Film Tracks Film Fest хочет стать местом встречи любителей киноязыка, предложить качественные работы.
Специальный приз получит короткометражный фильм о СРЕДИЗЕМНОМОРЬЕ.
Мы любим кино и то, как хотим его распространять.
Фестиваль в настоящее время:
Это пространство для поощрения, распространения и развития творчества, искусства, культуры и молодых талантов.
Это место встречи, обмена мнениями и диалога между молодыми творцами со всех Пиренеев и профессионалами из кино- и аудиовизуальной индустрии.
Это альтернативное, оригинальное и инновационное предложение для отдыха, направленное на продвижение и внедрение в Андорру новых предложений и аудиовизуальных тенденций.
Это уникальный фестиваль кино и аудиовизуальных материалов.
8-й Международный кинофестиваль в Пилар де ла Орадада - КОРТОПИЛАР | ПРЕМИЯ ПИЛАР 2024
The festival is only for movies and Brazilian entries
Международный фестиваль фильмов ужасов, базирующийся в городе Гуанахуато, Мексика. Все мероприятия фестиваля являются некоммерческими.
С 2004 года Международный студенческий кинофестиваль «Киноки» полностью управляется студентами Ибероамериканского университета в Мехико. Наша цель — создать дружественную атмосферу, в которой студенты кино со всего мира могут поделиться своими работами и участвовать в нашем официальном отборе.
Наша миссия
Мы приветствуем начинающих режиссеров, сценаристов и кинематографистов со всего мира и расширяем их творчество, объединяя самых разных зрителей, чтобы они могли познакомиться с ними, поразмышлять над ними и принять участие в дальнейшем диалоге.
Наше сообщество находится на стыке более широкого, инклюзивного кинематографического взгляда и появления поистине исключительного кинематографа.
Если фильмы — это контент, то Alfama — это та форма, которая задает тон создаваемым нами впечатлениям. Именно в этой сцене мы приглашаем ваши фильмы сняться в качестве архитектурного воплощения интимности.
Наша история
в 2009 году в качестве неформального проекта по показу независимого кино в укромных переулках Альфамы, проецируемого на фоне знаменитых каменных стен.
В последующие годы кинофестиваль Cinalfama повзрослел и стал международным конкурсным событием, а также культурным центром Лиссабона.
С годами характер мероприятий изменился, но атмосфера, фильмы и места проведения остались такими же интимными, как и всегда.
Наш дом
Основанная в 1914 году, Grupo Sportivo Adicense является одним из старейших и сохранившихся символов истинной души Альфамы.
Всемирно известные исполнители фаду начинали свою карьеру в ожидании столиков в этом историческом заведении, которое до сих пор переживает постоянные перемены и искажает городской ландшафт района
Сеансы показов
Наши интимные показы, расположенные в закоулках старого города Лиссабона, Альфама, проходят в старейшем культурном доме города Grupo Sportivo Adicense.
В течение года мы проводим три сезонных кинопоказа, где демонстрируются и награждаются лучшие таланты и фильмы каждого из них. Вход бесплатный, все фильмы снабжены английскими субтитрами.
В связи с текущей пандемией и связанными с ней ограничениями мы решили разместить следующий выпуск в январе 2024 года в Интернете, где будут представлены лучшие фильмы сезона. Мы планируем в ближайшее время возобновить показы в прямом эфире.
(Haiku Amateur Little Film Festival)
HALF Festival stands for Haiku Amateur Little Film Festival. ‘Haiku’ is a very short form of Japanese poetry, here used to mean any short form of aesthetic creativity. ‘Amateur’ here denotes a creation by a creator whose chief intention in the creation is not financial gain. ‘Little’ here stands for shortness of duration of the film. ‘HALF’ denotes also the stipulated duration of the film which is 5 minutes or ‘half’ the time of a traditional film reel which is 10 minutes. Insight, which is organizing this festival, is a group of creative artists, with base at Palakkad, who believe in the infinite potential of the short film as a medium of communication and aesthetic creativity.
The European Fantastic Film Festivals Federation (the Federation) is a tightly knit network of 22 film festivals from 14 countries, with a global attendance of over 450 000 visitors, making it a vital economic and cultural player on the fantastic film scene.
