Noticias: Festivales de cine

Logo of Shorts Premiere

Fecha Límite
31 Dec 2016

Publicado: 02 Jan 2016
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Shorts Premiere

Santiago, Chile

-Shorts Premiere: estrena cortometrajes en Santiago de Chile en el Clásico Cine Arte Normandie (750 butacas) Con exitosas versiones anteriores se plantea como ciclo mensual.

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

 Ficción  Documental  Animación  Fantástico  Terror  Otros  Experimental  Videoclip

Logo of Mirror Mountain Film Festival

Fecha Límite
28 Oct 2016

Publicado: 02 Jan 2016
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Banner Mirror Mountain Film Festival

Mirror Mountain Film Festival

Ottawa, Canada

El Mirror Mountain Film Festival trae lo mejor del cine independiente, alternativo y underground a la capital de Canadá. Somos un festival diverso e inclusivo que acoge a todo tipo de películas y a todo tipo de personas para compartir la experiencia cinematográfica colectiva. Nuestra misión es promover voces creativas únicas y originales de la región de Ottawa-Gatineau y de todo el mundo. Mirror Mountain presenta películas innovadoras, rompedoras y poco convencionales en una amplia variedad de géneros, incluyendo drama, documental, animación, experimental, terror, ciencia ficción, fantasía, danza y vídeos musicales. Además de la proyección de películas, el festival presenta actividades atractivas y orientadas a la comunidad, como actuaciones en directo, presentaciones en medios híbridos, exhibiciones interactivas, fiestas, mesas redondas, sesiones de preguntas y respuestas y más. Nuestros eventos tienen como objetivo conectar a los cineastas con el público y entre sí, y apoyar a los artistas a través de oportunidades de desarrollo educativo y profesional.

¿Por qué debo inscribirme en Mirror Mountain?

1. Pase de festival gratuito para todos los cineastas que se inscriban

Todos los que envíen una película a Mirror Mountain, independientemente de si es seleccionada o no, obtienen un pase gratuito para asistir a todo el festival.

2. Los cineastas locales se pueden inscribir gratis
Las películas de cualquier duración se pueden enviar de forma gratuita si se rodaron o editaron en un radio de 125 km de Ottawa. Esta área incluye Gatineau, Maniwaki, Mont Tremblant, Montebello, Hawkesbury, Cornualles, Potsdam, Brockville, Smiths Falls, Perth, Renfrew, Arnprior y más.

3. Inscripciones gratuitas para exalumnos
Si dirigiste una película que fue seleccionada oficialmente en una edición anterior de Mirror Mountain, puedes volver a inscribirla sin coste alguno.

4. Te devolvemos tu dinero
Si tu película ha sido seleccionada oficialmente para proyectarse en el festival, te reembolsaremos la cuota de inscripción original.

5. Pagamos honorarios de artistas.
Si tu película es seleccionada oficialmente para proyectarse en el festival, también recibirás una cuota de artista como agradecimiento por permitirnos proyectar tu obra.

6. Menos restricciones
No tenemos requisitos de estreno ni fecha de finalización. Su película sigue siendo elegible incluso si se ha proyectado anteriormente en la región de Ottawa, se ha distribuido, se ha emitido por televisión o está disponible para su visualización en línea.

7. Mantente informado.
Tras inscribir tu película, recibirás una notificación del festival para confirmar que hemos recibido tu solicitud. Más adelante, recibirás una notificación con los resultados, independientemente de si tu película ha sido seleccionada o no.

8. Premios para los cineastas ganadores
Los premios se entregan en varias categorías una vez finalizado el festival. Los ganadores reciben un certificado y una selección de premios donados por nuestros patrocinadores.

9. Ambiente agradable y alternativo
Como comunidad de cineastas y artistas, nos esforzamos por crear un ambiente vibrante, dinámico y acogedor, donde los creadores y los miembros del público de diversos orígenes artísticos y culturales puedan unirse para participar y crecer a través del trabajo y la conversación compartidos.

