Festival de cine de Santa Fe de Antioquia (24)

Santa Fe de Antioquia Film Festival

Dates limites

08 août 2023
Appel à Inscriptions

13 août 2023
Festival fermé

27 sept. 2023
Date de notification

07 déc. 2023
10 déc. 2023


Santa Fe de Antioquia,  057050, Santa Fe de Antioquia, Antioquia, Colombia

Description du Festival
Festival de long métrage >60' 120'<

Exigences du Festival
 Festival de cinéma
 Music Video
 Tous les genres
 Tous les thèmes
 N’a pas de frais de d’inscription
 Festival International
 Lieu physique
 janvier 2023
 Pays de production: Tout
 Pays de tournage: Tout
 Nationalités des directeurs: Tout
 Premiers Films 
 Projets scolaires 
 Long-métrage  >60' 120'<
 Toutes langues
Partager sur les réseaux sociaux

Photo of Festival de cine de Santa Fe de Antioquia
Photo of Festival de cine de Santa Fe de Antioquia

Photo of Festival de cine de Santa Fe de Antioquia
Photo of Festival de cine de Santa Fe de Antioquia

French ML

Début du Festival: 07 décembre 2023      Fin du Festival: 10 décembre 2023

The Santa Fe de Antioquia Film Festival Corporation decided, through the Festival, to turn the municipality of Santa Fe de Antioquia into a large movie theater and show open-air cinema, under the stars and framed in the colonial architecture of one of the Heritage towns of Colombia.

Over the years, the Santa Fe de Antioquia Film Festival has sought to bring cinema closer to the public through workshops, conferences, a central screening of films according to the theme, and training workshops. These activities are designed not only for the inhabitants of the municipality of Santa Fe de Antioquia, but also for inhabitants of Medellín and other inhabitants of western Antioquia and in general for university students, specialized journalists, filmmakers in training, film critics, producers, filmmakers and film lovers who for twenty-three years add up to an annual average of 15,000 festival attendees.

Óperas primas Competition.

The Santa Fe de Antioquia Film Festival invites, in its 24th version, producers and filmmakers from all over the world to submit their feature films to the call for First Films until July 31, 2023.

The First Works competition is the result of exploring feature films from around the world with great aesthetic, technical and narrative quality, in which we seek that each audiovisual image has a critical, reflective look and with a renewing proposal from the narrative, the image and speech.

Once again, the Santa Fe de Antioquia Film Festival will be the platform on which directors from all over the world will exhibit their first feature films to an audience eager for new stories and different ways of seeing the world.

The selected productions will be screened within the framework of the 24th Santa Fe de Antioquia Film Festival to be held from December 7 to 10, 2023.
Submit your debut feature, get your work seen!


Submit your feature films in one of these categories:

Documentary film

Conditions of participation:

-Each filmmaker or producer may submit as many films as they deem appropriate to the call.
-For each feature film presented, an independent registration must be made.
-Deadline for registration: July 31, 2023 until 23:59 (UTC -05:00).

-We understand as First Work the first work of a director, with which he begins the construction of his filmography.
-The feature film must have been made on dates after January 1, 2021.
-The minimum duration of the feature film must be 40 minutes, and a maximum of 120 minutes. Productions that are outside this duration will not be evaluated by the jury.
-The feature films will be presented in their original language. In the case of being made in a language other than Spanish, it must have subtitles in Spanish for its evaluation and reproduction, otherwise they will not be evaluated by the jury.
-The Festival reserves the right to use extracts of the selected material for the purposes of promotion and publicity of the call and of the Festival.
-The 2023 debut feature sample will be made up of a selection of up to 5 feature films.
-Feature films that are available to the public on the internet, including streaming platforms, will not be accepted.
-Incomplete registrations, with links or links that do not work, or with missing documents will not be taken into account.
-The letter of assignment of exhibition rights is an essential requirement for registration.
-Once the registration is confirmed, the film cannot be withdrawn.
-The organization of the Santa Fe de Antioquia Film Festival reserves the right to invite the films it deems pertinent with a direct pass to the competition.

