Diorama International Film Festival

New Delhi, India

Logo of Diorama International Film Festival

31 Oct 2022

Published: 09 Aug 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Diorama seeks to redefine Film Festivals by introducing meaningful film sections, real entertainment, the science of cinema, the business of cinema and education. The festival connects Festival delegates, talent and crews across art, commerce and science of cinema with each other.

While Diorama Film Bazaar connects Content Sellers, Buyers, Producers, Directors, Financiers and Governments. To participate, or to know more please log in to the festival website.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Photo of Diorama International Film Festival
Photo of Diorama International Film Festival
Photo of Diorama International Film Festival
Photo of Diorama International Film Festival

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Escenario Music Film Festival

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Logo of Escenario Music Film Festival

15 Aug 2022

Published: 09 Aug 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Escenario: Cinema + Music, is the first musical documentary film festival in Argentina

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Photo of Festival Escenario (Cine + Musica)
Photo of Festival Escenario (Cine + Musica)
Photo of Festival Escenario (Cine + Musica)
Photo of Festival Escenario (Cine + Musica)

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WMC International Short film Festival-2024

Muscat, Oman

Logo of WMC International Short film Festival-2024

28 Dec 2022

Published: 08 Aug 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Provides a platform for participants ranging from students to professionals to preview their films on international stages to prove their talent. We are conducting our film festival from 23&24 Jun 2024, grand arrangements are being made with Respected Jury Board from different continents to judge your film and will be available for Q&A sessions.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Photo of WMC International Short film Festival-2024
Photo of WMC International Short film Festival-2024
Photo of WMC International Short film Festival-2024
Photo of WMC International Short film Festival-2024

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7ed. IBICINE, Ibiza’s Festival - Astarté Awards

Ibiza, Spain

Logo of 7ed. IBICINE, Ibiza’s Festival - Astarté Awards

06 Oct 2022

Published: 07 Aug 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of 7ed. IBICINE, Ibiza’s Festival - Astarté Awards

Ibicine Asociación Cinematográfica de Ibiza (IACI) nace por amor al cine y a la isla de Ibiza con el firme compromiso de dotar a la isla de actividades relacionadas con el cine así como de una programación cinematográfica que abra el abanico de actividades culturales de la isla a nuevos públicos y convertir así Ibiza en un punto de encuentro del sector cinematográfico nacional e internacional.

Ibicine, Festival de Ibiza, es un festival organizado dentro de las actividades anuales de IACI. Un festival que apuesta por el talento emergente nacional, internacional y de las Islas Baleares.

Ibicine busca engrandecer a cineastas emergentes y generar vínculos con talentos consagrados, dotando de especial importancia al cortometraje y a sus técnicos, premiando por categorías los aspectos técnicos y artísticos que tienen cabida en estas producciones cinematográficas con los premios Astarté, una estatuilla creada y elaborada en Ibiza en honor a la diosa fenicia que dejó huella en la isla.

Además de la Sección Oficial de Cortometrajes SOC, el festival también cuenta con Secciones Paralelas, así como la Sección Oficial de Largometrajes SOL y los proyectos en desarrollo gracias a la creación del Foro de proyectos del Mercado de Cine de Ibiza para impulsar el cine profesional en la isla, de manera que se genere un punto de encuentro con la industria nacional e internacional para generar y fortalecer las relaciones dentro del sector: creadores, productores, plataformas, compradores, etc. se dan cita en Ibiza, un sitio perfecto para desconectar de las rutinas y del estrés de las grandes ciudades y, en este escenario perfecto se dan lugar sinergias, nuevos proyectos y aprendizaje, cerrándose contratos y generando así industria cinematográfica en un entorno inigualable.

Ibicine ha sido seleccionado por la UNESCO como festival representante de España en las rutas de turismo cinematográfico Movie Travel, ha recibido el reconocimiento del Consell d’Eivissa, ha sido premiado con el Business Excellence Award como Mejor Festival de las Islas Baleares por la revista Acquisition International y, recientemente ha recibido el galardón por la revista LUXlife como Festival del año 2023 - España.

Desde 2022 el Festival es colaborador de la Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias Cinematográficas de España, formando parte del listado de festivales que califican para los premios Goya ‘24.