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

Festival de largometrajes

 Ficción  Documental  Animación  Fantástico  Terror  Otros  Experimental  Videoclip

Logo of 12° FESTIVERD -Festival Internacional De Cine Y Video Verde De Venezuela 2024

Fecha Límite
30 May 2016

Publicado: 02 Jan 2016
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Banner FESTIVERD Venezuela


Caracas, Venezuela

Festival Internacional de Cine y Video Verde de Venezuela abre su convocatoria para la 12° edición a realizarse del 2 al 6 de diciembre de 2024. Podrán presentarse cortometrajes estudiantiles de cualquier latitud, en una única categoría, siempre y cuando versen sobre la temática AMBIENTAL.


Nuestra visión: constituirnos en un festival de cine y video verde que, desde Venezuela para el mundo, sirva de ejemplo en la creación de lazos amorosos- parentales entre todos los habitantes del planeta Tierra.


Nuestra misión: ofrecer una alternativa sobre vivencias ambientales y ecológicas que apuntan a rescatar lazos parentales entre todos los seres bióticos y abióticos. La exhibición sobre narrativas audiovisuales verdes se interrelaciona con otras experiencias streaming, medias, transmedias y las redes sociales, generando un entramado de lazos virtuales que deseamos convertir en lazos parentales.


Nuestra Filosofía: Nos distanciamos de miradas antropocéntricas y excesivos mandatos sobre cuidados al ambiente que terminan siendo trampas antropocéntricas sin una comprensión de la biología del amor. El uso de las nuevas tecnologías, la producción académica y artística son los principales vehículos de difusión.

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

 Ficción  Documental  Animación  Fantástico  Experimental

Logo of Spike and Mike´s Festival of Animation

Fecha Límite
31 Dec 2016

Publicado: 02 Jan 2016
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Banner Spike and Mike´s Festival of Animation

Spike and Mike´s Festival of Animation

La Jolla, Estados Unidos

This year's show is a mixed cocktail with a strong stir from the flaming absinthe spoon. Again proving the world isn't flat, we are set to tour with one of our best shows to date. To provide you with a taste of what's what... We are proud to present Jonas Georgakakis' "Saga of Biorn" a ferociously funny animated Nordic tale divulging the absolute truth about how one might earn the right to enter Valhalla. Then there is Javier Mrad's "Techopolis," an absolutely amazing 12min stop motion piece resembling Fritz Lang's Metropolis black and white film. This is the only show where so many entertaining films like these take the spotlight and are given full theatrical effect.

Before the "Festival of Animation" it was difficult to see independent, experimental, and foreign animation. Spike and Mike embarks on yearly world-wide film hunting expeditions. They have signed-on animation from the National Film Board of Canada, Cal Arts, Sheridan, Royal College of Art, Annecy, and select studios active amongst the art-house scene that at one time did not have a public venue. This Festival has come to be known as one of the most anticipated touring events on the circuit.

Initially, Spike and Mike produced the "Classic Festival" and later both the "Classic" and "Sick and Twisted" simultaneously- but by the early 2000s, the "Classic Festival of Animation" was phased into hiatus by the Sick and Twisted Festival (mainly featuring shorts venturing into the non sequitur e.g. "Lloyd's Lunchbox"). "The Festival" (meaning the current show) premieres a new cavalcade of adventurous films annually. Spike & Mike's "New Generation Animation" noted as the latest genre in animation, without question is now premiering the most captivating film-set of thought provoking concepts, humor, story, and daring production design in animation.

In animation, it is important to have an accurate gauge on the pulsating shifts in pop culture. Spike and Mike's content has evolved with the changing tastes of our times. The shows in their entirety have toured globally in theaters, film festivals (such as Cannes, Sundance, Annecy), college campuses, and dynamic events such as the Vans Warped Tour, the Winter X Games, and with the nu-metal band Korn.

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes


Logo of Spike and Mike´s Sick and Twisted Festival of Animation

Fecha Límite
31 Dec 2016

Publicado: 02 Jan 2016
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Banner Spike and Mike´s Sick and Twisted Festival of Animation

Spike and Mike´s Sick and Twisted Festival of Animation

La Jolla, Estados Unidos

This year's show is a mixed cocktail with a strong stir from the flaming absinthe spoon.

