Logo of  International Filmmaker Festival

24 Jul 2018

공개됨: 12 Jul 2017
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Banner  International Filmmaker Festival

International Filmmaker Festival

Berlin, Germany

Berlin 2018

One of the greatest festival in the world to help filmmakers find a market to support their aims with people attending that can give good solid advice to work with established film industry professionals if you wish, screening, meetings, networking, world famous international awards ceremony.
A unique festival with our other festivals a real platform for filmmakers to meet, network, do business festival week.

We have built a small but exceptional professional network of industry professional that will look at all films entered and will give business and commercial advice, in some cases the distributors attending will make offers to the filmmakers for their work and to work together to put your movies in the market place, we have the people and skills in our professional team to make this happen, if the professional attending feel there is a market for your movie, they will as with many films over the years of our other festival make it happen.
We are unique in the amount of platforms and festival we offer filmmakers, we can create a ripple for your movie to be seen around the world, it all starts here by entering your movie.

Carl Tooney
Festival President

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  공포영화  기타  실험영화

Logo of Green-Go Short Film Contest

01 Oct 2017

공개됨: 12 Jul 2017
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.

Banner Green-Go Short Film Contest

Green-Go Short Film Contest

-, Hungary

The Green-Go International Short Film Contest aims to gather environmentally and socially conscious youngsters to organize the contest and the festival on one hand, and on the other hand, to inspire youngsters to creatively express their ideas in a
short film format. With the shorts, we aim to raise awareness on environmental and social problems at global, European and national level. With Green-Go festival, we wish to create the basis of a sustainable green film event that activates both youngsters and the civil society, attracts interested people and stakeholders and generates dialogues within the whole society about key eco-social questions.

Within the film contest, we accept shorts in three categories to reflect on European awareness, global environmental and social problems and the connection between biodiversity and society.

The Green-Go Short Film Contest is generously supported by the European Commission.

This year we are awaiting short films (and Testimonies!) in the following three categories:

1. Build green, live green (Green infraestructure)
2. The last day on Earth? (Earth's overshoot day)
3. Your Europe in 2050 (EU budget)

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  기타  실험영화

Logo of Trieste Science+Fiction Festival

18 Sep 2017

공개됨: 12 Jul 2017
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Banner Trieste Science+Fiction Festival

Trieste Science+Fiction Festival

Trieste, Italy

Trieste Science+Fiction Festival is a multidisciplinary event devoted to the exploration of the realms of the “fantastic” genre, and the use of new technologies and experimental languages in film, television and visual arts. Its main purpose is to present and promote, in Italy and in its neighboring countries, “fantastic” productions from all over the world, focusing particularly on science-fiction and fantasy cinematographic and audio-visual works.
The 17th edition of Trieste Science+Fiction Festival will run October 31, 2017 - November 5, 2017.

Trieste Science+Fiction Festival is organized by the Italian film center La Cappella Underground. Since 2005, Trieste Science+Fiction Festival has been a member of the E.F.F.F.F. – European Fantastic Film Festivals Federation


국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  공포영화  기타

Logo of London International Filmmaker Festival of World Cinema London

30 Nov 2017

공개됨: 12 Jul 2017
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Banner London International Filmmaker Festival of World Cinema London

London International Filmmaker Festival of World Cinema London

London, United Kingdom

London International Filmmaker Film Festival of World Cinema is a unique event in its 11th year that is celebrating the best and most popular independent and studio films from the global film industry, and has wonderful opportunities for the business of film,

We have built a small but exceptional professional network of industry professional that will look at all nominated films entered and will give business and commercial advice, in some cases the distributors attending will make offers to the filmmakers for their work and to work together to put your movies and unproduced script in the market place, we have the people and skills in our professional team to make this happen, if the professional attending feel there is a market for your movie or unproduced script, they will as with many films over the years of our other festival make things happen.

We are unique in the amount of platforms and festival we offer filmmakers, we can create a ripple for your movie to be seen around the world, it all starts here by entering your movie.

The Festival is very keen to discover new talent and act as a springboard for creation. The development of the producers network gives filmmakers an opportunity to pitch there future production.

The London International Filmmaker Film Festival will culminate in a glamorous red carpet awards ceremony recognising unrivalled ideas, productions and film concepts. The Prestige’s Filmmaker Award is presented to the finest films entered, named as a highly prized industry award that recognises those willing to make those final steps to reach the peak of their profession. The International Filmmaker Film Festival of World Cinema is a global forum for you to network, discover future trends and achieve commercial success on a worldwide level.

