Logo of Concurso de Cortometrajes CREAT RIVAS

17 Jan 2024

Published: 16 Dec 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Concurso de Cortometrajes CREAT RIVAS

Concurso de Cortometrajes CREAT RIVAS

Rivas Vaciamadrid , Spain

La 24ª edición del Concurso de Cortometrajes de Rivas Vaciamadrid se realizará en Rivas Vaciamadrid (Madrid) del 12 al 22 de marzo de 2025.


Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Human Rights Film Festival Brazil

15 Mar 2024

Published: 16 Dec 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Human Rights Film Festival Brazil

Human Rights Film Festival Brazil

São José dos Campos, Brazil

The Human Rights Film Festival Brazil is an international festival of short films of up to 25 minutes that address the theme of Human Rights in their plot. Whether it is the fight to guarantee the rights of humanity or denouncing disrespect for these universal rights.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of International queer filma festival Merlinka

01 Sep 2024

Published: 15 Dec 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner International queer filma festival Merlinka

International queer filma festival Merlinka

Beograd, Serbia

International queer film festival Merlinka is organized every year from 2009 in Belgrade Serbia.

For five days we screen short, documentary and featured LGBT-themed films.

Only gay, lesbian, bisexual, trangender, transsexual-themed films.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Muestra De Mujeres La Cinemoteka de Can Basté

03 Mar 2024

Published: 14 Dec 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Muestra De Mujeres La Cinemoteka de Can Basté

Muestra De Mujeres La Cinemoteka de Can Basté

Barcelona, Spain

fifth exhibition of short films made by women. Only short films made and designed by women.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of FIIN - International Nature Image Festival

13 Mar 2024

Published: 14 Dec 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of FIIN - International Nature Image Festival

Banner FIIN - Festival Internacional de Imagem de Natureza

FIIN - International Nature Image Festival

Vila Real, Portugal

The main objective of the Short Film Festival is the dissemination of ecosystems and biological heritage through cinematographic and audiovisual works selected through quality criteria.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of Pour faire Court

18 Feb 2024

Published: 14 Dec 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Pour faire Court

Pour faire Court

Lyon, France

Every year for the last seven years, the Short Event association has organized a short film festival in Lyon: "Pour Faire Court". This event, using the codes of the seventh art as vectors of emotion and sharing, invites you to discover a specific program of short films, according to a defined theme.

This year's theme is ‘Light and Shadow: the contrast of a lifetime’. This theme is rich and open to multiple interpretations. It invites artists to explore the contrasts that manifest themselves in life, whether through human emotions, personal experiences, objects or places.

Participants are encouraged to express their own vision of the theme, whether the light and/or shadow is symbolic, metaphorical or visual. The theme can deal with duality, challenges and hopes, shadows and opposites that we all face.

Afterwards, there will be a cocktail reception to encourage sharing between enthusiasts and artists.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Other  Experimental

Logo of São Paulo Film Festival

02 Nov 2024

Published: 14 Dec 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of São Paulo Film Festival

Banner São Paulo Film Festival

São Paulo Film Festival

São Paulo, Brazil

São Paulo Film Festival (SPFF) é um festival de cinema independente que ocorre na cidade mais frenética e populosa do Brasil.

SPFF procura apoiar e inspirar filmes independentes de todo o mundo, por uma expressão genuína que pode estimular novos pensamentos para a arte do cinema.
O festival SPFF é uma organização dedicada à descoberta e ao desenvolvimento de novos artistas, com visões além da fronteira da imaginação que podem atrair audiências de todos os países.

Diferente da maioria dos festivais. Nós assistimos todos os filmes. Nosso júri é composto principalmente por cineastas.

Curtas, Animação e Documentários. Todos os gêneros.

