エクルフレニ国際映画祭は、リズム・サイクル・トレーディング・プロジェクトがエクルレニのメトロポリタン自治体:部門:SRAC: パフォーミング・アーツ部門と共同で主導したシヤフンダ・プログラムの結果として設立されました。このプログラムの目的は、失業中の若者に経済的に力を与え、重要な映画制作スキルを提供することです。 映画産業における地元企業を促進し、社会的結束と主流の青少年育成を促進する。 先住民の音楽や楽器、芸術への参加を促進することは、このプログラムの重要な役割の1つです。
プロジェクトのシネマトグラフィー部門は、パートナーの一つ、地元の映画・テレビ映画制作会社であるリズム・サイクル・プロジェクト(Rhythm Cycle Projects)を通じて、エクルレニ国際映画祭を開催しました。 この映画祭の目的は、国内外の新興映画製作者に力を与えることです。 これにより、映画制作のスキルが身に付き、国内外の放送局とのネットワーク構築の機会が生まれます。 これにより、映画産業を通じて地元企業が促進され、無数の経済部門にわたる主流的な経済発展が促進されます。
1. 次の会計年度に備えて、すべての政府部門がビデオに関する進捗レポートを作成できるようにすること。
2. 政府がどのように運営されているかを人々に教育し、経済を活性化させ、利益を得るために何を、どのように貢献できるかを理解できるようにすること。
3. 中小企業、大企業、銀行、教育機関向けの広告媒体を開発し、プロジェクトの収益を生み出し、参加者が勉強している間に支援できるようにすること。
4. ストーリーを語り、国際市場を引き付ける映画を制作することで、農村地域の貧困を緩和する地域映画産業を創出すること。
5. 学校に通っていない若者や失業者に映画製作の技能を伝えること。
6. 南アフリカのストーリーテリングの才能をアピールし、映画やテレビ番組を通じて新世代のキャラクターを紹介する。
7. 地域の映画産業を成長させるためにRSAが他の国と締結した共同制作条約を実施するために、他の地域とのパートナーシップを確立すること。
OIFFS festival wants to show and promote long and short movies with an ethical scope, shot in a marine environment.
By following the spirit of Odysseus, engaged filmmakers travel across our blue planet facing all sort of challenges and dangers. They tell us stories like Homer, stories about our Sea. We invite them back to Ithaca to meet with some of the most experienced and affirmed film industry professionals to tell us their amazing adventures, describe to us the beauties of the Sea and the strengths of Sea Peoples, warn us about the dangers the Sea and human kind face today...
Animalada, Seville Animation Festival announces its fith Animation Short Film Competition.
Animalada Sevilla’s main objective is to bring the world of animation from all areas to the public in general.Also intends to create a meeting point and discussion for fans and industry professionals, promoting the exchange of ideas, coworking between companies and producing and showing the potential of our community to the world.
Finally, the project was created with the intent to arouse the interest of young creatives in the animation as a valid professional commitment to their future by providing training and bringing them closer to the higher schools worldwide.
Animalada Sevilla is born to become a reference in our community as a meeting place between professional and novice artists who aspire to enter the sector, thereby promoting industry growth and the addition of new talent.
SunChild International Environmental Festival, established by Foundation for the Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Asset (FPWC ), is the 1st and so far the only environmental festival holding on in the South Caucasus region. More than 300 films from 150 countries around the world were screened over the last 9 years of existence. Film fest includes wide range of activities such as carnival marches, dozens of workshops, conferences and exhibitions. All events are eye catching due to their colorful and unique approaches. The festival takes place every autumn, however the events ‘‘travel’’ in the regions of Armenia throughout the whole year, involving a large number of children and youth, facilitating identification and creative solutions of community environmental issues by organizing thematic film screenings, discussions and other initiatives, encouraging and supporting to take action locally.
The aim of the festival is to bring nature, wildlife and environment into the focus of public attention and increase the knowledge about issues among citizens and especially among children and youth.