Over the week this unique one-stop media community gives you the chance to network and do business with other like-minded creative filmmakers and their representatives from around the globe, including some of the filmmakers in competition for the prestigious Filmmaker Award. Book your accreditation to talk movies with the filmmaker planning or in production on films to be released for the global market.

The London International filmmaker festival is like no other International film Festival, we put you the filmmaker in front of potential investors in any new production you may be considering, we put your movie in front of potential distribution and sales to look at the possibility of offering you real deals and real help for you the filmmaker, look at our program read the short bios of the professional attending, join us and put your movie in a market place.

Carl Tooney (Festival President
See website www.filmmakerfestival.com

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  공포영화  기타  실험영화


14 Sep 2017

공개됨: 11 Jul 2017
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Banner МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЙ РУССКИЙ КИНОФЕСТИВАЛЬ - International Russian Film Festival


Moscow, Russia

21 세기 1 분기 말까지 “공통 척도”에 의해 헤아릴 수없는 러시아 문명의 현상은 세계와 러시아 모두에서 관련성을 회복합니다.

영화제 주최자에 대한 이해에서 “러시아어”라는 단어는 국적을 정의하지 않고 문명 및 이데올로기 적 소속을 다국적 러시아 세계에 정의합니다.

러시아 사람은 “서구”사람과 다릅니다. 러시아 사람은 서구 문명의 대표자의 관점에서 자신을 해칠 수 있지만 정의의 이름으로 비논리적이고 “이익이없는”행동을 할 수 있습니다. 결국, 러시아 사람에게는 양심과 공정성이 좋다면 이것은 논리적이고 유익합니다.

이제 전 세계가 기술, 사회적, 경제적, 영적 및 이데올로기 적 도전에 직면했을 때 우리는 다시 한 번 러시아 세계에 수세기 동안 우위를 부여한 무형 가치에서 힘의 근원을 찾으려고 노력하고 있습니다.

2017-2020 년 러시아 영화제 개최 경험. 러시아 지역과 다른 나라의 영화 제작자들이 “신비한 러시아 영혼”의 무진장 한 주제를 이해하는 데 진정한 관심을 발견했습니다. 이것은 러시아 영화제가 동료들과 감사하는 영화 관람객들과의 만남의 장소가되었습니다. 러시아의 감독자 영화의 젊은 대표자들에게 특히 그렇습니다.

러시아 영화제는 러시아 문명의 영적, 도덕적 가치를 의식적으로 반영하는 같은 생각을 가진 사람들의 공동체를 형성하는 활발한 과정이있는 공공 창조 공간이되었습니다.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  기타  실험영화

Logo of

01 Aug 2017

공개됨: 11 Jul 2017
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.


Guayaquil, Ecuador

단편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  공포영화  기타  실험영화

Logo of Architecture Design Art Film Festival

01 Oct 2017

공개됨: 11 Jul 2017
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Banner Architecture Design Art Film Festival

Architecture Design Art Film Festival

Palm Springs, United States

건축 디자인 아트 영화제 (ADAFF) 는 예술의 제작자와 추종자 모두가 건축, 디자인, 예술의 본질을 인정하고 육성하는 놀라운 환경에서 모일 수 있는 분위기와 기회를 창출하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  실험영화

Logo of Sbes 12th Annual Hamilton (new York) International Film Festival

15 Jun 2018

공개됨: 11 Jul 2017
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Banner Sbes 12th Annual Hamilton (new York) International Film Festival