Online + Presencial. O Festival ocorrerá no dia 14 de Dezembro de 2025 no Cinema Reag Belas Artes apenas dos filmes finalistas. Os filmes semifinalistas serão exibidos online até o dia 16 de Dezembro de 2025.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of Avanca 2025

28 Apr 2024

Published: 13 Dec 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Avanca 2025

Avanca 2025

Avanca, Portugal

AVANCA Film Festival was awarded first place in 2011 contest of the support film festivals sponsored by ICA / Ministry of Culture.

An additional thematic programming has happened over all these years, giving space to screening of significant works of contemporary cinema appropriately framed in concerns and / or well-defined objectives.

The AVANCA is known as a space for workshops led by personalities of world cinema, and being more than a "master class", has allowed a unique cinema practice. Every year we have workshops, bringing together participants from all over Europe. The media have written that this is the largest European area of professional workshops in the field of cinema.

AVANCA is the only festival that congregates a Cinema International Competition, works from the television area, video and new supports of multimedia, with a special concern of exhibit the best world productions done in each category.

Since the first edition, the festival only accepts unprecedented films in Portugal.

The World Premiere competition is unique in our country and was only possible because Avanca became a passage point of unpublished authors and movies with great quality. Films that have their world premiere in the festival, independently of the submitted category, are also participating in the World Premiere Competition.

AVANCA is the Portuguese festival with the highest percentage of worldwide unpublished movies that find here their first showing.

Since 2010, we have organized the international film conference AVANCA | CINEMA, becoming the most important conference in the field of cinema in the Iberian Peninsula. This conference brings together speakers and participants from around the world.
Thematic exhibitions, editions of books, bibliographic presentations and various projects have marked these last 10 years of AVANCA with the quality that compels the festival and the participants obviously require.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Logo of  International Film and Multimedia Festival-FECIMU

29 Feb 2024

Published: 13 Dec 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Internacional De Cine Y Multimedia-Fecimu

International Film and Multimedia Festival-FECIMU

Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina

The International Film and Multimedia Festival is an audiovisual Festival that aims to promote cinema within the country and abroad. The festival will take place in the month of March with competition for short films both fiction, experimental, documentary. and an International Media Art Exhibition.

There will also be talks and meetings with filmmakers.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Arte Non Stop Festival  /  International Film and Art Festival

15 Oct 2024

Published: 13 Dec 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Arte Non Stop Festival / Festival Internacional De Cine Y Arte

Arte Non Stop Festival / International Film and Art Festival

Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Due to the Pandemic, there will be no screenings of Films and no Exhibition of Works of Art in theaters, it will be a Virtual Festival from October 30 to 31 BA2025.

Art Non Stop Festival, is the International Film and Art Festival born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, which takes place from October 26 to 28. Organized by the Producer Arte Non Stop, combining Cinema, Painting and Sculpture under the exclusive theme of cinema.

The reason for the Festival is to Promote Art in all its Expressions. Providing a new space year after year to the Artists and Sculptors, to interact their works of art together with the Films of Art and Fiction that participate from all over the world in different contests and categories, with functions and exhibitions open to all public.

It is an Official Independent Festival, free exhibitions and with itinerant venues that it renews year after year - Non-conventional Projection, Not in Cinemas - because its seeking to discover and promote new Art Spaces and create new viewers.

That is why it calls the Artists to Carry out Workshops live to create Works of Art intervened by all the Artists present, with the idea that they are Donated to beneficial institutions

Making Films and Art Works Exhibitions, Free exhibitions from October 30 to 31.