With an 13 years history, the Talca International Film Festival, stands as one of the major short film and debut film festivals in Chile. Our festival aims to offer a selection of the best independent, innovative and experimental short films and first feature films from around the world. On the other hand, to contribute in the exchange of local and international stories in this globalised world where ideas and culture break the borders in the benefit of all of us.
Международный фестиваль короткометражных фильмов, посвященный научной фантастике, фэнтези и ужасам. Он расположен в районе Грасия в Барселоне.
Cordoba International Film Festival, is an educational film platform, cultural, artistic, industrial, and a prime symbol of the city and the country.
In the 9th version of the festival, again converge producers, directors, distributors, film critics, actors and audience around the latest and outstanding national and international productions, handing Cordoba and the country a single framework for meeting quality and today.
Every film selected have a official selection in CORDOBA FILM FESTIVAL in the year event.
The excellent results obtained in the last years -great influx of public, international visits, quality and novelty of the films shown, press coverage, diversity of high convocatoria- related activities confirmed that Cordoba International Film Festival has become a benchmark of national cinematography and international: a window of culture for which Colombia looks and opens to the world.
In this context, one of the objectives is to continue complementing and enhancing the explosive audiovisual industry in Colombia, through a space for development and promotion as attractive as Cordoba International Film Festival Industry, whose excellent results last year, we intend to continue developing in this edition. Also, Cordoba International Film Festival is a showcase to appreciate firsts and pre-premieres of international films of recent invoice and quality, both directors of prestige as young talent.
Rock Horror Film Festival — это не просто кинофестиваль, это событие, которое объединяет лучшие фильмы ужасов, триллеров и фэнтези с рок-н-роллом в большой вечеринке для киноманов, любящих музыку и кино. Подготовьте свое сердце к страшным и захватывающим вечерам, наполненным лучшими национальными и международными триллерами и большим количеством рок-н-ролла.
В фестивале также примет участие команда международных профессионалов, которые примут участие в панелях, мастер-классах и круглых столах, посвященных кинематографу в различных областях, таких как продюсирование, фотография, режиссура, актерское мастерство, грим, саундтрек и другие.
В рамках фестиваля организуются круглые столы с участием режиссеров, актеров и профессионалов.
Trouble Found Me
Blacklight Film + Video Series is currently seeking submissions for the upcoming Trouble Found Me film screening on October 16th, 2016 at Sediment Arts in Richmond, VA.
We are seeking narrative short films that touch on subjects of broken innocence //shattering of the adolescent bubble. Bad Dreams. Bad Ideas. Poor Execution. Themes of the paranormal welcome, given the season!
Submissions must be under 15 minutes in length and all genres are accepted. Work can be traditional or experimental and can be created in any film/video medium (VHS, Super 8, DSLR, etc.). Multiple submissions are accepted.
We ask that applicants include in their submissions:
-title of the piece
-run time
-year the work was completed
-a data DVD or online link to view the piece (preferred)
Please include in your submission a $5 US submission fee (please attach screenshot of paypal
receipt to the submission). Guidelines for submissions and more info on BlackLight Film and Video Series can be found at: http://www.blacklightfilmseries.com/p/submissions.html
If your film is selected we will require a downloadable HD copy of the film (preferred) or a data DVD.
If mailing physical copies please inquire via email for mailing address (mailed submissions must include a prepaid return envelope.).
Inquires and Email submissions may be sent to:
Natalie and Cody - blacklightfilmseries@gmail.com
Information about Sediment Art Gallery in Richmond, VA
- http://www.sedimentarts.org
- https://www.facebook.com/sedimentarts/
Thank you, and we look forward to viewing your work!
Natalie Kohlhepp and Cody Huff
The coolest film festival in the heat of the tropics.
A breathtaking location, the platform to showcase some of the worlds best short films and some of Australia’s most accomplished film exponents sharing their knowledge with emerging filmmakers – the Port Shorts Film Festival is a feast for the filmmaking senses.
The 2016 Port Shorts Film Festival will be staged under the stars in nature’s playground, Port Douglas in Far North Queensland where the majestic Daintree Rainforest meets the spectacular Great Barrier Reef, on October 28th & 29th 2016.
With a prize pool worth more than $15,000 up for grabs, the Port Shorts Film Festival shines the spotlight on the imagination of Australia’s most creative minds, with a support network geared to stimulate the next generation of filmmakers.