Again proving the world isn't flat, we are set to tour with one of our best shows to date. To provide you with a taste of what's what... We are proud to present Jonas Georgakakis' "Saga of Biorn" a ferociously funny animated Nordic tale divulging the absolute truth about how one might earn the right to enter Valhalla. Then there is Javier Mrad's "Techopolis," an absolutely amazing 12min stop motion piece resembling Fritz Lang's Metropolis black and white film. This is the only show where so many entertaining films like these take the spotlight and are given full theatrical effect.

Before the "Festival of Animation" it was difficult to see independent, experimental, and foreign animation. Spike and Mike embarks on yearly world-wide film hunting expeditions. They have signed-on animation from the National Film Board of Canada, Cal Arts, Sheridan, Royal College of Art, Annecy, and select studios active amongst the art-house scene that at one time did not have a public venue. This Festival has come to be known as one of the most anticipated touring events on the circuit.

Initially, Spike and Mike produced the "Classic Festival" and later both the "Classic" and "Sick and Twisted" simultaneously- but by the early 2000s, the "Classic Festival of Animation" was phased into hiatus by the Sick and Twisted Festival (mainly featuring shorts venturing into the non sequitur e.g. "Lloyd's Lunchbox"). "The Festival" (meaning the current show) premieres a new cavalcade of adventurous films annually. Spike & Mike's "New Generation Animation" noted as the latest genre in animation, without question is now premiering the most captivating film-set of thought provoking concepts, humor, story, and daring production design in animation.

In animation, it is important to have an accurate gauge on the pulsating shifts in pop culture. Spike and Mike's content has evolved with the changing tastes of our times. The shows in their entirety have toured globally in theaters, film festivals (such as Cannes, Sundance, Annecy), college campuses, and dynamic events such as the Vans Warped Tour, the Winter X Games, and with the nu-metal band Korn.

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

 Animación  Fantástico  Terror  Otros  Experimental

Logo of Golden Egg Film Festival

Fecha Límite
31 Dec 2016

Publicado: 02 Jan 2016
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Banner Golden Egg Film Festival

Golden Egg Film Festival

New York, Estados Unidos

Golden Egg Film Festival is an international film festival of a different sort, with festivals taking place in both the US and Mexico.

Our mission is to connect newer international filmmakers to more experienced filmmakers and to give both a platform to exhibit their works to a broader audience from major cities around the world.

Films submitted will be considered for GEFF NYC, GEFF LA, and GEFF Cancun.

The awards nominees will be selected by an impartial selection committee of entertainment professionals.

Winners from each GEFF festival will then compete in Golden Egg Film Festival Worldwide, taking place immediately following GEFF Cancun.

Award Categories Include:

• Best Feature Film
• Best Short Film
• Best Documentary
• Best Animated Feature
• Best Animated Short
• Best Music Video
• Best Director of a Feature Film
• Best Director of a Short Film
• Best Actor
• Best Actress
• Best Supporting Actor
• Best Supporting Actress
• Best Director of Photography
• Best Hair & Makeup
• Best Score/Soundtrack
• Best Original Screenplay
• People's Choice Award

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

Festival de largometrajes

 Ficción  Documental  Animación  Fantástico  Terror  Otros  Experimental

Logo of Tabloid Witch Awards

Fecha Límite
31 Aug 2016

Publicado: 02 Jan 2016
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Banner Tabloid Witch Awards

Tabloid Witch Awards

Santa Monica, Estados Unidos

Un concurso de cine de terror. Los premios incluyen promoción en el sitio web de Hollywood Investigator, placas de premios.

Thomas M. Sipos, fundador de la Bruja Tabloide, es autor de Festivales y Premios de Cine de Terror (McFarland 2012) y Estética del Cine de Terror (McFarland 2010), disponibles en

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

Festival de largometrajes

 Ficción  Fantástico  Terror  Videoclip

Logo of Unreal Film Festival

Fecha Límite
15 Jun 2016

Publicado: 02 Jan 2016
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Banner Unreal Film Festival

Unreal Film Festival

Memphis, Estados Unidos

The Unreal Film Festival is an annual film competition held in September in Memphis, TN. The festival accepts both short and feature length films from all over the world, but only films that fall under the horror, sci-fi, and/or fantasy film genres.