1 -Competencia Oficial Largometraje Internacional
Para aquellos realizadores que cuenten con 2 (dos) o más películas de largometraje (nacional y/o internacional) de ficción, animación y/o documental (Realizado en cualquier formato). Duración Superior a los 60 (sesenta) minutos.-

-Competition Official International Feature Film
For those filmmakers who have 2 (two) or more feature films (national and / or international) of fiction, animation and / or documentary (Made in any format). Duration exceeding 60 (sixty) minutes. -Títulos Incluídos-

2 -Official Competition Debut Film
For those filmmakers who present their first feature film (national and / or international) of fiction, animation and / or documentary (made in any format) Duration of more than 60 (sixty) minutes. -Including Titles

3 -Competition Official Animation
For those filmmakers who present their feature film (national and / or international) of fiction and / or animation made in any format. Free run time. -Including Titles

4 -Official Documentary Competition
For those filmmakers of documentary (national and / or international) of fiction documentary, animation documentary and / or real documentary (made in any format). Duration exceeding 45 (forty-five) minutes. -Including Titles-

5 -Competition Medium-length Official Competition
For those filmmakers who present their film (national and / or international) of fiction, animation and / or documentary (Made in any format). Duration from 10 (ten) minutes to 44 (forty four) minutes -including titles

6 -Competition Official Short film
For those filmmakers who present their short film (national and / or international) of fiction, animation and / or documentary (made in any format). Duration LESS than 10 (ten) minutes -including titles-

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Málaga Short Corner

10 Jan 2024

Published: 13 Dec 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Málaga Short Corner

Banner Málaga Short Corner

Málaga Short Corner

Malaga, Spain

Espacio habilitado para la promoción, difusión y distribución internacional de los cortometrajes más recientes y destacados de nuestra industria.


Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of IMAXINARIA - Afundación International Animation Film Festival

31 Jan 2024

Published: 12 Dec 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner IMAXINARIA - Festival Internacional de Animación Afundación

IMAXINARIA - Afundación International Animation Film Festival

A Coruña, Spain


A project that seeks to promote and showcase non-commercial animated films to the general audience. The festival was also created as a meeting point for professionals in the animation industry, in which Galicia has a wide and recognized innovative tradition. The festival is directed by Matilde Rodríguez, curator of the International Exhibition of Contemporary Illustration (MiiC), and filmmaker Alberto Vázquez, a leading figure in current animation and winner of several national and international awards.


IMAXINARIA is part of Afundación's "Culture for Food" programme. An initiative that appeals to the participation of citizens and gives answer to the call for solidarity of the local Food Banks. Therefore, the tickets to the festival are free in exchange for non-perishable food. This social commitment is also reflected in the festival's own contents.

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of CIBO CORTO Cine Festival dei due mari

06 May 2024

Published: 12 Dec 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Cibo Corto Cine Festival - International Food Film Festival

CIBO CORTO Cine Festival dei due mari

Portopalo di Capo Passero, Italy

The Cultural Association CAP 96010 has organized the 6th edition of the International Short Food Cine Festival, which will be held on 19th, 20th, and 21st of July 2024 in Portopalo di Capo Passero (Sr), Sicily.

The Festival aims to enhance and disseminate history, culture, traditions, and cuisine diversity all over the world through video language.
The competition notice is reserved for:

Short films: duration: from 3 to 20 minutes

Documentaries: maximum duration 30 minutes

The documentaries must have food as the theme, subject, or protagonist.

Works will be judged by a jury made up of national and international experts from film, publishing, and food and wine sectors. The best works will be awarded as follows.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation

Logo of Festival Panòptic Mataró

10 Feb 2024

Published: 12 Dec 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Panòptic Mataró

Festival Panòptic Mataró

Mataró , Spain

7th Edition

Panòptic Film Festival is a film and visual arts festival that explores the role of the digital era and its impact on society: the impact on power relations, social control, as well as in the areas of ethics, freedoms and human rights. Through the audiovisual, Panòptic Film Festival wants to generate thought, debate and knowledge around the moment of radical transformation that as a society we are living in the context of the digital era.

The 6th edition of the festival will take place in May 2025 in the city of Mataró (Barcelona, Spain).

The Official Selection and the Out of Competition selection are based on artistic, thematic and technical criteria.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Yellowstone International Film Festival

15 Oct 2024

Published: 12 Dec 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Yellowstone International Film Festival

Yellowstone International Film Festival

Noida, India

In the city of culture, art, and heritage. Yellowstone International Film Festival is dedicated to celebrating the world-class cinema. Yellowstone International Film festival is home to independent cinema from around the world.