Acclaimed Australian actor Stephen Curry, Wolf Creek and Rogue Executive Producer Matt Hearn and Australian Film Industry Awards nominated screenwriter Kier Shorey (Blurred) will be with emerging filmmakers every step of the journey as official ambassadors, mentors and judges of the Port Shorts Film Festival.
Port Shorts organisers will also conduct workshops for youth and adult filmmakers of all experience to provide them with the tools to produce quality short films, documentaries and music videos in the months leading up to the film festival.
We want to help Australia’s best emerging filmmakers achieve their potential and celebrate their individuality.
The animation festival Nochedemonos founded in 2006, is a benchmark for academic and professional community of national animation.
In this issue we celebrate 13 years, spreading the Latin American animation for the rest of the world.
During his nine versions they have made national contest, Latin American competitions, student, tributes to outstanding animation leaders, talks of national and international guests and workshops for students and animation enthusiasts. This version will have two categories in competition, competition monometrajes Latin American (animation shortfilm till 1 minute) and Latin American university competition of animated short films.
The nomination and reception for both categories are through the official website of the Festival where you will find the terms and rules www.nochedemonos.cl
World Documentary Awards is the sister festival of the World Film Awards. By establishing this festival, we hope to exhibit the winning international documentary films to the Indonesian and international audience, bolster filmmakers’ assurance to give their best for the film industry, and prevail the film industry internationally.
The festival is opened for professionals and newcomers in the industry globally. Various languages with English subtitles or dubbing are welcome.
Truth well captured in an excellent cinematic motion is an art documentary filmmakers struggle to achieve. The Festival greets all documentary filmmakers to show their talents and passions through their films. We are looking for intelligent, well-produced, smartly edited documentary films from any type of true-life films that engage in interesting story telling, and could be mixed with dramatic situation. Documentary filmmakers have a series of categories entries to enter to, and to widen their chances to win, they are offered with the cost-effective Package-of-Five.
The World Film Awards group is partnering with the largest movie theater chain in Indonesia, international culture centers, and several private institutions and organizations. We will conduct prestigious awards day, press conference, workshops, and screenings that will be attended by international filmmakers, mass media, mass media, government bodies, and celebrities. All winners and accepted filmmakers and members are welcomed at these events and we will acknowledge attending filmmakers with specific physical awards.
Since 2008, the Green Me Film Festival has offered a platform for green films, green publicity and green economy. Movies with environment-related topics from all over the world are evaluated and screened at the festival. Each year, the festival has honored filmmakers with the Green Me Award, which comes with prize money, in various categories.
The ‘’Artfools international Film Festival’’ takes place every year, during the first 10 days of February, in the city of Larissa, Greece, held by ‘’Artfools ‘’civil non-profit organization for Arts and Culture, Larissa, Greece. In its official competitive section, the Festival features short length films of digital nature along with a non-competitive section of Retrospectives and Tributes to important leading international filmmakers, film masterclasses, cinema seminars, photography exhibitions and book presentations.
Α. Feature short length films, running time: a total of 20 minutes
Β. Student short length films, running time: a total of 20 minutes
C. School short length films, running time : a total of 15 minutes
World Film Awards' awards day in May 2018 was bliss. Winning filmmakers came home with a lot of good memories to share in their hometown.
Following its great success, the festival is open for submission now. We greet independent filmmakers, travelers, history lovers, adventurers, and general filmmakers to show their passion through entertaining and informative films. Our Festival welcomes filmmakers, both professionals, and newcomers, from all over the world and newcomers, in short, and feature-length narrative and documentary film, from various genres.
Our judges consist of notable professionals in the film industry. We understand and appreciate the hard working in making a film. We open special categories for directors, cinematographers, actors and actresses, editors, screenwriters to compete for their awards.
We seek more than 100 narrative and documentary films produced with excellent technique and passion, carrying unique voice, and with a strong message to the world. A various language with English subtitles or dubbing is welcome.
Partnering with the largest cinemas in Indonesia, several international culture centers, and private institutions, the festival conducts prestigious awards night, press gatherings, press conference, workshop, and screenings attended by international filmmakers, mass media, mass media, government bodies, and celebrities. All winners and accepted filmmakers and members are welcomed at this event.
On the Awards Night that will be held on May 2019, we will acknowledge attending filmmakers with certificate awards, medals, and statue to the best film of the festival.
Make your outstanding film becomes the gem in our festival and gets the recognition your film well-earned.