What we look for:

-We are interested in originality, rigor and risk in the use of audiovisual language and in the choice of treatment and theme.
-We select documentary and plot searches that experiment with the audiovisual as an expressive and narrative medium.
-We prefer feature films that avoid cliché formulas and extend their expressive possibilities.
-We stimulate new searches for filmmakers through the medium, whether they are thematic, aesthetic and technical, or where a true author is seen who is trying to say something.
-All themes are welcome.
-New technologies have favored the generation of innovative techniques for the production of audiovisual material and alternative forms of content distribution. For this reason, feature films that explore the different alternatives offered by technology will also be accepted, as long as they fall within one of the three categories of this call.

Incentives for those selected:

-The winning films will be part of the Official Selection of First Works 2023 and will be screened within the framework of the 24th Santa Fe de Antioquia Film Festival, to be held from December 7 to 10, 2023.
-Economic stimulus of COP 4,000,000 (Four million Colombian pesos) for the winning film of the debut feature competition.
-The selected feature films, after being presented within the framework of the 24th Santa Fe de Antioquia Film Festival, with the prior authorization of the producer, will have the possibility of being exhibited in special samples and national and international festivals, as well as in cultural entities according to the agreements established by the Santa Fe de Antioquia Film Festival Corporation.
-In addition, special mention will be given to the Public Award, chosen by public vote.

First stage: registrations

From June 20 to July 31, 2023, you can register your feature film to participate, filling out the registration form (where, in addition to the contact information and the technical sheet of the feature film, you must share the link to view your work In addition, the following documents must be attached:

1. Fill out the online form available at the following link: https://shorturl.at/otvK7
2. Send a display link in the registration form. This link must be private and password protected. Physical copies (DVD/Blu-ray) are not accepted, nor are links that only allow downloading but not viewing.
3. All registered films agree to send, once selected, the link to download the film in .mov or .mp4 formats (other formats such as blu-ray, .avi, etc. are not allowed) on the dates established by the present call.
4. Signed document transferring exhibition rights, which will be effective if the feature film is selected.

Second stage: selected

The selected films will be announced on September 27, 2023 on our official channels and social networks. The selected feature films must send the following information by email:

1. At least 3 still photos or frames of the feature film (with a minimum resolution of 1500 pixels wide, 16:9 ratio and in high quality JPG or TIFF format).
2. At least one photograph of the director of the film (with a minimum resolution of 1500 pixels wide, 3:4 ratio and in high quality JPG or TIFF format).
3. Feature film poster (with a minimum resolution of 1500 pixels wide and in high quality JPG or TIFF format).
4. Copy of the director's certificate.
5. Trailer of the feature film (in the best quality available).
6. Editable text document (.txt, .rtf, .doc) NOT PDF with:

-Original title.
-Technical sheet of the film.
-Review – profile of the director of the feature film (maximum 50 words).

Third stage: reception of material

The original files of the selected films will be received digitally until October 4, 2023 at the following email address: organizacion@festicineantioquia.com

The selected feature films must be sent in .mov or .mp4 format (other formats are not allowed, neither digital nor physical such as blu-ray, .avi, etc.)

The non-delivery of the aforementioned complete material, on the established dates, will prevent the participation of the feature film in the official selection of debut films and it will be replaced by the next film on the list of eligible films.

Acceptance of terms and conditions

-The filmmaking team certifies that it has all the permissions to use the image of the feature film presented and that it complies with current copyright regulations.
-The economic stimuli received are subject to all legal withholdings, the tax statute and current regulations in Colombia.
- Failure to comply with the schedule of the call by the production team will leave the feature film out of participation.
-The participants declare under the gravity of oath that they have the authorization to use and disseminate the works and/or fragments that appear in the feature films submitted to the call and from the moment of registration they exempt the Corporation Festival de Cine de Santa Fe de Antioquia for any situation that, in relation to this issue, may arise in the development of the call, the exhibition and the film festival.
-The directors, producers and/or distributors of the selected feature films accept the exhibition of their works during the festival, without incurring in the payment of a fee for exhibition rights by the Festival.
-The organization of the Santa Fe de Antioquia Film Festival does not cover travel expenses to the festival of the representatives of the films, in case of being present at the event, they must assume all the expenses derived from their trip such as transportation, food, lodging and any other in which they incur.
-Participation in the call and registration expressly implies reading, understanding and acceptance of the above conditions.

Download formats for the call:

Registration form:

Dates to keep in mind:

Registration: from June 27 to July 31, 2023 at 23:59 (UTC -05:00)

Evaluation of debut films: between September 1 and 15, 2023.

Announcement of selected: September 27, 2023.

Reception of selected films: until October 4, 2023.



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