YIFF puts filmmakers first and provides the opportunity for recognition and publicity for quality films and documentaries. Our aim is to be an advocate for filmmakers with a unique vision and to promote their work by showcasing it to a large audience. which is why our mission is to carefully consider and select a wide range of films to promote to the indie film-loving crowd.

YIFF will be a global adventure of the premiere, screenings, nightly red carpets, daring documentaries, eye-opening short films, We also focus films under special categories such as LGBTQ films, Women Empowerment films, environmental films, Students Films,

YIFF will be host to Opening & Closing Night Gale, Opening & Closing night Red Carpet , Press Interaction for participants, Official Portraits for nominated filmmakers, Festival Interviews of Nominated filmmakers, nightly parties, live music performances, filmmaker panels, award presentations, and an enhanced filmmaker hospitality program that includes city tours and more

We invite you to add your voice to the conversation. At YIFF, filmmakers are invited to the festival to participate in a variety of programs, Q&A sessions and a series of panel discussions, Press Conferences. masterclasses where filmmakers have the opportunity to discuss their work and careers with a new generation of content creators.

1) YIFF understands that independent films must get amplification. Two weeks before the festival begins, the YIFF PR team does Pre festival press release and post-festival press releases announcing winners.

2) We create numerous filmmaker's panels and masterclasses with industry professionals for filmmakers to take part in.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Amazing Fantasy Fest

17 Jul 2024

Published: 12 Dec 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Amazing Fantasy Fest

Amazing Fantasy Fest

Buffalo, United States

Amazing Fantasy Fest is a seven-day celebration of fantastic cinema held every September in Buffalo, New York (half an hour away from Niagara Falls). Our genres are Horror, Experimental, Animation, Action and Science Fiction: Micro Shorts, Shorts, Medium Length Films, Features. Our only Student category is for Western New York residents only. We have categories for Unproduced Short Screenplays and Unproduced Feature Screenplays. All Selected Films are screened at Dipson's Amherst Theatre in Buffalo, New York, on a large screen with comfortable seats, awesome sound, and convenient parking. We show all films on one screen with no counterprogramming. Every attending filmmaker receives a Q&A. We do not do online screenings.

Amazing Fantasy Fest (AFF) is the creation of Festival Director Gregory Lamberson (Slime City, Guns of Eden). This is his first festival as solo director after co-founding Buffalo Dreams Fantastic Film Festival, which ran for 10 years, and Buffalo Screams Horror Film Festival, which ran for three. AFF is the culmination of his efforts to spotlight the creators of independent genre cinema.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of International film festival - El Cine Suma Paz

05 May 2024

Published: 11 Dec 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine - El Cine Suma Paz

International film festival - El Cine Suma Paz

Bogotá, Colombia , Colombia

The International Film Festival - El Cine Suma Paz is an event that takes place for the first time and brings together cinematographic content related to the Culture of Peace and the protection of the environment.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Halic Goldenhorn Film Fest & Market,

01 Nov 2024

Published: 11 Dec 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Halic Goldenhorn Film Fest & Market

Halic Goldenhorn Film Fest & Market

Istanbul, Turkey

Halic Goldenhorn Film Fest & Market, The five-day mega event in the largest consumer of cinematic content, equipment, resources and biggest producer of Content, Turkey, brings together Content Sellers, Buyers, Producers, Directors Financiers and Governments on a single platform. We invite you to participate and find your own resources, connect with professionals, companies, Funds that you need. The Halic Goldenhorn Film Fest & Market, shall have Location Managers, Tourism Boards, acquisition and development executives, agents, attorneys, directors, distributors, Over-the-top media services platforms, festival directors, financiers, film commissioners, producers, writers, film funds, film institutes, studios, the world’s press and all those who provide services to the motion picture and television industry. The event is being supported by the General Directorate of Cinema of Turkey, the apex body of all film making associations-organizations

We are opening a new medium for the cinema industry. "FILM MARKET". Turkey's film industry, the world's leading equipment manufacturers, leasing companies, suppliers, producer companies, directors, academics and film students, film and with experienced filmmakers with new projects, financiers, participants will be here to present their film projects to the film commission.