De esta manera, los cortometrajes premiados con el Astarté a mejor cortometraje de Ficción y con el Astarté a mejor cortometraje Documental, optarán directamente a la nominación a los premios Goya, y los seleccionados en Sección Oficial de Ibicine podrán optar a entrar en la lista de calificados a los Goya si suman, junto a esta selección otras seis selecciones en festivales colaboradores de la Academia. ***

***Para consultar las bases de participación en la 38 edición de los premios Goya
haz click en el siguiente enlace (cortometrajes en la página 39) : https://www.premiosgoya.com/pdfs/bases-38-premios-goya/
***Para consultar el listado de los festivales colaboradores a los premios Goya:

El comité de selección de Ibicine está formado por profesionales del sector de diferentes gremios: montaje, dirección, guion, dirección de fotografía, interpretación, etc. y trabaja de manera conjunta para que la selección sea cuidada y responda siempre a los criterios de calidad profesional, diversidad, igualdad y temáticas y géneros variados, para lograr una programación anual que logre llevar a los espectadores a disfrutar y aprender del séptimo arte a través de las diferentes historias.

El jurado de cada edición de Ibicine es siempre paritario y se compone de una media de entre cinco y siete profesionales del sector cinematográfico, representantes también de los diferentes gremios. El jurado es presidido por un/a profesional seleccionado/a por la junta directiva de la Asociación, que tiene las competencias de hacer desempatar en caso de empate, además de atender a medios en nombre del resto del jurado, siempre está formado por gran parte de miembros de la Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias Cinematográficas de España.

Ibicine ha sido amadrinado en cada una de sus ediciones por las actrices Paz Vega, Cayetana Guillén Cuervo, Nadia de Santiago, Inma Cuevas y Michelle Calvó y apadrinado, desde la primera edición, por el actor y cómico Jon Plazaola, quien nos acompaña en cada edición como padrino vitalicio del festival.

Hasta la fecha, hemos celebrado y reconocido el talento de talentos nacionales, premiando a sus carreras cinematográficas con el premio Astarté de Honor a: la actriz Terele Pávez, la directora Isabel Coixet, la Asociación de Mujeres Cineastas y de Medios Audiovisuales CIMA, el actor y director Paco León, la actriz Yolanda Ramos, la cómica Eva Soriano y la periodista y divulgadora cinematográfica Cayetana Guillén Cuervo.

Ibicine es posible gracias al apoyo de las instituciones insulares como el Consell d’Eivissa, l’Ajuntament d’Eivissa, l'Ajuntament de Santa Eulària y l’Ajuntament de Sant Antoni de Portmany, así como a empresas patrocinadoras, colaboradores y a la difusión mediática de los media partners como IB3, Diario de Ibiza, TEF y Periódico de Ibiza. Es gracias a ellos, al equipo apasionado y a voluntarios que se suman cada año, que este encuentro cultural en Ibiza es posible y se ha convertido en poco tiempo en una cita anual imprescindible para todo cinéfilo/a.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Photo of 7ªed. IBICINE, Festival de Ibiza - Premios Astarté
Photo of 7ªed. IBICINE, Festival de Ibiza - Premios Astarté
Photo of 7ªed. IBICINE, Festival de Ibiza - Premios Astarté
Photo of 7ªed. IBICINE, Festival de Ibiza - Premios Astarté

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Córdoba, Argentina

Logo of YATAY

01 Sep 2022

Published: 07 Aug 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

YATAY International Vertical Festival based in Córdoba, Argentina. First exclusive festival of audiovisual content in 9:16 format in Argentina.

We propose ourselves as a space for exploring the vertical format as an expressive medium for audiovisual content. We seek to become a space for dissemination; propose the development of productions in this format and create training spaces.

YATAY is produced and organized in an assembly way by students and workers from the audiovisual field, design, communication and performing arts.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Photo of YATAY Festival Vertical
Photo of YATAY Festival Vertical
Photo of YATAY Festival Vertical
Photo of YATAY Festival Vertical

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Festival zarzaleño de cortos

Zarzal, Colombia

Logo of Festival zarzaleño de cortos

04 Nov 2022

Published: 07 Aug 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

The Coclick festival seeks to promote the creation of audiovisual content in the north of Valle del Cauca, so it is looking for creators from that area to participate in person.