• International Wildlife Film Competition
• International Environmental Film Competition
• Youth and Children Film Program
インディーズ・フェストUSA国際映画祭で映画を披露しましょう! 私たちは、いくつかの新しいエキサイティングなイベントや店舗の変更を持っています, すべての映画制作者とあなたの観客の利益のために. 私たちは、私たちが展示し、上映した多くの映画が演劇の流通、補助的な流通を受けていることをユニークで誇りに思っています。
現在までに、私たちは、世界中から2580以上の独立した映画を上映している、2500以上の映画製作者と23,000の映画ファンが出席し、映画祭に出席するすべての人のための娯楽体験を提供するために余分なステップを行って、我々はレッドカーペットのイベント、特別なゲストを追加し、アカデミー賞の候補者やゴールデングローブ受賞者などの有名人, オープニングとクロージングナイトパーティー, 毎日のセミナーや社交に加えて、ネットワーキングの豊富な.
私たちのスポンサーやサポーターと組み合わせて、私たちは誇らしげに映画監督フレンドリーで偉大な独立した映画を宣伝し、展示するためにできることをすべてやって喜んでいるという私たちの評判のために懸命に働いた祭りを提示します。 私たちは、非伝統的でありながら楽しくエキサイティングな会場で非伝統的な映画祭です。 私たちはあなたに映画監督とライターにスポットライトを当てます。
期間:3 週間
フリーテーマ:他のグループ展とは異なり、「自由の芸術」というサイクルは、主要なテーマがないことを特徴としています。個性と内容で選ばれたアーティストには完全な自由が与えられ、偏見や検閲を恐れることなく、最も個人的な見解を自由に提案できます。 だからといって、彼らが自由から自由にインスピレーションを得て、その意味で表現することを妨げることはありません。 結局のところ、芸術は自由であり、自由は常に脅威にさらされている価値であり、それを失わないためには常に注意を払う必要があります。
国際コンペティションでは、最優秀サウンドトラック、そして最優秀映画音楽作曲家がグランプリを受賞します。国際コンペティションでは、最優秀サウンドトラックが授与され、さらに最優秀映画音楽作曲家には、パルマのシンボルでありながら、ジュゼッペ・ヴェルディが制作した最も有名な女性ヘロインの名前を表す花であるグランプリ「VIOLETTA D'ORO」(ゴールデン・ヴィオレット)が授与されます。一般市民による。
ポルトファム-国際映画祭は、複数の多様な芸術的ビジョンを展示し、広めるための場所です。 ステレオタイプを解体し、目に見えないものを消そうとする新しいアイデンティティ表現に焦点を当てた、平等な表現を求める闘いにおける具体的な行動。 映画祭の目的は、映画界における女性や非二元的なアイデンティティを可視化する空間を作り、両者を国際的に結びつけることだ。
私たちのキュレーションは、ジャンル、テーマ、言語の多様性を反映することを目的としています。 PORTO FEMMEは、コンペティションセッション、展示会、ワークショップ、ディベート、質疑応答、展示会など、多様で魅力的なオファーを一般に提供するフェスティバルです。
MadridFFF es una muestra de los mejores trabajos audiovisuales realizados para la industria de la moda.
El programa con ponencias, mesas redondas y exhibiciones que, junto con el certamen dirigido tanto a profesionales como a jóvenes talentos, componen MadridFFF. #MadFashionFilmFest
MadridFFF is a showcase of the best audiovisual work made for the fashion industry.
Lectures, panels, presentations and exhibits, that along with the contest aimed at both professionals and young talents, make the content we have seen in the third edition of MadridFFF. #MadFashionFilmFest
HIGHLAND PARK INDEPENDENT FILM FESTIVAL (HPIFF) fosters emerging and established filmmakers by providing forums for screening projects, networking with industry professionals and mentoring student filmmakers in Northeast Los Angeles. All films will screen at the historic Highland Theatre on a DCP system
The PDXtreme Film Fest is the best damn genre festival Portland Oregon has ever seen! Taking place over 3 days at the historic Laurelhurst Theater, we showcase horror, crime, dark comedy, and everything in-between. Tales of the grotesque, the limits of the psychological, and bumps in the night whatever the cause! Does it take place in space? That's cool too.