Sbes 12th Annual Hamilton (new York) International Film Festival

Land O Lakes, United States

해밀턴 국제 영화제
분류: 2020년7월 26일

특집, 코미디 쇼트, 공포 쇼트, 드라마틱/스릴러 쇼트, 다큐멘터리 쇼트 및 캐나다 쇼트 카테고리
**** 뉴욕주심장부의 글로벌 시네마

“... 그런 위대한 마을과 멋진 축제, 그래서 환영. 수많은 젊고 재능있는 영화 제작자를 둘러보는 것은 너무나 감동적이었습니다.
-핀 테일러, 언리시드 감독 & 3 시간 감독 선댄스 영화제
“SBE의 해밀턴 국제 영화제가 얼마나 훌륭한지 충분히 말할 수 없습니다. 영화 “나의 영웅”을 포함시킨 것을 정말 영광으로 여기며 그랜트 & 토드 슬레이터를 비롯한 훌륭한 경험을 쌓아 주신 모든 분들께 감사드립니다. 그냥 멋져요.
내년에 우리를 다시 가질 수 있기를 바랍니다!”
- 로링 무르타, 배우/감독 내 히어로
“SBE의 해밀턴 국제 영화제는 뉴욕 해밀턴의 매력을 경험하면서 다른 야심 찬 영화 제작자와 소통하고 아이디어를 교환하고 모금 전략을 모금할 수 있는 놀라운 기회를 제공합니다. 해밀턴 극장은 화려한 장소이며 그랜트 슬레이터는 영화, 음식, 현지 맥주와 함께 5성급 축제를 열었습니다. 이 축제는 영화 제작자들에게 경솔한 월계수뿐만 아니라 영화 제작과 시청에 대한 다른 관점을 제공하는 새로운 친구들과 해밀턴을 떠난다고 할 수 있습니다.”
- 디제이 히긴스 감독, 작가/프로듀서 만나기 마리오
“해밀턴 국제 영화제의 매력과 친밀감은 모든 영화 제작자에게는 반드시 필요합니다. 그랜트와 토드 슬레이터 그리고 해밀턴 커뮤니티 전체가 더 친절할 수 없었습니다. 또 다른 영화를 만들고 싶어서 다시 돌아올 수 있어요!”
-더그 디어스, 프로듀서/감독 약자

“그렇게 존경받는 영화제의 일원이 되는 것은 절대적인 영광이었습니다. SBE의 도움, 노력과 헌신 덕분에 영국에서 내 경력은 힘에서 힘으로 나아졌습니다. 내 싱글, 걱정 iTunes 다운로드 차트를 치고 번호 6에 정점에. 제가 최근에 발표한 후속 트랙은 Spotify에서 바이러스 성 영국 톱 50에 도달했으며, 이제 유럽 투어를 함께 진행했습니다. 그랜트 (Grant) 와 같은 사람들이 제가 발전한 초기 단계에서 저를 믿으며 지금 제가 있는 곳으로 가는 데 도움을 준 덕분입니다.”

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  기타  실험영화

Logo of Azerbaijan Youth Film Festival

21 Aug 2017

공개됨: 11 Jul 2017
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.

Banner Azerbaijan Youth Film Festival

Azerbaijan Youth Film Festival

Baku, Azerbaijan




단편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  Music Video


31 May 2018

공개됨: 11 Jul 2017
 출품비 있음



PARIS, France

More than just a contest ... a valuable help to make your film talk. Shares on social networks, dediées pages, official logos to insert and finally: a projection in a cinema in Paris for the winners!

The contest is open to all: professionals, amateurs, you can even shoot a movie with your smartphone if you want (... avoid anyway ...)

No constraint, no subject imposed, if not the Duration = a short film, it is less than 30 minutes.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  실험영화  Music Video

Logo of Wild Family Film Festival

29 Sep 2017

공개됨: 11 Jul 2017
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Banner Wild Family Film Festival

Wild Family Film Festival

Currumbin , Australia

The Wild Family Film Festival is a short film festival designed to entertain audiences young and old, so mustn't have bad language and able to be viewed by young people. This festival is an extension to the well established In The Bin Short Film Festival. Films that are screened in this festival will then go into the selection process to be part of our paid touring program.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  기타  실험영화  Music Video

Logo of Short Film Showcase Vila de Noia

15 Sep 2017

공개됨: 11 Jul 2017
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.

Promotional card of Short Film Showcase Vila de Noia

Banner Mostra de Curtas Vila de Noia

Short Film Showcase Vila de Noia

Noia, Spain 스페인

노이아 시의회는 올해 마지막 분기에 개최되는 “제24회 단편 영화 쇼케이스 빌라 드 노이아 2023"을 소집합니다.


국제 영화제

단편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  공포영화  기타  실험영화

Logo of Tenerife International Film Festival  World Cinema MILAN

24 Jul 2018

공개됨: 11 Jul 2017
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Banner Tenerife International Film Festival  World Cinema MILAN

Tenerife International Film Festival World Cinema MILAN

MILAN, Italy

The Tenerife International Film Festival of World Cinema MILAN is an international film event to celebrate the movie making whilst bringing together film makers and the business of film making, from the smallest independent film maker to the most popular English and foreign language films and is open to all film genres.

The Tenerife International film festival is like no other International film Festival, we put you the filmmaker in front of potential investors in any new production you may be considering, we put your movie in front of potential distribution and sales to look at the possibility of offering you real deals and real help for you the filmmaker, look at our program read the short bios of the professional attending, join us and put your movie in a market place. Unproduced scripts also form part of festival week, were we bring together script writers with film directors.

Generally, we take nothing into account other than the art of film and the pre-eminence of artistic talent, and to facilitate transmission, so that tomorrow's Festival can continue the adventure with the combined strengths of experience and modernity, for those that enter the Filmmaker Award will truly be the future filmmakers of the film industry.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  공포영화  기타  실험영화  Music Video

Logo of Nice International Film Festival South of France

08 Mar 2018

공개됨: 11 Jul 2017
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Banner Nice International Film Festival South of France

Nice International Film Festival South of France

Nice, France

Held Just a few days before the Cannes International film festival in May, our festival is
One of the greatest festival in the world to help filmmakers find a market to support their aims with people attending that can give good solid advice to work with established film industry professionals if you wish, screening, meetings, networking, world famous international awards ceremony, at the same time as Cannes International film festival, in 2018, what we have created over the years is a unique festival with our other festivals a real platform for filmmakers to meet, network, do business festival week.
This year 2018 in Nice at the festival we gave three deals to filmmakers to make there future productions of 100,000 dollars each, we will be allocating up to 5 a year in 2019/20 enter to get a chance at this budget

We have built a small but exceptional professional network of industry professional that will look at all films entered and will give business and commercial advice, in some cases the distributors attending will make offers to the filmmakers for their work and to work together to put your movies in the market place, we have the people and skills in our professional team to make this happen, if the professional attending feel there is a market for your movie, they will as with many films over the years of our other festival make it happen.

We are unique in the amount of platforms and festival we offer filmmakers, we can create a ripple for your movie to be seen around the world, it all starts here by entering your movie.

Carl Tooney
Festival President

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  공포영화  실험영화

Logo of Madrid International Film Festival

14 Mar 2018

공개됨: 11 Jul 2017
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Banner Madrid International Film Festival

Madrid International Film Festival

Madrid, Spain 스페인

The Madrid International Film Festival is an English speaking film festival held in the capital of Spain, as the festival grows we will continue the film experience and work with filmmakers from around the world. We are unique group of International film festival and offer filmmakers the possibility of a wider experience as we have had great success for filmmakers for many years.

Part of one of the greatest festival in the world to help filmmakers find a market to support their aims with people attending that can give good solid advice to work with established film industry professionals if you wish, screening, meetings, networking, world famous international awards ceremony,

We have built a small but exceptional professional network of industry professional that will look at all films entered and will give business and commercial advice, in some cases the distributors attending will make offers to the filmmakers for their work and to work together to put your movies in the market place, we have the people and skills in our professional team to make this happen, if the professional attending feel there is a market for your movie, they will as with many films over the years of our other festival make it happen.

We are unique in the amount of platforms and festival we offer filmmakers, we can create a ripple for your movie to be seen around the world, it all starts here by entering your movie.

Carl Tooney
Festival President

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  공포영화  기타  실험영화

Logo of Madeira Film Festival

01 May 2018

공개됨: 11 Jul 2017
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Banner Madeira Film Festival

Madeira Film Festival

Funchal, Portugal


We continue to accept submissions but please not your film will be submitted to the 2020 edition NOT 2019. This is due to Government elections on Madeira.

Teatro Municipal Baltazar Dias, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal.

The entry fee is 30 / 40 / 50 Euros depending upon submissions date and irrespective of genre and running time. Exhibiting filmmakers will be offered 3 nights accommodation including breakfast on Madeira during the festival.

Call for entries
The call for entries starts on August 16th 2018 and will remain open until April 2nd 2019.

The Madeira Film Festival is non – competitive. Rather than present awards MFF offers delegates the status of ‘AMBASSADOR OF THE LAURISSILVA’ thus helping to preserve and create awareness of Madeira’s endemic Laurissilva forest.