Short film festival


Photo of Festival Zarzaleño De Cortos: Coclick
Photo of Festival Zarzaleño De Cortos: Coclick
Photo of Festival Zarzaleño De Cortos: Coclick
Photo of Festival Zarzaleño De Cortos: Coclick

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The New Generation Art Festival (Short Films)

Stuttgart, Germany

Logo of The New Generation Art Festival (Short Films)

31 Aug 2022

Published: 06 Aug 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Short films from around the World be shown at the New Generation Art Festival.

There is nothing else like it. Selected films will have a one-hour online screening during a one-day film festival on our festival platform. There is a reception before screening and afterward.

Our judges for this festival are Flavia Dima, Simon Denda, Nino Varsimashvili, Milou Gevers, Ali Firoozjang.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Photo of The New Generation Art Festival (Short Films)
Photo of The New Generation Art Festival (Short Films)
Photo of The New Generation Art Festival (Short Films)
Photo of The New Generation Art Festival (Short Films)

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Biophilia Internacional Film Festival

México, Mexico

Logo of Biophilia Internacional Film Festival

22 Oct 2022

Published: 06 Aug 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Biophilia is a concept based on respect and love for life and living beings.
Our essence is hidden in the earth, inside everything converges, an infinite cycle that reveals being: sprouting, intertwining, flourishing, and later, being a seed that fell to germinate again. We celebrate the connection of man with the earth, and how from this link, we are able to perceive and build our surroundings, recognize ourselves in the gaze of the other, or ignore a little about our being.

The festival activities will take place in the month of November, we will carry out face-to-face and online activities creating links in three states of Mexico: Mexico City, the State of Mexico and Oaxaca.

Complementario a las exhibiciones y programaciones se impartirán talleres y habrá charlas y master class con especialistas en la cinematografía, estas actividades se realizarán de manera online y presencial (si las condiciones de pandemia lo permite), y están planeadas para los asistentes y el público interesado, buscando impulsar a nuevos autores. Así como actividades especiales para los autores de los cortometrajes ganadores de cada categoría y las menciones honoríficas.

Shorts under 59 seconds
Fiction, documentary, animation, experimental and hybrid genres

Between 1 and 8 minutes

Fiction, animation and experimental short films
Under 29 minutes

Experimental short films
Under 29 minutes

Non-fiction short films and hybrid genres
Under 29 minutes

Medium and feature films
Fiction, documentary, animation, experimental and hybrid genres
Between 30 minutes and 150 minutes

National category


Biophilia is a concept based on respect and love for life and living beings.
Our essence is hidden in the earth, inside everything converges, an infinite cycle that reveals being: sprouting, intertwining, flourishing, and later, being a seed that fell to germinate again. We celebrate the connection of man with the earth, and how from this link, we are able to perceive and build our surroundings, recognize ourselves in the gaze of the other, or ignore a little about our being.

The festival activities will take place in the month of November, we will carry out face-to-face and online activities creating links in trhee states of Mexico: the State of Mexico, Mexico City and Oaxaca.

We receive cinematographic and audiovisual works that address the following concepts:
Biophilia, ecology, nature, native peoples, traditions, collective memory, cosmogony and rituals. The extension is free as well as the genres: fiction, non-fiction, animation, experimental and hybrids.

International categories

Shorts under 59 seconds
Fiction, documentary, animation, experimental and hybrid genres

Between 1 and 8 minutes

Fiction, animation and experimental short films
Under 29 minutes

Experimental short films
Under 29 minutes

Non-fiction short films and hybrid genres
Under 29 minutes

Medium and feature films
Fiction, documentary, animation, experimental and hybrid genres
Between 30 minutes and 150 minutes

National category

Emerging Mexican filmmakers
Fiction, documentary, animation, experimental and hybrid genres
Under than 20 minutes

Complementary to the exhibitions and programming, workshops will be given and there will be talks and master classes with specialists in cinematography, these activities will be carried out online and in person (if pandemic conditions allow it), and are planned for attendees and the interested public. , seeking to promote new authors. As well as special activities for the authors of the winning short films in each category and the honorable mentions.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Photo of Biophilia Festival Internacional de Cine
Photo of Biophilia Festival Internacional de Cine
Photo of Biophilia Festival Internacional de Cine
Photo of Biophilia Festival Internacional de Cine