This will be our fourth year! Continuing the traditions of the first 3 years, you can expect trophies, free beer for attending filmmakers, and no repertory films. In our first season we played 32 short films, and 13 feature films. Last year we screened 54 total films. It’s more badassness than should be allowed in one weekend!
Screening takes place at the Laurelhurst Theater, a legit theater that serves beer, wine, and pizza. In less than a minute you can walk to a variety of restaurants, bars, and other examples of Portland life.
We promise a rollicking good time and a slate packed with great films. We can't do that without the filmmakers, so submit your films now! International films accepted. Diversity and originality are not only welcome, but also encouraged. Absolutely no ratings restrictions, ever.
The #MoreofPLUS Film Festival is an initiative of PLUS Positive a nonprofit organization for plus size men women and teens. The primary focus of the festival is to showcase more plus size talent on screen. At the core of this festival is the requirement that each entry must utilize plus size men (size 2x and up) and/or women (size 12 and up) as leading characters in their films. The selected finalists will be showcased during PLUS PosiCon Sept 21-23 in Atlanta
The Sandalia Sustainability Film Festival has an important role in raising people's awareness of sustainability issues through cinematographic works, offering an opportunity to exchange ideas with people from all over the world, thus promoting values, spreading knowledge and techniques. , with the aim of inducing virtuous behavior, for a sustainable present and future. We assume that the first step for the awakening of consciences is to be able to access the right information, meaning the information purified by political, economic and speculative interests, the one that also reveals the truths that are often hidden.
We think that the audio-visual medium is a very effective means to inform with emotion, to suggest new possible existential models, to envisage new solutions to problems, to connect people from all over the planet, in order to safeguard Mother Earth and for a present and a future that is dignified and happily livable for everyone.
The Festival takes place in Sardinia, and in this edition it will take place, always in itinerant form, between the end of July and the beginning of October, also involving the Schools. In the various stages will be screened all the films in competition and even some out of competition, and will propose workshops, meetings with directors, seminars, conferences, shows, markets, related to the cinema and sustainability.Art.2 THEMES
All sustainability issues are allowed, at the discretion of the proposer; it will then be the pre-selection commission to assess whether the subject of the proposed film is themed, and to assess the presence of a minimum of technical-artistic requisites to be admitted to the Competition.
The film can be a denunciation, thus showing situations that do not respect the principles of sustainability, or the enhancement of sustainable practices. Both types of films are important and allowed, as the first step towards a more sustainable world is to understand in depth all the aspects resulting from what human beings do, as individuals and as groups, and in many cases this means showing unsustainable situations, and even situations that, although they seem sustainable, are not, giving all the information necessary to make them understand why they are not.
The following list shows as an example some of the areas on which the subject of the proposed film may relate: some areas concern unsustainable practices, others are virtuous models of sustainability, and still others are generic areas in which both unsustainable and practical practices can be implemented sustainable. As already mentioned, we believe that showing unsustainable choices and actions - highlighting why they are not - is one of the steps to get to put into practice, and to demand that sustainable choices and actions be put into practice.
Use of the territory and resources
Indiscriminate exploitation of resources
Environmental consequences of oil extraction
Military servitude
Wild urbanizations
Collection and reuse of rainwater
Pollution (air, water, earth)
Waste management and consequences on the territory
Waste reduction and recovery
Sustainable landscape design
Access to natural resources
Valorisation and preservation of natural resources
etc. etc.
Agriculture and nutrition
Industrial agriculture
Monocultures to produce fuels
The poisons used in agriculture
Additives and dyes in food
Healthy foods versus less healthy foods
Awareness of what you eat
Food waste
Food choices / eating disorders
Food at km 10.000 / food at km 0
Herbs, roots and edible spontaneous fruits
Natural agriculture
Biological agriculture
Biodynamic agriculture
Agriculture and rural culture
Food sovereignty
etc. etc.