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

Festival de largometrajes

 Ficción  Documental  Animación  Fantástico  Terror  Otros  Experimental

Logo of Fester: The Mindf*#k Festival

Fecha Límite
31 Dec 2016

Publicado: 02 Jan 2016
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Banner Fester: The Mindf*#k Festival

Fester: The Mindf*#k Festival

Los Angeles, Estados Unidos

FESTER is a regular film series in Los Angeles showcasing “Mindfuck Movies,” films that crawl inside your head and stay there like the memory of a fever dream.

Did you make the next Primer or Donnie Darko? Did other festivals think your film was too weird or complex or out there? Want to show your Mindfuck Film at a cool venue in LA? Submit!

We want the best plot-twisting, genre-bending, mind-fucking movies unfindable on TV, Netflix, iTunes, or anywhere else outside our monthly screenings. No restrictions on year of production or previous festival appearances!

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

Festival de largometrajes

 Ficción  Documental  Animación  Fantástico  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Writers and

Fecha Límite
31 Dec 2016

Publicado: 02 Jan 2016
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Banner Writers and

Writers and

Toronto, Estados Unidos

Writers judge filmmakers, filmmakers judge writers!
Winning writer gets their script made by the winning filmmaker!
The writer gets their script made and they get paid. The filmmaker gets funded to shoot it!

Very limited entries and everyone gets lots of coverage of their work!

The winning filmmaker wins $50,000 (Feature) or $25,000 (Short) to shoot one of the top 10 scripts. Winning writer receives $20,000 (Feature) or $10,000 (Short) for their script!

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

Festival de largometrajes

 Ficción  Fantástico  Terror  Otros  Experimental

Logo of NIAFFS (NOIDENTITY - International Action Film Festival - Spain)

Fecha Límite
31 Jul 2016

Publicado: 02 Jan 2016
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Banner Niaffs ( Noidentity - International Action Film Festival - Spain)

Niaffs ( Noidentity - International Action Film Festival - Spain)

Sevilla, España

En 2007 Joaquín Ortega (Director, actor, especialista de cine y coordinador de acción) crea bajo su marca comercial NOIDENTITY su equipo internacional de especialistas de cine. En 2010 fundó la productora independiente NOIDENTITY Films y ya ha producido dos largometrajes de manera privada y un programa de TV. En 2013 crea el primer festival de cine de acción de España.

Así de esta manera nace NIAFFS (NOIDENTITY - International Action Film Festival - Spain), con la intención de generar industria cinematográfica y promocionar el cine de acción internacional.

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

Festival de largometrajes

 Ficción  Animación  Fantástico  Terror  Otros

Logo of NewFilmmakers Los Angeles

Fecha Límite
31 Dec 2016

Publicado: 02 Jan 2016
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Banner NewFilmmakers Los Angeles

NewFilmmakers Los Angeles

Los Angeles, Estados Unidos

NewFilmmakers Los Angeles (NFMLA) is a non-profit organization designed to showcase innovative works by emerging filmmakers from around the world, providing the Los Angeles community of entertainment professionals and film goers with a constant surge of monthly screening events. NFMLA provides a forum where filmmakers can be recognized for their contributions, have open audience discussions about their projects and connect with industry professionals for insight on distribution, production, acquisition and representation.

Each month, NewFilmmakers Los Angeles (NFMLA) presents red carpet screenings of documentary, short and feature films that have been submitted from all over the world, followed by a Q&A with each films director. The program also offers a special after party so the audience can meet the filmmakers and incredible talent involved

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

Festival de largometrajes

 Ficción  Documental  Animación  Fantástico  Terror  Otros  Experimental

Logo of Diversity in Cannes Short Film & Webseries Showcase

Fecha Límite
06 Apr 2016

Publicado: 02 Jan 2016
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Banner Diversity in Cannes Short Film & Webseries Showcase

Diversity in Cannes Short Film & Webseries Showcase

Cannes, Francia

Creada para animar a los creadores de contenido con orígenes únicos a compartir sus historias durante el Festival de Cine de Cannes, la muestra independiente de cortometrajes y series web Diversity in Cannes promoverá el trabajo de cineastas diversos (pensamiento, raza, género, edad, religión, capacidad física y orientación sexual) y los reconocerá a nivel mundial por sus logros en el cine.