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Rio de Janeiro International Short Film Festival – Curta Cinema

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Logo of Rio de Janeiro International Short Film Festival – Curta Cinema

04 Sep 2022

Published: 05 Aug 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Rio de Janeiro International Short Film Festival – Curta Cinema

33a edição
Festival Internacional de Curtas do Rio de Janeiro
17 a 24 de abril de 2024
Rio de Janeiro – RJ - Brasil

Festival Curta Cinema - Rio de Janeiro International Short Film Festival - is exclusively dedicated to the promotion and exhibition of short-length audiovisual works. We are a competitive festival that exhibits films produced in digital format with a maximum length of 30 minutes. The programming of Festival Curta Cinema consists on: International and National Competition, Latin American and Rio Panorama, Youngsters Panorama and Special Programs. Rio de Janeiro International Short Film Festival – Curta Cinema - qualifies the winners of its National and International Grand Prix for an Oscar nomination according to the rules of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
Deadline for entries for international films in the Festival Curta Cinema 33a edição - Rio de Janeiro International Short Film Festival: February 5th.
Address to which send correspondence and material:
Festival Curta Cinema 33a edição - Rio de Janeiro International Short Film Festival
Associação Franco Cultural
Att: Aílton Franco, Jr. – Festival Director
Avenida Beira Mar, 242/502 - Centro
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil – Zip Code 20021-060
Tel.: (55 21) 2553 8918
email: programa@curtacinema.com.br
website: www.curtacinema.com.br


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Photo of Festival Curta Cinema - Festival Internacional de Curtas do Rio de Janeiro
Photo of Festival Curta Cinema - Festival Internacional de Curtas do Rio de Janeiro
Photo of Festival Curta Cinema - Festival Internacional de Curtas do Rio de Janeiro
Photo of Festival Curta Cinema - Festival Internacional de Curtas do Rio de Janeiro

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Cinema 4L

Valencia, Alicante, Castellón, Spain

Logo of Cinema 4L

26 Jun 2023

Published: 05 Aug 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Cinema 4L was created with the intention of bringing the best short format cinema to the smallest towns and rural areas of the Valencian Community.

A Film Festival that selects independent films that would otherwise be inaccessible to the public of these locations.

Outdoor screenings from our 4L with the highest quality, where the audience will decide with their vote the best short film.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Photo of Cinema 4L
Photo of Cinema 4L
Photo of Cinema 4L
Photo of Cinema 4L

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Vent del Nord

Figueres, Spain

Logo of Vent del Nord

31 Aug 2022

Published: 05 Aug 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Vent del Nord – Film Festival is the festival of the Puig de les Basses prison.

This festival will aim to choose the favorite short film rated by the inmates.

The selected ones will be chosen by a small group conformed of film lovers, and the winner will be chosen by the audience of inmates attending during the final day show.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Photo of Vent Del Nord - Festival de cinema
Photo of Vent Del Nord - Festival de cinema
Photo of Vent Del Nord - Festival de cinema
Photo of Vent Del Nord - Festival de cinema

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International Panorama Film Festival Of Bengaluru

Bengaluru, India

Logo of International Panorama Film Festival of Bengaluru

06 Nov 2022

Published: 05 Aug 2022
 Has submission fees
Feature films

International Panorama Film Festival of Bengaluru (IPFFB) earlier called as Cinema Antaranga Film Festival proudly brings Independent, Feature and Documentary film industry to Bangalore, India's IT city. The organizers of this film festival "Filmaholic Foundation" aim to attract the best films to compete in the film festival happening in Bangalore, Karnataka. Filmaholic Foundation believe in the power of the visuals is more than words. The visual image is more colorful than the set of words, literally and figuratively.
International Panorama Film Festival of Bengaluru (IPFFB) is being celebrated during the month of December 2022 to promote the aspiring Independent, feature and documentary filmmakers. Awards will be presented to the films under various categories.

The Filmaholic Foundation is a trust established to run programs that support and promote cinema, art and culture. It regularly engages in many social activities and promotes empowerment of the people.