The Madeira Film Festival organisation fervently believes there is no better place in the world to stage a film festival than on the piquant Island of Madeira and there is no better place on Madeira to stage a film festival than in glorious Reid’s Palace Hotel and the Municipal Theatre in Funchal.

The crux of the Madeira Film Festival is to pay homage to the resilience of Madeira’s endemic Laurissilva Forest by screening a slate of films which are expansive, unsettling and profound,films which will hopefully impinge upon the viewers imagination.

One of the most effective measures that can be implemented in order to raise awareness of the Laurissilva forest and subsequently it’s preservation is through the undisputed persuasive strength of audio- visual communication. The aspiration of the Madeira Film Festival is to become one of Europe’s foremost film festivals, by sheer virtue of location there exists an inherent capacity to attain this.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  기타  실험영화

Logo of Antofacine. Festival Internacional

27 Aug 2017

공개됨: 11 Jul 2017
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.

Banner Antofacine. Festival Internacional

Antofacine. Festival Internacional

Antofagasta, Chile

안토파가스타 국제 영화제인 안토파신 (ANTOFACINE) 은 국내 및 국제 영화 제작자들이 모이는 사례입니다. 이 전제를 바탕으로 우리는 다음과 같은 일에 기여하고자 합니다.

● 픽션, 논픽션 및 애니메이션 영화를 문화적, 사회적 변화를 위한 도구로 홍보하고 안토파가스타 지역 주민 모두에게 혜택을 제공합니다.

● 지역 및 국가의 시청각 프로젝트 개발을 촉진하고 지역, 국내 및 국제 시청각 작품을 홍보하기 위한 전문 공간 조성을 지원하고 청중 형성에 기여하고 시청각 산업의 모든 관련 에이전트가 필요한 상호 작용을 위해 안토파가스타에 모이는 장소를 마련합니다.

안토파가스타 국제 영화제의 12번째 버전인 ANTOFACINE 2023은 11월 14일부터 18일까지 안토파가스타 시와 이 지역의 다른 지역에서 개최됩니다.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  실험영화


28 Jul 2017

공개됨: 09 Jul 2017
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.



Belo Horizonte, Brazil

The Curtas Fashion Festival is exclusively dedicated to the promotion of short-film audiovisual works with a fashion theme - highlighting the know-how of industry and handicrafts in this segment.

The Festival exhibits works finalized in digital supports, with a maximum duration of 3 minutes, and is competitive and informative.
The programming of the 1st edition of the Curtas Fashion Festival 2017 will be made up of the "O Saber Fazer do Moda" and Most Cena 1. Showcase with the main objective of promoting the exhibition, promotion and production of the short-lived audiovisual work of the fashion universe. In addition to the screening of films, the Festival also promotes workshops, lectures and debates.

Films for the competition at the Mostra Saber Fazer Fashion competition are free.

단편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  실험영화

Logo of International Film Festival Zoom - Zbliżenia

15 Sep 2017

공개됨: 08 Jul 2017
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.

Banner International Film Festival Zoom - Zbliżenia

International Film Festival Zoom - Zbliżenia

Jelenia Gora, Poland

IFF ZOOM - 즈블리제니아 (옐레니아 고라) 는 폴란드에서 가장 크고 중요한 독립 영화 축제 중 하나입니다. 그 목적은 작가의 야심차고 예술적 가치가 높으며, 독립적이고 독창적인 주제를 다루고 독립 영화 예술을 홍보하는 데 있습니다.

신사 숙녀 여러분,
러시아의 계속되는 우크라이나 침공으로 인해 28일에 제출될 러시아 영화를 알려 드리고자 합니다. IFF ZOOM-ZBLIZENIA 2025는 대회에 참가할 수 없습니다.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  공포영화  기타


02 Aug 2017

공개됨: 08 Jul 2017
 출품비 있음



Camaiore, Italy

Camaiore Film Festival is a film festival dedicated to independent and experimental short and fits into the wake of a tradition that has always bound the earth Camaiore to the cult of the seventh art.

The Festival although very young has already seen the participation of many authors, Italians and foreigners, who have correctly interpreted the various trends of contemporary cinema and they were amply live up to both its style and language.

The exhibition is divided into five categories: Film, Documentary, Video clips, Animation and Graphics, School.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  공포영화  기타  실험영화  Music Video