Las seis u ocho mejores películas y series web de TODAS las películas elegibles, según lo determinado por Beyond Borders: Diversity in Cannes y sus socios, se considerarán candidatas y se proyectarán durante la muestra de cortometrajes y webseries Diversity in Cannes que se celebrará en mayo de 2018, en un evento independiente durante el Festival de Cine de Cannes. Los ganadores serán determinados por el jurado y anunciados en la presentación.

Si bien los eventos tienen lugar en Francia al mismo tiempo que el Festival de Cine de Cannes, ¡la Muestra de Cortometrajes Diversity in Cannes es un EVENTO INDEPENDIENTE!

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

 Ficción  Documental  Animación  Fantástico  Terror  Otros  Experimental

Logo of Screamfest® Horror Film Festival

Fecha Límite
08 Aug 2016

Publicado: 01 Jan 2016
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Promotional card of Screamfest® Horror Film Festival

Banner Screamfest® Horror Film Festival

Screamfest® Horror Film Festival

Beverly Hills, Estados Unidos

Bienvenidos cineastas y guionistas,
Screamfest® Film Festival apoya a cineastas independientes y escritores creativos. Ofrecemos un festival de Drive-In físico seguro en 2020, por lo que puede estar seguro de presentarse a Screamfest en cualquier momento.

Estamos planeando un festival físico en los Teatros TCL Chinese 6 en Los Ángeles para nuestro 22 año de octubre según lo previsto. Nuestro objetivo es promocionar sus historias tanto para los fans como para la industria.

Algunas de las publicaciones online de terror más grandes lo han llamado «Sundance of Horror». Las 50 mejores fiestas de género de Moviemaker Magazine en el mundo en 2021, 25 festivales de cine que valen la pena la entrada y 13 festivales de cine por los que morir y 30 sangrientos mejores festivales de género del mundo 2019.

Screamfest Horror Film Festival es el festival de cine de terror más grande y de más larga duración de los Estados Unidos. Paranormal Activity se descubrió y estrenó en el festival en 2007.

El festival presenta nuevas películas de género de todo el mundo. Otros estrenos han incluido Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension, Paranormal Activity, Dead Ant, Trick 'r' Treat, 30 Days of Night, The Human Centipede, American Mary, Diary of the Dead

Para ver cortometrajes anteriores de Screamfest®, visita nuestro canal de YouTube:


Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

Festival de largometrajes

 Ficción  Fantástico  Terror

Logo of 12 Months Film Festival

Fecha Límite
31 Jan 2016

Publicado: 01 Jan 2016
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Banner 12 Months Film Festival

12 Months Film Festival

Cluj-Napoca, Rumania

The 12 Months Film Festival (#12MFF) is farrest challenging film festival available which attracts, displays and awards filmmakers from six continents. Our finest selection system brings the benefits of a quality qualification in the #12MFF and also come with surprise awards where qualify all selected entries. #12MFF was designed to award you amazing prizes. Moreover, we will do our best in working with your needs in order for your talent and dedication to be appreciated by the public.
Together we build a global audience!