The organization has conducted sapling seed ball program, Independence Day Go Green Cyclathon for Youth, distributed Ayurvedic saplings to the public for a healthy environment, medical camp, competitions in schools and colleges to promote talented students. Filmaholic Foundation team supported in the flood relief activities in North Karnataka, distributed school kits to the children in the flood affected areas. We have conducted many successful film festivals namely: Karnataka Youth International Short Film Festival, Mysuru International Water Film Festival, Malnad International Wildlife ad Environment Film Festival in different districts of Karnataka.

International Festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Photo of International Panorama Film Festival Of Bengaluru
Photo of International Panorama Film Festival Of Bengaluru
Photo of International Panorama Film Festival Of Bengaluru
Photo of International Panorama Film Festival Of Bengaluru

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Slamdance Film Festival

Los Angeles, United States

Logo of Slamdance Film Festival

03 Oct 2022

Published: 05 Aug 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Slamdance Film Festival

Slamdance 2023 will combine an in-person festival in Park City, Utah and—building upon the success of previous online editions—an accessible virtual experience for everyone to enjoy. Films officially selected for the 2023 Slamdance Film Festival may be presented in Park City, online, or both — depending on emerging circumstances.

For online viewing, films will be available exclusively through the Slamdance Channel, the festival’s artist-curated streaming platform.

While US guidelines pertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic continue to loosen, Slamdance is still committed to the safety of our filmmakers and audiences as our top priority. We will continue to monitor and adapt as circumstances evolve to provide a safe, supportive, and engaging film festival experience for all attendees.


The Slamdance Film Festival is a showcase for raw and innovative filmmaking that lives and bleeds by its mantra: By Filmmakers, For Filmmakers. Slamdance has created a track record for showcasing breakthrough artists that is beyond dispute. Filmmakers who first presented their work at the festival are now amongst the biggest names in the entertainment industry. Alumni who have shown their early short films and debut features at Slamdance include Rian Johnson (Knives Out), Ari Aster (Midsommar), Gina Prince-Bythewood (Love and Basketball), The Russo Brothers (Avengers: Endgame), Bong Joon Ho (Parasite), Lena Dunham (Girls), Jon M. Chu (Crazy Rich Asians), Lynn Shelton (Little Fires Everywhere) and Christopher Nolan (Dunkirk).

"Of all the Sundance myths that developed over the last 35 years, the biggest fallacy is that of being magically discovered and launching one’s career on a snow-covered January evening in Park City. If anything, when that does happen, it’s across the street at Slamdance” - IndieWire


The Slamdance Film Festival accepts films in every genre, on any topic, from every country around the world. We spotlight low-budget Narrative and Documentary Features by first-time directors, Breakout Features from non-first time directors, short films across genres, and episodes. We do not disqualify any films based on premiere status or date of completion.

The festival program is selected entirely from our blind submissions pool and no films are given special treatment based on who made them or who they know. Over 200 Slamdance alumni filmmakers are responsible for the programming and organization of the festival. Comprised of a variety of backgrounds, interests, and talents, but with no individual filmmaker’s vote valued more than any other, Slamdance committees have been able to stay close to its original DIY spirit and continue to champion the bleeding-edge of contemporary filmmaking.

As always, we have no premiere or production timeline requirements. All films that have screened online as a part of a film festival are also eligible for consideration.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Photo of Slamdance Film Festival
Photo of Slamdance Film Festival
Photo of Slamdance Film Festival
Photo of Slamdance Film Festival

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23 Sep 2022

Published: 04 Aug 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

The Huánuco Film Festival is a cultural event that celebrates and promotes the film industry in the Huánuco region and Peru. With the aim of promoting appreciation of the seventh art and providing a platform for local, national and international filmmakers, our festival in these 10 years has become a benchmark in the cinematographic field of Peru and the world.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Photo of 10° Festival De Cine De Huánuco 2023
Photo of 10° Festival De Cine De Huánuco 2023
Photo of 10° Festival De Cine De Huánuco 2023
Photo of 10° Festival De Cine De Huánuco 2023

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FAN Festival Audiovisual Neuquén

Neuquén, Argentina

Logo of FAN Festival Audiovisual Neuquén

05 Aug 2022

Published: 04 Aug 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Only for Argentinean filmmakers.