Natural systems, ecology and health
Animal rights
Dyeing plants
Plants as fertilizers
Impact of petroleum derivatives on the environment
Effects of oil derivatives on human health
The alternatives to plastic derived from oil
etc. etc.
Earth warming
Climate changes
Resource regeneration
Renewable energy sources
Energy efficiency
Energy sovereignty
Self-production of energy
Bio-construction, ecological buildings and passive houses
Sustainable mobility
Speculative economic policies
Exploitation in the workplace
New models of societies based on equity, awareness, alternative and solidary economies
Valorization of individual differences
Resource production and distribution systems
Consumption and conscious choices
Active citizenship and participatory processes
Disurbanism and transition
Peace, nonviolence and human rights
Right to health for all
etc. etc.
Environmental Sustainability and Social Sustainability are often closely intertwined, we separately list some of their themes as an example.
However, the list is not exhaustive of all the issues concerning Sustainability.
Individuals or groups of people of any age and nationality can participate.
The author can use a pseudonym or an artistic name in the titles of the work, while in all the documents sent he will necessarily have to write the personal name, indicating in brackets the pseudonym or the name of the art used.
The works admitted to the Competition, without limits of duration, are:
documentary films
fiction film
animation film
experimental films
The submitted works may have been produced in any year, and may have already been presented in other competitions.
The works in non-Italian language must be subtitled in Italian or in English, and must be sent by e-mail, to ssff.iscrizioni@gmail.com, the list of dialogues in English or, preferably, the .srt file in English.
The “Shaan-e-awadh International Film Festival” is promoted by “Splash Etcetra” and organized by “Awadh Art Society”.
Splash Etcetra, a software production company and advertising firm, which was established by some professionals of the Indian Film and Television industry in 2007.
Awadh Art Society, the organizer of “Shaan-e-awadh International Film Festival (SAIFF), is a Non Government Organization, which is purely dedicated towards the artist, performer, musicians, writers, directors and other known and unknown form of art to promote Indian Art & Culture in India and Abroad.
The festival aims to showcase the best of the latest World and Indian Cinema through this competition section. To encourage filmmakers, Festival also aims to present innovative works done by various film makers.
Fortunately the sensitivity of today's society towards animals is changing for the better. There are already many people who do not see animals solely as a product from which they are supplied or enjoyed, but as living beings with their own nature and therefore rights to respect.
There is a growing awareness that a prosperous and dignified society should not allow any kind of violence, not against animals.
People who live with animals have long known, which has been observed in several studies: "animals have emotions and experience pleasure, fear, stress, anxiety, pain or happiness." The current Law on the protection of animals, sensitive to this, defines them as living beings, endowed with physical and psychic sensibility and also voluntary movement, to which no one will cause suffering or ill-treatment or cause states of anxiety or fear.
In this legislature the Ajuntament de Sabadell, through the Department of Animal Welfare, has promoted a decided political line to ensure the protection and welfare of animals. To begin with, the Ajuntament de Sabadell in Plenary declared "Sabadell free of animal abuse" in September 2015 and, among other actions carried out, many of them in collaboration with the animalistic entities of the city, is now working on an Ordinance of Animal welfare that will not only collect the obligations of the owners, but also the rights and obligations of all citizens towards animals.
Another line of work of the Ajuntament de Sabadell is the promotion of training, diffusion and support to audiovisual production in the territory, taking into account the multiple aspects of creative and cultural work, communicative tool, economic activity and promotion of the city that have the audiovisual productions.
Joining these two objectives, the Ajuntament de Sabadell promotes the first International Animal Film Show of Sabadell, designed with the intention of promoting and recognizing quality documentary film productions, while contributing to a cultural change in favour of well-being, respect, Awareness and responsibility towards animals.
And within the framework of this exhibition, this contest is promoted for audiovisual short films related to the animal field, and which should serve to recognize creative talent, facilitate the access of citizens to quality productions and contribute to build awareness and responsibility for welfare and animal rights.