Haliç Goldenhorn film fest & market, representatives of World cinemas Hollywood, Bollywood, European and Asian Cinema, TV channels, regional and world cinemas come together for a week due to its geographical location. In this cinematic medium, it will be a festival & Film market where they can not give up by cooperating with the world cinema representatives.

The first edition of The Haliç Goldenhorn Film Market aims to trade US $ 3 million. Joining means you have a valid reason

The theme this year is VARIETY! We'll program a bit of everything in our "first" year! As we grow, and with more eyes than ever looking at our screens, we really want your best Drama, Comedy, Genres, Documentary, Experimental, Web / Series, Animated and Student films! We are also proud to say that we have reached representatives of Hollywood, Bollywood, European and Asian Cinema countries so there is always a place for international films as well!

Haliç Goldenhorn Film Festival and Bazaar offers an application discount for films whose original language is Turkish. Yes, for Turkish movies, If your movie is in its original language, please contact us before shipping; we will offer you a discount code that will apply to both Haliç Goldenhorn Film Festival screenings and the Film Market. Contact us directly for the code.

We are a festival that is very proud of screening films made by all filmmakers, regardless of gender or race. Everyone has a chance, and our programming jury is actively looking for films with subjects suitable for world cinema.

We are proud to present the Film Market for the first year, which is the last weekend of the festival and includes Industry Development events, quality networking, sales talks and more! nearly 50 countries will participate. You should too!

The cinema world loves our city and has hosted many world stars. Istanbul, Turkey, an important destination for film and television productions. The birth of Turkish cinema Yeşilçam took place in this city. Directors love the "everywhere" look of the city and people love to see it on screen! If you want to shoot in our big city, you will have the opportunity to meet people who run the festival office!

Filmmakers and directors from all over the world choose Halic Goldenhorn Film Festival & market as a necessary stop. We want you to be a part of this growing scene! See you in Haliç Goldenhorn in December!

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of International Tour Film Festival

30 Apr 2024

Published: 11 Dec 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner International Tour Film Fest

International Tour Film Festival

Civitavecchia, Italy

The International Tour Film Fest 2025 the international competition this year is open to shorts, medium-length, Vertical Movies, AI Shorts and feature films; The festival is sponsored and organized by the Cultural CivitaFilm, with organizational headquarters in Via Togliatti No. 12 -00053- Civitavecchia (Rome, ITALY), in collaboration with: Mibact, City of Civitavecchia, Regione Lazio and Enel.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental


29 Feb 2024

Published: 11 Dec 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films



TUNIS , Tunisia

8th Edition - 2025

DocuMed – Mediterranean Documentary Cinema Festival in Tunisia, organized annually by the Tunisian Documentary Cinema Association, offers screenings of creative documentaries from countries around the Mediterranean. It aims to promote the influence and dissemination of documentary films in Tunisia and to promote exchanges between professionals, creators and the public in a spirit of openness to anthropological, cultural and social diversity.

- Carries humanist values, based on openness to other cultures, freedom of creation and sharing.

- Demonstrates its belonging to the world, its openness to its Maghreb, Arab and Mediterranean geographical and cultural context.

- Allows documentary cinema, as a form of questioning the world, humans and art, to participate in debates on ideas, knowledge, representations and imaginations.

- Encourages the public for the documentary film genre and allows as many people as possible to access theoretical and practical knowledge of documentary creation.

- Promotes exchange, helps to think and gives food for thought by providing access to representations of Tunisian realities and the world.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival
