actor, T.V.'s "Family Ties"
The Pasadena International Film Festival seeks to create a place for artists to come together. Sure, there are many festivals, but there can never be a cap on creating art, can there? We harken back to a time of Old Hollywood, before this world got crowded, and jaded, and super-saturated… the entertainment industry was fresh and new… before the stock market crashed...when there was enough space, and time, and money for everyone. Parties lasted all night, and friendships lasted a lifetime. Won't you join us?
Awards & Prizes
If accepted, winners receive All Access Passes, swag, Filmmakers receive a screening of their film at the beautiful Laemmle Playhouse 7 Cinema and a "Q and A" after every screening. Passes include access to our Filmmakers Lounge, Great Gatsby Gala, and Filmmakers Fiesta.
If you win an award, you receive a stunning Sculpture and Laurels for each award. In addition, our Jury is a cross-section of the best in the industry.
Our winning filmmakers go on to meet with top managers, agents, and other industry pros. For example, one of our jurors is part of Cannes Film Festival with the American Pavilion Emerging Filmmaker Showcase program, and has "discovered" films via PIFF. Our Jury are also in acquisitions and purchase films for their various outlets and platforms such as Shorts HD.
Zahora en corto was born in 2016 with the illusion of giving visibility to creators of great short stories and to approach them to the public of Cadiz, in a wonderful enclave under the stars.
The 9th edition of SantangeloInCorto, short film review, is organized by the Sant'Antonino Martyr of Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi in collaboration with the Issa Oratory. The event will take place in August 2018 in Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi (AV).
The theme of short films is free.
Participation is open to works in any language, provided they are subtitled in Italian.
The Organizing Committee reserves the right to reject works whose contents may be considered explicitly offensive to public morality and / or violating the rights of the individual or any other rights of third parties.
They can not participate in the Work Contest with a commercial use, though free of charge.
The previous participation in other national or international festivals does not preclude participation in the festival;
Videos must have a minimum duration of 90 seconds and a maximum duration of 10 minutes (including titles); Videos must have a minimum resolution of 1280x720 pixels.
Good luck!
HorrorQuest Film Festival is Atlanta's FREE Horror Film Festival. Held each year at Cinefest Film Theatre, located on the Georgia State University campus. All HorrorQuest screenings and events are free and open to the public on a first come, first served, basis. There are no advanced or VIP tickets.
Named one of the "Top 10 Film Festivals Every Filmmaker Should Know About" by Movie Maker Magazine, HorrorQuest has been praised by Filmmakers such as Kevin Smith (Clerks) and Lloyd Kaufman (The Toxic Avenger) for it's business model and ethics.
The film industry in Panama and its surrounding countries is rapidly evolving into a world-class destination. Increasingly, works from this region are not only finding their way to the world's most prestigious festivals, but garnering top critical recognition as well. This festival, designed to cast a spotlight on the emerging film industry in Panama and Central America, will feature works by up and coming filmmakers from the area and, through its partnership with NewFilmmakersLA, a well-established and respected presenting entity in Los Angeles, seek to build professional and artistic exchanges between Latin America and the Hollywood film world.