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Other  Music Video

Photo of FAN Festival Audiovisual Neuquén
Photo of FAN Festival Audiovisual Neuquén
Photo of FAN Festival Audiovisual Neuquén
Photo of FAN Festival Audiovisual Neuquén

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Mumbai, India


06 Oct 2022

Published: 04 Aug 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

MWFIFF is an International Film Festival, which promotes new filmmakers, students, professionals by exchanging of knowledge, information, cultures, through movies. This will be 2 days Event with LIVE Screening & Award Ceremony along with Entertainment Programme in the heart of Mumbai city, India.

All Categories, All Genres All Languages are Accepted from All Continents including the Music Videos.

*English Subtitle is Compulsory.
*DCP / J2K File would be Compulsory if the film is selected for Screening in the Film Festival or Extra Cost would be charged if the filmmakers wants us to convert the file for the same. Extra Cost For the Film Conversion Would be $25 per movie.

We will be screening ONLY selected movies. Final Winners will be Awarded with Lady Trophy and Certificates. Nominated, Participants will be receiving Certificates ONLY. All the Awards and Certificates will be given by our Panel of Jury listed on our website and also by the Chief Guest, Bollywood Celebrities, VIP's guest etc present on the day of the Event. FOR more Updates please visit our websites: www.mwfiff.com


We have Jury From Radio Mirchi 98.3fm , World Famous Singer, Film Producer, Director, Choreographer International TV fame Personality and many more on the list.

Film or music video can be submitted directly through our website : www.mwfiff.com , www.festhome.com/f/4015 , OR (youtube / Vimeo, / Google Drive, like platforms) and sending us link ( and password if protected ),

In case of using submission platforms like Festhome, or any other platforms Press Kit, Film Posters, DCP file etc MUST be E-mailed to - contact@mwfiff.com, in order to complete submission. 

Other Requirements :

Crew & Cast List including the technical team, Filmography of the Film director.

1. ( One Photograph of Director ).
2. ( Two Posters of film in JPEG format COMPULSORY (300 dpi, 768 x 1169 - pixel size) and (300 dpi, 3508 x 4961 - Pixel size)
Your film's trailer link not more than 1 minute in duration (Optional, for promotion & publicity purpose)

Direct Online i.e. submissions through our website : www.mwfiff.com

Step 1- Submit your film or music video through our direct online page available on our website : www.mwfiff.com/submission then share the link of your film or music video ( e.g. youtube, Vimeo, Google Drive etc) which is protected with the password, you will be required to mention the URL of your project in our direct online form.

Step 2- E-mail the "FILM PRESS KIT" to - contact@mwfiff.com ( NO HARD COPIES, ONLY SOFT COPIES TO BE E-MAILED )

Step 3- Pay the Appropriate Entry Fee to complete the registration.

Other Requirements :

Crew & Cast List including the technical team, Filmography of the Film director.

1. ( One Photograph of Director ).
2. ( Two Posters of film in JPEG format COMPULSORY (300 dpi, 768 x 1169 - pixel size) and (300 dpi, 3508 x 4961 - Pixel size)
Your film's trailer link not more than 1 minute in duration (Optional, for promotion & publicity purpose)

Direct Online Downloadable Film or Music Video Form i.e. submissions through our website by downloading form : www.mwfiff.com/submission

Step 1- Submit your film or music video by downloading the entry form through our website : www.mwfiff.com/submission 

Step 2- Fill the form and email it to- contact@mwfiff.com along with "FILM PRESS KIT" ( NO HARD COPIES, ONLY SOFT COPIES TO BE E-MAILED )

Step 3- Pay the Appropriate Entry Fee to complete the registration.

Other Requirements :

Crew & Cast List including the technical team, Filmography of the Film director.

1. ( One Photograph of Director ).
2. ( Two Posters of film in JPEG format COMPULSORY (300 dpi, 768 x 1169 - pixel size) and (300 dpi, 3508 x 4961 - Pixel size)
Your film's trailer link not more than 1 minute in duration (Optional, for promotion & publicity purpose)

Award Ceremony Event Venue :
Balgandharva Rangmandir ( Sheila Gopal Raheja Auditorium ) 24th and 32nd Road, near to Patwardhan Udyan, Bandra West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400050
Film Screening Venue :

INOX Metro
Mahatma Gandhi Road, Dhobi Talao, New Marine Lines, Junction, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400020

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental


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México, Mexico


10 Sep 2022

Published: 04 Aug 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Fundación Todo por el Cine, AC, organizer of the International Film in the Field Festival, invites national and international filmmakers to participate in the contest that will be held in the 13th edition of the International Film in the Field Festival (FICC) a celebrate in the months of October and November, presenting itself in 50 rural communities of the Mexican Republic.

The INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL FILM IN THE FIELD (FICC) promotes dialogue between rural communities in Mexico and film production in short film, with the intention of generating new circuits, projecting outdoor cinema.

We support the cinematographic production of short films that explore the cultural and natural conditions in which human beings live, cultural diversity and its link with nature. Likewise, we seek agents of change and original initiatives that encourage a positive change in the care of the environment.

THEME: "Sowing awareness"

We are interested in all kinds of environmental issues and traditions. We seek to disseminate messages that usually do not receive the necessary coverage, much less in rural communities where cultural and artistic exhibitions are sadly absent.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Photo of Festival Internacional Cine En El Campo
Photo of Festival Internacional Cine En El Campo
Photo of Festival Internacional Cine En El Campo
Photo of Festival Internacional Cine En El Campo

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Puerto Rico International Experimental Film and Animation Exhibition - MICEA

San Juan, Puerto Rico

Logo of Puerto Rico International Experimental Film and Animation Exhibition - MICEA

29 Oct 2022

Published: 04 Aug 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

The Experimental Film and Animation Festival of Puerto Rico, known by its acronym in Spanish "MICEA", is a film festival dedicated to promoting and presenting alternative cinema in Puerto Rico.

Our mission is to expose the public to a raw and daring cinema.

The MICEA has four national and international sections to present audiovisual works of the highest quality. Our priority is to show films from Puerto Rico, the Caribbean, and Latin America in order to promote cultural exchange.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Animation  Experimental

Photo of Muestra Internacional De Cine Experimental Y Animación De Puerto Rico - MICEA
Photo of Muestra Internacional De Cine Experimental Y Animación De Puerto Rico - MICEA
Photo of Muestra Internacional De Cine Experimental Y Animación De Puerto Rico - MICEA
Photo of Muestra Internacional De Cine Experimental Y Animación De Puerto Rico - MICEA

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Islampur International Film Festival

Islampur, India

Logo of Islampur International Film Festival

30 Apr 2023

Published: 04 Aug 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

After successfully conducting the Siliguri International Short Film Festival in Siliguri for the last three years, we are planning to organise the 1st RAIGANJ INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL in the cultural city of North Bengal right from 2022!

Raiganj has a distinct a cultural legacy of it’s own.

There are many budding and aspiring filmmaker, actors and technicians in this town.

The history of Raiganj even boasts of it’s fight for freedom against the British rulers.

The police station was set up 125 years ago and railway connectivity reached the plan 115 years ago. The city hold the 106 years old Raiganj Coronation High School.

Raiganj is also known for Raiganj Wildlife sanctuary (also called the Kulik Birds Sanctuary), home to a large population of Asian openbills and other waterbirds and it is the largest bird sanctuary in Asia.

Raiganj can be a prime seat of the film tourism in near future.

Hence the idea of holding The Raiganj International Film Festival.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental  Music Video

Photo of Islampur International Film Festival
Photo of Islampur International Film Festival
Photo of Islampur International Film Festival
Photo of Islampur International Film Festival

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VI Edición Cinema Miúdo

Ames, Spain

Logo of VI Edición Cinema Miúdo

30 Sep 2022

Published: 04 Aug 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

The Ames International Children's Film Festival is back, an event that wants to make children dream, think, smile, and awaken emotions, consciences, and illusions. It is for this reason that in this fifth edition ecology will be the common thread of the broad agenda of proposals that will take place from November 14 to 17.

There will be four days in which more than 50 short films and audiovisual works from different parts of the world will be screened, so that children from Ames, the region, and all of Galicia enjoy animation, fantasy, adventures, superheroes... bringing out the curiosity for the world of cinema and all that lies behind it, as well as raising awareness of environmental protection.

Let the rattles ring and the spinning tops spin, the VII International Children's Film Festival of Ames begins.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Other

Photo of Festival Internacional de Cinema Infantil de Ames
Photo of Festival Internacional de Cinema Infantil de Ames
Photo of Festival Internacional de Cinema Infantil de Ames
Photo of Festival Internacional de Cinema Infantil de Ames

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