Entries requirements:
-> All films must have been made in or after 2012 and have English subtitles (unless English is the main language spoken); A creation date does not apply in case of the screen writings from being stopped for submissions, but the submitted must be in English or have a copy translated in English;
-> We accept shorts, documentaries, animations, experimental, music videos, web and new media, commercials (all specified previously under 45 minutes); feature films and feature documentaries (any length, 45 + minutes);
->A description between 50 and 150 words;
->Trailer (not required for movies under 7 minutes; optional) and the film must be submitted as an on-line screener (Vimeo preferred) which may be embedded on the website for visitors to see your creation; you can further opt for modifications in your entry;
->Cover of the film/screen writing or a defining photo;

We also offer the following services:
Film review; Film improvement support; Trailer for your movie; Web-design and coding; Complete graphic-design. Proceed here:

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

Festival de largometrajes

 Ficción  Documental  Animación  Fantástico  Terror  Otros  Experimental  Videoclip

Logo of Digital Griffix Awards

Fecha Límite
31 Jan 2016

Publicado: 01 Jan 2016
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Banner Digital Griffix Awards

Digital Griffix Awards

Montreal, Canada

Digital Griffix film awards changed a bit over the years and is now an IMDB listed international online awards competition taking place each three months.

Each three months our jury determines the best films in each category. Note that we do NOT screen films online or onsite. The films are screened privately by the jury. Our goal is to help filmmakers take the next step in their career. Our jury is composed of award winning filmmakers who perfectly understand the hard work put in independent filmmaking !

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

Festival de largometrajes

 Ficción  Documental  Animación  Fantástico  Terror  Otros

Logo of London International Filmmaker Festival of World Cinema London

Fecha Límite
30 Oct 2016

Publicado: 01 Jan 2016
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Banner London International Filmmaker Festival of World Cinema London

London International Filmmaker Festival of World Cinema London

London, Reino Unido

London International Filmmaker Film Festival of World Cinema is a unique event in its 11th year that is celebrating the best and most popular independent and studio films from the global film industry, and has wonderful opportunities for the business of film,

We have built a small but exceptional professional network of industry professional that will look at all nominated films entered and will give business and commercial advice, in some cases the distributors attending will make offers to the filmmakers for their work and to work together to put your movies and unproduced script in the market place, we have the people and skills in our professional team to make this happen, if the professional attending feel there is a market for your movie or unproduced script, they will as with many films over the years of our other festival make things happen.

We are unique in the amount of platforms and festival we offer filmmakers, we can create a ripple for your movie to be seen around the world, it all starts here by entering your movie.

The Festival is very keen to discover new talent and act as a springboard for creation. The development of the producers network gives filmmakers an opportunity to pitch there future production.

The London International Filmmaker Film Festival will culminate in a glamorous red carpet awards ceremony recognising unrivalled ideas, productions and film concepts. The Prestige’s Filmmaker Award is presented to the finest films entered, named as a highly prized industry award that recognises those willing to make those final steps to reach the peak of their profession. The International Filmmaker Film Festival of World Cinema is a global forum for you to network, discover future trends and achieve commercial success on a worldwide level.

Over the week this unique one-stop media community gives you the chance to network and do business with other like-minded creative filmmakers and their representatives from around the globe, including some of the filmmakers in competition for the prestigious Filmmaker Award. Book your accreditation to talk movies with the filmmaker planning or in production on films to be released for the global market.

The London International filmmaker festival is like no other International film Festival, we put you the filmmaker in front of potential investors in any new production you may be considering, we put your movie in front of potential distribution and sales to look at the possibility of offering you real deals and real help for you the filmmaker, look at our program read the short bios of the professional attending, join us and put your movie in a market place.

Carl Tooney (Festival President
See website

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

Festival de largometrajes

 Ficción  Documental  Animación  Fantástico  Terror  Otros  Experimental

Logo of Italy International Filmmaker of World Cinema  Milan

Fecha Límite
30 Jul 2016

Publicado: 31 Dec 2015
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Banner Italy International Filmmaker of World Cinema  Milan

Italy International Filmmaker of World Cinema Milan

Milan, Italia

Festival Description Taking Place Milan Italy December 2019

One of the greatest festival in the world to help filmmakers find a market to support their aims with people attending that can give good solid advice to work with established film industry professionals if you wish, screening, meetings, networking, world famous international awards ceremony, we have created over the years a unique festival with our other festivals a real platform for filmmakers to meet, network, do business festival week.

We have built a small but exceptional professional network of industry professional that will look at all films and will give business and commercial advice, in some cases the distributors attending will make offers to the filmmakers for their work and to work together to put your movies in the market place, we have the people and skills in our professional team to make this happen, if the professional attending feel there is a market for your movie, they will as with many films over the years of our other festival make it happen.

We are unique in the amount of platforms and festival we offer filmmakers, we can create a ripple for your movie to be seen around the world, it all starts here by entering your movie.

Carl Tooney
Festival President

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

Festival de largometrajes

 Ficción  Documental  Animación  Fantástico  Terror  Otros  Experimental

Logo of TMFF - The Monthly Film Festival (Online)

Fecha Límite
29 Jan 2016

Publicado: 31 Dec 2015
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Banner TMFF - The Monthly Film Festival (Online)

TMFF - The Monthly Film Festival (Online)

Glasgow, Reino Unido

Mencionada en publicaciones como Vox, Medium o Backstage, TMFF ha sido nombrada por ShortFilm Connection «probablemente el festival de cine más famoso en la actualidad en la web». Con casi 3500 PELÍCULAS SELECCIONADAS hasta ahora y decenas de miles de visitas al sitio web cada mes, esperamos que a través de TMFF destaque con su proyecto y obtenga el alcance que necesita y merece. Además, además de ser un evento clasificatorio para el IMDB, cada selección oficial se incorporará automáticamente a nuestra extensa FILM COLLECTION:

Mes tras mes, nuestros jueces (que trabajan en la industria cinematográfica) decidirán quiénes son los nominados y ganadores de la TMFF. Hemos recibido más de 13.000 proyectos hasta el momento, hemos realizado más de 80 ediciones mensuales y premiado con más de 800 películas de todo el mundo.

❗ Y TEN ESTO EN CUENTA: No pondremos la versión completa de tu película en nuestro sitio web si no quieres. UN TRÁILER SERVIRÁ.

❓ Preguntas frecuentes:

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

Festival de largometrajes

 Ficción  Documental  Animación  Fantástico  Terror  Otros  Experimental  Videoclip

Logo of India´s International Short Film Festival

Fecha Límite
01 Sep 2016

Publicado: 30 Dec 2015
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Banner India´s International Short Film Festival

India´s International Short Film Festival

Mumbai, India

The India's International Short Film Festival is established as a means of supporting and promoting film filmmakers all over the world.

Our mission is to promote up-and-coming artists by providing a gateway to expand their careers in the entertainment industry. We shine a light on the unknown artist of today, helping them become the celebrated filmmakers of tomorrow.

India’s International Short Film festival is a unique Film event in its 1st year that is celebrating the best and most popular independent and studio films from the global film industry, and has wonderful opportunities for the business of film,

We have built a small but exceptional professional network of industry professional that will look at all nominated films entered and will give business and commercial advice, in some cases the distributors attending will make offers to the filmmakers for their work and to work together to put your movies in the world, we have the people and skills in our professional team to make this happen, if the professional attending feel there is a place for your movie, they will as with many films over the years of our other festival make things happen.

We are unique in the amount of platforms and festival we offer filmmakers, we can create a ripple for your movie to be seen around the world, it all starts here by entering your movie.

The Festival is very keen to discover new talent and act as a springboard for creation. The development of the producers network gives filmmakers an opportunity to pitch there future production.

The India’s International Short Film festival will culminate in a glamorous red carpet awards ceremony recognizing unrivaled ideas, productions and film concepts. The Prestige’s Filmmaker Award is presented to the finest films entered, named as a highly prized industry award that recognizes those willing to make those final steps to reach the peak of their profession. The India’s International Short Film festival is a global forum for you to network, discover future trends and achieve commercial success on a worldwide level.

Over the week this unique one-stop media community gives you the chance to network and do business with other like-minded creative filmmakers and their representatives from around the globe,The India’s International Short Film festival is like no other International film Festival, we put you the filmmaker in front of potential investors in any new production you may be considering, we put your movie in front of potential distribution and sales to look at the possibility of offering you real deals and real help for you the filmmaker, look at our program read the short bios of the professional attending, join us .

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

 Ficción  Documental  Fantástico  Otros  Experimental  Videoclip